Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    nematocyte wrote: »
    nematocyte wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    It's crazy that GW is constantly tweaked but the raid isn't. "It's meant to be hard" is what was stated on GW, ok I can understand that. But the raid is supposed to be true end game and it's takes less time than a daily activity
    I think majority of you folks are missing the point of making GW harder. Yes it's to make you use your whole roster to finish, yes it's suppose to be longer meaning you don't get bored with the game to fast. But there's another reason as well. To make you spend money... You cannot be given the most valuable commodity for free, you have to work to get it.

    I do feel that scaling of difficulty especially for those lvl 50 - 79 needs to be looked at but overall, GW is made to make you deepen your roster as not to get stuck with only 1 set of toons at max. Yes, it's a catch 22 situation where you need credits to make credits, but sadly that's how life works.

    First off, nobody is underestimating the lengths EA will go to in order to profit. Excessively. And with shady methods.

    Second, you seem to have taken a step back from the previous nonsense you posted. Why is that?

    Lastly, and this has been addressed already, using your "whole roster" is not a viable solution.

    I took a time out due to the way GW use to be, which was the easy 'auto win'. It's helped.

    Secondly, I do on occation try to be understanding, not just on the Devs but also on folks that post exaggerated nonsense.

    Lastly, using your whole roster to complete GW does work. Just because a whale who has lots of toons, does not mean he/she/it knows how to use them. Synergy amongst toons can & will make a difference, not that there are many but it does help to play around a bit.

    P.S. I hope that answers the points you put forward, if not, what nonsense are you referring to?

    You've started a lot of fires with this post and a few others that I quite frankly don't have time to put out. I wish I did, but I don't. Having said that, and if you even care, I and others have already addressed these points in this thread at length. If you've read and understood what we're saying, and you still stand by your posts, there's no point in going in circles.

    Abviously I stand by what I said, why wouldn't I. Take them as you will, I really am not going to try to argue with anyone about what they believe wholeheartedly to be true.

    I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule as with any topic... But as I have mentioned before, the "real facts" are being clouded by people jumping onto a bandwagon to fit their agenda. I'm sure 1 or more person(s) who really has/have experienced that "coding error" or "bad coding" aren't to please with some of the things I've said, sure, I'll accept that, but don't come arguing (not you) with me just because you cannot expand your bench to fit the purpose of GW.

    To say everyone is wrong & I am right is pure ignorance... But... To have people saying that this is like that or that is like this when they're not even at the "power levels" of those that have experienced the faults & cannot even give why they want changes to happen... Those are the folks that just want the change for change sake & then when asked why, they parrot what the people that have truly gone through the real issues with GW, meanwhile they don't even have a roster let alone a proper usable squad & just want it to go back to the auto brain dead monotony that it was in its "easy GW" days.

    To finish off: I'm sure you have brought valid points to the table & I will not take away from its importance, as I've said myself, there is a scaling issue with GW... But don't berate my view on the issue or lack there of as well.

    @tRRRey, my combined 'top toons' go to 37k, I use what works & constantly take out teams in the 38-39k range with my poor little team...
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    Radwin wrote: »
    Ok so strategy was requested... Take out Rey first. Stun st han, 5s Dooku SF and similar. Hide your team behind RG. When hes red use bariss. Use Lumi to keep the others above yellow as long as possible. Always use 1 stunner in your team. I do not know if you need more strategy than that. I do not know why i bother to respond since i can feel the anger coming. Better to be silent and let the "majority" get their will through. Or maybe you are not the majority since satisfied people wont write here.

    No, we aren't looking for strategy. This game requires very little. I want to see people finishing the nodes we routinely face in 20 minutes, nevermind the number of characters you lose.
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    Is this a complaint? Looks like a dream come true.
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    If the purpose of making gw harder is to force us to level up the entire roster, how can we do that when there's basically no way to accumulate the credits needed to level up a few characters, let alone 10 full teams?? I used 10 teams this morning to take down 1 whale team on the last battle.

    At this rate here the only thing to do is hold off on a level cap increase for another year because of the difference in gear levels between the average player and the whales.
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    Wait until you face Max old Ben with 4 other maxed toons that dodge and evade everything. Just wait you'll get your turn
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    You really need to only level 2 or 3 squads but you need to level them really well. I'm a level 80 rank 300 ish in my arena. I've made a team that I can press auto and they get through every fight with minimal effort on my part, and this was this morning. The key is 2 healers or 1 reviver. For me it's Barriss Lead with Lumi. You could use Daka becuase the AI tends not to target too much. But the key is healers.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member

    Please click on the video and enjoy
  • Aley
    94 posts Member
    Chiquard wrote: »
    I'm 37K in arena power and for 3 days in a row I had 3 stars toons for the last node. GW is a bit harder, but nothing compared to what it was 2 or 3 weeks ago.

