Grats to Maraxus for soloing P1 T7!


  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    ChaosDoom wrote: »
    @Maraxus Some times in life, people just like to undermine achievements. Take in the positive and ignore the negative. Lots have benefitted from you and TI findings.

    Thank you chaos. Its hard indeed to argue with halfbrained people that cant differenciate things...

    Glad it helped

    I have tried twice with better team than yours maraxus. I have only gotten to 49% and 40% left. The guild hasn't given me a day to bang it for good RNG. I haven't and won't ask them to.

    Only saying this so people don't think it is a given. My only places to upgrade are omega on Rex basic and phasma fusillade. Every other relevant ability omegad and squad max gear.

    Teebo max omega, Qgj max w omegas, elder is a gear level above maraxus w omega basic. Qgj two gear levels above maraxus and with max omega. Rex max no omega. Phasma max omegad all but fusillade.

    A bad and evidentially very confused button pusher.

    IMO Those are 2 very import upgrades to help get this to work.
  • oofalong
    171 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Rex max no omega.

    A bad and evidentially very confused button pusher.

    Omega'ing Rex's basic increases the TM reduction to 100% so I'd say that is pretty important given the goal it to prevent Capt from taking a turn.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    oofalong wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Rex max no omega.

    A bad and evidentially very confused button pusher.

    Omega'ing Rex's basic increases the TM reduction to 100% so I'd say that is pretty important given the goal it to prevent Capt from taking a turn.

    Don't give him the secret :( It's not evident at ALL that the point of this whole exercise is to prevent Cap from taking a turn. Why would you let him know that Rex WILL help him accomplish that? :)
  • Options
    Not impressed, I want to see someone do this on p4
  • Options
    Barrok wrote: »

    Don't give him the secret :( It's not evident at ALL that the point of this whole exercise is to prevent Cap from taking a turn. Why would you let him know that Rex WILL help him accomplish that? :)

    I thought the secret was gear 8 QGJ...

    Back to the drawing board.
    Team iNstinct --
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    ChaosDoom wrote: »
    @Maraxus Some times in life, people just like to undermine achievements. Take in the positive and ignore the negative. Lots have benefitted from you and TI findings.

    Thank you chaos. Its hard indeed to argue with halfbrained people that cant differenciate things...

    Glad it helped

    I have tried twice with better team than yours maraxus. I have only gotten to 49% and 40% left. The guild hasn't given me a day to bang it for good RNG. I haven't and won't ask them to.

    Only saying this so people don't think it is a given. My only places to upgrade are omega on Rex basic and phasma fusillade. Every other relevant ability omegad and squad max gear.

    Teebo max omega, Qgj max w omegas, elder is a gear level above maraxus w omega basic. Qgj two gear levels above maraxus and with max omega. Rex max no omega. Phasma max omegad all but fusillade.

    A bad and evidentially very confused button pusher.

    IMO Those are 2 very import upgrades to help get this to work.

    You sir would know!!!

    And yes I wish omegas grew on trees or I could unomega. Which would you omega first? Probably will do Rex primary. I will have it Sunday.

  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    ChaosDoom wrote: »
    @Maraxus Some times in life, people just like to undermine achievements. Take in the positive and ignore the negative. Lots have benefitted from you and TI findings.

    Thank you chaos. Its hard indeed to argue with halfbrained people that cant differenciate things...

    Glad it helped

    I have tried twice with better team than yours maraxus. I have only gotten to 49% and 40% left. The guild hasn't given me a day to bang it for good RNG. I haven't and won't ask them to.

    Only saying this so people don't think it is a given. My only places to upgrade are omega on Rex basic and phasma fusillade. Every other relevant ability omegad and squad max gear.

    Teebo max omega, Qgj max w omegas, elder is a gear level above maraxus w omega basic. Qgj two gear levels above maraxus and with max omega. Rex max no omega. Phasma max omegad all but fusillade.

    A bad and evidentially very confused button pusher.

    I have rex omegaed but not phasma fusillade...

    The team maxed isnt at all sufficient to do great scores. This is why since the beginning i have been saying that
    It doesnt matter that your toons are not maxed as long as what matters is maxed (example qgj, as long has he has >120% potency he is already enough).
    So obviously guild alt/hopping had no impact making it easier or not.

    It also means that saying that "TI managed to do this only because we copied teebo lead" is clearly a false statement , otherwise anyone with the setup would be able to do it easily.

    What it means is that it requires to use the right abilites at the right time and focus at optimizing at best the synergy of your toons. And in this role phasma was the huge change that made it possible.

    So to anyone that struggles to do it even with the optimize setup, i will gladly share some other tips via PM.

    Not sure i want to do it publicly though since "anything TI does or says" is "for life tainted" for some people so i am not sure i am willing to share with those.
    (They probably dont even care about soloing anyway...)

  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Alecation wrote: »
    Not impressed, I want to see someone do this on p4

    I am glad this doesnt seem hard for you. But this post is not for you then. Its for people who want to improve their p1...

