Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Brawler53 wrote: »
    Gw is possible to beat, but it just takes soo long now, especially the last few nodes. I feel like i have to retreat so many times just to find the right combination, even then i still feel like a portion of it depends on luck. Its definately not worth it for the amount of time one has to put into it. The problem is not completing it, the problem is the amount of time and luck that you actually need to finish it.

    Spend more time retreating first 5 nodes. And cut ur GW time in half.
  • Haloinreverse
    90 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Meecham wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse @CG_Dan @CG_JohnSalera Can we please have back our developers from June 11?:

    Hot Topics
    Galactic War – still one of the most discussed topics in the community, the team has been doing a lot of internal testing to find a way to make Galactic War more enjoyable. The first step is making it not take near as long, and the development team has a solution for this. Starting next week an update will be rolled out that makes some adjustments to Galactic War’s difficulty, which should in turn lower the amount of time it takes for players to complete. We’ll continue to monitor how players are interacting with Galactic War and make additional tuning changes as needed.


    As you can see developers, you've accomplished the exact opposite of what you stated you where going to do (and what would have made EVERYONE happy) and you wonder why we are all extremely furious over the whole thing. It doesn't require a very high IQ to connect the dots here. Be thankful (no really, pray to whatever God you believe tonight and thank it) that you don't have a place we can all walk into to complain, because things would get very very ugly.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_Dan @CG_JohnSalera
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    Actually beat GW today, first time in 5 days. Felt great. Hopefully the latest changes mean I will have a chance of beating it again sooner rather than later.
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I consistently beat GW every day now, even the impossible teams that are way over my power limit I manage to kick ... Maybe it's because I'm just level 72? Or maybe because I'm on a weak shard? I usually cruise bellow 100 in arena, jumping up and down between 100 and 50.

    F2p and just one "strong" team.
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    So, *everyone has issues with credits. The best days for credits? Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Between those days, we have to gain credits through the infamous Galactic War! Now here's the thing, Galactic War is **difficult, and to beat it, you need better toons, and for better toons you need.... CREDITS. It's a very vicious cycle. But if you're not in the top 10%, your opinion doesn't matter.

    *Everyone being the average player, not paying money for credits.
    **Yes, you whales, despite how easy GW is for you, for the average F2P it's difficult.
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    The credit crunch is something that does need some addressing. Credit heist helps but its not enough. And I say this as a day 1 player who completes GW everyday.

    Mods cost so much to level up that we are forced to either decide between mods for our current roster or actually build new characters to play which I thought was what this game was about. Also the fact that we have to pay to remove mods is ridiculous and should be removed.
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    I'm a day one also, I just think GW is ridiculous co.pared to what they expect the average player to complete, and I say that, as an above average player, consistently placing between 100-50 in arena and completing GW everyday before that.
  • Hakalugy
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    The credit crunch isn't going anywhere. You want to star up, mod up, gear up, level up then you need credits. Credits are a limited resource and the only way to get more is to spend crystals. Crystals are also limited unless you're willing to spend.
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    OK. No changes are coming to GW. I can live with that. But can you please explain how you came to the conclusion that it is WAI? And how the teams are generated?

    I have guild mates with 37k+ arena power that get powder puff node 12 teams. Those of us at 32-36K get the impossible node. How is that WAI?

    I have no clue how GW difficulty is computed and I have seen no posts from the dev team explaining it. Maybe I missed something. If I did a link would be appreciated. I am over complaining about GW. I just want to know how it works.

    You want me to spend an untold fortune on this game but you can't even explain how one of the most important modes of the game works? Doesn't seem right to me. Maybe you don't care. If so, please just let me know and I will drop it.

    It is extremely hard to play a game when you don't know the rules. What if your paychecks were given out under some unknown set of rules? How would you pay your bills on time? At least every basic Nintendo game had an instruction manual supplied so you would know how to play the game. In the age of game forums you would think a forward thinking dev team of a major IP would have the decency to let the players know what the rules are.
  • ATSpain
    152 posts Member
    Okay, before I say anything else, I'd just like to say that I can normally complete GW.

