Is rotating alts into a guild to earn more than 30k in coins a day an intended aspect of the raids?


  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    You can disagree but this is what happens when you have a system that offers no benefits to those who spend money or work to build a strong guild and roster. We have to resort to legal but frustrating methods to separate ourselves. I wish t7 was more difficult or if there were other benefits to having a strong roster and team.

    So because you chose spend money on this game, means you deserve those extra rewards? So nice of you to make those executive decisions.

    Funny you say that I purchased a new Audi S6 this year but never got a free upgrade to an R8, maybe I should have held them at gun point.

    Huh? It would be like all your friends buying new cars to race and you all get the same model. So you upgrade the tires, brakes and exhaust to separate yourself.

    It's about what you think you are entitled to cause you choose to spend and not what the company has choosen.

    You guys do alot of good for the gaming community, instead of holding up that reputation you, destroy it. Don't come on here and expect respect from others when you lower yourselves the way you do.

    EA doesn't need your cash, they have plenty. You are not the face of this franchise, nor do they need you encouraging this type of behaviour.

    We are doing what is allowed within the system. BTW, we could have easily "hid" this behavior by waiting till the end of the month to do this, and ended with a single 200 points above others.. but we chose to do it now, on the 7th. We knew this would cause a stink.. we knew it would get the attention of others. We want this to be discussed and we want this to be known. Anyone can choose to do this until specifically told otherwise by CG.

    Do you think we would rather be doing this silly alt factory bologna rather than trying to accomplish the toughest raid in the game? Heck no! We would much prefer to working on beating difficult content than doing this. We just had a member solo phase 1 of a heroic raid. If that doesn't show you how little difficulty there is, nothing else will.
  • gugek
    82 posts Member
    I see no combinations of how this mechanic could be possibly intentional or designed. If you want to point out in the developer update how this mechanic is substantiated let me know:

    But in anticipation any tortured logic: there is a countering viewpoint; and in the veil of ambiguity, integrity and fair play should matter.
    MΔW and MΔW and MΔW
  • Options
    Please stop patting yourselves on the back. Pretty please. With sugar on top. It's really nauseating.
  • Deist
    110 posts Member
    Alka seltzer or maalox will help with that nausea
  • slama
    86 posts Member
    Spartamaj wrote: »
    drallop wrote: »
    Looking to have a discussion of the validity of doing this. Not trying to call anyone a cheater so please don't do that or this thread will be shutdown.

    Just want to see if people think based on the development of the raid if we should consider this a valid way to gain an advantage in the game.

    It does take an impressive amount of coordination and probably a decent outlay of money to achieve the numbers across two accounts as easily as possible each day. Even more so with low level alts.


    Considering the fact that the devs stated that guild hoping was legal, the only part that will be questionable is that you need to create an alt in a different timezone. It needs an emulator to do that and it is prohibited by Google play at least. Don't know about apple.

    All you need is guild members in different time zone.
  • Elyndria
    482 posts Member
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    You can disagree but this is what happens when you have a system that offers no benefits to those who spend money or work to build a strong guild and roster. We have to resort to legal but frustrating methods to separate ourselves. I wish t7 was more difficult or if there were other benefits to having a strong roster and team.

    So because you chose spend money on this game, means you deserve those extra rewards? So nice of you to make those executive decisions.

    Funny you say that I purchased a new Audi S6 this year but never got a free upgrade to an R8, maybe I should have held them at gun point.

    Huh? It would be like all your friends buying new cars to race and you all get the same model. So you upgrade the tires, brakes and exhaust to separate yourself.

    It's about what you think you are entitled to cause you choose to spend and not what the company has choosen.

    You guys do alot of good for the gaming community, instead of holding up that reputation you, destroy it. Don't come on here and expect respect from others when you lower yourselves the way you do.

    EA doesn't need your cash, they have plenty. You are not the face of this franchise, nor do they need you encouraging this type of behaviour.

