Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Phu_Zzy wrote: »
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?

    Wrong, I face L80 7* teams in 6, 9, 11 & 12.

    Let's see them!? Post a screenie of all of those you get then.

    So you've taken it upon yourself to troll everyone in here you don't agree with or believe? Classic troll, bravo! Don't "waist" your time bud. We all know you're superior and infallible, well.. except for spelling. Spelling is hard. Have a cookie! You're awesome!
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    Don't raise the bridge, lower the river.

    As they have said, no changes planned.. BUT, slowly they are increasing armor, health, etc. Now before you go raging at me, it MIGHT just be a way of fixing things, without touching GW perse?
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    No one is asking for a handout, and their comments and feedback have all turned into complaints simply because the dev's haven't fixed what they wronged in the first place. GW went to becoming a chore when protection came out. GW was put into place BEFORE protection was introduced and protection made it become a chore and no longer a challenge. That being said the time required to finish GW no longer became rewarding for players able to finish it. I have been playing since January and typically finish GW due to the amount of time I have put into this game. I am in no way a p2p player and my voice is for those f2p players along with those that can only afford to pay in a minimal amount of money into this game simply because a game shouldn't require hundreds of dollars to play in order to enjoy it. GW obviously is enjoyable for those able to afford hundreds of dollars every month because they have a maxed out roster. For myself I cannot afford that much, and personally GW makes me angry trying to complete it which usually takes a couple hours every day. Playing a game should be enjoyable for EVERYONE, not just a select few. There's the problem, now my request is that the dev's fix it, and you people that fail to understand the true nature of the problem here, to go take a long look in the mirror and figure out how to become a better human being and help those in need.

    I'm not p2p in the slightest. I stopped putting money into this game a long time ago, I didn't even put that much in to begin with just £15 here and there every couple of weeks, by no means a substantial amount to buy me any form of progress and to put me way ahead of other players. My roster is by no means massive but it's big enough for what I want from the game and gets me through and grows slowly over time, yep GW takes me quite a bit of time to get through sometimes hours, but I do get through it and yeah it is a major headache to do at times but that's the whole point of the mode. When I first unlocked it way back when it took me about 2 months to finally complete it for the first time and even then there would still be days where I would lose but perseverance is key in this game as is patience. I've been where you and many others are, I've even complained on this forum when I got put up against a completely 5dot modded team consisting of Teebo, STH, RG, Daka & Rey on the 6th node, impossible to target someone because they'd just get stealthed, soon as somebody goes below 50% RG taunts, Han taunting when he feels like just to get on my nerves, RG & Daka stunning everybody and Daka getting 2 stuns per turn and then Rey just picking my toons off one at a time, awful awful team that I had no chance against and still struggle when I get it now, but I've progressed because I've read what other people have said about GW and put some of those things into practice.
    The "fun" that people keep mentioning in GW is being clever and strategic and using team comps you wouldn't use elsewhere, that is it, that is the enjoyment that that particular game mode brings to the table, you're either into or you're not (and that's okay if you're not). It's not supposed to be mowing down waves of LS/DS enemies with your best LS/DS teams, or your best neutral team mowing down waves of neutral enemies in the cantina, it's not one short 5 minute fight where you're at full health, it is what it is and that is why it is working as intended and why they won't change it. Bringing up that you lose at the last node is not cause to claim that the game mode is broken, that is just where you as a player have fallen in terms of progression and even losing at node 6 isn't cause to claim this because I was losing at node 6 when it first changed but since then I've put the time in and gotten better, even banging on about how this mode isn't fun is no ground to complain, different people find different things fun, that's life, and if the only reason that it isn't fun for you is that you lose then that's just pathetic.
    You wanna win then take the time to improve, not days, but weeks, maybe even a month, but you've gotta put those hours in just like the rest of us have at some point. This is where the argument that complainers want a handout comes from, you want the rewards to remain the same, but you want the war to be easier, that is a handout. You don't want to put the time in to deepen your roster, gear up some more characters or farm somebody new, that IS a handout. After the most recent change I went back to losing most of the time but I took the losses, worked on characters and now I win. And personally I feel like all this complaining is because you (the complainers) have gone from being top tier players, then mods come in, you are no longer at the top and the whales have another mode of progression to gain ground over us in, but thats the point. They are supposed to progress faster that's sorta the whole concept behind freemium games, thats why they've been completing GW no problem since the change. Did you complain when they all hit level 80 and you were still crawling past level 71? Nope probs not. Did you complain when they started getting daily omegas and you didn't? Probably not. So tell me why you're complaining now about people who put money into this game being able to complete GW before you/any other f2p player can. You don't just reach a certain level and then you're golden on GW forever and you should expect this to happen every time the level cap increases, it's going to get harder and you're going to lose a few times before you hit that cap and start levelling out, whale players just get to speed through this process but they don't get to completely bypass it. There is no 'true nature" of the problem to even be had here, people beat it because they've either spent the money (and there's nothing wrong with that, if they can afford it then it's of no concern to you to pass judgement), or they've worked for it and took weeks of losses under their belt and become a better player because of it. I used to be of your mentality but I see now just how wrong you are, you need to accept the game mode for what it is and move on.
    I wanted to be nice and not write a rant-y novel but your insinuation that those who succeed at GW only do so because they buy their way through seriously ticked me off. I worked really hard on my roster getting to where I am now, I didn't buy my progression I slaved away and everyone else losing needs to do the same.

