Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Not ever one has a hard node 12 I've seen plenty of Screen shots with people way higher up the food chain than me getting 3* teams with green gear on node 12.

    Its broken. Why do the Devs sit back and ignore this issue!!!!
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    The0n3 wrote: »
    matro wrote: »
    This is how I imagine it goes down....



    absolute truth ... too funny!
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    Sounds about right
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    Not ever one has a hard node 12 I've seen plenty of Screen shots with people way higher up the food chain than me getting 3* teams with green gear on node 12.

    Stuart Greenback!
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    Dagon wrote: »
    nubkin wrote: »
    GW needs a reworking. There's no competitive thought till the last level then all you do is toss everything you've at it.

    It depend's of your level, there are player's in level 75 that happen to get in the last node a level 85 player with a maximum leveled equipment.
    It becomes very hard, considering the fact that maybe they will only have a few characters with good equipment.

    That was exactly what I was trying to illustrate. Fighting teams with max gear and 1-3 levels above your current "A-team" isn't fun. My strategy is to burn down the massive damage dealers then send my TM team in to pick away at the tanks.
  • HokieFiend
    445 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    They've changed GW again. It looks like they are mucking with turn meter now. Teams 10 levels lower on node 7 and they are going faster than max toons with 40+ more speed and banked turn meter. I've absolutely had it with this.

    Edit: Also take note of next turns after Palp stuns enemy toons. Regardless of the toon speed and any banked turn meter on your toons, they will attack first. Unbelievable.
    Post edited by HokieFiend on
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    The only way they are going to listen is if you vote with your wallet. Don't accept this garbage. My gut tells me they have for the 100th time broken GW due to ships being available in the GW store. It's another vector to try and force people into putting money into the game. GW was somewhat balanced pre-ships. Now we are back to it being worse than ever.

    I've loved this game even through the ups and downs but breaking GW (yet again) might just be the last straw. It's being done purposefully and it's unacceptable.
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    I found another bug by doing GW yesterday. When a toon is stuned, assists are not working. It was the case with CT-5555 and QGJ in GW, but I think it also happened in arena.
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    BulYwif wrote: »
    I found another bug by doing GW yesterday. When a toon is stuned, assists are not working. It was the case with CT-5555 and QGJ in GW, but I think it also happened in arena.

    yes - it is since last update and is known
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    HokieFiend wrote: »
    They've changed GW again. It looks like they are mucking with turn meter now. Teams 10 levels lower on node 7 and they are going faster than max toons with 40+ more speed and banked turn meter. I've absolutely had it with this.

    Edit: Also take note of next turns after Palp stuns enemy toons. Regardless of the toon speed and any banked turn meter on your toons, they will attack first. Unbelievable.

    This mode is such juiced garbage. You don't make a mode challenging by unfairly juicing the stats and abilities of opposition. I was on 6th node and had to accept the sacrifice of a char to this ****. No matter how many times I retreated my Luminara would always get dodged by Wedge first turn as I tried to ability block him. Always! I tried 20+ times. He had no abilities that justified that it's simply the game changing the rules on the f!y and it happens endlessly in this garbage mode.

    Fix this already Capital Games come on.
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    SithHero wrote: »
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    They've changed GW again. It looks like they are mucking with turn meter now. Teams 10 levels lower on node 7 and they are going faster than max toons with 40+ more speed and banked turn meter. I've absolutely had it with this.

    Edit: Also take note of next turns after Palp stuns enemy toons. Regardless of the toon speed and any banked turn meter on your toons, they will attack first. Unbelievable.

    This mode is such juiced garbage. You don't make a mode challenging by unfairly juicing the stats and abilities of opposition. I was on 6th node and had to accept the sacrifice of a char to this ****. No matter how many times I retreated my Luminara would always get dodged by Wedge first turn as I tried to ability block him. Always! I tried 20+ times. He had no abilities that justified that it's simply the game changing the rules on the f!y and it happens endlessly in this garbage mode.

    Fix this already Capital Games come on.

    I'm on here constantly stating similar. Try a different attack the first round. I have found if they dodge a certain attack they won't dodge a different. Everyonce in a while it doesn't matter and I'm screwed either way.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    They've changed GW again. It looks like they are mucking with turn meter now. Teams 10 levels lower on node 7 and they are going faster than max toons with 40+ more speed and banked turn meter. I've absolutely had it with this.

    Edit: Also take note of next turns after Palp stuns enemy toons. Regardless of the toon speed and any banked turn meter on your toons, they will attack first. Unbelievable.