    We are doing what is allowed within the system. BTW, we could have easily "hid" this behavior by waiting till the end of the month to do this, and ended with a single 200 points above others.. but we chose to do it now, on the 7th. We knew this would cause a stink.. we knew it would get the attention of others. We want this to be discussed and we want this to be known. Anyone can choose to do this until specifically told otherwise by CG.

    Do you think we would rather be doing this silly alt factory bologna rather than trying to accomplish the toughest raid in the game? Heck no! We would much prefer to working on beating difficult content than doing this. We just had a member solo phase 1 of a heroic raid. If that doesn't show you how little difficulty there is, nothing else will.

  • puru
    161 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair. Just because there are no rules preventing it, doesn't make it right. By the example you gave this is not even close to hoarding the energy issue and even that was disabled. Here you are funneling the resources of multiple accounts into creating one super-powerful account. I honestly don't understand why TI who has acted as vanguard for this game and pushed its limits, has to go out and spoil their brand name.
  • Options
    I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here, but there is no hard limit of 30k guild coins per day. That is a fact.

    There is a limit of 600 per player per day, and guilds have a 50 player limit, but by allowing players to enter/leave guilds at will they cannot in fact have a hard total daily cap with the current system.

    Again, I'm not endorsing or condemning the practice, just pointing out that no explicit restrictions or caps are being circumvented.
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    CG as of now has is ok with guild hopping, so everyone is able to do it. Not sure what the big deal is. Sure the people who Put in the EXTRA effort to do this will get more gear and get ahead. Kinda like that coworker who puts in the extra time at work to get paid more.
  • Options
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair. Just because there are no rules preventing it, doesn't make it right. By the example you gave this is not even close to hoarding the energy issue and even that was disabled. Here you are funneling the resources of multiple accounts into creating one super-powerful account. I honestly don't understand why TI who has acted as vanguard for this game and pushed its limits, has to go out and spoil their brand name.

  • EwokJedi1
    131 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    How hard is it to limit the daily guild deposit limit to 50 people max or 30000 coins/210,000 coins weekly.
  • Options
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    You can disagree but this is what happens when you have a system that offers no benefits to those who spend money or work to build a strong guild and roster. We have to resort to legal but frustrating methods to separate ourselves. I wish t7 was more difficult or if there were other benefits to having a strong roster and team.

    So because you chose spend money on this game, means you deserve those extra rewards? So nice of you to make those executive decisions.

    Funny you say that I purchased a new Audi S6 this year but never got a free upgrade to an R8, maybe I should have held them at gun point.

    Huh? It would be like all your friends buying new cars to race and you all get the same model. So you upgrade the tires, brakes and exhaust to separate yourself.

    It's about what you think you are entitled to cause you choose to spend and not what the company has choosen.

    You guys do alot of good for the gaming community, instead of holding up that reputation you, destroy it. Don't come on here and expect respect from others when you lower yourselves the way you do.

    EA doesn't need your cash, they have plenty. You are not the face of this franchise, nor do they need you encouraging this type of behaviour.

    We are doing what is allowed within the system. BTW, we could have easily "hid" this behavior by waiting till the end of the month to do this, and ended with a single 200 points above others.. but we chose to do it now, on the 7th. We knew this would cause a stink.. we knew it would get the attention of others. We want this to be discussed and we want this to be known. Anyone can choose to do this until specifically told otherwise by CG.

    Do you think we would rather be doing this silly alt factory bologna rather than trying to accomplish the toughest raid in the game? Heck no! We would much prefer to working on beating difficult content than doing this. We just had a member solo phase 1 of a heroic raid. If that doesn't show you how little difficulty there is, nothing else will.

    Then why did your guild-mate come on this forum and mock someone by calling them a "stalker" when it was identified?
  • Pilot
    470 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The day that CG approved of guild hopping, I contacted the dev and informed him of the several loopholes. Then he redacted with the "non-exploit' clarification. Since CG opened its big mouth giving unclear permission with unclear consequences, anyone caught exploiting now would be legally entitled to a full refund of their lifetime investment. In other words... CG cant do anything about it now. They will have to patch to stop it.

