Is rotating alts into a guild to earn more than 30k in coins a day an intended aspect of the raids?


  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here, but there is no hard limit of 30k guild coins per day. That is a fact.

    There is a limit of 600 per player per day, and guilds have a 50 player limit, but by allowing players to enter/leave guilds at will they cannot in fact have a hard total daily cap with the current system.

    Again, I'm not endorsing or condemning the practice, just pointing out that no explicit restrictions or caps are being circumvented.

  • Options
    Nate_Puppy wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    You can disagree but this is what happens when you have a system that offers no benefits to those who spend money or work to build a strong guild and roster. We have to resort to legal but frustrating methods to separate ourselves. I wish t7 was more difficult or if there were other benefits to having a strong roster and team.

    So because you chose spend money on this game, means you deserve those extra rewards? So nice of you to make those executive decisions.

    Funny you say that I purchased a new Audi S6 this year but never got a free upgrade to an R8, maybe I should have held them at gun point.

    Huh? It would be like all your friends buying new cars to race and you all get the same model. So you upgrade the tires, brakes and exhaust to separate yourself.

    It's about what you think you are entitled to cause you choose to spend and not what the company has choosen.

    You guys do alot of good for the gaming community, instead of holding up that reputation you, destroy it. Don't come on here and expect respect from others when you lower yourselves the way you do.

    EA doesn't need your cash, they have plenty. You are not the face of this franchise, nor do they need you encouraging this type of behaviour.

    We are doing what is allowed within the system. BTW, we could have easily "hid" this behavior by waiting till the end of the month to do this, and ended with a single 200 points above others.. but we chose to do it now, on the 7th. We knew this would cause a stink.. we knew it would get the attention of others. We want this to be discussed and we want this to be known. Anyone can choose to do this until specifically told otherwise by CG.

    Do you think we would rather be doing this silly alt factory bologna rather than trying to accomplish the toughest raid in the game? Heck no! We would much prefer to working on beating difficult content than doing this. We just had a member solo phase 1 of a heroic raid. If that doesn't show you how little difficulty there is, nothing else will.

    Then why did your guild-mate come on this forum and mock someone by calling them a "stalker" when it was identified?

    That particular forum poster appears to have lost his/her phone. It appears that a 7 year old has recovered it and started replying to posts.... Because all of the posts coming from that account on this topic lack any sort of logic or intelligent input.
  • Options
    darkensoul wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    That's fine. I can appreciate the 'whatever it takes' to win attitude. But realize you have been exposed as frauds and your name is forever tarnished. I for one looked up to many of you guys as grounbreakers and leaders in the community.


    It's like the Patriots - sure they got the rings, but they are forever tainted in the eyes of anyone not on that team. And if you've lost the respect of everyone, how much is that accomplishment really worth?
  • Kodebob
    49 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Going above the 30k limit per day is exploitative. We can sit here all night and argue or nit pick ways to abuse the system. This is not right. If you were actually given permission to do this, then the entire community should be aware that they should be looking into ways to exploit the parameters of the system set in place. The system was designed to allow guild to earn 30,000 coins a day with everyone's participation.

    You WERE given permission. INARJ made a post condoning guild hopping. It was green lit. Go nuts.

    Guild hopping to HELP sister guilds is fine. Guild hopping to exploit the coin cap for EXTRA raids is cheating.

    So your logic is that earning extra coins by rotating entire guilds is ok, but rotating alts in to do the same is not?