    Yeah that's right. It is like the stun has no effect. Even if I stun an opponent, the stun disappears if this one has enough turn meter to play.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    pargame wrote: »
    BulYwif wrote: »
    I found another bug by doing GW yesterday. When a toon is stuned, assists are not working. It was the case with CT-5555 and QGJ in GW, but I think it also happened in arena.

    yes - it is since last update and is known

    Is known by us, but how about the devs? :)

    Also had Palp vs Palp combat where I had enemy Palp stunned (along with the rest of the team). My guys were going to move next, or so I thought.

    I used Palp's special to give offense up and voila, enemy Palp popped out of stun and mass stunned me.

    I have no idea what happened, his Palp had maybe 20% TM when I used that skill. We already know they can pop out of stun and act, but how did he gain TM? There was no StHan present anywhere.

    I also wonder when they fix Biggs, but it's sort of cool to pump him up with my own EP :)
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    I swear it's getting worse, not better. Basically, the AI is rigging things to be stronger, to make up for poor strategy. Some new cases:

    1: In the 10 battles I finished, my crit rate was just over 10%. The AI, especially on hard nodes, had a MUCH higher crit rate, in one battle (node 9) approaching 80%. This seems especially true of characters who heal on a hit, like Ashoka or AS. They never crit when it's an attack that causes healing.

    2: Dodges and deflections are still outrageous, and are blatantly used to avoid your strong attacks. If Mace Windu exposes you, watch him miss. Yoda, who has one of my strongest attacks, misses frequently. Any time you might kill a toon before they can use a special on you, prepare to miss...often. That's especially true of healers. I've seen four misses in a row against Barris, when any of the hits would kill her; when it was her turn, of course she healed. But the most outrageous example is IG88. I set up a DOT team with Sid, Vader, GG, Boba and IG88. Dots everywhere by the end of turn two, some toons with as many as 7. IG88 opens up with his area attack, because if it crits, with all those dots those toons are done. He missed; all five enemies, he missed. And it's happened more than once in different battles, so much so that I don't really use him anymore because there's no point. He misses when it's to his best advantage to cause damage, and even when he hits, he almost never crits.

    3: The purple nodes are getting ridiculously hard now. Even node six is now so hard that I'll loose a team or more trying to clear it. I'll retreat and try different teams or approaches, but the characters are so ridiculously hard it's almost impossible to beat them without taking heavy losses. I sacrifice teams to beat them, but c'mon. Halfway through and facing level 80, 7-star teams with gear 9 or 10? AND with all the cheating going on? It's a bit too much.

    And that's really the problem, and I've seen it over and over in games like this. The devs take things just a bit too far. Want the purple nodes to be hard? Fine. Have us face off against a vastly more powerful team. But the more powerful team PLUS the blatant cheating is too much. One or the other, guys.

    I'll put it this way. I used to play GW because it was a fun challenge. Now I dread it. It's not fun, it's just a frustrating chore to get through. It's a GAME, guys; it shouldn't be something people dread doing.

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    SithHero wrote: »
    No matter how many times I retreated my Luminara would always get dodged by Wedge first turn as I tried to ability block him. Always! I tried 20+ times.

    The random numbers that determine what happens will remain exactly the same each time you try the same node. So if the roll is such that Wedge will dodge Luminara's attack, then that will happen every time you re-try the node. You can do things to alter the sequence of numbers, like choosing different abilities that use up different amounts of RNG (like choosing an AOE vs a single attack). In the case of the first attack always being a dodge, there's not much you can do other than change up your team to get a different sequence.

    This is actually a feature, a good thing. It lets you replay the node and keep the good results and try different things where it goes bad. That way, you might find a sequence that is favorable to you.

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    Naw wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    BulYwif wrote: »
    I found another bug by doing GW yesterday. When a toon is stuned, assists are not working. It was the case with CT-5555 and QGJ in GW, but I think it also happened in arena.

    yes - it is since last update and is known

    Is known by us, but how about the devs? :)

    Yes there is confirmed bug - look at bugs section
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    ogre2005 wrote: »
    I swear it's getting worse, not better. Basically, the AI is rigging things to be stronger, to make up for poor strategy. Some new cases:

    1: In the 10 battles I finished, my crit rate was just over 10%. The AI, especially on hard nodes, had a MUCH higher crit rate, in one battle (node 9) approaching 80%. This seems especially true of characters who heal on a hit, like Ashoka or AS. They never crit when it's an attack that causes healing.

