Grats to Maraxus for soloing P1 T7!


  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Congratulations @Maraxus on your theory crafting and your willingness to share it.

    Thank you
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    amusedam_1 wrote: »
    Maraxus, what are your thoughts on using GS or omegad ig86 instead of Ewok Elder to give you an assist every other turn from a probable tm manipulator?

    @Maraxus will probably give you a great answer.

    but here is my take on it. I have been running this team for a while (T6, 5's instead of Phasma, T7 same team). My experience is that elder is very essential to this mix, more so in T7 than T6. First he speeds up Teebo with his Basic attack and at level 8 he speeds up the entire team. Faster team more TMR chances. T7 unlike T6 and below the captain is going to get turns and your characters are going to get hit and possibly killed. Elder can revive, as long as they did not die being deathmarked, and he can heal, QGJ will need this as he has no health steal.

    Exactly this! Elder is key
  • Smite
    259 posts Member
    Naecabon wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Harmonica wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    @Maraxus hope you got badly needed full gear piece with that #1.

    You are the worst.

    You are an appreciator, sir.

    Nah @Maraxus I learned today with my teebo 10 double omega, Rex gear 11, phasma triple omega gear 10, Qgj gear 11 double omega, and my elder gear 11 single omega that you needed the guild to give you 2, 3, 4 possibly 12 hours to get the RNG right.

    I had one chance and missed fusillade speed down twice in a row that cost me at a million.

    Kudos to TI for letting him go at it for so long.

    My squad is stronger for a reason. I'm pretty sure I know which of 2-3 buttons to press when.

    The future should be fun.

    Nonetheless congrats on #1 rewards hardest #1 to get in the game w TI and your world #1 and the much needed rewards.

    I might get 3.5 attempts per week. We don't have the Asian alts fired up yet to do 3.8.

    Took me 4 attempts of 25 to 45 min... And i consistently do more than 75% now (at least for today's 3 raids)

    Below one of them @91 %

    So maybe its not the toons but you sir that should learn better the game mechanics instead of spitting on my work and my undergeared team ... That got the job done!

    Edit: oops picture upside down... Too lazy to turn it... Its a pain with the iphone...

    Please come over to my house and press the phone buttons on my team that is much better than yours.

    I'm incapable of knowing which of 1-2 TM manipulation buttons is better. Looking at you phasma with two of them. So complex!!!!

    Anyone out there emulating. **** it is tedious.

    When you press real hard phasma speed down always procs? Dude I need your secrets.

    Dude when will you stop making a fool publicly of yourself... I honestly pity you right now.

    Thank you for your concern. Most of what I say is wry and befitting of a mobile game of minimal consequence. So don't feel too bad for me. "It's gonna be alright"

    I have a SWGOH tutor to help me with my better team to achieve your results.

    Then go take your lesson and stop poluting this post that people in t5 /t6 tier guild are reading to get advices for having a shot at t7...

    Thanks in advance for them... And for me

    I will teach you use of language usage, spelling, and grammar in exchange for which of three buttons to press. We both have some respective inadequacies. Maybe I'll let you have access to my better toons as an ally.

    Is your roster on I'd very much like to see it.

    Thats funny... did you notice that everytime someone copy the whole quotes the image will become smaller as well.

    At a certain point even the words are getting unreadable...
  • Smite
    259 posts Member
    Smite wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Harmonica wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    @Maraxus hope you got badly needed full gear piece with that #1.

    You are the worst.

    You are an appreciator, sir.

    Nah @Maraxus I learned today with my teebo 10 double omega, Rex gear 11, phasma triple omega gear 10, Qgj gear 11 double omega, and my elder gear 11 single omega that you needed the guild to give you 2, 3, 4 possibly 12 hours to get the RNG right.

    I had one chance and missed fusillade speed down twice in a row that cost me at a million.

    Kudos to TI for letting him go at it for so long.

    My squad is stronger for a reason. I'm pretty sure I know which of 2-3 buttons to press when.

    The future should be fun.

    Nonetheless congrats on #1 rewards hardest #1 to get in the game w TI and your world #1 and the much needed rewards.

    I might get 3.5 attempts per week. We don't have the Asian alts fired up yet to do 3.8.