    You obviously took this into the wrong context. My comment was pointed at how GW was never fixed when PROTECTION came out. GW has always been tough but if you care to read some of the feedback it has become impossible. I have put my time in and I have earned my squad. That doesn't mean the dev's don't have to correct the problem that exists. My comment was about exposing that problem the keeps getting swept under the rug. Maybe you don't have a life and you have the time where you can just sit around all day playing this game but I have a life and I'm busy living it. When I first started playing this game GW was fun and challenging. Now it's a chore but you obviously enjoy chores. I don't, I like GW how it was BEFORE PROTECTION. This is nothing new, this has been a huge issue for months.
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    Oh and yes...2,295 GW battles won so far. I have put in countless hours in this game so I know what I'm talking about.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?

    You work for EA, right? Are you seriously claiming that node 12 for some is supposed to be the easiest node, that it works correctly?

  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Don't raise the bridge, lower the river.

    As they have said, no changes planned.. BUT, slowly they are increasing armor, health, etc. Now before you go raging at me, it MIGHT just be a way of fixing things, without touching GW perse?

    That's not the issue here. Opponents can have +100% protection and it is valued only tens of points in power, not hundreds. Compare identical stars/gear lvl character with low dot mods against fully modded opponents and you see why I am not happy.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    Don't raise the bridge, lower the river.

    As they have said, no changes planned.. BUT, slowly they are increasing armor, health, etc. Now before you go raging at me, it MIGHT just be a way of fixing things, without touching GW perse?

    To go along with that I thought I saw something about mods being more accurately reflected in power ratings after the last update so that should help correct some imbalance as well.
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    No one is asking for a handout, and their comments and feedback have all turned into complaints simply because the dev's haven't fixed what they wronged in the first place. GW went to becoming a chore when protection came out. GW was put into place BEFORE protection was introduced and protection made it become a chore and no longer a challenge. That being said the time required to finish GW no longer became rewarding for players able to finish it. I have been playing since January and typically finish GW due to the amount of time I have put into this game. I am in no way a p2p player and my voice is for those f2p players along with those that can only afford to pay in a minimal amount of money into this game simply because a game shouldn't require hundreds of dollars to play in order to enjoy it. GW obviously is enjoyable for those able to afford hundreds of dollars every month because they have a maxed out roster. For myself I cannot afford that much, and personally GW makes me angry trying to complete it which usually takes a couple hours every day. Playing a game should be enjoyable for EVERYONE, not just a select few. There's the problem, now my request is that the dev's fix it, and you people that fail to understand the true nature of the problem here, to go take a long look in the mirror and figure out how to become a better human being and help those in need.