    2: Dodges and deflections are still outrageous, and are blatantly used to avoid your strong attacks. If Mace Windu exposes you, watch him miss. Yoda, who has one of my strongest attacks, misses frequently. Any time you might kill a toon before they can use a special on you, prepare to miss...often. That's especially true of healers. I've seen four misses in a row against Barris, when any of the hits would kill her; when it was her turn, of course she healed. But the most outrageous example is IG88. I set up a DOT team with Sid, Vader, GG, Boba and IG88. Dots everywhere by the end of turn two, some toons with as many as 7. IG88 opens up with his area attack, because if it crits, with all those dots those toons are done. He missed; all five enemies, he missed. And it's happened more than once in different battles, so much so that I don't really use him anymore because there's no point. He misses when it's to his best advantage to cause damage, and even when he hits, he almost never crits.

    3: The purple nodes are getting ridiculously hard now. Even node six is now so hard that I'll loose a team or more trying to clear it. I'll retreat and try different teams or approaches, but the characters are so ridiculously hard it's almost impossible to beat them without taking heavy losses. I sacrifice teams to beat them, but c'mon. Halfway through and facing level 80, 7-star teams with gear 9 or 10? AND with all the cheating going on? It's a bit too much.

    And that's really the problem, and I've seen it over and over in games like this. The devs take things just a bit too far. Want the purple nodes to be hard? Fine. Have us face off against a vastly more powerful team. But the more powerful team PLUS the blatant cheating is too much. One or the other, guys.

    I'll put it this way. I used to play GW because it was a fun challenge. Now I dread it. It's not fun, it's just a frustrating chore to get through. It's a GAME, guys; it shouldn't be something people dread doing.

    Usually I finish GW but my observations are same - play with Wiggs team and rebels and I should use healer because of dodge and non crit :smile:
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    pargame wrote: »
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    I swear it's getting worse, not better. Basically, the AI is rigging things to be stronger, to make up for poor strategy. Some new cases:

    1: In the 10 battles I finished, my crit rate was just over 10%. The AI, especially on hard nodes, had a MUCH higher crit rate, in one battle (node 9) approaching 80%. This seems especially true of characters who heal on a hit, like Ashoka or AS. They never crit when it's an attack that causes healing.

    2: Dodges and deflections are still outrageous, and are blatantly used to avoid your strong attacks. If Mace Windu exposes you, watch him miss. Yoda, who has one of my strongest attacks, misses frequently. Any time you might kill a toon before they can use a special on you, prepare to miss...often. That's especially true of healers. I've seen four misses in a row against Barris, when any of the hits would kill her; when it was her turn, of course she healed. But the most outrageous example is IG88. I set up a DOT team with Sid, Vader, GG, Boba and IG88. Dots everywhere by the end of turn two, some toons with as many as 7. IG88 opens up with his area attack, because if it crits, with all those dots those toons are done. He missed; all five enemies, he missed. And it's happened more than once in different battles, so much so that I don't really use him anymore because there's no point. He misses when it's to his best advantage to cause damage, and even when he hits, he almost never crits.

    3: The purple nodes are getting ridiculously hard now. Even node six is now so hard that I'll loose a team or more trying to clear it. I'll retreat and try different teams or approaches, but the characters are so ridiculously hard it's almost impossible to beat them without taking heavy losses. I sacrifice teams to beat them, but c'mon. Halfway through and facing level 80, 7-star teams with gear 9 or 10? AND with all the cheating going on? It's a bit too much.

    And that's really the problem, and I've seen it over and over in games like this. The devs take things just a bit too far. Want the purple nodes to be hard? Fine. Have us face off against a vastly more powerful team. But the more powerful team PLUS the blatant cheating is too much. One or the other, guys.

    I'll put it this way. I used to play GW because it was a fun challenge. Now I dread it. It's not fun, it's just a frustrating chore to get through. It's a GAME, guys; it shouldn't be something people dread doing.

    Usually I finish GW but my observations are same - play with Wiggs team and rebels and I should use healer because of dodge and non crit :smile:

    It's now the same for daily battles to. I'm knocked out by lando (my whole team) before my lando can even play once. This game is a joke.
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    My node 12 is a Lando led team with palp, jka, hs and sun fac. Their lowest power character is 8800 my highest power char is 8300. I've had to use my A team to get to this point. Not sure how EA thinks a team like that is "fun" or even a "challenge". It's more like a joke of a slaughter to any of my teams.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    BulYwif wrote: »
    I found another bug by doing GW yesterday. When a toon is stuned, assists are not working. It was the case with CT-5555 and QGJ in GW, but I think it also happened in arena.