    I had hoped that the direction this game would go would be similar to HoDA. Its becoming more and more apparent that it isnt. Its a cash grab. Allowing guild hopping is disregarding all past customers in exchange for immediate revenue spikes. Not convenced?

    B2... Either the CG team for SWGoH is absolutely incompetent (highly likely with Aayla Securas counter attack stun STILL immediately disappearing, or Luke Skywalkers leader ability giving negative tenacity instead of positive), or they are experts on cash grabbing. The latest hero, B2 is a necessity at top levels, because he not only does buff block, but also dispells all active buffs, including tenacity up (from rex or yoda). Basically, this 1 ability has the effect of Echo/ventress (aoe dispell), AND 2 turn buff block (Anakin?). Stay with me...
    This unit is broken. Go read his skills... CG either failed to do basic play testing (incompetence), or knowingly release B2 this way to force another revenue spike from Aurodium Pack sales. Either way... its game breaking to leave B2 in this state, as he essentially blocks ALL other gameplay mechanics. So, after the Aurodium packs are over, after CG has successfully milked their playerbase, a "bug" will be identified, and the unit patched (the players investment lost).

    "There is no 'try'." - Master Yoda
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    shampoo wrote: »
    CG as of now has is ok with guild hopping, so everyone is able to do it. Not sure what the big deal is. Sure the people who Put in the EXTRA effort to do this will get more gear and get ahead. Kinda like that coworker who puts in the extra time at work to get paid more.

    Please, don't even try to compare this.
  • Options
    Barrok wrote: »
    You can disagree but this is what happens when you have a system that offers no benefits to those who spend money or work to build a strong guild and roster. We have to resort to legal but frustrating methods to separate ourselves. I wish t7 was more difficult or if there were other benefits to having a strong roster and team.

    @Barrok The only thing the separation shows, is how desperate a certain guild wants to say, I spend more money and have more time to coordinate guild hopping with alt accounts. No merits there!
    Bad game management here
  • Options
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    You can disagree but this is what happens when you have a system that offers no benefits to those who spend money or work to build a strong guild and roster. We have to resort to legal but frustrating methods to separate ourselves. I wish t7 was more difficult or if there were other benefits to having a strong roster and team.

    So because you chose spend money on this game, means you deserve those extra rewards? So nice of you to make those executive decisions.

    Funny you say that I purchased a new Audi S6 this year but never got a free upgrade to an R8, maybe I should have held them at gun point.

    Huh? It would be like all your friends buying new cars to race and you all get the same model. So you upgrade the tires, brakes and exhaust to separate yourself.

    It's about what you think you are entitled to cause you choose to spend and not what the company has choosen.

    You guys do alot of good for the gaming community, instead of holding up that reputation you, destroy it. Don't come on here and expect respect from others when you lower yourselves the way you do.

    EA doesn't need your cash, they have plenty. You are not the face of this franchise, nor do they need you encouraging this type of behaviour.

    We are doing what is allowed within the system. BTW, we could have easily "hid" this behavior by waiting till the end of the month to do this, and ended with a single 200 points above others.. but we chose to do it now, on the 7th. We knew this would cause a stink.. we knew it would get the attention of others. We want this to be discussed and we want this to be known. Anyone can choose to do this until specifically told otherwise by CG.

    Do you think we would rather be doing this silly alt factory bologna rather than trying to accomplish the toughest raid in the game? Heck no! We would much prefer to working on beating difficult content than doing this. We just had a member solo phase 1 of a heroic raid. If that doesn't show you how little difficulty there is, nothing else will.

    Are you joking with this? Don't pretend this was about the meaninglessly stupid guild leaderboard. This was about getting in a bunch of extra raids before they closed the loophole. Don't play the white knight card here man. You would get a lot more respect being real about it
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Going above the 30k limit per day is exploitative. We can sit here all night and argue or nit pick ways to abuse the system. This is not right. If you were actually given permission to do this, then the entire community should be aware that they should be looking into ways to exploit the parameters of the system set in place. The system was designed to allow guild to earn 30,000 coins a day with everyone's participation.