    I'm not p2p in the slightest. I stopped putting money into this game a long time ago, I didn't even put that much in to begin with just £15 here and there every couple of weeks, by no means a substantial amount to buy me any form of progress and to put me way ahead of other players. My roster is by no means massive but it's big enough for what I want from the game and gets me through and grows slowly over time, yep GW takes me quite a bit of time to get through sometimes hours, but I do get through it and yeah it is a major headache to do at times but that's the whole point of the mode. When I first unlocked it way back when it took me about 2 months to finally complete it for the first time and even then there would still be days where I would lose but perseverance is key in this game as is patience. I've been where you and many others are, I've even complained on this forum when I got put up against a completely 5dot modded team consisting of Teebo, STH, RG, Daka & Rey on the 6th node, impossible to target someone because they'd just get stealthed, soon as somebody goes below 50% RG taunts, Han taunting when he feels like just to get on my nerves, RG & Daka stunning everybody and Daka getting 2 stuns per turn and then Rey just picking my toons off one at a time, awful awful team that I had no chance against and still struggle when I get it now, but I've progressed because I've read what other people have said about GW and put some of those things into practice.
    The "fun" that people keep mentioning in GW is being clever and strategic and using team comps you wouldn't use elsewhere, that is it, that is the enjoyment that that particular game mode brings to the table, you're either into or you're not (and that's okay if you're not). It's not supposed to be mowing down waves of LS/DS enemies with your best LS/DS teams, or your best neutral team mowing down waves of neutral enemies in the cantina, it's not one short 5 minute fight where you're at full health, it is what it is and that is why it is working as intended and why they won't change it. Bringing up that you lose at the last node is not cause to claim that the game mode is broken, that is just where you as a player have fallen in terms of progression and even losing at node 6 isn't cause to claim this because I was losing at node 6 when it first changed but since then I've put the time in and gotten better, even banging on about how this mode isn't fun is no ground to complain, different people find different things fun, that's life, and if the only reason that it isn't fun for you is that you lose then that's just pathetic.
    You wanna win then take the time to improve, not days, but weeks, maybe even a month, but you've gotta put those hours in just like the rest of us have at some point. This is where the argument that complainers want a handout comes from, you want the rewards to remain the same, but you want the war to be easier, that is a handout. You don't want to put the time in to deepen your roster, gear up some more characters or farm somebody new, that IS a handout. After the most recent change I went back to losing most of the time but I took the losses, worked on characters and now I win. And personally I feel like all this complaining is because you (the complainers) have gone from being top tier players, then mods come in, you are no longer at the top and the whales have another mode of progression to gain ground over us in, but thats the point. They are supposed to progress faster that's sorta the whole concept behind freemium games, thats why they've been completing GW no problem since the change. Did you complain when they all hit level 80 and you were still crawling past level 71? Nope probs not. Did you complain when they started getting daily omegas and you didn't? Probably not. So tell me why you're complaining now about people who put money into this game being able to complete GW before you/any other f2p player can. You don't just reach a certain level and then you're golden on GW forever and you should expect this to happen every time the level cap increases, it's going to get harder and you're going to lose a few times before you hit that cap and start levelling out, whale players just get to speed through this process but they don't get to completely bypass it. There is no 'true nature" of the problem to even be had here, people beat it because they've either spent the money (and there's nothing wrong with that, if they can afford it then it's of no concern to you to pass judgement), or they've worked for it and took weeks of losses under their belt and become a better player because of it. I used to be of your mentality but I see now just how wrong you are, you need to accept the game mode for what it is and move on.
    I wanted to be nice and not write a rant-y novel but your insinuation that those who succeed at GW only do so because they buy their way through seriously ticked me off. I worked really hard on my roster getting to where I am now, I didn't buy my progression I slaved away and everyone else losing needs to do the same.

    You obviously took this into the wrong context. My comment was pointed at how GW was never fixed when PROTECTION came out. GW has always been tough but if you care to read some of the feedback it has become impossible. I have put my time in and I have earned my squad. That doesn't mean the dev's don't have to correct the problem that exists. My comment was about exposing that problem the keeps getting swept under the rug. Maybe you don't have a life and you have the time where you can just sit around all day playing this game but I have a life and I'm busy living it. When I first started playing this game GW was fun and challenging. Now it's a chore but you obviously enjoy chores. I don't, I like GW how it was BEFORE PROTECTION. This is nothing new, this has been a huge issue for months.