    Yep this is happening everywhere. The Dev's claimed to have fixed this months and months ago and it worked fine. Now since ships this issue has returned for an unknown reason and there is no comment from the Devs that this was being done or why.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    I swear it's getting worse, not better. Basically, the AI is rigging things to be stronger, to make up for poor strategy. Some new cases:

    1: In the 10 battles I finished, my crit rate was just over 10%. The AI, especially on hard nodes, had a MUCH higher crit rate, in one battle (node 9) approaching 80%. This seems especially true of characters who heal on a hit, like Ashoka or AS. They never crit when it's an attack that causes healing.

    2: Dodges and deflections are still outrageous, and are blatantly used to avoid your strong attacks. If Mace Windu exposes you, watch him miss. Yoda, who has one of my strongest attacks, misses frequently. Any time you might kill a toon before they can use a special on you, prepare to miss...often. That's especially true of healers. I've seen four misses in a row against Barris, when any of the hits would kill her; when it was her turn, of course she healed. But the most outrageous example is IG88. I set up a DOT team with Sid, Vader, GG, Boba and IG88. Dots everywhere by the end of turn two, some toons with as many as 7. IG88 opens up with his area attack, because if it crits, with all those dots those toons are done. He missed; all five enemies, he missed. And it's happened more than once in different battles, so much so that I don't really use him anymore because there's no point. He misses when it's to his best advantage to cause damage, and even when he hits, he almost never crits.

    3: The purple nodes are getting ridiculously hard now. Even node six is now so hard that I'll loose a team or more trying to clear it. I'll retreat and try different teams or approaches, but the characters are so ridiculously hard it's almost impossible to beat them without taking heavy losses. I sacrifice teams to beat them, but c'mon. Halfway through and facing level 80, 7-star teams with gear 9 or 10? AND with all the cheating going on? It's a bit too much.

    And that's really the problem, and I've seen it over and over in games like this. The devs take things just a bit too far. Want the purple nodes to be hard? Fine. Have us face off against a vastly more powerful team. But the more powerful team PLUS the blatant cheating is too much. One or the other, guys.

    I'll put it this way. I used to play GW because it was a fun challenge. Now I dread it. It's not fun, it's just a frustrating chore to get through. It's a GAME, guys; it shouldn't be something people dread doing.

    Usually I finish GW but my observations are same - play with Wiggs team and rebels and I should use healer because of dodge and non crit :smile:

    It's now the same for daily battles to. I'm knocked out by lando (my whole team) before my lando can even play once. This game is a joke.

    @Cop1416 I hope you don't mind, but I saw your profile on I don't understand why you're so salty about this. You've got a giant roster, almost every character, some sweet mods, and you're L85. You've won 3,637 GW battles, or the equivalent of 303 days worth of GW tables; it's safe bet to say you've cleared the GW table on more days than you haven't. So you know as well as I do that yes, GW is harder these days, but it's not as impossible as you're making it out to be.

    Even so, I feel your pain. I can't break into the top spots on my Arena ladder either. But let's take a look at your roster. You still haven't fixed your mod problems. It looks like you want to run a Rebel team in Arena. I'm going to make some suggestions for you, take them or leave them.

    Lando Speed him up and give more Crit Damage
    • Take the CD Speed arrow from Daka (+30 speed)
    • Take the CD triangle from St Han (+36% CD)
    St Han Speed him up, add Potency. If he goes first and pops his taunt, you get +30% ally TM bonus plus 25% chance to remove 30% enemy TM. We don't care about the taunt, it's the TM we want. Move some mods and you can get him up to 192 Speed with Lando lead instead of his current 129. Try this:
    • Health Speed Arrow from Biggs (then give Lumi's CD Speed arrow to Biggs)
    • Potency square from FOO (+5 speed)
    • Defense diamond from Ackbar (+9S)
    • Health circle from Dathcha (+3S)
    • Defense triangle from HRSc (+4S)
    • Get a Potency cross with Potency primary from somewhere
    • That's a great start ... but some even better speed secondaries would help out
    Biggs Speed and Crit Damage. You can mod him to 180 with Lando lead instead of his current 139
    • CD square from Rey (+7S)
    • CD diamond from HK-47 (+8S)
    • CD circle from Ahsoka (+4S). This is a L1 mod, upgrade it and hope for even more speed!
    • CD cross from Sun Fac (+8S)
    Wedge Speed, Crit Chance and Crit Damage. You can mod him to 185 with Lando lead instead of his current 118
    • CC arrow from RG (+30S, +3.39% CC)
    • CC square from Windu (+13S)
    • CD triangle from Greedo (+3S, +36% CD)
    • CD circle from Ewok Scout (+8S)
    • CD diamond from Barriss Offee (+2S)
    • CD cross from Windu (+4S)
    Leia Speed, Health. Mod to 223 with Lando lead instead of current 175
    • H arrow from Ewok Elder (+30S)
    • H circle from Biggs (+3S)

