Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


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    I had

    Barriss (lead)

    All 7 stars and lowest was 76. Took me two times and when I beat him he had kit fisto and barriss with him. Killed fisto easy peasy, then went after barriss. As soon as she got lowered into the red she healed taking some of yodas life. Finished her off then killed yoda.

    My tips are take your time I had 3 healers and Ashoka with me so I knew I could get myself out of a jam. Don't use lumis heal if yoda is yellow or lower otherwise he will steal it. The only thing he took was evasion from me.
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    Wow stop complaining... im a ftp level 77 and it took me around 20 tries. Several guildies were also successful in a few tries. Enjoy the one challenge this game offers
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    It is possible. I beat him after probably 40 tries or so. I have level 78 Bariss (L), Lumi, JC, QGJ, and Eeth. Don't go against any healers. I beat Eeth and AT first and then took down Yoda. Yoda steals Lumi's heal so when you get down to just him, save QGJ's steal until Yoda takes your heal, then take it away from him. Even with that, you have to get a few fortunate dodges.
  • Saturn74
    78 posts Member
    Swiftnezz wrote: »
    Are they going to make an achievement for not smashing your phone during the Yoda event?

    They better cause it's impossible without QGJ
  • Saturn74
    78 posts Member
    Fix it ea or I leave with me and my friends who spent tons of money on this game.
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    I didn't know this was an issue with yoda being impossible to beat but he isn't that hard to beat. You have to get lucky with his partners. I was able to win with Barriss lead, JC, QGJ, Lumi, and Anakin. I restarted a bunch of times to get Barriss as one of his partners. I got lucky with Mace as his other partner. I took Mace out with no loss of Jedi on my side. Then I went to work on Barriss, she equalized his health down to significantly and I was able to burst him down but suffered significant losses. JC, Lumi, and Barriss were casualties. QGJ was hanging on to life by a thread and Anakin was still in the green. Finishing off his Barriss wasn't a problem.

    So this battle is winnable. Just have to keep plugging away at it and getting lucky with who his partners are. I did suffer through several battles where JC was one shot in the first round. I didn't keep track of the number of restarts but I would say a minimum of 20 to get Barriss as one of yoda's assistants.
  • TTF
    5 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    I just beat 6* with Lumi(L), JC, Koth, QGJ, Bariss.


    I have done about 8 runs, and I received only 2 dodges in all 8 runs (and that was when lumi popped her evasion up ability).

    If someone else could test and confirm, but it seems you cannot dodge his attacks with evasion leadership.

    I have do the 6* about 40x and had only a few dodges, also when yoda steals the heal over time his refresh rate is way too fast. In two turns he recovers over 50 percent. My guess is that he is getting lumi 40% every turn. Makes her a liability and the challenge in achievable.
  • Sfortune
    83 posts Member
    Yep. EA dropped the ball huge on this one.
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sfortune wrote: »
    Yep. EA dropped the ball huge on this one.

  • TTF
    5 posts Member
    Actually it is more difficult now then in the past. I agree it's supposed to be fun, not aggravating.
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    Very disappointed. Not so much of a challenge, more an insane lucky dip lottery. Wasted a lot of time getting Jedi just to see them get one shotted. Not happy.
  • Leib
    2 posts Member
    we play games to unwind and have some fun. This event isn't fun at all. It's frustrating and my life has frustration enough to keep playing a game to add more and more.

    the situation is delicate. In one side We have the players farming for months any 5 jedi team to 7* hoping to get the Great Yoda, in the other side the players who already got him and suffered like hell, one side wanna just have fun since the endless farm wasn't funny at all and the opposite doesn't care about it, just suffer like I did it.

    I am not playing this game like before, because people is fighting each other all the time, Devs and mod sometimes doesn't know how to relate with the players, sometimes it is better to move on.

    My 2 cents:

    Baris (L)

    A lot of tries and even more frustration.

    [ ]'s
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I thought I was doing well but Yoda just killed 4 characters in a row all were over 3/4 health... wth!
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    NienNunb wrote: »
    why do people keep mentioning doing only basic attacks?

    Because of his Unstoppable Force. For some reason he goes crit crazy if you use secondary attacks.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I consider this a micro aggression
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    This is just brutal. I was saved by Mace, yes Mace, who marked Yoda and then took about half his health in one shot. That was after what seemed like 100+ attempts and countless times where I exited if Yoda's two companions were not favorable. Strategy does not triumph here; only persistence until the RNG god is kind.

    Good luck to all who have not gotten there yet. You have six days, so walk away if its starting to make you crazy and try again tomorrow.

    I did also come close a couple of times where Yoda was with Anakin and Bariss. The win came against Jedi Guardian and and Plo.
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    Doga wrote: »
    Yoda was ridiculously hard at 70. A lot of us went through hell to get him. It is only reasonable that he is scaled with he current level cap and gears.