    So maybe come back and post when u do have something interesting to share as how to solo p4...

  • AKK889
    159 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Which would you omega first? Probably will do Rex primary.

  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    AKK889 wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Which would you omega first? Probably will do Rex primary.


    If you have ever sat here trying to solo phase one you would know and understand that you desperately would like phasma fusillade up from 75 to 90 pct for speed down and also you want Rex to proc his speed down more too. Not exactly a facepalm moment. The right answer is omega both. But we are a tad restricted now.

  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    AKK889 wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Which would you omega first? Probably will do Rex primary.


    If you have ever sat here trying to solo phase one you would know and understand that you desperately would like phasma fusillade up from 75 to 90 pct for speed down and also you want Rex to proc his speed down more too. Not exactly a facepalm moment. The right answer is omega both. But we are a tad restricted now.

    Maraxus took something like 14 turns before he got out of the first round. That's 3 chances you get to land speed down (4 turn cooldown)... and its only needed on there once per turn..(if he never leaves his turn, it doesn't matter how many times you connect with it). So it's obvious that rex's 100% chance to remove TM is better than an additional 15% chance for speed down (since again, you get 3 chances). There might be more involved but that would be the thinking I believe.

    Like you said, both would be best omega'd, but Rex's is the most important.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    AKK889 wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Which would you omega first? Probably will do Rex primary.


    If you have ever sat here trying to solo phase one you would know and understand that you desperately would like phasma fusillade up from 75 to 90 pct for speed down and also you want Rex to proc his speed down more too. Not exactly a facepalm moment. The right answer is omega both. But we are a tad restricted now.

    Maraxus took something like 14 turns before he got out of the first round. That's 3 chances you get to land speed down (4 turn cooldown)... and its only needed on there once per turn..(if he never leaves his turn, it doesn't matter how many times you connect with it). So it's obvious that rex's 100% chance to remove TM is better than an additional 15% chance for speed down (since again, you get 3 chances). There might be more involved but that would be the thinking I believe.

    Like you said, both would be best omega'd, but Rex's is the most important.
  • Options
    Alecation wrote: »
    Not impressed, I want to see someone do this on p4

    Impossible with current toons and levels.
  • Turbs
    64 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I actually have a friend who solo'd p1 on t4. Dunno how to post the **** but I'll try. It took him best part of 4hrs. N that's an achievement lol 4,622,276 damage. I can't post from mobile unfortunately.
  • Turbs
    64 posts Member
  • Options
    Maraxus my dear, just video it next time and shut them up.

    I need to improve Tier 1 substantially. My difficulty and pressure are higher than you guys, as we are a borderline Guild, as we can barely make it through, especially with No Rex, and nobody on our guild touch Ewok Elders before...

    BTW, my total damage output has improve from 250k to 500k, so thanks again, I appreciate the insight.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Turbs wrote: »
    I actually have a friend who solo'd p1 on t4. Dunno how to post the **** but I'll try. It took him best part of 4hrs. N that's an achievement lol 4,622,276 damage. I can't post from mobile unfortunately.

    Congrats to him! Huge display of patience eheh
  • Options
    Maraxus wrote: »
    Great job Max. Don't have Rex, any other sub suggestions?

    Thing is rex is crucial here... U canno solo p1 (at least i think) once captain get enraged.

    As image below shows, i finished one turn before he would get enraged... After too much depends on rng to have chance to do real damages


    U cannot prevent captain from getting enraged without some good tm manipulation.

    Rex does tm up and tm down. I dont see really good other alternatives (for now at least).

    I'll sleep on it and try to see if i can come up with something good.
    Easiest bet would be EWok scout but he only does tm down not tm up.

    And obviously dengar... But that will take a while .. Since no way to 7* him now

    Congrats Maraxus! Very nice achievement. It's easy to see why I lose so often to you in arena. :)

    Great guild cooperation too.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Maraxus my dear, just video it next time and shut them up.

    I need to improve Tier 1 substantially. My difficulty and pressure are higher than you guys, as we are a borderline Guild, as we can barely make it through, especially with No Rex, and nobody on our guild touch Ewok Elders before...

    BTW, my total damage output has improve from 250k to 500k, so thanks again, I appreciate the insight.

    I am too lazy to video a run eheh... Maybe one day...

    Congrats on doubling your p1 damage! Happy this tread helped!
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member

    Not sure i want to do it publicly though since "anything TI does or says" is "for life tainted" for some people so i am not sure i am willing to share with those.
    (They probably dont even care about soloing anyway...)


    +1000 we don't care Mr ******** guy who did something what was it again
  • AKK889
    159 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Not exactly a facepalm moment.

    Oh don't get confused, you are without any doubt the biggest /facepalm guy in this forum, @LordAlvert.

    First you come bashing @Maraxus and Team Instinct (as usual), then you come back asking for advice on how to do the same. Envy moves in very interesting ways.

