Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Dabro11
    29 posts Member
    Sticking to the plan shows these developers have no business making decisions. I don't care of they reverted back to prior to June 15th but for the first time yesterday I didn't finish GW. I tried for 2 hours to get the RNG in my favor and at some point it is pointless. So instead of 15 shards a day I will get 10 and they will elongate my time frame to upgrade toons. But they will not make me spend money and the mods in this forum are terrible as well. Sure I will get banned as you cannot express genuine disappointment or anger without being slapped on the wrist. Hey mods go smack the developers.
  • Kazie
    18 posts Member
    While this is nothing that will or should cause anyone to quit the game over (that's just irrational) - EA needs to give a little more though to the changes they make.

    The original Tuning in June made it easier, under the clause of "we don't want it to take as long". This new tweak however, has not only made it take as long, but it's made it frustrating to the point where I am just not doing it as often. Specially when at higher levels, the last note is so far overpowered over anything you throw at it that you are using full team to hopefully kill 1 or 2 characters and hoping you can keep throwing bodies at it to win.

    It's taking too long, it's frustrating, and really, it's just not fun, and that's the main thing for me. At the end of the day, if a mechanic isn't fun, I just won't play it. So until they fix it, GW is pretty much garbage. I'll do a node to meet the dailies and do some fights and they seem reasonable, but I have no desire to spend 30 minutes of frustration trying to finish it daily. There are other games, that are much more fun, that I can spend time in.
  • crixvane
    88 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Kazie wrote: »
    While this is nothing that will or should cause anyone to quit the game over (that's just irrational) - EA needs to give a little more though to the changes they make.

    It could definitely cause people to quit playing. Without the credits, progression comes to complete halt. Of course you could buy the credit packs, which is probably what they want you to do with these changes.

  • Foxxphyre
    160 posts Member
    Creating an account to post this. I worked hard and spent some money to progress in this game and when I was finally able to complete gw (prior to June 15) I was pumped. It felt like an achievement, that I'd reached a level where income was now consistent and I could start growing my teams. It was challenging and getting easier.

    I didn't mind the tweak either. It let me experiment with my up and coming teams without compromising my ability to complete the gw.

    Now, no matter what I do, I cannot finish. Even if I carefully steward my lvl 80 gear 8 jedi to node 12, fire off all my burn squads and go in with full health I can't clear half a team. 3 days in a row.

    Unlike some on here I don't mind sitting down for 30 mins to play gw, but getting to the final node and knowing before you start that it's impossible is extremely disheartening.

    This must be fixed.
  • Options
    I agree with JRA.
    My decision on going forward is completey in the hands of the devs and their response to this. For me they have one shot, cause my patience is all but gone. (Lost it in GW)
    I dont care if they admit or apologize, i dont care if they wanna change the entire matrix of how to aquire credit, etc etc.
    What i do care for is honesty. So take your time on your response as my 'progression' has all but ceased. But your response better not put it on me to develope my roster without a way to do so. If its buy credits? I have put enough money in this game to not be jerked around by lazy, dishonest, shady and unethical "leadership".
  • trashcanus
    66 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW's gonna be fixed given how we complain about it, the only question is : when ???
    Frustrating the player base : working as intended, well done EA/CG. Don't think we don't see that you want us to pay, and I bet nobody would just to complete a GW, we're not that gullible.

    I loved the game a lot before precraft issue. The reason I keep playing is :
    1) I invested money ... I'll try to make it not useless
    2) I have hope for this game ... It really has potential, but the greed is too big. How one of the most famous and popular serie (Star Wars) is between the hands of (put every word you want) devs ? Clearly Star Wars is not worth them.
  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    Divona wrote: »
    SirDooth wrote: »
    It seems people are so accustomed to getting everything for free, that they miss out the point that somehow the developers wages have to be paid. I'm not in this kind of business but obviously someone had to bring up the development costs in advance and now they need to at least even out, better earn some money with this game. So it's legit that they try.