    What problem keeps being swept under the rug? Seriously. You keep talking about difficulty like it's this illustrious problem that keeps being ignored but that got completely nerfed in a previous update then in the most recent got restored to a level that required more strategy and coherent thought. So that's two occasions on which the issue of difficulty was addressed and changed based on the feedback presented here and on other forums. Not to mention that its newest iteration also had to compensate for the fact that an entire new mode of character progression was added into the game, obviously the difficulty is gonna step it up to deal with mods, that added level of difficulty is gonna be present for all players, you don't get to skip it because you've been playing for a while. I'd have an easier time taking anything you say seriously if you actually stated this problem, because from your comments I can infer that it is one of two things; difficulty or the pay wall (the fact players who pay progress quicker than you do)
    Both are ridiculous and invalid;
    - like I said before, difficulty of GW is supposed to scale as you level up we know this because a level 50 player would not be going up against a war the likes of which is seen by level 80 players, so it's pretty safe to assume it's always gonna be like this, you're always gonna go through periods of losing/struggling when the level cap rises or new progression modes are added.
    - and again like I said before you can't complain because other people can afford to put money into the game. That's the freemium model
    But do feel free to enlighten me if I've somehow missed this problem but that's all I can infer from your comments, perhaps you swept it under the rug out of view. Wouldn't want to misread the context.
    And not that I need to justify my life to a stranger on the internet but yes for the next couple of weeks I do have nothing to do except play games and I can't wait until this time is over because it's been awful but that's none of your business. But you go girl, you live that life. Just one thing, you're so busy living life, yet here you are, seems to someone busy with a life to live just wouldn't be on these forums complaining about a game mode, but hey that's none of my business. *insert Kermit sipping tea meme here*
    Love chores me, It's nice that you made such an accurate deduction despite not knowing a thing about me, have you considered Medium as a career path, 'cause you're insight is absolutely on point
  • Tiltowait
    33 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    @Mullato & @Fid.

    Thanks for the advice. I have been at this game for a few months so barely have a decent A-Team. Working on a B-Team but they are 10-20 levels, 3-4 ability ranks, 2-4* and 5-7 gear behind. Forget about mods :smiley:

    Slowly unlocking Mace...was wanting to firm up the teams I have. Still if he's got more use than Daka/QGJ or Ewok Elder, Teebo (for my B/Raid team) I will devote more resources on unlocking him.

    Also have Leia...but that is just because grinding arena means about 5+ shards a day...and I didn't find anyone else in the arena store grabbing my attention at the time. Not sure what her synergy is...don't have any other rebels and lumi seems too good in the leader slot.
  • herbert79
    73 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    StuGrady wrote: »
    But it seems everyone is facing different scenarios? Some get an easy life, I get squads way beyond me which I still beat aside from tonight, it's simply not consistent for everyone when it should be

    That's something I don't think most of the Yay Sayers and fanboys get, that there are simply those folks that haven't felt the bite of a terribly unbalanced GW yet. I quit a little over a month ago because of all the misinformation and mismanagement of GW but I do check back every once in a while. Mainly to see if they've decided to listen to the overwhelming majority of the player base and fix GW. Used to love this game but GW sapped most of the fun out of it for me.
    Nope, not yet it would appear.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    Tiltowait wrote: »
    @Mullato & @Fid.

    Slowly unlocking Mace...was wanting to firm up the teams I have. Still if he's got more use than Daka/QGJ or Ewok Elder, Teebo (for my B/Raid team) I will devote more resources on unlocking him.

    Also have Leia...but that is just because grinding arena means about 5+ shards a day...and I didn't find anyone else in the arena store grabbing my attention at the time. Not sure what her synergy is...don't have any other rebels and lumi seems too good in the leader slot.

    Currently, I doubt Mace is more versatile than any of the group you're working on, however I don't have him as high as most of those so it's not a fair comparison for me to make. Though he did help me get Yoda so, I'll always have a place for him :wink: I have a Teebo lead team that's handy in GW (can't stun or counter what you can't see!) I've also been using an Ewok team with old Ben lead and Aalya or Teebo with better than expected results. I use Leia with a Rebel team and a mix team (both Akbar lead) and she's definitely handy as a heavy hitter. I haven't tried her much as a lead but she'd probably be fun leading a team with Lando, Luke, and HRS. I really don't use QGJ on a set team but he makes a fantastic bench player at higher gear levels with solid dmg, call assist, speed, and dispel. And as you said they make a potent raid team.

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    They can say it's WAI all they want. Doesn't stop people from getting mad and leaving the game. Our guild has lost members ONLY because of GW and its ****. It comes up in chat all the time and the negativity of it all diminishes the fun of the game.

    GW is not a raid, it's not a group instance. It's a prerequisite... in MMOs prerequisites are not supposed to be the insurmountable obstacle, it's there to prep you. They gate credits (which are too few and far between) behind an event that can at times be impossible (I don't care what anyone says, some foes are so hard I wouldn't complete it even if all my squads were at full protection and health). It's a ridiculous affair and the fact they can't admit that they need to rethink GW is a slap in the face. It's bad enough the rewards of the raids are so crappy at times, and that raids only reward the heavy hitters, but add in the fact that prerequisites tailor only to the long-term members or p2p and it gets insulting.