    That is the experience of a few with high level teams, but the majority is getting 40k teams for node 12 when they only have a 30k or so team
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    I'm not directing this at anyone in particular, but:

    If you're not seeing teams 4-6k power above your highest available team (which may have been lost 3 battles ago) AND have gear 2 levels above what you have, consistently battle after battle, you honestly can't understand what some of us are going through.

    To say we need to develop a larger roster OR use synergy, or tactics is insulting. No amount of tactics or synergy is going to allow us to finish the table when you face that much of a deficit battle after battle. Only a full roster of fully geared and maxed toons with full protection is going to allow a table clear in these situations. Please don't insult people that are legitimately having these issues. There IS a problem here. Just be glad you're not having it.
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    I know how to run gw. I've beaten it all but one time in the past 4 months. A maxed team mows down and now focus fires on critical toons. I'm level 80, December player have 21 7* and top 50 in arena.

    If they want to pull this garbage then at least remove protection from the last node.
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    you say it's only a game, but it's no fun when its so unpredictable.

    Since when is predictability fun or interesting? Sounds like you are more interested in the end-game than the game itself. You want the spoils without getting your hands dirty.
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    How about an option to remove the protection off the last node. If you beat it you get the higher credits they're proposing. If not, you fight them without and get what you get now.
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    Spent 55 minutes on node 6 alone, because I can't afford to lose anyone for later in the game. Just hit node 9 and will lose a good portion of my roster. I've been doing this GW for an hour and a half. Great game design for all of us with small rosters. Freakin geniuses up in here.
  • Zemyn
    106 posts Member
    The difficulty is fine. THE REWARDS SUCK THOUGH!

    They are scaled for a level 60 player. They were fine then. We need better rewards now for GW to remain worth completing.
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    My last two galactic wars, I meticulously worked to get to the last node, where I didn't even come close to winning. So, today I just didn't try. I just left it to auto-play and expended no effort whatsoever. Same exact result! Got to the last node and then ran out of toons. So... I can work really hard or do nothing for the same reward. I liked GW for the challenge. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    @Smithie that was quite enjoyable to behold.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Well I thought GW was accidentally broken but turns out a ninja update messed with my mind.

    To be clear I can complete the GW as it stands losing my B and C squads and one or two suicide squads. But my arena team is also almost 38k and all gear X and XI and my B team is all gear X. All level 80 omega.

    If I didn't have these squads getting through nodes 6-11 would be impossible. I feel for the people trying to make it through who have not been playing as long, or have not spent as much.

    If I had to vote I vote to change it to this:

    Nodes 1-6 : payout the same as GW does now. For players who don't spend tons or are newer and not yet level cap

    Nodes 6-12 : for us Whaley types who have mega squads omegad and want to whack the he'll out of each other. Give pure credit payouts so that we can make more toons leveled. I'm presently sitting on 3 that are at the 6*/100 shard level but cost a million credits just to bump. And I have other toons to spend on like sun Fac. Even I'm not going to drop unlimited funds so give us a bone.

    Seems like that's a win-win.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    bad language removed
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    Maybe this is the way EA will "tweak" GW back to the way we want it. I was unable to complete GW for the first time in over a month and I am ANGRY. EA needs to re- think GW and the more popular this theatre gets it may just get to the devs.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Radwin wrote: »
    Ok so strategy was requested... Take out Rey first. Stun st han, 5s Dooku SF and similar. Hide your team behind RG. When hes red use bariss. Use Lumi to keep the others above yellow as long as possible. Always use 1 stunner in your team. I do not know if you need more strategy than that. I do not know why i bother to respond since i can feel the anger coming. Better to be silent and let the "majority" get their will through. Or maybe you are not the majority since satisfied people wont write here.
    Two things. One is all that strategy is garbage against over geared teams. You can't hide behind RG when facing a gear ten Rey who can one shot kill your best gear 8-9 tanks. I'm fortunate to have a gear 10 Han who is completely murdered in one round by these meta teams, but he gets me thru.