    Really? Are you really trying to pull THAT card here? How you think CG or actually EA earns money if new characters are gated behind P2P shipments? This game earns more money than you can even imagine. We are talking here not thousands of dollar/eur but tens of thousands.

    Actually, hundreds of thousands, per day. See here:

    That is just App Store per day and doesn't include Google Play. Essentially you can double that number. The "Devs salaries have to get paid" argument is the **** thing, ever.

    I will say, that number has fallen precipitously in the past few weeks. They used to be at $200k+ per day on the App Store as recently as a month ago. It speaks volumes that daily purchases are down over 50% due to the ridiculous "changes" and constant failures. It's a shame because at its heart, the game is great. But guild hopping/alt factory, exploits, unannounced changes, etc. have turned it into a mockery.
  • Go_Blue
    95 posts Member
    The problem remains lack of communication. There's 1100 messages and over 25,000 views of this thread, and silence from the Devs. That's the most frustrating part. The "fix" was put in without any notice, was excluded @EA_Jesse's June 28th "Game Update" post, wasn't commented on until so many people noticed the change that somebody had to at least acknowledge it, and then nothing today, despite pages of comments both protesting the change and, more importantly, notice from players that there are bugs with the implemented fix. Just talk your customers. That isn't asking a lot.
  • Embo
    39 posts Member
    The recent change is painfully noticeable. I have not been getting the "easier" teams that I've seen some people screen shot and post. Until now, I have not made one comment about GW because I accept that "it is what it is" and adjust accordingly. I have been able to complete GW every day, but with a considerable amount of time and effort lately.

    Example: On node 12, I ran across Anakin (L), Fives, Rex, RG, and QGJ all level 80, 7*, gear 11. I have no gear 11 toons on my roster. After a lot of retreating, I finally got it down to Fives and lost 10 toons in the process. Then Fives killed 10 more toons BY HIMSELF. I had to use level 43 toons to finish him. I barely pulled it off. I was sweating it and laughing at the same time.

    Being a moderate p2p player, I thought I had a pretty deep roster. But, the revamped GW has proved that it's JUST deep enough. I only have so many credits, though, to level up and promote toons.

    I enjoy the game, but GW does take a lot of time to complete still due to the last few nodes being exceptionally difficult. I think the difficulty could be turned down half a notch, just for the sake of not spending over an hour on GW alone.

    For f2p and moderate p2p players, GW is the best way to get credits, hands down. But it's a vicious circle. "I need to complete GW to get more credits, so I can level up and promote toons, so I can have a deeper roster, so I can complete GW, to get more credits..."
  • Options
    You haven't tweaked it, you've broken it.

    Node 11:


    Node 12:


    First time in months I haven't been able to finish it, and I have a deep, deep roster.

  • Skirata
    163 posts Member
    What I read from the feedback to this recent change of Galactic Wars is the following:

    We are upset at the unfairness that some people get 40k death squads, and others 3* romps.

    "Logged in for the first time just to say...
    I get to the last node and it's always the same guy. #1-5 in arena. Can't beat him with any of my toons. 4 days in a row now. Too hard and takes too long for the disappointing ending." - Ditchpig3

    "What's even more infuriating is hearing about people getting 3* green gear teams on node 12" - pnett_13

    Also that we have to fight, not our equals, but opponents VASTLY superior to our best groups.

    "Last battle today was ST Han, Rey, RG, QGJ, and Daka all X geared. I have one X geared in my whole roster. Give me a break!!!" - Batdude21

    We also want some variety (not another meta team), but can't afford variety in our arena team (without losing the benefits of Arena), so we want the 'other' guy's team to be different/fun/non-meta. Since GW is made of Arena teams, all our worst meta experiences are these very unfair teams that now make GW more challenging.

    I have a 33,000 point Arena team (my five best toons). Honestly, I'd be happier to fight a 33,000 point Empire/Rebel/Jedi/Nightsister/Scoundrel/Ewok/Resistence/FO/Droid team instead of a 39,000 Meta team.

