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    Todays Droprate:
    Jedi-Konsul 9 tries ... 1 Shard
    Count Dooku 6 tries ... 1 Shard
    Geonosian Soldier 10 tries ... 0 Shards

    its the 3rd day and all 3 looked like this. this cant be just bad luck only anymore, sorry.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Achilles wrote: »
    Todays Droprate:
    Jedi-Konsul 9 tries ... 1 Shard
    Count Dooku 6 tries ... 1 Shard
    Geonosian Soldier 10 tries ... 0 Shards

    its the 3rd day and all 3 looked like this. this cant be just bad luck only anymore, sorry.

    Yesyes but if you buy $100 a day of crystals you will get what you want in about 3 weeks.

    -Sincerely EA
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    What's up guys... The only bugs I'm consistently seeing... Vader not getting an ability block on jedis... And QGJ using his humbling blow on opponents with an offensive buff... And it not removing it.

    These 2 happen to me everyday.
  • Robobob
    117 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Many many times I've seen Assajj Ventress not only use Strike Fear when there are no buffs on my heroes, but she removes her own buffs instead.

    Also, saw my Vader get 2 attacks, without defeating an opponent and with no Phasma in the squad.

    Man, Profit Mining is now pointless. 24 energy for 8,400 credits. Let's say I'm out of credits and want to level 1 stinking character from 60 to 61. That's about 100,00 credits. I only need 285 energy to achieve this monumentous feat. What was wrong with getting 100,00 credits for 50 energy? Now, this feature is pointless for my level and I'll never waste time and energy on it.
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    Feedback on Admiral Ackbar:

    Was surprised and pleased to see Admiral Ackbar's 'It's a Trap' ability successfully remove Sidious' heal immunity during Arena battles since the update. Well done for that. Before the update this scenario worked in GW but not in Arena; post update it now works in Arena but not in GW. Smh, poor testing and quality control...
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    Took my level 43 team into the third to last battle in GW only to be put up against a level 51 team - all tier 3 blue - a rank impossible for a level 43 to reach. Tell me that's a bug because they killed my whole team before we could get a turn.
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    Luminara Unduli master healing ability starts at 40% of her max health. 2nd level upgrade says it will add 5%. I upgraded this and it reduced the ability to 35% of her max health. I mathed out the healing amount after using in battle and it does indeed heal 35% of her max HP. The upgrade to level 2 is bugged
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    @EA_Jesse there is an issue where the game freezes up if you take actions in a certain order. I've tested this twice and both times it froze and had to force close. Here are the actions:
    1) Go to shipments and tap on a piece of gear that has a green dot, indicating someone needs it. After tapping, it shows the toons at the bottom who need the gear.
    2) Tap on one of the toons to take you to their info screen.
    3) Tap on an empty gear slot.
    4) Tap on a piece of equipment to take you to the Find option.
    5) Tap on Find and then select any light/dark side challenge.
    6) At that point, it brings back up the shipments "window" in the background and the foreground is the "window" where you can choose to sim or battle and also the toons you might be up against. This freezes the game and you have to force close.

    Thanks! Enjoying the game!
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    New issue I've been having. every time I try the 'Training Droid Hunt' in Events I choose my team then it says 'loading' forever. Nothing happens... If I fully shut down the app I lose the energy with no gain.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Neil_Lopez wrote: »
    Luminara Unduli master healing ability starts at 40% of her max health. 2nd level upgrade says it will add 5%. I upgraded this and it reduced the ability to 35% of her max health. I mathed out the healing amount after using in battle and it does indeed heal 35% of her max HP. The upgrade to level 2 is bugged
    Thats just an info-text-bug ... for whatever reason, when the skill is at level 1, you see the info of the possible highest level skill (based on your player level). Dont know why, but i've noticed this already before feb-update.

    @My own Drop-rate-issue: looks like, i just had 4 or 5 terrible unlucky days ... today, i got 2 shards our of 6 dooku-battles and even 3 shards from 6-JC-battles.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    The 20 energy training droid from event is still freezing on the loading screen before battle starts. Have to restart app to play and lost energy. Lost so much at this point almost 200 energy. Works like 3/4 or 2/3of the time. Think it would have been bette to just do regular battles so I can get mats for gear...
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    Achilles wrote: »
    Neil_Lopez wrote: »
    Luminara Unduli master healing ability starts at 40% of her max health. 2nd level upgrade says it will add 5%. I upgraded this and it reduced the ability to 35% of her max health. I mathed out the healing amount after using in battle and it does indeed heal 35% of her max HP. The upgrade to level 2 is bugged
    Thats just an info-text-bug ... for whatever reason, when the skill is at level 1, you see the info of the possible highest level skill (based on your player level). Dont know why, but i've noticed this already before feb-update.