    My logic is that the devs confirmed guild hopping being okay. Do I agree with that? No. The people hopping are receiving rewards without contributing to the coin requirement for opening the raid. The devs confirmed it was okay thought, mostly because it's easier than immediately fixing it. The issue that arose today is larger in scale. Guild hopping in a way that produces more raids through a fluke in the system interferes with one of two pvp aspects in the game as far as competitive play goes. The fact that TI even did this and THEN announced it is slimey. Report it to the forums, report it to devs. Don't take advantage, put yourself above Order 66 who worked their **** off this time around, and THEN announce it to everyone. It is just a slimey thing to do. I understand there isn't enough challenging content for a guild full of people that spent thousands of dollars, but it shows poor character to always be the first ones trying to worm your way around the system in place. Even if everyone got on board with this gimmick now, you would still be ahead TI, and it is hilarious that justifications are even being attempted.
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    So what I'm reading here is: if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. Got it.
  • puru
    161 posts Member
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Going above the 30k limit per day is exploitative. We can sit here all night and argue or nit pick ways to abuse the system. This is not right. If you were actually given permission to do this, then the entire community should be aware that they should be looking into ways to exploit the parameters of the system set in place. The system was designed to allow guild to earn 30,000 coins a day with everyone's participation.

    You WERE given permission. INARJ made a post condoning guild hopping. It was green lit. Go nuts.

    Guild hopping to HELP sister guilds is fine. Guild hopping to exploit the coin cap for EXTRA raids is cheating.

    So your logic is that earning extra coins by rotating entire guilds is ok, but rotating alts in to do the same is not?

    My logic is that the devs confirmed guild hopping being okay. Do I agree with that? No. The people hopping are receiving rewards without contributing to the coin requirement for opening the raid. The devs confirmed it was okay thought, mostly because it's easier than immediately fixing it. The issue that arose today is larger in scale. Guild hopping in a way that produces more raids through a fluke in the system interferes with one of two pvp aspects in the game as far as competitive play goes. The fact that TI even did this and THEN announced it is slimey. Report it to the forums, report it to devs. Don't take advantage, put yourself above Order 66 who worked their **** off this time around, and THEN announce it to everyone. It is just a slimey thing to do. I understand there isn't enough challenging content for a guild full of people that spent thousands of dollars, but it shows poor character to always be the first ones trying to worm your way around the system in place. Even if everyone got on board with this gimmick now, you would still be ahead TI, and it is hilarious that justifications are even being attempted.

    Very well said.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    There's a cap on how many guild coins one account can contribute per day. Why would this be there if guild hopping is not exploitative?

    Was the Vader exploit totally fine until it was patched also?
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    puru wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    Well I am glad you clarified which way your moral compass points

    It's time to take a step back from things for a second and analyze what you're saying. This is a video game. The decision to push the envelope of the established rules has no moral implication. Time to step down off that high horse.
    Spartamaj wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    As I said before, you are not even competitive. I'm, as many others, doing twice the numbers of raids you guys are doing right now. LTP.

    We'll try to do better lol.
    darkensoul wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    That's fine. I can appreciate the 'whatever it takes' to win attitude. But realize you have been exposed as frauds and your name is forever tarnished. I for one looked up to many of you guys as grounbreakers and leaders in the community.

    Are we not saying the system is flawed? Yes we are. We would like to see this system changed too. Are we actually breaking any rules? No we're not. There's nothing fraudulent going on here. We're not taking anything away from anyone else. The same end result is being achieved by countless other players, they're just not highlighted on a useless leaderboard. This is also something that can be done by anyone willing to put the time and effort into doing it. This system wasn't even a secret and we hinted that we were doing it a while ago. I'm not sure what to say about the loss of respect. We have always played to win.
  • DarthScott
    292 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I for one, don't care at all about the leaderboard or how many raids one guild is running vs another. The leaderboard is meaningless. It provides no reward. I derive no deep personal satisfaction from being at the top of it. I could not care less.

    That said, I want to run as many raids as I can because it is the only way to have my roster progress to the point it is useful. I would think everyone here would want the same. Given that CG posted on these forums that guild hopping / using alts is an OK method to get more raids per week, my only question is, "Why isn't everyone doing it?" CG has clearly stated that it is not an exploit. So any person's personal opinion on if it is 'good for the game' is meaningless. (For the record, doing this isn't fun, or good for the game, I wish it wasn't available - I would rather be doing something fun then auto battling alts to level 22 so they can join a guild over and over again)

    Given that it has been clearly stated by the dev team to not be an exploit, anyone complaining that others are doing it are really only bitter that their guild isn't dedicated enough to grind boring crap to get extra raids a week. We are. Get over it.
  • Davius
    432 posts Member
    Spartamaj wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Coordination is a good word here! I believe it may take as much coordination as rotating a player through guilds filled with players and their alts to accumulate a lot of Han Solo shards. That coordination was congratulated by many on the forums ;)

    Don't wanna break your bubble but there was a poll on this and 90% of the player were against it. Don't see where your many comes from.

