Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • TemperTantrumRen
    407 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    As someone who still hasn't surpassed 35k in arena, I've had a harder time with these GW changes than I did before the initial nerf mid-June. It's not challenging, just frustrating. I dread bringing QGJ to G9 and Lumi to G10 now.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
  • Radwin
    69 posts Member
    It would be interesting if people who find GW difficult post their top 10 characters. If you have QGJ GS RG Lumi Bariss Ackbar st Han Leia Rey and Daka you will finish GW in 20 mins
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    So I think I know what is happening with GW matching.

    First, you need to work out your personal GW metric. This is the mid power point between your top 5 toons and highest arena team power.

    The GW nodes are a % of this score. The ones that have change significantly since last update are:
    Node 6 - 95%
    Node 9 - 100%
    Node 11 - 105%
    Node 12 - 115%

    So why are the top players getting easy nodes 12 (and occasionally 11)? I think it is because the max power possible is 42,411. Therefore, if your GW metric plus 5% or 15% is greater than this score, the match-making logarithm can't provide you with a suitable match and is instead providing a ridiculously easy team (not sure whether this is intentional)
    So the next fix will be to prevent the roll-over, and everyone will be getting maxed teams on that last node.

    Enjoy the Stu-nodes while you can.
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    Keyper wrote: »
    Keyper wrote: »
    Lol this guy is rated 1987 in arena.

    So? I'm rated as 35 right now & I can agree with the OP that it's not that difficult to get through GW... At all.

    Also, I'm F2P.

    Lol ur the same tool from the other thread. No one believes your nonsense.


    Yeah, I'm talking nonsense... Sure, you have fun now little man.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Free to play all the way.

    Yep, beat GW today, with my 70's. So no money need be spent to beat it. My advice figure out how to beat it, as a F2P!

    Of course several curses were enacted. Oh, lil tip. Level and gear the Tie Pilot. He hits HARD!
  • RaverRic
    31 posts Member
    Node 12 for me today

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    @RaverRic can I ask what power score your arena team is? And your top 5 toons?
  • xdecide
    114 posts Member
    A challenge is good but the last battle is impossible, it just is for me being level 75 with max gear IX facing totally maxed toons.

    fix your cr4p
  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I got this on node 11, and I still think this version of GW is better than the last two.

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    Radwin wrote: »
    I cannot understand how you think GW is difficult. I auto it using 10 characters maybe losing 2-3 in the process. Those who complain here must have **** rosters or be really low level... Before this change GW could be cleared by a monkey pushing the auto button

    Comments like this are legitimatly problematic. You are essentially stating that you have absolutely no clue, no ability to comprehend what you've read here (if you even read anything, which I doubt) and that having a seemingly willfully ignorant opinion deserves a voice. I suspect you're trolling.
  • xdecide
    114 posts Member
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    I got this on node 11, and I still think this version of GW is better than the last two.


    maybe because youre maxed out as well?

    i get those teams as well, but im only level 74 and my max gear is IX, i cant even have higher gear.

    it's ridicoulous and totally unfair for the lower players because it IS IMPOSSIBLE to beat those teams.
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    xdecide wrote: »
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    I got this on node 11, and I still think this version of GW is better than the last two.


    maybe because youre maxed out as well?

    i get those teams as well, but im only level 74 and my max gear is IX, i cant even have higher gear.

    it's ridicoulous and totally unfair for the lower players because it IS IMPOSSIBLE to beat those teams.


    This was the team I fought that with not even all 7*, and as you can see on the bench, not all maxed out gear X & XI toons.

    As far as not being able to compete, when I first started GW with my one good party there were days I was happy to get even half way through it. It took literally weeks or more before I started clearing GW consistently.

  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Listen up Dearies,

    Enough moaning and complaining. I declare this do something else weekend. I'm going to hang out with friends in the mmo's I play. My Sith are wanting to attack Tython so, what can I do but join them. Go play something else, read a book, go see a movie. They made their changes, and they won't change them unless they see we really are not happy. So, show them.

    Let go do something else weekend commence! The Dark One has spoken...

    Now where did I put my robes?
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    Ok, so i think i figured out the **** poor coding on the "new" gw: the range for my gw pool, because of my arena power puts me at the near max power you can have. This is why my node 12 sucks. The reason those above, let's say 37k or 38k arena power are seeing nooby teams on node 12 is because the range puts the arena power above the current max power anyone can have (example: power max say of 45k and the node 12 range cap is 46k)...thus your pool is beyond what the game allows. The pool range then resets to 0-1k because your pool is 1k beyond the threshold of the games power limit.

    Just my thoughts.
    Green_Legend_Ran A storm is coming...
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    nematocyte wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    It's crazy that GW is constantly tweaked but the raid isn't. "It's meant to be hard" is what was stated on GW, ok I can understand that. But the raid is supposed to be true end game and it's takes less time than a daily activity
    I think majority of you folks are missing the point of making GW harder. Yes it's to make you use your whole roster to finish, yes it's suppose to be longer meaning you don't get bored with the game to fast. But there's another reason as well. To make you spend money... You cannot be given the most valuable commodity for free, you have to work to get it.

