Grats to Maraxus for soloing P1 T7!


  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I wish EVERYONE could just be astounded by this accomplishment. It's a shame some like @LordAlvert can still find a way to belittle such an accomplishment and the toons it took to do it. This is WAY out of my league but I hope some day to have the toons and the collaboration from fellow guildmates to accomplish similar feats, even if they do not measure in magnitude.

    Well done guys.

    Ummm help me out here... I just posted "@Maraxus thanks to your advice I did my fourth and was down to 8 pct phase one and did 1.7 million. Rex got his primary omega yesterday... Last upgrade left is phasma omega fusillade.

    You have been very very helpful. And this is a very cool legit world #1 and cool of your guild to let you. Period. I wouldn't even ask mine cause they all need the phase one damage..."

    Even my original post says

    "Otherwise this is a world first. Great job @Maraxus ...

    Congrats maraxus..."

    Can't we be a little less sensitive?
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    I wish EVERYONE could just be astounded by this accomplishment. It's a shame some like @LordAlvert can still find a way to belittle such an accomplishment and the toons it took to do it. This is WAY out of my league but I hope some day to have the toons and the collaboration from fellow guildmates to accomplish similar feats, even if they do not measure in magnitude.

    Well done guys.

    Ummm help me out here... I just posted "@Maraxus thanks to your advice I did my fourth and was down to 8 pct phase one and did 1.7 million. Rex got his primary omega yesterday... Last upgrade left is phasma omega fusillade.

    You have been very very helpful. And this is a very cool legit world #1 and cool of your guild to let you. Period. I wouldn't even ask mine cause they all need the phase one damage..."

    Even my original post says

    "Otherwise this is a world first. Great job @Maraxus ...

    Congrats maraxus..."

    Can't we be a little less sensitive?

    Your responses keep adding little clauses like "I would NEVER ask my guild for that!" or "I didn't need to ask my guild for THAT MUCH TIME to pull it off!" etc etc like this is some really extreme special case. Just leeeet iiiiiit gooooo. We didn't even "give Maraxus time" we just opened a raid a day early like we usually do and told him if he managed to 100% it during that time he could keep it. We didn't care about P1 damage because we don't care about the leaderboard as much as your guild apparently does. Mara got #1 and the rest of us were on even footing, heaven forbid we let Mara have #1 for a raid. It's world shattering, I realize.

    We didn't "let" him do anything, he just did it. He didn't "ask" for anything, he just did it. Stop making this out to be some kind of special favor treatment bent towards getting Maraxus this achievement. He's just a doer and he did it. That's the end.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Naecabon wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    I wish EVERYONE could just be astounded by this accomplishment. It's a shame some like @LordAlvert can still find a way to belittle such an accomplishment and the toons it took to do it. This is WAY out of my league but I hope some day to have the toons and the collaboration from fellow guildmates to accomplish similar feats, even if they do not measure in magnitude.

    Well done guys.

    Ummm help me out here... I just posted "@Maraxus thanks to your advice I did my fourth and was down to 8 pct phase one and did 1.7 million. Rex got his primary omega yesterday... Last upgrade left is phasma omega fusillade.

    You have been very very helpful. And this is a very cool legit world #1 and cool of your guild to let you. Period. I wouldn't even ask mine cause they all need the phase one damage..."

    Even my original post says

    "Otherwise this is a world first. Great job @Maraxus ...

    Congrats maraxus..."

    Can't we be a little less sensitive?

    Your responses keep adding little clauses like "I would NEVER ask my guild for that!" or "I didn't need to ask my guild for THAT MUCH TIME to pull it off!" etc etc like this is some really extreme special case. Just leeeet iiiiiit gooooo. We didn't even "give Maraxus time" we just opened a raid a day early like we usually do and told him if he managed to 100% it during that time he could keep it. We didn't care about P1 damage because we don't care about the leaderboard as much as your guild apparently does. Mara got #1 and the rest of us were on even footing, heaven forbid we let Mara have #1 for a raid. It's world shattering, I realize.

    We didn't "let" him do anything, he just did it. He didn't "ask" for anything, he just did it. Stop making this out to be some kind of special favor treatment bent towards getting Maraxus this achievement. He's just a doer and he did it. That's the end.

    Really didn't mean it that way... See how it could come off that way. You guys were cool for letting him have a go at it (not zerging). You let him go for a world number one and he nailed it. I don't care if it took 30 minutes or 24 hours. Only in so much as I would wanna know what to expect.

    There would be no point in me having a few hour window to keep at it cause others have done it. Three I know of.

    Again @Maraxus great job and THANKS for the help.

    Can me and you go back to complaining about Tusken shaman?