    It seems really hard for you to understand basic logical game mechanics, even if TI explained them clear as water in this very post, you still don't get it.
    It just shows how terribly jealous you are of TI people, and how terrible you are playing this game.

    And no, I don't need to do this because my guildie, @Maraxus , already did it. And I'm happy for him and for my guild, because it's a huge achievement - but you already know that.

    See, @LordAlvert - even with the same pieces (better pieces because you have better QGJ right...), even with TI telling you where you put the pieces to make it work, you still need help to finish the puzzle.

    That's the difference between someone like you and someone like @Maraxus .
    Hope I've been clear enough.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Kurdt4 wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    Great job Max. Don't have Rex, any other sub suggestions?

    Thing is rex is crucial here... U canno solo p1 (at least i think) once captain get enraged.

    As image below shows, i finished one turn before he would get enraged... After too much depends on rng to have chance to do real damages


    U cannot prevent captain from getting enraged without some good tm manipulation.

    Rex does tm up and tm down. I dont see really good other alternatives (for now at least).

    I'll sleep on it and try to see if i can come up with something good.
    Easiest bet would be EWok scout but he only does tm down not tm up.

    And obviously dengar... But that will take a while .. Since no way to 7* him now

    Congrats Maraxus! Very nice achievement. It's easy to see why I lose so often to you in arena. :)

    Great guild cooperation too.

    Thanks bud! Nice to meet another shard mate! I see you are usijg rex lead too now... Im sure you will catch up in no time...

    See you in arena!
  • Geddre
    224 posts Member
    Say...I'm f2p so no Rex for me...any substitutes?

    FYI for the F2P folks, I have a guildy who did a little over a million last night without Rex. He substituted Chief Chirpa. Looks like Rex is definitely the better choice, but you can still up your game with these tactics and using Chirpa.
  • Ascansio
    270 posts Member
    QGJ with GEAR 8 is the key all this. @Maraxus please confirm buddy!
    Team Instinct - #1 PvP Powerhouse, dedicated with the strongest compassion to dominate.
  • Options
    Maraxus wrote: »
    Kurdt4 wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    Great job Max. Don't have Rex, any other sub suggestions?

    Thing is rex is crucial here... U canno solo p1 (at least i think) once captain get enraged.

    As image below shows, i finished one turn before he would get enraged... After too much depends on rng to have chance to do real damages


    U cannot prevent captain from getting enraged without some good tm manipulation.

    Rex does tm up and tm down. I dont see really good other alternatives (for now at least).

    I'll sleep on it and try to see if i can come up with something good.
    Easiest bet would be EWok scout but he only does tm down not tm up.

    And obviously dengar... But that will take a while .. Since no way to 7* him now

    Congrats Maraxus! Very nice achievement. It's easy to see why I lose so often to you in arena. :)

    Great guild cooperation too.

    Thanks bud! Nice to meet another shard mate! I see you are usijg rex lead too now... Im sure you will catch up in no time...

    See you in arena!

    Took me forever to get rex going. Still on 6*, so I'm working on it. Sun fac is going even slower.

    I love & hate fighting your arena team. Fun fight & so tough. Kills my win loss ratio though. Haha!

    Congrats again & nice to finally chat.
  • Options
    @maraxus I got to 35 pct left today. I'm coming for you. One try only. Try to be world #2 to you. Tomorrow Rex primary goes omega

    Thanks @Mol_Sign for all the info and stuff. Thanks @Maraxus for squad comp and strat.
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Geddre wrote: »
    Say...I'm f2p so no Rex for me...any substitutes?

    FYI for the F2P folks, I have a guildy who did a little over a million last night without Rex. He substituted Chief Chirpa. Looks like Rex is definitely the better choice, but you can still up your game with these tactics and using Chirpa.

    Chirpa is indeed a very good alternative i like him a lot for ftp
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    @maraxus I got to 35 pct left today. I'm coming for you. One try only. Try to be world #2 to you. Tomorrow Rex primary goes omega

    Thanks @Mol_Sign for all the info and stuff. Thanks @Maraxus for squad comp and strat.

    See, there was no need for drama at all! This could have been your post last tuesday instead of criticizing and everything would have been cooler... Much cooler. Instead of all the bittering.

    Anyway, hope you do get the 100% since you are trying to get it...

    Small tip in case you are not doing it... The first move of the fight should be rex dispel... This is the thing that can you get over the 90% i beleive ;) (if you werent doing it)
  • ubn87
    314 posts Member
    I have two possible teams for coming p1.

    Aa g9,Rey 10,GS 10,phasma 10, qgj 11
    Phasma, Rey, ee 9, GS, qgj.

    Can't decide which to use. Gearwise all are maxed except aa and ee. And I thought that with phasma lead I might get some lucky assist and have ee healing plus cleanse.

    Anyone experienced with both combos that can give me some input.
  • Silleck
    423 posts Member
    Our guildie did 2m p1. T7. One try, didn't need a day of trying.
    Leader and co-founder of BHG
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