    Took me 4 attempts of 25 to 45 min... And i consistently do more than 75% now (at least for today's 3 raids)

    Below one of them @91 %

    So maybe its not the toons but you sir that should learn better the game mechanics instead of spitting on my work and my undergeared team ... That got the job done!

    Edit: oops picture upside down... Too lazy to turn it... Its a pain with the iphone...

    Please come over to my house and press the phone buttons on my team that is much better than yours.

    I'm incapable of knowing which of 1-2 TM manipulation buttons is better. Looking at you phasma with two of them. So complex!!!!

    Anyone out there emulating. **** it is tedious.

    When you press real hard phasma speed down always procs? Dude I need your secrets.

    Dude when will you stop making a fool publicly of yourself... I honestly pity you right now.

    Thank you for your concern. Most of what I say is wry and befitting of a mobile game of minimal consequence. So don't feel too bad for me. "It's gonna be alright"

    I have a SWGOH tutor to help me with my better team to achieve your results.

    Then go take your lesson and stop poluting this post that people in t5 /t6 tier guild are reading to get advices for having a shot at t7...

    Thanks in advance for them... And for me

    I will teach you use of language usage, spelling, and grammar in exchange for which of three buttons to press. We both have some respective inadequacies. Maybe I'll let you have access to my better toons as an ally.

    Is your roster on I'd very much like to see it.

    Thats funny... did you notice that everytime someone copy the whole quotes the image will become smaller as well.

    At a certain point even the words are getting unreadable...

    It just depends on how often a post will be quoted...
  • Geddre
    224 posts Member
    Congrats as well.

    More importantly, EA / CG - is this what you envisioned? "Heroic" doesn't feel very heroic. Please figure out a way to involve every character from every guild member's entire squad, so that it is truly an epic battle. Not what it is now which a mad scramble to get one good run in before it gets to phase 4.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Geddre wrote: »
    Congrats as well.

    More importantly, EA / CG - is this what you envisioned? "Heroic" doesn't feel very heroic. Please figure out a way to involve every character from every guild member's entire squad, so that it is truly an epic battle. Not what it is now which a mad scramble to get one good run in before it gets to phase 4.

    Honestly the fact heroic is too easy isnt really shown by the soloing of p1... (It wasnt supposed to probably but the low tenacity of captain allowed it)

    More by the fact that it takes 10/15 min for a lot of guild to beat it in auto mode...

    It would give something interedting for most to do if a actual tier 8 that is really challenging was live
  • Options
    Naecabon wrote: »
    9r33d0 wrote: »
    Not impressed. Do it tier 6.

    Tier 6 is actually much much easier!

    Brutes need debuff on tier 6
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    Naecabon wrote: »
    9r33d0 wrote: »
    Not impressed. Do it tier 6.

    Tier 6 is actually much much easier!

    Brutes need debuff on tier 6

    Qgj, teebo
  • Options
    I haven't read through all the comments but has anyone soloed phase 4? That would also be impressive, and if you were to try to, who would you use?
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    I haven't read through all the comments but has anyone soloed phase 4? That would also be impressive, and if you were to try to, who would you use?

    Given the rancor speed debuff roar and constant pounding and his resistance to TMr i'de be very surprised if it could be solo'd
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    It not something i will be able to try unfortunately because in my guild we
    I haven't read through all the comments but has anyone soloed phase 4? That would also be impressive, and if you were to try to, who would you use?

    Maybe with a few modif to p1 squad ... And some toon not yet available for this raid ...

    But then you couldnt do p1
  • Cor
    124 posts Member
    Congratulations Maraxus and Team Instinct! Great individual job, great support from your guild mates to let you try it and give you enough time for that. And last but not least - many thanks for sharing this with community (same thanks to Mol_Sign for posting his video the other day). It really helps and encourages to test new strategies.

    Shame there are still haters, who do not appreciate sharing good strategies with the community :-(
  • Options
    Maraxus, i used the lineup and managed 35%, any tips as far as actual game play? Will be raiding again tonight so any pointers are greatly appreciated!
  • Harmonica
    541 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    amusedam_1 wrote: »
    Maraxus, i used the lineup and managed 35%, any tips as far as actual game play? Will be raiding again tonight so any pointers are greatly appreciated!


    Before Marax replies, some more information would help him and others help answer.