    The other is that between this thread and the previous one about the new GW there are way over a thousand posts in the span of 3 days. It took months for the dodge meta to accumulate the hate mail this change got in 72 hrs. I'm wondering where you see any evidence to believe the majority like this change.
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera I think you've actually made this GW a lot harder! I understand you're trying to challenge us, but it's taking a long time, and now it's even worse! The last few nodes are getting impossible! I'm getting unbelievable teams featuring Leia, Fives, Rey, etc... And all maxed out and all geared up to level 10 or 11! Does it have to be this difficult and time consuming? I mean, this is a mobile game... Even though I love this game, I don't want to spend all day on it... I think further tweaks are in order
    Thank you
    Post edited by JPBrunel on
  • xdecide
    114 posts Member
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    xdecide wrote: »
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    I got this on node 11, and I still think this version of GW is better than the last two.


    maybe because youre maxed out as well?

    i get those teams as well, but im only level 74 and my max gear is IX, i cant even have higher gear.

    it's ridicoulous and totally unfair for the lower players because it IS IMPOSSIBLE to beat those teams.


    This was the team I fought that with not even all 7*, and as you can see on the bench, not all maxed out gear X & XI toons.

    As far as not being able to compete, when I first started GW with my one good party there were days I was happy to get even half way through it. It took literally weeks or more before I started clearing GW consistently.

    my point is that you're 80 and able to have gear X's.

    im not and still get the same opponents

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    I feel that most are missing an important point here. This is a mobile game. Galactic war should not be an event that requires over 1 hour to complete, especially when it's against crafted top arena teams. There's nothing "galactic" about that.
  • boogie101us
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Another day of 2hrs on gw which is totally impossible. I've never even seen teams with as much gear as I'm facing in GW now. TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE! The top teams in my guild are telling me their facing 3* toons on the last node.wth? Quick fix or I'm gone! Not fun anymore. Not worth my time. Definitely not worth my money.
  • PainSaber
    156 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Batdude21 wrote: »
    Your totally sucking the fun out of this game!!! Stop it!!!!

    I beg to differ... This has made the game so much more enjoyable! This is better than the auto fest we have to deal with in regards to everything else. If you don't like it, move on to another game, one that's going to be brain numbingly boring.

    I personally love the new state of GW & hope to squirrels they don't listen to the incessant whining of players wanting free everything...

    All the complainers forget, EA never walked into your house & shoved a gun to anyone's head & demanded you play their game!

    You all agreed to the ToS, which means EA is able to do what ever they want to the game with absolutely no regard to their customer. The fact that they listen to the players & comment when needed is something very few developers do with their customer base!

    I'm glad they made the change because it's a step in the right direction in regards to game longevity! As mentioned by us (player base not Devs) on numerous occasions, GW was always hard & was always meant to be hard. It's ALWAYS been like this & having a deep roster helps solve this. If you can't click-to-win, then go find a game where you can.

    As I've always said, we create the **** we live in & only you can decide what's best for yourself! So make the choice! Either you learn to play or you play something else... Simple really!

    Simply put you're wrong. You and people like you who like the absurd difficulty of gw are in the vast minority. It may be enjoyable to you. However to 95% of the rest of the people posting here, many of which have stated they created a forum account solely to express their dislike of gw, gw is now hated...again. We also have a vast amount of people in this thread closing their wallets. The only people that like this change are people with massive rosters and a penchant for masochism, or people who have not hit hard gws yet. The only time a minority part of a larger group controls decisions is when it comes to rich vs poor. In this case even that doesn't apply, because the whales are more angered about gw than the ftp. Plainly put, those that are happy with the difficulty increase of gw are in such a massive minority that you simply don't matter. If you think that Im wrong put yourself in eas shoes. Do they cater to you and keep gw the way it is, simultaniously losing massive amounts of money from a majority of the playerbase which this thread is representative of, or do they make yet another change to cater to the majority in an attempt to salvage some profit. If you know anything about business and you apply logic, then you and those with your viewpoint would realize your most likely wasting your time and effort. I am not trying to flame you sir, simply helping you see logic and reality
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    Not seeing how this is reasonable. Not that I can't get through it, but the difficulty increases from here
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    How do you post pics directly from imagr?
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    3rd times facing easy team at 12th node in a row, these past 2 gw teach me one thing, to use bariss lead again aka dust off times.
    i wont mind easy gw because much faster and saving time and casual. hellish gw is fine but give us reward that at least worth lv 80(70-60-50) because gw unlocked at lv 42, and reward doesn't change that's not fair/pretty much unrewarding.
    just imho
    the cake is a lie
  • mMmLL4MA
    25 posts Member
    Ryeshinyih wrote: »
    Until I get bored because I'm not making enough credits to stay interested in the game.

    That's the key here, that GW is the best way of consistently making credits, credits I need to be able to level and star people enough to deal with GW.
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