    You make these changes, then this is your turn order: Leia, St Han taunt, Wedge AOE, Biggs assist, Lando AOE. Put Lando at lead and you get an additional 30% Crit Damage. This team will do much better in Arena and GW than how you're running them now.
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    Anything from EA at all? Fix this mode, make it fun or get rid for it. It's not that difficult but instead we get ships and all the old bugs back.

    I've got a fully modded team on node 6 that dodge everything and never miss a critical. Bad RNG or just crap developers? I what my money is on
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    I swear it's getting worse, not better. Basically, the AI is rigging things to be stronger, to make up for poor strategy. Some new cases:

    1: In the 10 battles I finished, my crit rate was just over 10%. The AI, especially on hard nodes, had a MUCH higher crit rate, in one battle (node 9) approaching 80%. This seems especially true of characters who heal on a hit, like Ashoka or AS. They never crit when it's an attack that causes healing.

    2: Dodges and deflections are still outrageous, and are blatantly used to avoid your strong attacks. If Mace Windu exposes you, watch him miss. Yoda, who has one of my strongest attacks, misses frequently. Any time you might kill a toon before they can use a special on you, prepare to miss...often. That's especially true of healers. I've seen four misses in a row against Barris, when any of the hits would kill her; when it was her turn, of course she healed. But the most outrageous example is IG88. I set up a DOT team with Sid, Vader, GG, Boba and IG88. Dots everywhere by the end of turn two, some toons with as many as 7. IG88 opens up with his area attack, because if it crits, with all those dots those toons are done. He missed; all five enemies, he missed. And it's happened more than once in different battles, so much so that I don't really use him anymore because there's no point. He misses when it's to his best advantage to cause damage, and even when he hits, he almost never crits.

    3: The purple nodes are getting ridiculously hard now. Even node six is now so hard that I'll loose a team or more trying to clear it. I'll retreat and try different teams or approaches, but the characters are so ridiculously hard it's almost impossible to beat them without taking heavy losses. I sacrifice teams to beat them, but c'mon. Halfway through and facing level 80, 7-star teams with gear 9 or 10? AND with all the cheating going on? It's a bit too much.

    And that's really the problem, and I've seen it over and over in games like this. The devs take things just a bit too far. Want the purple nodes to be hard? Fine. Have us face off against a vastly more powerful team. But the more powerful team PLUS the blatant cheating is too much. One or the other, guys.

    I'll put it this way. I used to play GW because it was a fun challenge. Now I dread it. It's not fun, it's just a frustrating chore to get through. It's a GAME, guys; it shouldn't be something people dread doing.

    Usually I finish GW but my observations are same - play with Wiggs team and rebels and I should use healer because of dodge and non crit :smile:

    It's now the same for daily battles to. I'm knocked out by lando (my whole team) before my lando can even play once. This game is a joke.

    @Cop1416 I hope you don't mind, but I saw your profile on I don't understand why you're so salty about this. You've got a giant roster, almost every character, some sweet mods, and you're L85. You've won 3,637 GW battles, or the equivalent of 303 days worth of GW tables; it's safe bet to say you've cleared the GW table on more days than you haven't. So you know as well as I do that yes, GW is harder these days, but it's not as impossible as you're making it out to be.

    Even so, I feel your pain. I can't break into the top spots on my Arena ladder either. But let's take a look at your roster. You still haven't fixed your mod problems. It looks like you want to run a Rebel team in Arena. I'm going to make some suggestions for you, take them or leave them.