    Let's see... say we assume around 10% of all active players use the forum...

    Let's say 25% of all active forum members view the poll. 80% of them feel strongly enough to voice their opinion. 90% are against this issue.

    The end result? 1.8% of players are actively opposed to the topic the poll was discussing.

    These are not scientific numbers, just an example, but not exactly a majority there, Chief.

    I'm not endorsing or condoning, just pointing out that no poll on this forum will accurately represent the entire player base.

    Finally somebody who has a basic understanding of statistics... what we think we know about the actions of the player base is nothing compared to the data that the devs are sorting through. Every in-game action of every player is logged and analyzed. The more data they collect, the better they can identify trends in player actions like guild hopping. A good example was when John Salera mentioned how GW completion rates were not where they wanted them to be. They are obviously monitoring player actions across the game, and once they have enough information, decisions will be made on things like gear, guild hopping, and GW. Be patient people! It's not easy to balance a game
  • Options
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?
  • puru
    161 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    It's time to take a step back from things for a second and analyze what you're saying. This is a video game. The decision to push the envelope of the established rules has no moral implication. Time to step down off that high horse.

    When you have dug yourself in a hole it may appear everyone else is sitting on a horse.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?

    There's nothing to defend. We played within the rules. We want the system changed too.
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?

    There's nothing to defend. We played within the rules. We want the system changed too.

    Loophole used and now that you abused it and it's public, you want it closed...

  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?
    At the risk of getting flamed myself. They seem to be defending their actions, not the system that allowed this to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of what's going down, but this weighs heavily on CGs shoulders. They are the ones allowing this manipulation of poor mechanics.

    This situation stinks from all angles.
  • Peempo
    403 posts Member
    darkensoul wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    That's fine. I can appreciate the 'whatever it takes' to win attitude. But realize you have been exposed as frauds and your name is forever tarnished. I for one looked up to many of you guys as grounbreakers and leaders in the community.

    In a game where your cash investment dictates s large amount of your success, why in gods name are you looking up to anyone? Lol
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    Opusone wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?
    At the risk of getting flamed myself. They seem to be defending their actions, not the system that allowed this to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of what's going down, but this weighs heavily on CGs shoulders. They are the ones allowing this manipulation of poor mechanics.

    This situation stinks from all angles.

    I'de rather have CG work on bug fixes and making older characters more viable than worry about this squabble.
  • lovecheese
    320 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Easy fix. Leave a guild, 24 hour cool down. Leave a 2nd before 24 hours is up, goes to 48 hour cool down... and so forth and so on.
  • Davius
    432 posts Member

    puru wrote: »

    When you have dug yourself in a hole it may appear everyone else is sitting on a horse.

    I love this.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?

    There's nothing to defend. We played within the rules. We want the system changed too.

    Loophole used and now that you abused it and it's public, you want it closed...

    What? It was never a secret. It was publicly discussed on several occasions in the mega thread about guild hopping. The problem is it requires a ton of micromanagement to get done, and that's not something most are will to deal with. We were.
  • enigma_jedi
    204 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    TI slogan :-
    Your master has deceived you into believing that you can compete with Team íNstinct...

    Pathetic and disgraceful.

    TI would do anything to stay #1. Whore
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?

    There's nothing to defend. We played within the rules. We want the system changed too.

    Loophole used and now that you abused it and it's public, you want it closed...

    What? It was never a secret. It was publicly discussed on several occasions in the mega thread about guild hopping. The problem is it requires a ton of micromanagement to get done, and that's not something most are will to deal with. We were.