    I still enjoy the game. I get mad at GW, I shrug it off and continue. But enough is enough. I don't think many aspects are at all balanced and GW is something I dread every day; and many of my guild members feel the same. Way to go... working as intended... your players dread your game. Congratulations.
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    They can say it's WAI all they want. Doesn't stop people from getting mad and leaving the game. Our guild has lost members ONLY because of GW and its ****. It comes up in chat all the time and the negativity of it all diminishes the fun of the game.

    GW is not a raid, it's not a group instance. It's a prerequisite... in MMOs prerequisites are not supposed to be the insurmountable obstacle, it's there to prep you. They gate credits (which are too few and far between) behind an event that can at times be impossible (I don't care what anyone says, some foes are so hard I wouldn't complete it even if all my squads were at full protection and health). It's a ridiculous affair and the fact they can't admit that they need to rethink GW is a slap in the face. It's bad enough the rewards of the raids are so **** at times, and that raids only reward the heavy hitters, but add in the fact that prerequisites tailor only to the long-term members or p2p and it gets insulting.

    I still enjoy the game. I get mad at GW, I shrug it off and continue. But enough is enough. I don't think many aspects are at all balanced and GW is something I dread every day; and many of my guild members feel the same. Way to go... working as intended... your players dread your game. Congratulations.

    Pretty much all of this.
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    I just got an unbeatable droid squad in node 11 of GW. Took out four members of my best squad in their first turn. There is no strategy I can employ to overcome this. I gave up and hit reset losing the opportunity to gain those credits I desperately need. How can this be considered fun when the challenge is simply impossible?
  • Jordn
    15 posts Member
    GW takes way too long with all the "fixes". It sad that it's come down to just not doing it due to its difficulty and waste of time.
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    dorian_h1 wrote: »
    I just got an unbeatable droid squad in node 11 of GW. Took out four members of my best squad in their first turn. There is no strategy I can employ to overcome this. I gave up and hit reset losing the opportunity to gain those credits I desperately need. How can this be considered fun when the challenge is simply impossible?
    Jordn wrote: »
    GW takes way too long with all the "fixes". It sad that it's come down to just not doing it due to its difficulty and waste of time.

    Yep...and yep. Please fix this, clearly this mode is broken
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    Working as intended lol what an utter lie!
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    Phu_Zzy wrote: »
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?

    Wrong, I face L80 7* teams in 6, 9, 11 & 12.

    Let's see them!? Post a screenie of all of those you get then.

    So you've taken it upon yourself to troll everyone in here you don't agree with or believe? Classic troll, bravo! Don't "waist" your time bud. We all know you're superior and infallible, well.. except for spelling. Spelling is hard. Have a cookie! You're awesome!

    Shame... You have absolutely no rebuttle for the facts I & so many others have stated & then you still call me a troll when you just did what you're attempting to insult me for. Hahahaha! There's a word I'd like to use here but it'll get starred out unfortunately.

    You my dear man/woman/thing are a sad piece of work.
  • Phu_Zzy
    148 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    @Phu_Zzy so then? Nothing... Oh, I see...

    What are you, 5? Some of us work for a living and don't run around at the behest of keyboard warriors gathering screenshots. Oh, for your info I also got a geared up Lvl 80 team on node 7 today, but on node 11 one of the AI toons was only L78.
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    Problem: GW takes too much time to complete.
    Solution: Make it so they can't complete as many nodes.

    Problem: A persons squad can't find another one with high enough power to make the last node a challenge.
    Solution: Let's find a squad that a geared level 20 can beat instead.

    The biggest problem is that GW is where most of my daily credit revenue comes from. You want to make it hard so those credits and tokens earned will be a "challenge." The problem is you haven't made it a challenge for me, you have made it impossible. If you actually want to play test how you have GW set up, please feel free to use my arsenal. Unless this is a ploy to get us to spend money, please change the way you do GW. If it is a ploy to get us to spend more money, please allow us to make more credits in another daily routine.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I'm not the complaining type, and I'm not the type of person who knee-**** reacts to changes by demanding they be changed back. I even think that up until the last few days the Galactic War matching has been working as intended, because it's meant to be a challenge.

    But I think now that people are getting more and better mods it's going from being challenging to becoming a frustration. The problem is that anyone can create a team that's fully modded out with no problem. It's a simple matter of spending all the credits you earn in one day on upgrading one mod to level 15, which really goes by faster than it sounds. That works great in Arena because your one team goes up against another player's one team, both starting with 0 turn meter, full health and protection, and all abilities up. But in Galactic War you're going up against 12 consecutive teams that are fully modded.