    Lando Speed him up and give more Crit Damage
    • Take the CD Speed arrow from Daka (+30 speed)
    • Take the CD triangle from St Han (+36% CD)
    St Han Speed him up, add Potency. If he goes first and pops his taunt, you get +30% ally TM bonus plus 25% chance to remove 30% enemy TM. We don't care about the taunt, it's the TM we want. Move some mods and you can get him up to 192 Speed with Lando lead instead of his current 129. Try this:
    • Health Speed Arrow from Biggs (then give Lumi's CD Speed arrow to Biggs)
    • Potency square from FOO (+5 speed)
    • Defense diamond from Ackbar (+9S)
    • Health circle from Dathcha (+3S)
    • Defense triangle from HRSc (+4S)
    • Get a Potency cross with Potency primary from somewhere
    • That's a great start ... but some even better speed secondaries would help out
    Biggs Speed and Crit Damage. You can mod him to 180 with Lando lead instead of his current 139
    • CD square from Rey (+7S)
    • CD diamond from HK-47 (+8S)
    • CD circle from Ahsoka (+4S). This is a L1 mod, upgrade it and hope for even more speed!
    • CD cross from Sun Fac (+8S)
    Wedge Speed, Crit Chance and Crit Damage. You can mod him to 185 with Lando lead instead of his current 118
    • CC arrow from RG (+30S, +3.39% CC)
    • CC square from Windu (+13S)
    • CD triangle from Greedo (+3S, +36% CD)
    • CD circle from Ewok Scout (+8S)
    • CD diamond from Barriss Offee (+2S)
    • CD cross from Windu (+4S)
    Leia Speed, Health. Mod to 223 with Lando lead instead of current 175
    • H arrow from Ewok Elder (+30S)
    • H circle from Biggs (+3S)

    You make these changes, then this is your turn order: Leia, St Han taunt, Wedge AOE, Biggs assist, Lando AOE. Put Lando at lead and you get an additional 30% Crit Damage. This team will do much better in Arena and GW than how you're running them now.

    Thanks for helping me make my point. With my "Giant roster" as you put it, if they make it to where I can't beat a certain node with my arsenal....then something is defenitley wrong with the game. Second, I'm not salty I'm stating a fact, wasn't going on a tangent that time. Third, I haven't logged onto swhog since that day to update my stats. I have improved some of them, and with the farming I'm doing in MOD battles I'm finding it very difficult to get triangle lvl 5 mods. I'm getting level 5 MODs on every other on just not the Triangle. I appreciate your advice and I'll take and use it. But as u can see this isn't a single person issue. It's a huge problem.
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    Agreed, the right mods are hard to get. I've scoped out some whales on the It appears that a lot of them get around the mod scarcity issue by only keeping limited sets. They just move them to another character when they want to use them. That way there isn't an ocean of mods to keep track of. At any rate, good luck to you.
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    Agreed, the right mods are hard to get. I've scoped out some whales on the It appears that a lot of them get around the mod scarcity issue by only keeping limited sets. They just move them to another character when they want to use them. That way there isn't an ocean of mods to keep track of. At any rate, good luck to you.
    Agreed, the right mods are hard to get. I've scoped out some whales on the It appears that a lot of them get around the mod scarcity issue by only keeping limited sets. They just move them to another character when they want to use them. That way there isn't an ocean of mods to keep track of. At any rate, good luck to you.
    Hey Even can u give me that website to swgoh. I can't get it to open and I may be not remembering it correctly. Thanks a bunch!
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    Ok i have had this happen a couple of different times now on GW. I have wiped out leia and right then and there she was revived by dakka,wasnt even dakkas turn ,its already next to impossible to beat unless u get lucky on a couple of different nodes.but now on top of that the just get revived for no apparent reason. My thought is they should take out the GW as a daily task. If its not meant to be completed every day then beef up rewards and maybe open GW up like 3 times a week and put it in the challenge category
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    Ok i have had this happen a couple of different times now on GW. I have wiped out leia and right then and there she was revived by dakka,wasnt even dakkas turn ,its already next to impossible to beat unless u get lucky on a couple of different nodes.but now on top of that the just get revived for no apparent reason. My thought is they should take out the GW as a daily task. If its not meant to be completed every day then beef up rewards and maybe open GW up like 3 times a week and put it in the challenge category

    Daka has a passive revive ability in her unique, when any character on her team dies they have a 10% chance to revive with 20% turn meter
    F2P - lvl 85 - July Shard - Primary Force Guild Force a Fide Guild -
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    Boo wrote: »
    Not ever one has a hard node 12 I've seen plenty of Screen shots with people way higher up the food chain than me getting 3* teams with green gear on node 12.

    Its broken. Why do the Devs sit back and ignore this issue!!!!

    there solution is vaults and vaults of crystals
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    I'll never beat gw because node 12 is full of all gear 11 characters and characters that there's no way they could have unless they spent a lot of money. It's not fair that f2p has to face p2p in this event otherwise there will be no way to beat it
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