    Well that stinks. Is this the same for all characters? I noticed something similar with Darth Sidious. Sadistic Glee level 1 says 12.5% healing, 25% chance to gain 25% turn meter, 35% evasion against Jedi. Level 2 upgrade said +2.5% max heal. I upgrade to level 2 and the new description is 12.5% healing, 35% evasion against Jedi. Upgrade did not add any healing and actually took away the turn meter. Upgrade to level 3 says it will put the turn meter part back

    Would be nice if we knew what the skills did at level 1. Skill descriptions should be accurate!
  • Hardcase182
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    The Dark side badly need a proper healer talia knocking her own health off to heal the others and her basic attack doesn't give her enough back if she's targeted by the enemy and you can't just brute force their entire mode there's far too many group hitters that tear your team apart before you get close to the final boss at the end of each battle and since the game last updated trying to beat the galactic war mode is just not worth trying the best characters I've got can barley scratch some of the characters they're up against and trying to get shards from the hard battles to upgrade or get new characters is just too low a chance especially on the squad cantina where your lucky if you get a character shard or a tier 2 or 3 ability mat and it just drains the enjoyment out when you just feel like your getting no where no matter how much time you put in all the time, otherwise I think the games great and fun but it's just little things that are abit too common that drag it down.
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    Rey is glitched. She loses foresight immediately if she has a dot on her before her turn starts.

    Rey gets dot
    Rey goes and gains foresight
    Reys turn ends and she loses foresight.

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    I've been having this same issue, tried it three times and lost energy each time!
    New issue I've been having. every time I try the 'Training Droid Hunt' in Events I choose my team then it says 'loading' forever. Nothing happens... If I fully shut down the app I lose the energy with no gain.

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    I have problem with cooldowns reductions in all case(Consular,Cheawy, QGJ) when i upgrade the cooldown -1 it in some battles work and in some doesn't its very funny and bad i dont know if another upgrades are working properly but iam affraid it doesn't.
    and i dont know now where i found the basic cooldowns for Chewbacca or for others for comparsion.
    Another annoying thing is description abilities on level 1.

    So this game is so bugged. how u can ask money from peoples where such manny things doesn't work as declared?
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    @EA_Jesse could you guys please investigate in old Ben level 7 leader ability. It doesn't seems to work for allies. It only give turn meter when old Ben dodge. It was good when it's level 5. But now at level I can't use him as leader since it's pretty much useless
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    Today I saw Ackbar remove all of his own teammates boosts except for one and I don't think his ability is supposed to work that way. lol
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    I have a problem with having gear and can't equip it ??? Got 10 pices of Mk 5 Nubian Design Tech Prototyp Salvage, and when i try to equip, it tell me i dont have any ??? I just bought 3 from the shipment hoping to use but no dice :s
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    When upgrading the jedi healing of the jedi consule to stage 6, it should take one round lesss to be possible to be used again (in german abklingzeit -1, unfortunately I don't know the correct english expression), but it doesn't. This is definitely not a display bug since I've counted the rounds. The same happens with the stealth ability of teebo. After upgrading, Teebo should have one round longer stealth but hasn't.

    Still I want as well to take the opportunity to say that this is a really great game, I love playing it a lot \m/
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    when are you people going to fix Ventress heal triggering when there are no buffs to consume? I've seen it a few times in this thread and I keep running into it.
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    When upgrading the jedi healing of the jedi consule to stage 6, it should take one round lesss to be possible to be used again (in german abklingzeit -1, unfortunately I don't know the correct english expression), but it doesn't. This is definitely not a display bug since I've counted the rounds. The same happens with the stealth ability of teebo. After upgrading, Teebo should have one round longer stealth but hasn't.

    Still I want as well to take the opportunity to say that this is a really great game, I love playing it a lot \m/

    I think it means you wait one turn less for the skill to become available - not that it lasts one turn longer.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I think this thread needs to either get updated with a new OP listing new confirmed issues, or it should be unstickied. The OP still addresses issues from before the update...

    Ping @EA_Jesse
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    When upgrading the jedi healing of the jedi consule to stage 6, it should take one round lesss to be possible to be used again (in german abklingzeit -1, unfortunately I don't know the correct english expression), but it doesn't. This is definitely not a display bug since I've counted the rounds. The same happens with the stealth ability of teebo. After upgrading, Teebo should have one round longer stealth but hasn't.
    I think you're talking about "cooldown". Cooldown means the number of turns that are needed for you to be ready to use this skill again. It's not the duration of skill effect.
    when are you people going to fix Ventress heal triggering when there are no buffs to consume? I've seen it a few times in this thread and I keep running into it.
    Even without buffs on your opponents, this skill heals Asajj for 40% of her max health. Yes, usually she got more damage by a single hit and it is a bad idea to use this skill without buffs on your opponents, therefore one should improve her algorithms, but it is definitely not the worst thing AI uses to do. I'd start with prohibiting AI to heal themselves and their teammates when there is a heal immunity on them.
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    Foresight glitch:
    Taunt rips foresight off. Shouldn't do that... Hello? I'm gonna Dodge your attempt to **** me off.

    Rey glitch (another foresight glitch!):
    I'm not sure if it's just Rey or if yoda also gets hit with it. But when they start their turn with a dot and gain foresight during that turn, they immediately lose foresight.

    Two most popular characters glitched beyond use... Seriously guys you're making me sad here. Please fix the game! Please!
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    Why is this not pinned to the top of the bug list and updated? This could help stop all the repeated posts of the same know bug.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    Why is this not pinned to the top of the bug list and updated? This could help stop all the repeated posts of the same know bug.
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    Do you even see anyone that cares about whats happening or reporting about this game? There are 2 mods merging and closing threads and a guy Jesse with some updates posted from time to time mostly about more money to spend and not about new content and bugs fixed.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Unfortunately you're right. OP was last updated Jan 12th @EA_Jesse
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