    If my opponent has in their roster five synergistic toons that add up (in points) to my best team, let me fight them, instead of their Arena squad. You can use the same decision tree you use to restrict Events like the recent Ewok Assault to harvest them, with the simple addition that you use toon with the highest Leader rank as the leader of the squad.

    Tonight is the first Guild Activity night requiring us to go through GW twice to score the most for our guild. By tomorrow I expect to see a drastic change in the score of how many battles the members of my guild win.

  • Sithwolf
    40 posts Member
    I have to agree with the majority of posters here as well. GW is just a chore to try and get pasts the last 2 nodes at best, rage inducing at the worst. Really sucks the fun out of it. Oh well, nothing lasts forever.
  • Riggin12
    129 posts Member
    Skammadix wrote: »
    Divona wrote: »
    SirDooth wrote: »
    It seems people are so accustomed to getting everything for free, that they miss out the point that somehow the developers wages have to be paid. I'm not in this kind of business but obviously someone had to bring up the development costs in advance and now they need to at least even out, better earn some money with this game. So it's legit that they try.

    Really? Are you really trying to pull THAT card here? How you think CG or actually EA earns money if new characters are gated behind P2P shipments? This game earns more money than you can even imagine. We are talking here not thousands of dollar/eur but tens of thousands.

    Actually, hundreds of thousands, per day. See here:

    That is just App Store per day and doesn't include Google Play. Essentially you can double that number. The "Devs salaries have to get paid" argument is the **** thing, ever.

    I will say, that number has fallen precipitously in the past few weeks. They used to be at $200k+ per day on the App Store as recently as a month ago. It speaks volumes that daily purchases are down over 50% due to the ridiculous "changes" and constant failures. It's a shame because at its heart, the game is great. But guild hopping/alt factory, exploits, unannounced changes, etc. have turned it into a mockery.

    Sad but true.
  • x72821
    46 posts Member
    I have yet to see the mythical easy node 12 in person, I only get the epic gear 10-11 full omega upgrade team thats 10 levels above me. when I see that I log out, go to bed, and wish they had the common sense to not make major "tweaks" over a long holiday weekend. Thats just bad management.
  • Options
    x72821 wrote: »
    I have yet to see the mythical easy node 12 in person, I only get the epic gear 10-11 full omega upgrade team thats 10 levels above me. when I see that I log out, go to bed, and wish they had the common sense to not make major "tweaks" over a long holiday weekend. Thats just bad management.

    I *only* see those nodes on 12. My node 11 isn't even a Meta team. It's a SUPER meta team, maxed to the gills with every solitary slot filled and everything at omega level. Literally impossible to get out of without losing a character. But them I'm rewarded with a team I can defeat with an AOE at the end.

    But you know, having a full green L60 team with no gear on Node 12 is WAI. And the devs wonder why we don't believe them or take them at face value.
  • Xeacon
    18 posts Member
    During GW you nowadays run into three elite teams. I came to 3 out of 3 elite teams. While not having anymore good characters left I just dropped GW not choosing to continue as I couldn't. Faced BentWookie in the last intermission with all top toons. Please..

    GW still takes the same time as before, more boring since you don't get any materials that you need and you loose all characters on these elite teams. Hard enough to grind materials even if you would decide to buy crystals to get more turns it may speed up the process but just a bit.

    I truly hope the game will be more rewarding and more balanced when it comes to at least GW. Feels it's a classic problem that things always needs to be worse instead of better. :(
  • Xeacon
    18 posts Member
    Riggin12 wrote: »
    Skammadix wrote: »
    Divona wrote: »
    SirDooth wrote: »
    It seems people are so accustomed to getting everything for free, that they miss out the point that somehow the developers wages have to be paid. I'm not in this kind of business but obviously someone had to bring up the development costs in advance and now they need to at least even out, better earn some money with this game. So it's legit that they try.