    How geared is your squad?
    What problems were you having?
    How long after the enrage timer occurred did you last?
    Was EE being targeted?
    Were you primarily using basic attacks or going for more damage with specials?

    @Maraxus just tagging you for reference
    Team iNstinct --
  • Options
    All of my toons are geared and leveled the same as Maraxus toons including a g8 qgj, i omegad rex basic, qgj basic, phasma vm, elders basic, but not teebo's basic yet. I lasted maybe 3-4% after enrage occurred. Elder was not targeted. I was primarily using basic attacks and only using specials if turn meter was below maybe 10%. One problem i have is figuring out how to manage everyone when the guards are present. I think the captain might be taking too many turns and getting close to enrage during that time.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    amusedam_1 wrote: »
    All of my toons are geared and leveled the same as Maraxus toons including a g8 qgj, i omegad rex basic, qgj basic, phasma vm, elders basic, but not teebo's basic yet. I lasted maybe 3-4% after enrage occurred. Elder was not targeted. I was primarily using basic attacks and only using specials if turn meter was below maybe 10%. One problem i have is figuring out how to manage everyone when the guards are present. I think the captain might be taking too many turns and getting close to enrage during that time.

    Ok ill be quick (im at work eheh) but

    1) omega teebo basic for max tm removal
    2) focus at giving as many turn to teebo stealthed and qgj as possible timing correctly vm
    3)focus down right guard then left guard and if u have teebo stealthed try to remove captain tm even when guards are up.

    To give you an idea i usually get to 50% done with captain having taken only 4/5 turns. When you can acheive that you will be closed to solo him.

    Delay as much as possible captain getting enraged cause then its too much rng...

    Now all i can say is good luck . It takes a fee tries to et the mechanics... After that its easier

    Brw thanks @Harmonica for asking to get the extra info ;)
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Maraxus wrote: »
    amusedam_1 wrote: »
    All of my toons are geared and leveled the same as Maraxus toons including a g8 qgj, i omegad rex basic, qgj basic, phasma vm, elders basic, but not teebo's basic yet. I lasted maybe 3-4% after enrage occurred. Elder was not targeted. I was primarily using basic attacks and only using specials if turn meter was below maybe 10%. One problem i have is figuring out how to manage everyone when the guards are present. I think the captain might be taking too many turns and getting close to enrage during that time.

    Ok ill be quick (im at work eheh) but

    1) omega teebo basic for max tm removal
    2) focus at giving as many turn to teebo stealthed and qgj as possible timing correctly vm
    3)focus down right guard then left guard and if u have teebo stealthed try to remove captain tm even when guards are up.

    To give you an idea i usually get to 50% done with captain having taken only 4/5 turns. When you can acheive that you will be closed to solo him.

    Delay as much as possible captain getting enraged cause then its too much rng...

    Now all i can say is good luck . It takes a fee tries to et the mechanics... After that its easier

    Brw thanks @Harmonica for asking to get the extra info ;)

    Let me know if it helps @amusedam_1
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    TommySitt wrote: »
    Congrats Maraxus!

    I gave TI some criticism about using two guilds to do their first heroic, and then I got over it. Teams like TI have been exploring ways to work the system within the limits the devs have set, and have shared those tactics with us. They and the other top guilds could have kept it LA Cosa Nostra, but they're letting the info get out to the general public.

    I was originally against partner guilds and guild hopping, but my fun meter's been pegged for some time losing out to the pre-crafters, so guild hopping lets my crew regain lost ground.

    I have nothing against mercs. Using them has allowed us to raid heroic weeks ahead of schedule. We are exploring the possibility of sharing an alt guild with alt accounts with another guild so that those that are willing to farm coins with alt accounts can raid every day between two different guilds. 25 players from each guild run alts in the third guild. Anyone can do this. At the least, you run the alt guild yourselves with half of your guild, and raid an extra heroic every four days.

    Guild hopping should never have been possible, but the fact remains that you'll only fall farther and farther behind if you choose not to use alts or hire yourself out as a merc. Guild hopping and working as a merc right now is the only viable way to close the pre-crafting gap. Trying to place top ten in the arena with mostly G8 toons is nearly impossible. Being at a disadvantage in pvp due to a missed opportunity like pre-crafting, the old GW reset change, and now guild hopping and alts takes all the fun out of the game. You're just peeing in the wind without using the same advantages everyone else has. When you are also doing it, it's no longer an advantage.