    Having said that, I do not believe it is working as intended. Should it be hard? Maybe so! But NOTHING in your game should ever make people want to throw their phones at the wall in frustration on a daily basis. GW is doing that to many people. I don't care what you, the devs, want the game mode to be. You are not the ones who are playing this game day in and day out and spending money on it. We are. And we HATE GW (for the most part). Once you compile that survey data I'm sure you will see that and you won't have to look at all these posts. But the thing is, the posts are here for a reason. If your spouse was telling you they don't like something your doing, you CHANGE it if not, it leads to conflict. Conflict leads to divorce if you don't change the way you act. So stop ignoring the issues and actually listen to your fans for once. Please. We are begging you!
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    ATSpain wrote: »
    Okay, before I say anything else, I'd just like to say that I can normally complete GW.

    Having said that, I do not believe it is working as intended. Should it be hard? Maybe so! But NOTHING in your game should ever make people want to throw their phones at the wall in frustration on a daily basis. GW is doing that to many people. I don't care what you, the devs, want the game mode to be. You are not the ones who are playing this game day in and day out and spending money on it. We are. And we HATE GW (for the most part). Once you compile that survey data I'm sure you will see that and you won't have to look at all these posts. But the thing is, the posts are here for a reason. If your spouse was telling you they don't like something your doing, you CHANGE it if not, it leads to conflict. Conflict leads to divorce if you don't change the way you act. So stop ignoring the issues and actually listen to your fans for once. Please. We are begging you!

    You would change yourself for your spouse? Okay, let me put it this way rather, you would change what made them fall in love with you in the first place? You must be very young or extremely eager to please.

    Onto GW, there is simply nothing wrong with GW. You think a team of developers don't have the stats on what's happening with this game mode? You my not so enlightened friend are simply part of the minority group that loves being super vocal of your lack of understanding of the game, more particular GW. There have been thousands of post complaining about GW, but I can promise you, there have been just as many posts about how to deal with GW to make it easier.

    But it's easier to come onto the forums & complain about it eh?

    Rage on my eager friend, rage on!
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Were you there for the first couple Yoda events? Haha surprised my phone survived.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Were you there for the first couple Yoda events? Haha surprised my phone survived.

  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Were you there for the first couple Yoda events? Haha surprised my phone survived.

    Level 90 pre-nerf Yoda never forget 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    I do know it's supposed to use all my heroes, and when I use them right, it's working with killing most of them off. Lots of threads with tips for GW.

    Not saying it couldn't need tweaks, but it still feels a bit early to know that it is just wrong.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    He isnt talkig about changing who you are but if you have a habit that annoys them you get rid of it. Marriage is about give and take.

    As for GW the problem is the rewards dont match the difficulty. The rewards were decent at 60 but at 80 they are rubbish.

    Also mods have made it a lot harder due to most people not having all their toons modded. I had to ram 5 teams against node 11 yesterday due to facing a fully modded team. This is because I had lost my A team and C team. B team couldnt take them on their own and the 5 teams I did use had barely any modding at all if any.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    He isnt talkig about changing who you are but if you have a habit that annoys them you get rid of it. Marriage is about give and take.

    As for GW the problem is the rewards dont match the difficulty. The rewards were decent at 60 but at 80 they are rubbish.

    Also mods have made it a lot harder due to most people not having all their toons modded. I had to ram 5 teams against node 11 yesterday due to facing a fully modded team. This is because I had lost my A team and C team. B team couldnt take them on their own and the 5 teams I did use had barely any modding at all if any.

    They're just increased GW rewards by 114k credits 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    He isnt talkig about changing who you are but if you have a habit that annoys them you get rid of it. Marriage is about give and take.

    As for GW the problem is the rewards dont match the difficulty. The rewards were decent at 60 but at 80 they are rubbish.

    Also mods have made it a lot harder due to most people not having all their toons modded. I had to ram 5 teams against node 11 yesterday due to facing a fully modded team. This is because I had lost my A team and C team. B team couldnt take them on their own and the 5 teams I did use had barely any modding at all if any.

    They're just increased GW rewards by 114k credits

    and increased each characters cost by 3million at the same time..
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    Were you there for the first couple Yoda events? Haha surprised my phone survived.