    I understand that the point of Galactic War is that you shouldn't be able to clear all 12 nodes using the same team, but ultimately that's what we're asked to do right now because with the reduced drop rate on mods we can't kit out secondary teams, and due to the cost we couldn't afford to mod and level them even if we did.

    The answer might be more time. Time to grind mods and gear up and level up those secondary teams, but all that stuff costs credits that come mostly from Galactic War. If you're getting to the 11th node you make a nice chunk of change, but the 76k(?) from that final node is really important.

    I'd suggest either more credit-generating events--which seems to be the case, since we've had two Omega events this weekend and interval between the last three Credit Heists has been the minimum it can be--or varying how the difficulty is based to something like an ELO. So the more successful you are at completeing Galactic War, the more difficult it becomes; then the more you lose the easier it becomes. This'll make things easier for new players (Who now have to level and gear and mod up simultaneously, while we had the early mover privilege of leveling and gearing before this came up) and keep it difficult for veterans. Maaaaaaaybe scale the rewards with your ELO as well, so there's a tangible benefit for being better? Just a thought.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?

    His point is we face the same difficulty, relatively, at 6, 9 and 11. It takes my top team to complete 9 and 11. It usually takes my top 3, 6 and 7 best toons to beat node 6. We then face a fully maxed team in all ways on node 12.

    Relatively speaking, we all face the same difficulty on nodes 1-10/11, while some get powder puffs on nodes 11/12. This is working as intended??!!!
  • Haloinreverse
    90 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Phu_Zzy wrote: »
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?

    Wrong, I face L80 7* teams in 6, 9, 11 & 12.

    Let's see them!? Post a screenie of all of those you get then.

    So you've taken it upon yourself to troll everyone in here you don't agree with or believe? Classic troll, bravo! Don't "waist" your time bud. We all know you're superior and infallible, well.. except for spelling. Spelling is hard. Have a cookie! You're awesome!

    Lol!!!!! +1
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    Where to begin........There are so many comments in here that I doubt EA reads them all........I was a PTP player when I first started about 10 months ago. I spent PLENTY of cash within the first three months. The game was exciting and it didn't take FOREVER to progress your toons, but that's only because I spent the money. Once I realized that was the only way EA would allow this game to be fun, I stopped spending the money. You nerfed the toons I spent good money on and you continually tweak and change every aspect of the game that you drive away the very players you should want to keep. I can't even focus on progressing my favorite Star Wars characters, because you've made it so there are only a few characters worth progressing. And it takes so long to progress your toons that you can't focus on more than a few. The more I write here the more frustrated I become with EA. You need to do something in the interest of all players and not just to keep the whales happy. You continue to make changes that require players to continue to spend money. If you don't, it makes the game even more of a grind and puts you even further behind all the other players who spend more and more. Total crap. I think I'm going to give the game a 1 star rating in the App Store so that everyone will know how little you listen to your player base.
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    My problem is not so much the unbalanced nature of GW... But i believe there has to be some sort of handicap flag in there... I can get over having to face a better team in GW... I just hate how I pick toons to counter the team im facing yet... All/most of my hard hitting dps miss(above avg... I will miss rey 2nd3 shot... 75% on kill attemps).... Then my stuns dont work... RG and daka.. 6 strikes in a row.... No stuns... I use QGJ... Finally successfully dispel a buff yet my squad doesnt get the offence up buff... Every day this unfairness is just more and more frustrating... Cant wait for the Legion release so I can get back to real raiding....
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    NicWester wrote: »
    I'm not the complaining type, and I'm not the type of person who knee-**** reacts to changes by demanding they be changed back. I even think that up until the last few days the Galactic War matching has been working as intended, because it's meant to be a challenge.

    But I think now that people are getting more and better mods it's going from being challenging to becoming a frustration. The problem is that anyone can create a team that's fully modded out with no problem. It's a simple matter of spending all the credits you earn in one day on upgrading one mod to level 15, which really goes by faster than it sounds. That works great in Arena because your one team goes up against another player's one team, both starting with 0 turn meter, full health and protection, and all abilities up. But in Galactic War you're going up against 12 consecutive teams that are fully modded.