    Really not helpful.

    True. Scalingmakes no sense. The ones who went through hell already have him duh! You just screw people who also went through the same hell but started earlier...
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    As usual ea shoots their golden goose in the foot.

    They are the most corrupt game development company in world. They should get an award for how corrupt they are
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    3 tries, Disappointed it was that easy for me compared to the struggles others are having.

    L78 QG gear 10
    L75 Lumi gear 8
    L70 Ashoka gear 8
    L70 Eeth gear 8
    L70 Barris gear 8

    One thing I noticed is that Eeth was able to stun him on two different tries. Once each on attempts 2 and 3 and QG was able to get offense up 75% of the time(here gear 10 helps as he got an extra 40% potency)

    But compared to earlier descriptions Yoda has significantly less tenacity than before and QG rebuffs before tenacity up is applied so don't worry about debugging with tenacity up. So don't be afraid to use your specials on him.

    I fought Ashoka and Ima Gonna Die, left them until last. Lost to a kit Ashoka team and a JC, Eeth team.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    21 page thread in a day. I've never seen that, even here. I imagine people will leave over this. This is one mistake i don't think they can afford to ignore

    It was like this for the first Yoda. It's not any different. Check out the first three posts in the thread from February
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    Regarding the Lumi leadership comment, I found did better with Lumi in the lead instead of QGJ. The dodges were infrequent but they did occur. As other comments have noted, only use Lumi's heal if Yoda has just deployed Masterstroke. Otherwise, he will steal the heal.
    The AI is suspiciously good for this event as well. Yoda goes in for the kill on weak toons, and he uses good decisionaking on applying his specials.
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    5 hours trying. No success. Frustrated and doesnt want to try anymore. We have been busting our **** off to get jedi 7* instead of other char to play 6 hours and not get this **** char. Shame on you EA
  • Ace5
    134 posts Member
    Everyone go change your ratings on App Store to reflect what you think about the game today.

    I just updated mine, can you guess how many stars?
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I keep seeing you have to have QGJ and get lucky. Wow I didn't read those in the requirements
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    All my effort are gone to waste.
    Sysy wrote: »
    I think it is pretty easy. I just defeated 7 star Yoda, like, in five minutes... I got lucky to have Eeth Koth and Barriss with him. I instantly killed Koth and hit Barriss to red, when she healed Yoda for -40% hp. I just rushed Yoda and laughed at Barriss. My setup is Barriss lead, QGJ, Consular, Lumi, and Koth. I think Yoda became much slower and has much lower hp now...

    When was it? Couple of months ago?
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I am sure there are people who can complete this "updated" 7* Yoda challenge.

    Just as I am sure that there are trolls who have already got 7* Yoda last time and go on to claim they beat him this time with five lv60 gear VII toons or something and have a grand old time telling peoople to stop whining.

    And I have no doubt that if you try enough times, the 7* Yoda challenge is possible. Just as climbing Everest, eating 30 hotdogs in 5 minutes, or scoring 1400 in the SAT. They are all possible.

    But the point of it being ''doable'' is moot.

    The question you have to wonder is: why would the developers think it is a good idea to raise the difficulty of the challenge to this level? Do they believe the players would find it ''fun''? Or do they expect there is money to be made in this maneuver?

    You would think the developers would have learned their lesson when they, for no obvious reason, made the Daily Challenges ridiculously difficult in the previous big update, and had to change it back after a mere few days. But no, they still don't seem to be able to distinguish the difference between ''challenging'' and ''frustrating''.

    Mobile game is supposed to be fun. You can't seriously expect people to hold onto their little phones and give the challenge 500 tries before they pull it out. It is not supposed to be a SAT test which you prepared for a few months and in the end the Ivy League schools tell you only the elite 1% get accepted and the rest 99% can go home and screw themselves.

    The other factor the developers MAY (haha) have in mind is profit. But let's say you are a hamburger vendor. If you want to up your profit, do you just start selling your burgers for $2 which you sold for only $1 just yesterday? Only an idiioot would do that! What you do is you add a piece of cheese to it and call it cheese burger and sell that for $2 instead. If you want people to pay, give them new products. Nobody minds if you make beating the Rancor or the new lv8 LS/DS/Cantina difficult, but STOP modifying old content for no particular reason. You want to make a new buck? Make people collect five Empire toons and give them Emperor Palpatine. Nobody is going to be happy when you make old content a chore and a grind.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Isn't that idea simple enough?
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    The challange is no more difficult then previously. People took over 500 tries to beat it in the original form. Unlike the heroic raid this is supposed to be difficult.
  • Jaydela2370
    122 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Just keep trying guys
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Here's my team

    Lvl 77
    Gr 8

    Lvl 77
    Gr 8

    lvl 77
    G 8

    lvl 73
    Gear 8

    lvl 74
    Gr 7

    And no luck
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