Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


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    The fact Yoda hits crits 8/10 times, gets full turn meter on killing blows, only uses his AoE when there is heal buff up, is fully omega'ed and fully geared out, is just a joke.


    My question is why does EA want to make this substantially more difficult for a character that remains the same for everyone who already has him? LOL EA kids are the biggest joke in the world
  • JoRo
    10 posts Member
    BrickTr0n wrote: »
    QGJ has become mandatory to beat this. That's not right.

    Yep. And here I was thinking I had a chance with a team I CHOSE and THOUGHT about and PUT EFFORT into starring up. Might as well put QGJ as a requirement for the event. Mine's only 3*...great...

  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    Yoda should be beaten by Sith not the friendly jedis.
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    I can't believe even EA has the courage to offer the overpriced Jedi pack after coming up with this joke of an event. Challenging is great; this is not challenging, it is just stupid. Had him to red health, after 50 tries, so he gets a bunch of extra attacks at the end, just to make it "fair"
  • Slots
    72 posts Member
    Sounds like you need Barriss or it's a no go. Cool story.
  • Winters
    70 posts Member
    I'm running Luminara (lead), QGJ, JC, Mace, and Eeth, and can't even come close. Mace's shatterpoint has shown up once, and once Yoda kills someone he continues into about half my team, this is absurd
  • sloweagle
    485 posts Member
    Guys, you all have hope. I just got 7* Yoda with more than 200 retreats. I did it with Anakin and Barriss on the other side. I retreat until I see Anakin or Koth plus Barriss on the other side.

    I use all FTP toons
    78 QGJ G8
    73 Lumi G8
    71 Koth, JC, Mace all G8

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    Guys keep retreating till you get Yoda with Eeth / Barriss, then do this:

    Ok guys it's doable!!!

    I made about 3 posts in this thread saying how ****** off I was, but after about 40 attempts finally cracked it.

    All Jedi lvl 77, gear 8/9

    Barriss (L), Lumi, QGJ, JC and Eeth

    Was just about to uninstall the game in nerd rage and thought I'd give it one last shot. Got Yoda with Barriss and Eeth as friends.

    Killed Eeth first, completely ignored Yoda except used QGJ on him once to get an offence up. Enemy Barriss healed enemy Eeth nearly to full once, so it was like killing Eeth twice. I was lucky Yoda didn't focus down any of my toons during this Eeth fight, as he usually does. Thank RNGesus he spread his dmg across my team.

    Then turned on Barriss. Got him down to low red. Barriss healed and took Yoda to half health, what a friend.

    Immediately turned on Yoda. Saved QGJ's second special to dispel any heal over time or offence up buffs.

    Yoda fought valiantly, worthy of a recognition in the Jedi archives, he took out Eeth and Barriss on the way but finally died. I cheered and woke up the dog :)

    Then I took out the traitor Barris and got my prize.

    Repeat the above and you will win.

  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    KeKattia wrote: »
    Calhoun wrote: »
    First, Yoda is beatable - IF you have the perfect Jedi (Barriss Offee lead, Limunara, JC, QGJ, Old Ben).

    I had neither Barriss lead (she was in my team though) no JC and no Old Ben and beat him. It did take some tries but he's beatable with multiple different setups. I have found Lumi leader to be more effective than Barriss or QGJ.

    Ashoka can also be good for a heal, if she attacks someone above 50% otherwise she just does insane dmg. I have spent some money so I had Fisto in my squad and he helped with his counter and double attack.

    I am not saying the team I gave an example of is the only team that can beat the event; it was just an example. By "perfect Jedi", I mean essential roles - for instance taking several healers.

    The video I linked was the only time I used QGJ as lead - and that was after spending the last several hours with Luminara lead.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    Datika wrote: »
    Instead of carping about how the challenge is insurmountable, find a strategy that works with your team composition and keep at it. I assure you, it's difficult, but not impossible.

    I just completed the challenge after several failed attempts with a lvl 75 Lumi(L), lvl 76 QGJ, lvl 75 Ashoka, lvl 72 JC, lvl 70 Koth. Only QGJ's basic had an omega and lvl 7 on specials. All other players had abilities at level 6.

    I tackled Yoda paired with Ashoka and Gun Di. Killed Ashoka first and then focused attacks on Yoda. I sat on heals as long as possible and I used QGJ's debuff special on yoda after he stole Lumi's heal during 5v2. All 5 toons managed to survive.

    As always, RNG obviously played a large factor. I evaded two Yoda attacks, which would have db'd a healer.


    Prof- read my post above. We have similar rosters. Switch Lumi to lead for evasion and passive heal. And try to get all toons to at least lvl 70.
  • Puz
    11 posts Member
    Jaybayblay wrote: »
    The fact Yoda hits crits 8/10 times, gets full turn meter on killing blows, only uses his AoE when there is heal buff up, is fully omega'ed and fully geared out, is just a joke.