    I understand that the point of Galactic War is that you shouldn't be able to clear all 12 nodes using the same team, but ultimately that's what we're asked to do right now because with the reduced drop rate on mods we can't kit out secondary teams, and due to the cost we couldn't afford to mod and level them even if we did.

    The answer might be more time. Time to grind mods and gear up and level up those secondary teams, but all that stuff costs credits that come mostly from Galactic War. If you're getting to the 11th node you make a nice chunk of change, but the 76k(?) from that final node is really important.

    I'd suggest either more credit-generating events--which seems to be the case, since we've had two Omega events this weekend and interval between the last three Credit Heists has been the minimum it can be--or varying how the difficulty is based to something like an ELO. So the more successful you are at completeing Galactic War, the more difficult it becomes; then the more you lose the easier it becomes. This'll make things easier for new players (Who now have to level and gear and mod up simultaneously, while we had the early mover privilege of leveling and gearing before this came up) and keep it difficult for veterans. Maaaaaaaybe scale the rewards with your ELO as well, so there's a tangible benefit for being better? Just a thought.

    I'm glad that you can see that you shouldn't be able to win it with just one squad but you're still missing something, and that's quite simple you shouldn't be winning GW everyday even if you just have more than one squad to throw at it. It's supposed to be a pain, it's supposed to take everything you have and just like when you first unlock it you're supposed to lose. Only once you've fully integrated mods into your teams (that brand new progression mode they gave to us) and have several maxed out will you start to succeed every single day again, and how do you get those maxed mods? Well through patience and time, it's not going to be handed to you, like with everything else in this game that you've slaved away for months in order to attain the highest levels, mods are no different. And don't give me that "If you're getting to the 11th node you make a nice chunk of change, but the 76k(?) from that final node is really important." because that is just utter ****. If you're actually being smart with the resources you gain from the first 11 nodes you don't need that extra 76k. Yeah it's nice to gain more but it is by no means essential. There are other ways of gaining monetary rewards in game with the bounty hunter challenge 3 times a week, cantina/mod challenge rewards that you can hit everyday. You've just gotta be smart and not blow the entirety of your credits every single day trying to level, star, gear and mod several different toons in the space of a couple days. "We can't kit out secondary teams"... Oh do please explain, because you can do it it's just going to take you time. You don't even need to max mods out right away as I've said countless times before. I've got many toons with level 6-12 mods and that works absolutely fine for me, I can still keep up with the maxed out squads I got thrown in my face. Furthermore you can kit out a secondary team you've just gotta do it one at a time, but even before mods and all these changes, just when it came to farming and levelling up a character I don't know of a single person dumb enough to think that you can do this for several toons at the same time. ONE toon at a time if you're not in a position to throw copious amounts of money into this game otherwise you aren't going to get anywhere and you'll just end up in a bottleneck with loads of toons at ambigious levels, 5/6*, modless, low level abilities, and stuck at G7/8. But I don't know what you do or how you approach this but based on what you and many other GW haters always say, this is all I can infer.
    My advice don't just throw your credits at a toon everyday for the sake of it, save those credits until you can put them to proper use, like 7 starring that character you've had sat at 6 for a while, or smacking a couple of levels all across those 6 mods you've just acquired for Rey. Too many people expect to just be able to jump to the end and have their toons maxed out and that's ridiculous, did you omega all your abilities straight away? No. Mods are no different, you've gotta slowly work your way up to getting them maxed and stop being hung up on what the precrafters/ whales with bottomless wallets have got because they ARE going to be ahead of you in that respect, as they always have been. Mods are the new form of progression and have added a new level of difficulty to GW that like with everything else you have got to overcome and unless you take the time to slowly progress you aren't. Clearly you're hitting node 11 quite often, well good for you but I was not that lucky. I would get wrecked by impossible teams on node 6 that I wouldn't be able to stand up against in the squad arena. Being beaten at node 6 is cause to be annoyed about lack of credits, but node 11? No get a grip. If I can take a pitiful amount of credits from 6 GW nodes regularly for weeks and then after a month of being smart with my resources pool it into toons that have helped me to start beating it again then anybody can, missing out on credits from one battle is not an excuse and if you think it is the only thing that needs to be looked at is your approach to the game mode and perhaps the characters you choose to use. Also you don't need 5 separate toons for a separate squad, mix and match to suit the needs of that battle, I have about 10 toons that form my 3 main squads for GW depending on the opponents I come up against. Apologies for wildly going off on a tangent about mods but they're essential to success in GW so I guess it's relevant, hmm...
    But alas I have said this time and time again to be shouted down by people who lose on node 12 and come here to cry about 'imbalance' saying they gets squads that their rosters can't deal with, well what if I told you that maybe just maybe sometimes you aren't supposed to able to deal with a certain squad and you should take the loss on board and try something different next time.
    That being said your last paragraph didn't make me want to smash my head against the wall, well for the most part at least. Yes more credit events are a great idea but that is a conversation for another time in another thread. This, "So the more successful you are at completeing Galactic War, the more difficult it becomes; then the more you lose the easier it becomes. " This is the part I take major issue with. First off whats to stop myself or higher levelled players from just throwing GW close to the end to reduce the difficulty, and when those low levelled players get the easier wars and start winning, they're gonna be right back up against these 'impossible' teams. You haven't solved anything, just put in more ways that the game can be exploited by stronger players, and a huge middle finger to newer players who start claiming their first victories.
  • ATSpain
    152 posts Member
    Nobody wants to hear u whining and complaining. Gw is still a joke. Finish it in under 15 minutes, no retreats. And usually don't even have to use my A team. If u can't beat it maybe that's a sign u need to expand ur roster, instead of just making ur 5 strongest characters stronger...
    But I'm sorry the idea of a fun game, is just mindlessly autoing through all of GW.... gw is there to provide a challenge and make u use ur head. manage cds, swap rosters, sacrifice characters to waste cds. It's really not hard