    You WERE given permission. INARJ made a post condoning guild hopping. It was green lit. Go nuts.
  • Elyndria
    482 posts Member
    Guilds should be on an even playing field regardless of how much effort you put into your alts.

    It's completely unfair that some guilds can and HAVE earned more gear by obviously using a loophole/exploit. As a guild that tests things and gives feedback to CG I'm surprised you didn't bring this up until you were called out.
  • Stormy
    951 posts Member
    I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here, but there is no hard limit of 30k guild coins per day. That is a fact.

    There is a limit of 600 per player per day, and guilds have a 50 player limit, but by allowing players to enter/leave guilds at will they cannot in fact have a hard total daily cap with the current system.

    Again, I'm not endorsing or condemning the practice, just pointing out that no explicit restrictions or caps are being circumvented.

    Interesting. Nice to see someone who isn't surrounded by a mental barrier - controlled by rules they created for themselves. So many on these forums build their own walls, and will always be trapped in their own rules. Time to experience the next dimension guys. Hats off to your intelligence WildWest.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    Opusone wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    CG as of now has is ok with guild hopping, so everyone is able to do it. Not sure what the big deal is. Sure the people who Put in the EXTRA effort to do this will get more gear and get ahead. Kinda like that coworker who puts in the extra time at work to get paid more.

    Please, don't even try to compare this.

    Compare what. Putting in extra effort to get extra rewards? Everyone can guild hop, CG hasn't said that you can't. Even easb did it but no one cared. Why's everyone so interested in what TI does. I guarantee there are many other guilds guild hopping.
  • Deist
    110 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    shampoo wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    CG as of now has is ok with guild hopping, so everyone is able to do it. Not sure what the big deal is. Sure the people who Put in the EXTRA effort to do this will get more gear and get ahead. Kinda like that coworker who puts in the extra time at work to get paid more.

    Please, don't even try to compare this.

    Compare what. Putting in extra effort to get extra rewards? Everyone can guild hop, CG hasn't said that you can't. Even easb did it but no one cared. Why's everyone so interested in what TI does. I guarantee there are many other guilds guild hopping.

    Monkey feces were only concerned that TI didn't do first. "YAY EASB!!! GO TEAM CHINA!!! AT LEAST IT WASN'T TI" is what the bloodclots said.

    They can go eat and bag of baby bricks
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    shampoo wrote: »
    CG as of now has is ok with guild hopping, so everyone is able to do it. Not sure what the big deal is. Sure the people who Put in the EXTRA effort to do this will get more gear and get ahead. Kinda like that coworker who puts in the extra time at work to get paid more.

    Please, don't even try to compare this.
    shampoo wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    CG as of now has is ok with guild hopping, so everyone is able to do it. Not sure what the big deal is. Sure the people who Put in the EXTRA effort to do this will get more gear and get ahead. Kinda like that coworker who puts in the extra time at work to get paid more.

    Please, don't even try to compare this.

    Compare what. Putting in extra effort to get extra rewards? Everyone can guild hop, CG hasn't said that you can't. Even easb did it but no one cared. Why's everyone so interested in what TI does. I guarantee there are many other guilds guild hopping.

    No, there are lots of individuals guild hopping, not guilds.
  • Kodebob
    49 posts Member
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Going above the 30k limit per day is exploitative. We can sit here all night and argue or nit pick ways to abuse the system. This is not right. If you were actually given permission to do this, then the entire community should be aware that they should be looking into ways to exploit the parameters of the system set in place. The system was designed to allow guild to earn 30,000 coins a day with everyone's participation.

    You WERE given permission. INARJ made a post condoning guild hopping. It was green lit. Go nuts.

    Guild hopping to HELP sister guilds is fine. Guild hopping to exploit the coin cap for EXTRA raids is cheating.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Going above the 30k limit per day is exploitative. We can sit here all night and argue or nit pick ways to abuse the system. This is not right. If you were actually given permission to do this, then the entire community should be aware that they should be looking into ways to exploit the parameters of the system set in place. The system was designed to allow guild to earn 30,000 coins a day with everyone's participation.