    Also curious what you think is the absolute best squad... Now that scout is out there.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    I wish EVERYONE could just be astounded by this accomplishment. It's a shame some like @LordAlvert can still find a way to belittle such an accomplishment and the toons it took to do it. This is WAY out of my league but I hope some day to have the toons and the collaboration from fellow guildmates to accomplish similar feats, even if they do not measure in magnitude.

    Well done guys.

    Ummm help me out here... I just posted "@Maraxus thanks to your advice I did my fourth and was down to 8 pct phase one and did 1.7 million. Rex got his primary omega yesterday... Last upgrade left is phasma omega fusillade.

    You have been very very helpful. And this is a very cool legit world #1 and cool of your guild to let you. Period. I wouldn't even ask mine cause they all need the phase one damage..."

    Even my original post says

    "Otherwise this is a world first. Great job @Maraxus ...

    Congrats maraxus..."

    Can't we be a little less sensitive?

    Your responses keep adding little clauses like "I would NEVER ask my guild for that!" or "I didn't need to ask my guild for THAT MUCH TIME to pull it off!" etc etc like this is some really extreme special case. Just leeeet iiiiiit gooooo. We didn't even "give Maraxus time" we just opened a raid a day early like we usually do and told him if he managed to 100% it during that time he could keep it. We didn't care about P1 damage because we don't care about the leaderboard as much as your guild apparently does. Mara got #1 and the rest of us were on even footing, heaven forbid we let Mara have #1 for a raid. It's world shattering, I realize.

    We didn't "let" him do anything, he just did it. He didn't "ask" for anything, he just did it. Stop making this out to be some kind of special favor treatment bent towards getting Maraxus this achievement. He's just a doer and he did it. That's the end.

    Really didn't mean it that way... See how it could come off that way. You guys were cool for letting him have a go at it (not zerging). You let him go for a world number one and he nailed it. I don't care if it took 30 minutes or 24 hours. Only in so much as I would wanna know what to expect.

    There would be no point in me having a few hour window to keep at it cause others have done it. Three I know of.

    Again @Maraxus great job and THANKS for the help.

    Can me and you go back to complaining about Tusken shaman?

    Also curious what you think is the absolute best squad... Now that scout is out there.

    I will try scout as soon as possible. And will let know here which one i find best. (If they have the option cause i realize scout is ftp, rex isnt!).
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    Hey Mara if I dont have Rex who could I replace him with and still get fairly good results for a P1 raid team?
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    Hey Mara if I dont have Rex who could I replace him with and still get fairly good results for a P1 raid team?

    Read the post directly above your own :)
    If you look around the forum abit you¨ll find a f2p solo of P1 using Ewok Scout instead of Rex.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    Thanks @Maraxus and @Mol_Sign I finally soloed phase one heroic during a zerg-only heroic raid. World number 42...
  • Options
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Thanks @Maraxus and @Mol_Sign I finally soloed phase one heroic during a zerg-only heroic raid. World number 42...


    @Maraxus tips for using Rex's TM gain is helpful for consistently getting high P1 damage using Teebo+Rex comps. We should get a new char in a week or so that may make this solo much easier.
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    FTP squad that can successfully solo P1 T7 is teebo lead, elder, 5s, Phasma, Qgj. Phasma can stick the initial slow, but you'll need a scanner to get 5s potency high enough to keep the slow on the captain.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Thanks @Maraxus and @Mol_Sign I finally soloed phase one heroic during a zerg-only heroic raid. World number 42...

    Good job!
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    @LordAlvert that avatar is so fitting ; )
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Mol_Sign wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Thanks @Maraxus and @Mol_Sign I finally soloed phase one heroic during a zerg-only heroic raid. World number 42...


    @Maraxus tips for using Rex's TM gain is helpful for consistently getting high P1 damage using Teebo+Rex comps. We should get a new char in a week or so that may make this solo much easier.

    Yep rex make it much easier when u realise his tm boost well timed gives a huge boost and that you actually almost never need to use it to dispel!

    If they dont fix tenacity... p1 is soon going to be autoable with this new char that is coming!
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    ManyTanks wrote: »
    FTP squad that can successfully solo P1 T7 is teebo lead, elder, 5s, Phasma, Qgj. Phasma can stick the initial slow, but you'll need a scanner to get 5s potency high enough to keep the slow on the captain.

    Problem is you lose a TMR character.
  • Options
    You do lose TM control, but it still works. I've done it twice practicing (zero damage time, retreat) and once during a raid.
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    ManyTanks wrote: »
    You do lose TM control, but it still works. I've done it twice practicing (zero damage time, retreat) and once during a raid.

