Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


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    Well, it took about 6 hours and who knows how many tries but I just beat Yoda on 6*. There was no strategy involved, it was just complete blind luck on my part. Not liking my chances for 7* now though.
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    I was very hopeful, but Yoda killed them all and was still in high green. This really stupid.

    You tried to stun him with eeth, he resists and gains tm. Read up on the forum and try to minimize rng by using the right tactics.
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    I finally have 5 level 5 star jedis and i dont even damage yoda, they are all 7 armor as well and all lvl 72, yoda is a 70. What a complete joke,
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    Finally kill the light saber wilding toad 7* Barris L lumi qgj koth (stuns helped) JC hard fight
  • SS0DEN
    109 posts Member
    EA you suck, Lumi, Mace, QGJ, Ben, Koth, JC all 7* and gear 9, 7 with a few 8 abilities and I can't even kill one character... Get out of here with your ****.
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    Just to raise my voice here... Got my 5th 7* an hour before last event ended, so waited this month maxing them up. All abilities maxed (non-omega), level 78, gear 8+. Tried like 10 times, looks like an impossibility. As I get close to a possible win Yoda goes into some sort of enraged Rancor mode and begins killing my toons with one shot several time in a row, with no chance for me to proceed.
    Call me a whine, but I think it's unfairly difficult challenge. I feel that all the time and effort I spent on getting my Jedi to 7* and maxing them up is pretty much wasted as I will not be able to obtain 7* Yoda for a long, long, long time. :(
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    You tried to stun him with eeth, he resists and gains tm. Read up on the forum and try to minimize rng by using the right tactics.
    Nope. The only special attack i used on him is QGJ's. I used Eeth's Stun on JC who accompanied Yoda.

    I eaven healed with Lumi, lured Yoda into taking the heal and took it from him with QGJ and got offense up. He killed them all anyway.

    What would you have done?
  • Batousi
    75 posts Member
    So I did this on my Level 76 alt (ftp) account today. At first I thought it was going to be impossible with my team of Barris (L) QGJ JC Lumi Koth. But I kept at it and finally was able to beat him he had Aayla and OB with him, I ignored them and burned Yoda. It of course takes some luck to win just like it always has. A few tips: Never use Koth or Lumi specials when he has Tenacity up unless his TM is full anyway. The only time I would use dispell is when he just stole Lumi's HoT (this usually lets Offense up fall before he can steal again). Heal often try to save Lumi's for tactical times to dispell or right after he steals her evasion up.
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member

    Ace5 wrote: »
    Cyn wrote: »
    It took me 3-4 hours of non-stop game play to beat Yoda the first time around with maxed out 7* Jedi.

    Please don't tell me that you couldn't beat Yoda on a couple of tries that he is now too hard because you're just making yourself look like a dummy.

    Ummm. You haven't played yoda at this difficulty so please don't make yourself look like a dummy

    He goes 4-5 times in a row hitting 15k each time. That's WAAAAAAYYYY beyond the difficulty he was at before.

    Just FYI

    Going to guess you didn't try him before right? He was hitting for that much before the level cap raise. And from what I understand he's much slower now. His normal attack was 6 to 8k and his crits were 12 to 14k.

    I beat him in March. If you can go back to the comments then? You will see the same complaints, but after dozens and dozens of attempts, not 3 or 4.
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    I made an account solely to express my disappointment in EA concerning this Yoda buff.

    I spent who knows how much time over months bringing up 5 Jedi 7* 8-9 gear lvl 77 with the purpose of getting Yoda. This buff to him is impossible. I've tried every combo of leader at least 5 times each and am still just getting destroyed. Lumi, Barr, QGJ, JC, Eeth.

    If I'd had known these shenanigans were to take place I would have focused on toons I actually want to use.

    It's like when you're a kid and spend all this time making a great sandcastle that you're really proud of them some bully comes by and kicks it all apart.

    Shame on you EA.
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    The thing I'm **** about is that in the details of the event. Tier seven. It's says he prepar d for anything. Does that include getting screwed? When will my yoda get four turns in a row? When will my yoda dodge 5/8 attacks and do 10k in damage with his basic attack? His turn meter goes from near nothing to full instantly for no reason. When will my yoda be able to attack again after beating a character?? The yoda we fight to gain him, shouldn't be some godlike yoda that none of us will ever be able to have even with seven stars and maxed skills and maxed gear level.
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    Alright guys, I'm not here to brag, just to give all of you who aren't on the optimal path straightaway a nice pat on the back.

    I finished it without Barriss. Yes, you heard that correctly. The thing is, if you don't have her, RNG and DPS are the keywords. I found that Yoda got stronger when you killed his minions first so I waited for JKG and JC to show and went straight for the Grandmaster himself. Maybe superstition but it seemed to work out quite well. Finished with 5 toons on Yoda, JKG killed Lumi right off the bat, then I killed both of them without losing any more of my own. The team (levels don't really matter but 70-74):
    • Ima-Gun Di (L) g8 (a couple handcuffs from 9)
    • JK Anakin g8
    • Luminara Unduli g8
    • Ahsoka Tano g8
    • Qui-Gon Jinn g9

    All in all, an insanely frustrating, rage-inducing experience, but I'm very glad I waited patiently to get my IGD to 7*. Love the guy, and going the counter route was extremely satisfying.