    It tends to be difficult to expand your roster when you don't spend real money on the game and when the only way to upgrade is to use the one resource the devs are holding away from the F2P players.

    Also, you're going the whine about me telling they devs they need to fix something? And then go on to boast or your achievements in GW? I can beat it 90% of the time. Still not fun! It's too long and needs attention but they don't care. That's not whining, that's constructive criticism. You're the one whining right now.
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    I think my main problem with GW is that it takes me days to work through the whole thing then I get Roflastomped on the last 2 nodes. Since the patch I have only fully completed GW 1 time. I'm also not F2P, but GW is not enjoyable. It is a time sink that is not fun, but is required to grind credits so I can spend crystals expanding my collection, not on credit packs. How am I suppose to level this Jawa team if the piece EA put in for credits takes days to complete and is frustratingly no fun?
  • ATSpain
    152 posts Member
    You would change yourself for your spouse? Okay, let me put it this way rather, you would change what made them fall in love with you in the first place? You must be very young or extremely eager to please.

    Onto GW, there is simply nothing wrong with GW. You think a team of developers don't have the stats on what's happening with this game mode? You my not so enlightened friend are simply part of the minority group that loves being super vocal of your lack of understanding of the game, more particular GW. There have been thousands of post complaining about GW, but I can promise you, there have been just as many posts about how to deal with GW to make it easier.

    But it's easier to come onto the forums & complain about it eh?

    Rage on my eager friend, rage on!

    You really don't understand marriage if you're not willing to sacrifice for your spouse. That's really sad to me. Humble yourself enough to change things that your spouse doesn't like. It should be your goal to make them the happiest person on the planet.

    And the 115-page forum thread of people stating how GW is broken begs to differ with your minority comment. Like I said before, I complete it almost every day and I enjoy challenges. The problem comes when it takes 30-45 minutes to complete and it is the only real source of credits. They aren't listening to the criticisms we give them. Shorten it, give more credits, explain why they don't want to change GW, just do something to ease the burden we are feeling.

    As for my "lack of understanding of they game," I understand the game completely. I've been playing it since release and I've seen the good sides of this game. I want the game to be good. I'm trying to expose the bad parts to make the game better. You saying that I'm just a dumb rager doesn't help fix the problems, it just makes it worse.

    Having posts give insight to beating GW is great! I love the fact people are willing to do that for others that need the help. But showing people how to cope with a fixable issue doesn't fix the issue. It just glosses over it. The problem will come back up until it is fixed, just as it does every time they say that GW is working as intended. Who know's! Maybe GW is intended to make people hate the game. Maybe the devs like making people angry. I've had guild mates stop doing GW because it's so annoying and they were placing within the top 20 of their arena and we are a top 200 guild, placed in the top 75 last month.
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    Another sad day for GW. Continue facing impossible teams on 9,11,12, sometimes 6. My guildmates, who are 6 mos ahead of me, while also having tough times on 9/11, face green/blue team on Node 12.
    Is this *really* WAI?
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