    Nice! Maybe I will give it a shot.
  • Options
    ManyTanks wrote: »
    You do lose TM control, but it still works. I've done it twice practicing (zero damage time, retreat) and once during a raid.

    You're solo'ing T7 P1 consistently with Teebo (l), Elder, Fives, Phasma, QGJ (all max gear)?
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    5s is a P1 beast - after his G10 scanner was added, I'm getting 1 million + with no EE or Teebo. Probably can't solo without Teebo, but he's a huge boost in that phase. I can see with Teebo soloing with 5s - Phasma / 5s ensure captain is perma-slowed.
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  • Options
    5s is a P1 beast - after his G10 scanner was added, I'm getting 1 million + with no EE or Teebo. Probably can't solo without Teebo, but he's a huge boost in that phase. I can see with Teebo soloing with 5s - Phasma / 5s ensure captain is perma-slowed.

    Awesome! Going to get Fives to G10 today.
  • Options
    I haven't been doing it long enough to say consistently, I've tried it about 5-6 times with that team. I'll say it should consistently get you to sub 50% with the caveat that if elder goes down, you're done once the captain is enraged. You need elder basic omega, teebo basic and leader omega, fives basic omega, Phasma vm, fusillade omega, Qgj basic omega. At least that's what I have. Stick to TM control instead of damage, and only use 5s assist if teebo is stealthed.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Luke6108 wrote: »
    What is the combination?

    He used a gear 8 qgj.... If you can believe it

    Shh you ruined it! ;)

    That's the first thing I noticed haha
  • Mol_Sign
    142 posts Member
    ManyTanks wrote: »
    I haven't been doing it long enough to say consistently, I've tried it about 5-6 times with that team. I'll say it should consistently get you to sub 50% with the caveat that if elder goes down, you're done once the captain is enraged. You need elder basic omega, teebo basic and leader omega, fives basic omega, Phasma vm, fusillade omega, Qgj basic omega. At least that's what I have. Stick to TM control instead of damage, and only use 5s assist if teebo is stealthed.

    Perfect! That's what I have right now and that's generally the strategy I use. I just need that scanner. :D
  • ManyTanks
    11 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I finally figured out how to post a photo
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    ManyTanks wrote: »
    I finally figured out how to post a photo

    Nice ! Congrats too :)
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    Thanks Maraxus! Props to you for the main team composition and to my guild mate ke kattia for figuring out that 5s has enough potency with a scanner.
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    5s is a P1 beast - after his G10 scanner was added, I'm getting 1 million + with no EE or Teebo. Probably can't solo without Teebo, but he's a huge boost in that phase. I can see with Teebo soloing with 5s - Phasma / 5s ensure captain is perma-slowed.

    @JohnnySteelAlpha what team comp are you running?
  • Options
    Joby_Wan1 wrote: »
    5s is a P1 beast - after his G10 scanner was added, I'm getting 1 million + with no EE or Teebo. Probably can't solo without Teebo, but he's a huge boost in that phase. I can see with Teebo soloing with 5s - Phasma / 5s ensure captain is perma-slowed.

    @JohnnySteelAlpha what team comp are you running?

    Phasma lead, rex, jinn, 5s, and high is about 1.2 million almost.
  • Options
    Joby_Wan1 wrote: »
    5s is a P1 beast - after his G10 scanner was added, I'm getting 1 million + with no EE or Teebo. Probably can't solo without Teebo, but he's a huge boost in that phase. I can see with Teebo soloing with 5s - Phasma / 5s ensure captain is perma-slowed.

    @JohnnySteelAlpha what team comp are you running?

    Phasma lead, rex, jinn, 5s, and high is about 1.2 million almost.

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    Update - just did 76% P1 with that setup - I think that may be one of the higher P1 scores that didn't involve using Teebo. I don't think it can be soloed with that group though - had God-mode RNG going with Rex / Jinn pulling meter. 40-45% seems to be the floor with 75-80% or so the ceiling.
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    Hey folks

    well congrats on solo'ing it. Impressive!

    lots of knowledge being passed around so maybe y'all can help me out :)

    I don't have Rex higher then 4* and my ewok elder is still only 5*

    If I was to use:

    - Teebo Lead (g9 but almost g10)
    - Phasma (g10)
    - Rey (g10)
    - QGJ (g11)

    What other toons could be ued as my 5th to gain maximum control of p1?
    Toons fairly easy to star up

    Reading this thread is seems like I only have 5's that could usable, but only g9 a the moment (darnit, almost same gear required to get teebo to 10)

    I have most of the usual suspects 7*

    Any help / advise is appreciated


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