    You WERE given permission. INARJ made a post condoning guild hopping. It was green lit. Go nuts.

    Guild hopping to HELP sister guilds is fine. Guild hopping to exploit the coin cap for EXTRA raids is cheating.

    So your logic is that earning extra coins by rotating entire guilds is ok, but rotating alts in to do the same is not?
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair. Just because there are no rules preventing it, doesn't make it right. By the example you gave this is not even close to hoarding the energy issue and even that was disabled. Here you are funneling the resources of multiple accounts into creating one super-powerful account. I honestly don't understand why TI who has acted as vanguard for this game and pushed its limits, has to go out and spoil their brand name.

    Not all rules and laws are based on people's perceptions. Some are unlawful by virtue of the act itself. The rest are manufactured and then codified. What is it written as "fair or unfair" is by definition subjective. And because there is no concrete rule, that is what makes its open for interpretation.

    If the encoded games parameters were destroyed to obtain currency, then yes, an exploit is on the table for discussion. What occurred for the currency didn't require any altering of the game rules.
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Kodebob wrote: »
    Going above the 30k limit per day is exploitative. We can sit here all night and argue or nit pick ways to abuse the system. This is not right. If you were actually given permission to do this, then the entire community should be aware that they should be looking into ways to exploit the parameters of the system set in place. The system was designed to allow guild to earn 30,000 coins a day with everyone's participation.

    You WERE given permission. INARJ made a post condoning guild hopping. It was green lit. Go nuts.

    Guild hopping to HELP sister guilds is fine. Guild hopping to exploit the coin cap for EXTRA raids is cheating.

    Have a link to where one of the devs said this was cheating?
  • puru
    161 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    Well I am glad you clarified which way your moral compass points and things you would do to win. You are right this level of competition is not for me and I wouldn't do these things to win. This is how you choose to play the game, well go for it. Those differences aside, my opinion is just as important as anybody else on this forum, whether it brings about a change or not.
  • Spartamaj
    259 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    As I said before, you are not even competitive. I'm, as many others, doing twice the numbers of raids you guys are doing right now. LTP.
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Maraxus wrote: »
    puru wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    We broke no rules. In fact we made sure it wasn't against the rules before we did it.

    And when a leaderboard is mathematically decided by your ability to horde coins and spend them at the exact perfect time...that is a lame leaderboard. (No offense to order 66. They nailed this and deserve all the credit for maximizing the time/math needed to do it)

    Well all the power to you bro. But you do realize that when everybody knows how its being done it kinda loses its sheen. Compared to the glory you guys got when you first completed heroic, this is quite petty. Nobody is applauding.

    When lvl 70 was raised amd ppl alost insta jumped to 70 in 2/3 days... They did it funding energy via crystals amd hoarding.

    Well here alta were funded and used.

    Until this actually is prevented, i dont see what all the fuss is about. Something that anyone could do was done. Some are doing other arent. Same as hoarding energy back in the days.

    This is not against TOS and is part of the game mechanics.

    Laws and rules are made based on people's perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.

    The rules in this game are dictated and determined by the devs. At this current time the process of rotating alts in is 100% legal based on those who make the rules. Your personal opinion on the matter is irrelevant outside of a push for change.

    Everything @Barrok said is spot on. We knew this would cause a stink on the forums. We were discussing the firestorm it would cause all day. We play to win. Sorry, we're not sorry about that. We will continue to push the envelope within the rules. You will find players who do this is every single competitive game you play, both online and in life. If that's something you (and I mean that in a general sense, not specifically at you) cannot handle, come to terms with, or understand, then competition is not for you.

    That's fine. I can appreciate the 'whatever it takes' to win attitude. But realize you have been exposed as frauds and your name is forever tarnished. I for one looked up to many of you guys as grounbreakers and leaders in the community.
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