    Really? Are you really trying to pull THAT card here? How you think CG or actually EA earns money if new characters are gated behind P2P shipments? This game earns more money than you can even imagine. We are talking here not thousands of dollar/eur but tens of thousands.

    Actually, hundreds of thousands, per day. See here:

    That is just App Store per day and doesn't include Google Play. Essentially you can double that number. The "Devs salaries have to get paid" argument is the **** thing, ever.

    I will say, that number has fallen precipitously in the past few weeks. They used to be at $200k+ per day on the App Store as recently as a month ago. It speaks volumes that daily purchases are down over 50% due to the ridiculous "changes" and constant failures. It's a shame because at its heart, the game is great. But guild hopping/alt factory, exploits, unannounced changes, etc. have turned it into a mockery.

    Sad but true.

    Agree to a 100%. Hope they fix the game and soon! It has great potential but people like me gets to move on before that happens as usually it takes too long to fix unfortunately. This game will as per today not be getting anymore money from me either.
  • Thegreatdecay
    55 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    x72821 wrote: »
    I have yet to see the mythical easy node 12 in person, I only get the epic gear 10-11 full omega upgrade team thats 10 levels above me. when I see that I log out, go to bed, and wish they had the common sense to not make major "tweaks" over a long holiday weekend. Thats just bad management.

    I *only* see those nodes on 12. My node 11 isn't even a Meta team. It's a SUPER meta team, maxed to the gills with every solitary slot filled and everything at omega level. Literally impossible to get out of without losing a character. But them I'm rewarded with a team I can defeat with an AOE at the end.

    But you know, having a full green L60 team with no gear on Node 12 is WAI. And the devs wonder why we don't believe them or take them at face value.

    I initially had the same thought when seeing my first node 12 with all scrubs. I thought, "this must be an error, what a joke" and assumed they were just trying to sweep it under the rug with their announcement and were pretending the updates were intentional. Now I believe they are intentionally throwing scrubs at us on node 12 and I almost found out the hard way. Yesterday I got lazy on GW and let the meta team on node 6 take out too many of my a-team characters. After getting through node 10, I didn't have much left in the tank on node 11 and I lost all my good characters killing everyone except for Fives. I was left with a hanful of scrubs to beat a maxed Fives and it took me several attempts to get the RNG that I needed to stun and kill him. The end result was that I ended up needing to beat node 12 with those same scrubs that Fives nearly killed himself. Instead of doing auto on the 12th node like usual, I had to strategize and beat the node 12 team fighting them with similarly weak characters. That's when it hit me... people who wants the payout of the 12th node, but are leterally stuck with their worst five characters as leftovers, might run into situations where they can quickly gear/level their scrubs in order to beat it. If the 12th node was another meta team, that would not be possible. They already incentivize us to max out our best toons with arena/raid/events/PvE and now they have found a way to incentive us to work on our worst characters that we normally wouldn't waste a credit on. They already did a little bit of that by introducing a very specific event on a weak synergy like the Scoundrel event, but this now applies to all characters for everyone, no matter what kind of characters you have at the bottom of the barrel.

    TL;DR; I believe throwing scrubs at us on node 12 is actually intential, not an error like it would seem. It's an attempt to get you to panic-farm your scrubs when you get to node 12, if you have already lost all your powerful characters.
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    Today last node against level 79-77 AI gear 9, while i'm level 66 and gear 8 all.

    Can someone explain how did this change even got through without testing?
  • Options
    Getting every toon you own killed on the 12th node of GW... that sucks. Keeps happening. Makes this game not worth playing.
  • n42
    1 posts Member
    is there chance that gw will be lighter a future? I am not willing to! This is NOT CHALLANGE, this is **** whith me!

  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    As my arena team is 39,615 and has been since the GW nerf, both node 11 and 12 are scrubs, meaning my GW looks like this
    Node 1-5 normal encounters
    Node 6 maxed out team
    Node 7-9 normal hard encounters
    Node 10 maxed out Rex team
    Node 11-12 "Dude where's my gear?"
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Erik_Aphax
    104 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    n42 wrote: »
    is there chance that gw will be lighter a future? I am not willing to! This is NOT CHALLANGE, this is **** whith me!