    Keep it up guys!
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Casual_Player
    639 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Didn't aware most yoda thread and comment absorbed up into single humongous silly megathread.
    lame move mod, like treat forumite as treating little kid.
    the cake is a lie
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    DarthSLR wrote: »
    Just to raise my voice here... Got my 5th 7* an hour before last event ended, so waited this month maxing them up. All abilities maxed (non-omega), level 78, gear 8+. Tried like 10 times, looks like an impossibility. As I get close to a possible win Yoda goes into some sort of enraged Rancor mode and begins killing my toons with one shot several time in a row, with no chance for me to proceed.
    Call me a whine, but I think it's unfairly difficult challenge. I feel that all the time and effort I spent on getting my Jedi to 7* and maxing them up is pretty much wasted as I will not be able to obtain 7* Yoda for a long, long, long time. :(

    Unfortunately... This is my story to a tee
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    You just know that after we actually beat 7*, EA will pick that moment to listen to it's customers and nerf Yoda for the event again..
  • Jaydela2370
    122 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I was able to get him this time around. It took me like seven tries. Lol!

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    I got yoda 7* event before last. It took me 5 days, over 200 fights. So we didn't have it easier before.

    Having said that, ea is horrid. They DO abuse the playerbase brutally. Use this as a wakeup call to yourselves and spread this advice to your friends as well. STOP SPENDING MONEY ON THIS GAME. Also, go and give 1 star reviews in app store and google. They will NOT start treating players better until their profits drop drastically. Teach them a lesson. You each have the power. Use it.
  • PugVader
    438 posts Member
    HerrDrFunk wrote: »
    Well, it took about 6 hours and who knows how many tries but I just beat Yoda on 6*. There was no strategy involved, it was just complete blind luck on my part. Not liking my chances for 7* now though.

    Did you have to deal with Jedi Temple Guards too and did you kill them before Yoda or just ignored them?
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    This game is a joke, actually it is not a game... Games are fun
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    I was thinking about buying crystals to finish my daka and dooku. After seeing how they handled this challenge I'm not spending a cent.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I wish I never spent a dime for a game that is about to be deleted
  • Dal_Zuba
    189 posts Member
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Dal_Zuba wrote: »

    Oh boy you gave him offense up and heal over time.. how did it turn out?
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • PugVader
    438 posts Member
    Wooohooo!!! Finally defeated Yoda at 6* Ran Lumi (L), Barris, JC, Mace and Eeth. Took a dozen tries but I finally succeeded. Now it's onto Tier 7 where Barris gets benched because she's not 7* yet. Prayers going out lol.
  • SS0DEN
    109 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    It is far harder now then it was last time around. I got 2 battles in last time before the event ended, almost beat it the 2nd time. This time, my Jedi are much better and I can't even come close - EA is a joke, is there a game you haven't messed up?
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    Level 7 of the Yoda challenge has been made so difficult to the point of massively unfair, and you've made me hate Yoda and this game. I've killed him twice, and one time it was down to my Ahsoka vs his Mace Windu, and he exposed her 3 out of 4 times and killed me, one hit away from death. I use Mace and in over 2 and a half hours of attempts on this challenge, he's exposed someone maybe 6 times. You need to adjust the difficulty on this, it's stupid right now. I've wasted most of my day on this crap. I've got level 76 characters with skills as full as possible, and gear level 8, and I get nearly one shot killed when he gets criticals. Unfair, cheap and it makes me want to play a different game. This is the second time recently you've over powered bosses. Who do you have programming/testing? Blind people? Monkeys?
  • Ace5
    134 posts Member
    No one is testing anything and the devs are clueless that's why EVERYTHING that they roll out has problems or makes players hate the devs
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    I don't have five 7* jedi... and I was also annoyed getting the six star yoda today... but my guild mates were able to get Yoda so I really think your toons aren't ready or u r getting bad rng.

    Are you only playing against the barriss ones? If not... u need to retreat everytime you aren't playing barris
  • Jopa_Tice
    160 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yoda needs to be built for the F2P person.

    People WILL ALWAYS pay to be ahead, and let them. But for regular game people, and as for advancement, it should still target the F2P people.

    I am willing to be nickeled and dimed, but this Yoda event is crazy. And it makes me want to quit.

    I will put money into the game, but not to the extent for this Yoda Challenge.

    I was expecting what was laid out for the last challenge, and now I find out I have to rebuild my Jedi team and waste another month or so???? Come on EA. You know word of mouth is powerful. Pls ****
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    Yea. I'd suggest getting some alcohol handy. Next step, auto until you get a decent run, then take over
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