Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


  • Pallax
    16 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Post edited by warmonkey1024 on
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    Greg1920 wrote: »
    The challange is no more difficult then previously. People took over 500 tries to beat it in the original form. Unlike the heroic raid this is supposed to be difficult.

    Says the man with over 1200 posts. The masses don't agree with your opinion
  • HannibalSkye
    11 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I don't care if some people passed it, it's still unbalanced. Broken game
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    The challange is no more difficult then previously. People took over 500 tries to beat it in the original form. Unlike the heroic raid this is supposed to be difficult.

    Says the man with over 1200 posts. The masses don't agree with your opinion

    Very few would be able to compare the two difficulties you so I really shouldn't say it's no more difficult. But people's reaction now isn't any different than before.
  • ObranVox
    134 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Exactly. I dont think its about money. You can't even buy your way out of this because the gear isnt available to farm or even buy outright. I wasted credits on leveling my team higher, made no difference.

    Seems to be bugged. I wasnt even using Barriss for lead and somehow he still heals for 10k each turn?!

    Regardless, he is LEVEL 90...90. As well as both his friends. Gold gear...gold gear.

    Even the Barriss trick isnt working for me. Not when he can one shot my team and take three turns in a row like he's Maul. Wth is that?

    Closest I got was having him solo against my 4 toons and I couldnt even touch him because he gets foresight every turn.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    I was able to stun him once with Eeth and dispel with QG for O-up the round where he was stunned was key to me winning.
  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I have five 7* Jedi all gear 8 (in 70 max gear) no improvements on ANY of them. Lvl 70-74

    Bariss, QGJ, Luminara, JC, Plo Koon. Beat yoda in 30 mins. A bunch of resets and 5-10 actual tries.

    I'm so sick of the element of the community that cries and threatens to quit until they get what they want.

    The fact is its a hard event. It's always been hard and if you came into it with out preparing i.e. you didn't read any of the numerous guides its your own fault.
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    Finally beat Yoda 7 stars

    Leader old Ben lvl 77 AA7 gear 9
    Lumi lvl 77 AA5 gear 9
    Jedi Counselor lvl 77 AA5 gear 9
    QGJ lvl 77 AA7 gear 8
    Ahsoka Tamo lvl 77 AA 4,3,3 gear 9

    AA means attack abilities
    Just have to pay old Ben evasion works
  • TTF
    5 posts Member
    Actually it is harder now because of the new 90 level an unobtainium
  • TTF
    5 posts Member
    Sfortune wrote: »
    Yep. EA dropped the ball huge on this one.

  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Remember this is suppose to be fun.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    TTF wrote: »
    Actually it is harder now because of the new 90 level an unobtainium
    Is it?? People also can be at L75 and have protection. People took 500 tries before. It certainly wasn't easy before
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    This is the part i think the devs forget...i rarely get mad at a game but this is one of those times.
    Nobody wrote: »
    Remember this is suppose to be fun.

  • TooL
    15 posts Member
    OK after about 50 tries and many retreats I beat him. Barriss and anikan. Killed anikan first then killed barriss she healed once which lowered Yodaso health a bit. Had a few lucky dodges and timely heals. I only used qgj to dispell Yoda stealing lumi heal all other attacks were basics.

    Barriss leader71 g8
    Qgj 77 g8 omega basic
    Lumi 76 g8
    Jc 71 g8
    Eeth 70 g8
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    Greg1920 wrote: »
    The challange is no more difficult then previously. People took over 500 tries to beat it in the original form. Unlike the heroic raid this is supposed to be difficult.

    I agree. For those of us that have been around long enough, we remember how hard of a time people were having with the original 7* Yoda.
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    I would highly recommend everyone who is unsatisfied with the state of the game go and down vote it on the app store/Google Play. It's well documented that the only thing EA cares about is money so threaten the money and something might actually get done.

    Yes, the chance of EA listening is slim to nil but at least it's something.
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    Nothing, literally nothing on a mobile game should require 500 tries to beat it.

    Greg1920 wrote: »
    The challange is no more difficult then previously. People took over 500 tries to beat it in the original form. Unlike the heroic raid this is supposed to be difficult.

    I agree. For those of us that have been around long enough, we remember how hard of a time people were having with the original 7* Yoda.

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    The barriss trick is the way to go. Keep resetting until you get her and a weaker Jedi (I got jka). Not so bad even at 90 omega.
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    I've marked it 1*in the play store. Hmmm, could I upload a picture of my middle finger, or do you think they have a good enough imagination?
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    It's not just Yoda, I had Yoda and one Jedi beat, and it was down to my Ahsoka vs his Mace, I needed one more hit to win, but you know, he exposed her 3 out of 5 turns and killed her. Whoever just warned me about language, your time should be spent fixing your broken game, not managing niceties.
  • DarthMasterShawn
    3064 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    For those frustrated I hope this gets you a laugh.

    Fight the Rancor I will. 4 friends I take. Escape I fail. Battle more I do. Obi eaten he was, sad I am, friend he was. Battle harder I will. TM I remove, Foresight I grant. Protect I do. Mighty Opress is. Loud the roar. Fallen Opress has. 3 we are. Escape I must. Fail again I do. Down again is door. Kill we must. Eaten NI is. Kylo and I stand we do. Foresight I grant. TM I reduce. Damage we do. Fallen has Kylo. Escape I must. Fail a 3rd time I do........

    Eaten I am.

    The end.

    This was my Phase 3 Rancor fight. It lasted a long time, Yoda failed 3 escapes. Those frustrated know that he is worth it. Used right with the right builds he is a god on the raid.

    Posted this so you frusted got to laugh at him not escaping the wrath and getting eaten.

    Oh and today is terrible RNG. I attempted 13 total escapes today in battles, one su8cceeded. Awesome 50%, like the 15% dodge,lol.

    Happy hunting Rancor and Yoda all.
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    What a huge disappointment! Between this and the way they screwed up the Galaxy Wars I am seriously considering quitting this game. I have been playing everyday for months but these changes are terrible and make me angry.
  • Shane
    1 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    This is ridiculous! Complete waste of time upgrading my Jedi while disregarding most of my other characters. EA needs to do something about this. If you don't have a specific squad fighting a specific opponent set, then you can't beat this.
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    458 POSTS ADMIN May 12, 2016 9:55PM
    Today has brought up quite a few conversations about Grand Master Yoda and how the event has changed. I wanted to share some additional details with everyone on what has changed and what stayed the same:
    He’s always been at Level 90, the ability to see his level was added in a recent update.
    His speed was reduced in an earlier update
    He is now affected by Protection
    His abilities were always at the Omega material level for tier VII
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Twitter - Darokaz
    Flag Quote

    can it really be that people were beating a level 90 omega yoda with level 70 gear 8 jedi? i dont feel like this is accurate.
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    So if yoda has his foresight up and you use qgj assist both attacks miss every time. First one should miss, but the second? Cmon not like this is hard enough
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I think the statement he was now adjusted for protection means that his DPS increased to compensate.

    Also level means almost nothing with bosses. What level is Mace in the tank challange? He probably has one but it's not really relavent. Our Yodas probably don't hit like that at 90
  • C3POwn
    507 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Just imagine if they bring this challenge back next month. Yoda lvl 100 with platinum gear 15. Meanwhile, nothing has changed with the raid gear..
    Post edited by C3POwn on
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    @DarthMasterShawn :) this is great!
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