    My question is why does EA want to make this substantially more difficult for a character that remains the same for everyone who already has him? LOL EA kids are the biggest joke in the world

    Yep, not only did Yoda not get better, but they actually nerfed him. And, for that, we get a lvl 90 version, while everyone who played in prior events has been able to get him for less??? Not cool.
  • Multar
    44 posts Member

    he's beatable! i'm lv 78 and with this team it has been almost easy!
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    I overreacted. He's not tough. You need at least lvl 70 and GL 8 for all your toons. Much easier if GL 9. Very doable.
  • Capt_WaRPed
    5 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I was able to take out the green imp at 7* this afternoon. My team (all gear VIII, lvl 76, no Omegas):
    Barriss - L

    So, it IS possible without QGJ.
  • ProfmyGR
    53 posts Member
    sloweagle wrote: »
    Guys, you all have hope. I just got 7* Yoda with more than 200 retreats. I did it with Anakin and Barriss on the other side. I retreat until I see Anakin or Koth plus Barriss on the other side.

    I use all FTP toons
    78 QGJ G8
    73 Lumi G8
    71 Koth, JC, Mace all G8

    I have the same team. Which toon is your Leader? How did you won this? First Shot Anakin, Yoda or Bariss?
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    Calhoun wrote: »
    I am not saying the team I gave an example of is the only team that can beat the event; it was just an example. By "perfect Jedi", I mean essential roles - for instance taking several healers.

    The video I linked was the only time I used QGJ as lead - and that was after spending the last several hours with Luminara lead.

    Oh I get it now. Yeah the healers are essential, I prefer Ashoka over JC though because she does hit the hardest of all the Jedi and can still heal with special.

    I'm sorry Lumi isn't working for you. I succeeded when I had Barriss and JKG as adds. Brought Barriss to red and then went full berserk on Yoda, leaving JKG up until Yoda was done.
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    I took a small break, came back to it and, after several more tries, I have emerged victorious!
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    Absolute joke.. it's impossible
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    So excited to get Yoda to seven stars today!!
    Number of tries: 4
    Yoda squad: Yoda, JC, Eeth Koth
    My squad: Barris (L), Lumi, JC, Eeth, Osaka Tano
    Order of the match: I first went 100% against JC, he never healed and I killed him. Next went after EK, killed him. Next Yoda... Final battle was Yoda vs. Osaka, who finished him off with her special
    ... Not sure if this helps anyone, but I hope it does! Anyway, excited to have 7* Yoda!!
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    I took a small break, came back to it and, after several more tries, I have emerged victorious!

    Congrats! Glad to hear people are successful by being patient
  • Vorpal_Monk
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Why did they make this harder for the people who are already falling behind the curve? How much money do they want us to spend?
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    ProfmyGR wrote: »
    sloweagle wrote: »
    Guys, you all have hope. I just got 7* Yoda with more than 200 retreats. I did it with Anakin and Barriss on the other side. I retreat until I see Anakin or Koth plus Barriss on the other side.

    I use all FTP toons
    78 QGJ G8
    73 Lumi G8
    71 Koth, JC, Mace all G8

    I have the same team. Which toon is your Leader? How did you won this? First Shot Anakin, Yoda or Bariss?

    It's cheesing the encounter, which seems to be the only way to beat it.....again!

    Basically you slap Anakin till he's low, Barris heals and rips off a load of Yodas health (yeah, seriously, that thing again) then you kill Anakin, slap Barris down to red, wait for the heal, more cheese, more Yoda health "healed" away, then you kill Barris and then finish Yoda.

    It works, but it's still completely random as to wether you beat him even with Barris on his team.
  • Jopa_Tice
    160 posts Member
    Over 500+ hours
    Over 2,000+ crystals
    At least 15 Omega mats used

    5 Jedi trying to beat lvl 90 Yoda

    Priceless.... And...hopeless. FML
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    BrickTr0n wrote: »
    Everyone who has said they've beaten it has listed QGJ in their team. I don't have him and can't beat it. I'm running Barris, Lumi, Ahsoka, JC and East Coast. After 2 hours, I haven't even come close to winning. I don't think I can do it with this team.

    I have your exact team... I assume you meant EK, not "East coast", I posted my experience. Won on 4th try. Yoda had EK and JC.
  • PsychoticRage924
    313 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Absolute joke.. it's impossible

    I was feeling the same way.
    I used:
    Barris (L)
    Asoka (spelling?)

    Got a team of Ani and Barris. Killed Ani, took Barris to red then worked on Yoda. Once she 'healed', took her red again and back to Yoda. When their health was about the same I killed her then him.
    Post edited by PsychoticRage924 on
  • Haihs
    151 posts Member
    Well I'll need to find Osaka ingame
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    How the crap are people supposed to beat this?

    I feel bad to say I won today on 4th try. My team: Barris (L), Lumi, JC, EK, Osaka
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    Glad to see I'm not the only one who's hacked off about the difficulty!
    Got my last 7* on the last day last time around so couldn't beat it. I was level 69 back then.

    Now after spending a LOT of credits levelling my Jedi up to level 77, improving all their gear and abilities, I can still only take one guy down, doesn't make a difference who I'm up against!

    Not a happy bunny...
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    Booooooo just boooo
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    That doesn't work for me plus I don't have a qui gon Jin 7* so I'm easy to be killed at lvl 76
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