    This team that solo'ed phase 1 heroic will give guilds that were not ready to do heroic a chance to complete it, they just need 1-2 whales to use this team, which will spare many toons that would have died clearing phase 1. This achievement needs to be commended regardless of how it was discovered and perfected!

    Thanks for the kind words. I wish we could keep this thread clean of alt account and guild hopping, because as you said, the idea here is helping the community doing better score in p1 more than debating if people agree or not with alts etc... There are more than enough threads for that.

    But thank you for the rest of your message and i hope this thread does help the community, even if part of it despise us for good reasons ... Or not!
  • Options
    Thanks Maraxus! Very valuable info!
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    All that hopping seems to have benefitted you whenever you do it within how games intended to be played then I will congratulate you until then hop away make all videos you want self gratification must be fun for you.
  • Options
    Jabba wrote: »
    All that hopping seems to have benefitted you whenever you do it within how games intended to be played then I will congratulate you until then hop away make all videos you want self gratification must be fun for you.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with hopping. One player did lots of damage.

    Your salty tears are needed elsewhere.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Jabba wrote: »
    All that hopping seems to have benefitted you whenever you do it within how games intended to be played then I will congratulate you until then hop away make all videos you want self gratification must be fun for you.

    Right im pretty sure that its guild hoping that allow to do good scores in p1... Without guild hopping, soloing p1 is clearly impossible... Dude do you read yourself?!

    Guild hoping and doing good performance on p1 have strictly nothing to do.

    The team i used for p1 has ONLY one droid call on teebo. The rest is disc and scanner. And i had one or 2 precrafted of each. Anyone can have this team after 10/15 guild raids and a month of guild currency.

    So if
    1) you cant distinguish that guild hopping doesnt provide any advantage at doing p1
    2) those are totally unrelated issues and is polluing a thread that is mostly congratulations and good advices to all

    Then sir i dont think there is anything i can discuss with you.

    If on the other hand you are willing to contribute to help rancor t7 with good ideas, then i am all ears!

    Thank you
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    You don't think any gear used any credits used were from any of the Alts coins they hopped in to boost there daily coins . Doing multiple raids from boosted coins produces all of that . In my eyes it's not a honest achievement and will have a asterisk always beside any achievements they share with community period. There guild openly admitted to doing this for extra coins calling community scrubs in a indirect manner while explaining so no respect from me sorry .
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    Jabba wrote: »
    You don't think any gear used any credits used were from any of the Alts coins they hopped in to boost there daily coins . Doing multiple raids from boosted coins produces all of that . In my eyes it's not a honest achievement and will have a asterisk always beside any achievements they share with community period. There guild openly admitted to doing this for extra coins calling community scrubs in a indirect manner while explaining so no respect from me sorry .

    Yes, many many many many extra raids were needed to guarantee Maraxus his G8 QGJ for this attempt. Good eye!
  • Options
    @Maraxus Some times in life, people just like to undermine achievements. Take in the positive and ignore the negative. Lots have benefitted from you and TI findings.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Thank you **********
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    ChaosDoom wrote: »
    @Maraxus Some times in life, people just like to undermine achievements. Take in the positive and ignore the negative. Lots have benefitted from you and TI findings.

    Thank you chaos. Its hard indeed to argue with halfbrained people that cant differenciate things...

    Glad it helped
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Maraxus wrote: »
    ChaosDoom wrote: »
    @Maraxus Some times in life, people just like to undermine achievements. Take in the positive and ignore the negative. Lots have benefitted from you and TI findings.

    Thank you chaos. Its hard indeed to argue with halfbrained people that cant differenciate things...

    Glad it helped

    I have tried twice with better team than yours maraxus. I have only gotten to 49% and 40% left. The guild hasn't given me a day to bang it for good RNG. I haven't and won't ask them to.

    Only saying this so people don't think it is a given. My only places to upgrade are omega on Rex basic and phasma fusillade. Every other relevant ability omegad and squad max gear.

    Teebo max omega, Qgj max w omegas, elder is a gear level above maraxus w omega basic. Qgj two gear levels above maraxus and with max omega. Rex max no omega. Phasma max omegad all but fusillade.

    A bad and evidentially very confused button pusher.
This discussion has been closed.