    AKA exploited and want it closed now that you did it so others can't do it and you can claim "first"... I see.
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Easy fix. Leave a guild, 24 hour cool down. Leave a 2nd before 24 hours is up, goes to 48 hour cool down... and so forth and so on.

    I believe CG commented on the cool down issue was from troll leaders booting people from raids. Not fair to be kicked from a guild then not be able to join one for 24 hours
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    shampoo wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?
    At the risk of getting flamed myself. They seem to be defending their actions, not the system that allowed this to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of what's going down, but this weighs heavily on CGs shoulders. They are the ones allowing this manipulation of poor mechanics.

    This situation stinks from all angles.

    I'de rather have CG work on bug fixes and making older characters more viable than worry about this squabble.

    Good for you
  • Options
    shampoo wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Easy fix. Leave a guild, 24 hour cool down. Leave a 2nd before 24 hours is up, goes to 48 hour cool down... and so forth and so on.

    I believe CG commented on the cool down issue was from troll leaders booting people from raids. Not fair to be kicked from a guild then not be able to join one for 24 hours

    Ah, yeah. That's an easy way to exploit around it :/
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Davius wrote: »
    Spartamaj wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Coordination is a good word here! I believe it may take as much coordination as rotating a player through guilds filled with players and their alts to accumulate a lot of Han Solo shards. That coordination was congratulated by many on the forums ;)

    Don't wanna break your bubble but there was a poll on this and 90% of the player were against it. Don't see where your many comes from.

    Let's see... say we assume around 10% of all active players use the forum...

    Let's say 25% of all active forum members view the poll. 80% of them feel strongly enough to voice their opinion. 90% are against this issue.

    The end result? 1.8% of players are actively opposed to the topic the poll was discussing.

    These are not scientific numbers, just an example, but not exactly a majority there, Chief.

    I'm not endorsing or condoning, just pointing out that no poll on this forum will accurately represent the entire player base.

    Finally somebody who has a basic understanding of statistics... what we think we know about the actions of the player base is nothing compared to the data that the devs are sorting through. Every in-game action of every player is logged and analyzed. The more data they collect, the better they can identify trends in player actions like guild hopping. A good example was when John Salera mentioned how GW completion rates were not where they wanted them to be. They are obviously monitoring player actions across the game, and once they have enough information, decisions will be made on things like gear, guild hopping, and GW. Be patient people! It's not easy to balance a game

  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    puru wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    It's time to take a step back from things for a second and analyze what you're saying. This is a video game. The decision to push the envelope of the established rules has no moral implication. Time to step down off that high horse.

    When you have dug yourself in a hole it may appear everyone else is sitting on a horse.

    Or it could be that there is no issues of morality when discussing actions taken that are within the rules of an online video game.
  • Options
    It's always "within the rules" when it's an exploit.
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    Opusone wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    lovecheese wrote: »
    Is it just me... or is there only one guild defending this?
    At the risk of getting flamed myself. They seem to be defending their actions, not the system that allowed this to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of what's going down, but this weighs heavily on CGs shoulders. They are the ones allowing this manipulation of poor mechanics.

    This situation stinks from all angles.

    I'de rather have CG work on bug fixes and making older characters more viable than worry about this squabble.

    Good for you

    Great for you
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I have played almost since the launch, I am a moderate spender (under $2k). When hopping first started, I thought it would lead to bans, then the devs released the OK to do it. I am not sure why it was decided to allow it, it seems like it opens the game to all sorts of exploitation. Now it seems to be almost required to stay competitive and I don't have the initiative to do it, maybe two or three months ago I would have, but not now. I think the devs need to walk it back before it drives solid players away.

    Ok, I posted my response before had I read what this **** storm was even about. People can justify this guild hopping behavior any way they want, but the exploit being used is cheating. Call it whatever you want, you are cheaters. I am really curious to see the response to this, since it seems the darlings of the game did it.
    Post edited by Hangfire on
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