    The Yoda event was one the hardest things ever. I still believe I won the event only because RNG was in my favor.
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    Whiteroom wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    He isnt talkig about changing who you are but if you have a habit that annoys them you get rid of it. Marriage is about give and take.

    As for GW the problem is the rewards dont match the difficulty. The rewards were decent at 60 but at 80 they are rubbish.

    Also mods have made it a lot harder due to most people not having all their toons modded. I had to ram 5 teams against node 11 yesterday due to facing a fully modded team. This is because I had lost my A team and C team. B team couldnt take them on their own and the 5 teams I did use had barely any modding at all if any.

    They're just increased GW rewards by 114k credits

    and increased each characters cost by 3million at the same time..

    You do not need 5* mods to be viable in GW. 1-2* mods work just as well & don't cost you an arm & a leg.
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    GW is a broken mode. Over 120 pages of posts in the waste bin the devs call a "mega thread" can't be all wrong, can they?
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    We need more credits!
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    GW is a broken mode. Over 120 pages of posts in the waste bin the devs call a "mega thread" can't be all wrong, can they?

    You're right... The posts that give you tips on how to play aren't a waist, the rest... Well, there must be a reason they haven't done anything yet to "remedy" GW isn't there?
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    Whiteroom wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    He isnt talkig about changing who you are but if you have a habit that annoys them you get rid of it. Marriage is about give and take.

    As for GW the problem is the rewards dont match the difficulty. The rewards were decent at 60 but at 80 they are rubbish.

    Also mods have made it a lot harder due to most people not having all their toons modded. I had to ram 5 teams against node 11 yesterday due to facing a fully modded team. This is because I had lost my A team and C team. B team couldnt take them on their own and the 5 teams I did use had barely any modding at all if any.

    They're just increased GW rewards by 114k credits

    and increased each characters cost by 3million at the same time..

    You do not need 5* mods to be viable in GW. 1-2* mods work just as well & don't cost you an arm & a leg.

    So the idea is to spend loads of credits on 1/2 mods then at a later date replace them with 5/6/7 dot mods at more credit cost.

    I really dont get how anyone can think it is not a crap system. I complete it every day but I still think it is stupid. Only one person in my guild actually enjoys it. Everyone else finds it a giant chore that needs to be done for the meager credits as there isnt anywhere else to get them.
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    I do know it's supposed to use all my heroes, and when I use them right, it's working with killing most of them off. Lots of threads with tips for GW.

    Not saying it couldn't need tweaks, but it still feels a bit early to know that it is just wrong.

    Over 120 pages in the waste bin you guys call a "mega thread"
    They can't all be wrong or just complaining unnecessarily, can they? GW is a broken mode. It's really a chore to run through anymore. IMO, it needs more that few a tweaks. It's really disappointing, I used to love that mode. It's garbage now.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    I've never seen them explain any mechanics on this forum....

    Sad really
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    For us high power folks, node 6 and 11 are maxed out arena teams. 9 is generally a maxed team that isn't a good combo of characters.

    10 is level 80 g8-9.

    7,8 are lvl 78 g8 teams. Fairly easy.

    What's the pattern for those of you with a difficult node 12?
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    GW is a broken mode. Over 120 pages of posts in the waste bin the devs call a "mega thread" can't be all wrong, can they?

    You're right... The posts that give you tips on how to play aren't a waist, the rest... Well, there must be a reason they haven't done anything yet to "remedy" GW isn't there?

    The same way they ignored precraft issue, credit crunch issue, gear grind, price increase on mods but nerfed them. The way they changed stats on mods making some that had been maxed to be useless. They dont care. They would rather get a few to spend $$$$$$$ than make a great game and get a lot to spend $.

    If they continue going for short term gain rather than longevity of the game it will collapse and their income stream will dry up. This is not about whining of something not being fair. It is about the fact they have **** the majority of the user base off. My entire guild that didnt leave after the mod debacle have basically said "Will wait to see what happens with the new raid then decide whether to stay or quit"
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    well i think the GW is ok...a little difficult/impossible at times, but it does take my 3 squads to be able to pass it..but like someone mentioned before, they should increase the prize when you are fighting a level 80 squad with gear 11+ and probably maxed out mods....and it would be nice if they update or change the shards you add another toon
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