    I do feel that scaling of difficulty especially for those lvl 50 - 79 needs to be looked at but overall, GW is made to make you deepen your roster as not to get stuck with only 1 set of toons at max. Yes, it's a catch 22 situation where you need credits to make credits, but sadly that's how life works.

    First off, nobody is underestimating the lengths EA will go to in order to profit. Excessively. And with shady methods.

    Second, you seem to have taken a step back from the previous nonsense you posted. Why is that?

    Lastly, and this has been addressed already, using your "whole roster" is not a viable solution.

    I took a time out due to the way GW use to be, which was the easy 'auto win'. It's helped.

    Secondly, I do on occation try to be understanding, not just on the Devs but also on folks that post exaggerated nonsense.

    Lastly, using your whole roster to complete GW does work. Just because a whale who has lots of toons, does not mean he/she/it knows how to use them. Synergy amongst toons can & will make a difference, not that there are many but it does help to play around a bit.

    P.S. I hope that answers the points you put forward, if not, what nonsense are you referring to?

    You've started a lot of fires with this post and a few others that I quite frankly don't have time to put out. I wish I did, but I don't. Having said that, and if you even care, I and others have already addressed these points in this thread at length. If you've read and understood what we're saying, and you still stand by your posts, there's no point in going in circles.
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    Keyper wrote: »
    Radwin wrote: »
    I cannot understand how you think GW is difficult. I auto it using 10 characters maybe losing 2-3 in the process. Those who complain here must have **** rosters or be really low level... Before this change GW could be cleared by a monkey pushing the auto button

    The fact is the worse you are at the game, the easier GW is. So there you are.

    Unfortunately, based on most of the drivel these condescending people are posting, you have a very good point.
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    Just beat today's gw it's harder then before the change and I enjoy the challenge buy it's not impossible and it's still a lot easier then it has been in the past.
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    Ok, so i think i figured out the **** poor coding on the "new" gw: the range for my gw pool, because of my arena power puts me at the near max power you can have. This is why my node 12 sucks. The reason those above, let's say 37k or 38k arena power are seeing nooby teams on node 12 is because the range puts the arena power above the current max power anyone can have (example: power max say of 45k and the node 12 range cap is 46k)...thus your pool is beyond what the game allows. The pool range then resets to 0-1k because your pool is 1k beyond the threshold of the games power limit.

    Just my thoughts.

    I made a similar point on page 16. It is the only logical explanation I can think of.
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    Radwin wrote: »
    It would be interesting if people who find GW difficult post their top 10 characters. If you have QGJ GS RG Lumi Bariss Ackbar st Han Leia Rey and Daka you will finish GW in 20 mins

    No, there are hundreds of us and very few of you. What would be infinitely more interesting is if you posted videos of finishing GW in 20 minutes with all of your strategy and synergy and knowledge.
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    Yeah mine seems to be working just fine. Totally stacked team for the last node. I may not make it through.;)
  • EleNiggle
    126 posts Member
    Hey guys, you cant even fix smaller scale mechanics like teebo stealth or qgj dispel properly for 6 months, tweaking the entire GW algorithms node per node is 100 years too early for your devs team dont you think?
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Keyper wrote: »
    Keyper wrote: »
    Lol this guy is rated 1987 in arena.

    So? I'm rated as 35 right now & I can agree with the OP that it's not that difficult to get through GW... At all.

    Also, I'm F2P.

    Lol ur the same tool from the other thread. No one believes your nonsense.


    Yeah, I'm talking nonsense... Sure, you have fun now little man.

    Not even 35k powee 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    ****. If your Max team is around 34 or 35k which is the average player, you're going to get creamed against a fully geared team with 40 to 42k. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know their you know what from their elbow. I have two maxed toons on my roster battling a major whale that has likely spent 25k on the game. It's **** and ridiculous.
  • chuckwing
    679 posts Member
    Some players are getting cake walk node 11 and 12, and some of us get meta teams from node 6 all the way to 12. Maybe if you fixed the ai dodge it might not be as much of a problem, but having to retreat 10 times a battle so you can get a run where you don't miss your first 4-5 attacks.... the time adds up fast.

  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    Well, at lest the sheer # of these threads is consistent.
  • Radwin
    69 posts Member
    Ok so strategy was requested... Take out Rey first. Stun st han, 5s Dooku SF and similar. Hide your team behind RG. When hes red use bariss. Use Lumi to keep the others above yellow as long as possible. Always use 1 stunner in your team. I do not know if you need more strategy than that. I do not know why i bother to respond since i can feel the anger coming. Better to be silent and let the "majority" get their will through. Or maybe you are not the majority since satisfied people wont write here.
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    This update is HOOOORRRRRIIIIBBBLLLLEEEEEE! Makes me gonna scream and shout. Do you even test your updates before you release them?!?
  • Swervy
    11 posts Member
    Probably hard my hardest GW to date today...7 star well geared teams from node 6 onwards. Then out of the blue they hand me node 12 on a plate...probably the easiest GW battle I've ever had. GW's gone loco...
  • Swervy
    11 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Probably hard my hardest GW to date today...7 star well geared teams from node 6 onwards. Then out of the blue they hand me node 12 on a plate...probably the easiest GW battle I've ever had. GW's gone loco...
  • Swervy
    11 posts Member
    Yee...can't seem to get the image thing to work
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