    CG is monitoring your feedback so they can do exactly the opposite once again...
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    It is totally a humiliating experience when your best 7*Gear 9 level 80 squad wipe out by a 7* gear 11 squad that have 6000 squad power higher than you. Their attack will land but most of your attack was either dodge or evaded, and your other lesser 7* level 80 squad will fare even worst. The you will simply quit to try to finish today's GW. Why EA you have to put us up against couple gatekeeper heroic gear squad to preventing us to finish our daily achievement of finish the last node of GW? Why Why why??????
  • Nikka488
    277 posts Member
    I posted about this during the last thread and someone told me to stop whining and gear up my toons. It wasn't worth replying. After a long weekend dealing with this frustration most of my enthusiasm has been **** out of the game. I'm not a big spender (<$100) but I've never spent on a game before. I have been playing daily since Nov. I have a pretty decent roster (47 toons - 19 7* characters - 7 level 80 maxed out toons - most omega'd.) My arena team is ~35K power. I float around spot 50 at payout. I've been as low as 22. I can get to node 9. Node 6 can sometimes be difficult, but do-able. Once I get to node 9-12 it gets so increasingly hard that by 11/12 I generally can't finish. Especially when node 12 exceeds my BEST A-team in power (which often has been depleted - protection & sometimes a lost toon or 2). I love the game, accept that there are events I can't beat (Rebel/Empire) and some I can (Scoundrels). It's just disappointing that the most time consuming part of the daily grind has become the least fun. Not a smart move IMHO.
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    EA is loving this. Our suffering is beautiful music to them. They have our money, now it's time for the cat to torment the mouse. trust me, this was the malicious intent of EA. They are fat with our money and now its time to watch the peons suffer.
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    I'm not here to complain and demand that something be changed. I just wanted to voice my opinion that the changes to GW make it not fun to play.

    I went from being able to clear GW with some effort on a daily basis to not being able to clear more than 10 nodes for four days. I'm all for challenge but when I clear the first 9 nodes with one team, then lose two solid squads (75+ lvl 8 gear) to the next node, and literally go through my remaining roster dying to 5s counter attack on the final node (after killing RG, Rey, and Rex) that isn't fun.
    I play games to have fun. GW has become a grind and when things grind they stop working. When a game stops working, people stop playing.

    Just my 2 cents.
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    Agree with EA that gw should be challenging, but the part they forgot to take into account is challenging AND fun. It's not fun to challenge ur customers with multiple encounters of teams with gear 2 lvls higher than ur best toon. The response has been overwhelmingly negative EA. Listen to the community and fix it.

  • Options
    Aero wrote: »
    What's weird is this comes very shortly after they announced they were lowering the difficulty of GW in response to complaints that it took too long. It sounds like CG can't make up their minds.

    Found it!
    "Galactic War – still one of the most discussed topics in the community, the team has been doing a lot of internal testing to find a way to make Galactic War more enjoyable. The first step is making it not take near as long, and the development team has a solution for this. Starting next week an update will be rolled out that makes some adjustments to Galactic War’s difficulty, which should in turn lower the amount of time it takes for players to complete. We’ll continue to monitor how players are interacting with Galactic War and make additional tuning changes as needed."

    This was just three weeks ago! What's going on?

    Agree, it suggests they have no clue which direction to go or there are too many cooks in the kitchen. Do this, do that, no go back to this . EA, u are a large company full of talented resources and responsible for the image of star wars brand, get a good game plan together and sort it out.

  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    You know I get that it was a long weekend and Dev's deserve time off too, but isn't it the same with all these megathreads? hundreds if not thousands of posts and never a peep from the dev team.... i mean i get why you dont want to come in here and say something but come on, it really will get you some good will fromt he community.

    TL:DR megathreads are really so EA/CG knows what threads to ignore...
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