Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Go_Blue wrote: »
    @CG_JohnSalera one thing I would suggest is increasing the rewards, especially credits and crystals from GW, if you are going to keep it this difficult. If it's going to take players significant time to complete, they should be rewarded as such. Maybe when GW was first introduced the rewards were plentiful because nobody was at level 80 with the huge gear needs and farming people do now. So, either make it easier to complete and keep the rewards lower, or make it a challenge as you say but actually reward players for the effort.

    Also, if the main point of the rollback was to make GW take less time (which was the stated goal) how does this change help that goal?

    Finally, please don't "sneak" in these changes without telling people for days. People obviously notice. I don't think you guys have sinister intent, but you see the threads here about "stealth" nerfs when they don't exist. This plays into that paranoia. We need better communication about what is happening in a game people are spending a lot of money to play.

    Thanks for listening.

    Agree 100% and well worded.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I honestly haven't faced such a impossible GW as most ppl are saying, but just by reading the comments i laughed hard on the "stealth tune" or "maxed rey meta teams" just wiped out their rosters comments!! Yet, despite a had fun with the complaints, i feel it's so much unfair to everyone whose GW is getting impossible to beat... We just wanna play and have fun, not headaches.

    And to all those ppl who don't think this is a bug or something, this is clearly a bug that needs to be fixed asap, having fun alone is not funny at all!!!

    So, this bug is not affecting me, but i ask the devs to fix this so everyone can enjoy a great SW game!

    PS: We need a decent competitive Jedi team (with a good taunt), after all, this is SW!! Clone, ewoks and nightsisters or whatever other secundary characters are there in the SW universe, they're not as important as the Jedi nor the Sith, so after fixing GW, let's hope to see a General Kenobi taunt tank Jedi! ;D
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    Node 11 and 12 are not doable since last patch on the GW matching algorithm. I'm not F2P, but I'm no whale either so why are my last two nodes filled with maxed out old ben (L), Aayla Secura, Sun Fac, 5s, RG which is squad power of 40,516. My current arena squad power is 33K and has never been over 35K.
    I've literally burned through A, B, C and D squads and still can't beat those nodes.

    Please fix GW!
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    I'm all for a challenge, but this is jut not fun to play against

    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    I'm all for a challenge, but this is jut not fun to play against


    That's how my node 6 looked like when people was complaining about GW was too easy
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Some time ago, when I got frustrated that I'm not achieving anything in the game, I decided to spend a little money.
    I bought some crystals and the pack with Anakin and QGJ.

    After doing so, I achieved... still nothing. These two toons had no impact in then game at all.

    I'm lvl 80, my A-Team is all 7*. some omega'd, all gear VIII.

    At Arena, I still finish between 200 and 300 on my server, and I still couldn't finish GWs.

    Until two weeks ago, concerning GW. I could finish them. Now, I can't any more. Run out of toons at the last node.
    OK, I could perhaps spend another little money on some toons, to have the same experience again, that the money wouldn't help. Or I could spend big money, hoping that this would help.

    Big money is a no go for me on a mobile game. Small money is a useless effort, it leads to nothing.
    So, it's no more money at all for you, EA.

    And if you improve your game further, with ridiculous events which I cannot take part in or cannot win, because I lack the toons, I'm out. OK, this will not hurt you, because I'm not spending any more money on the game. EA, I once loved you because of Madden NFL, NHL and NBA Live. Now I think different.
    This exactly
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    On June 29th we made an adjustment to the June 15th tuning to make the last few nodes more challenging.

    Okay @CG_JohnSalera, take a look at the screenshot below. I do believe that's node 6, that's in the bottom half of the draw. I also believe that's a fully maxed team (except for RG).

    And look at the catchy name belonging to the player of this arena team! :smile:


    The funniest thing is that nodes 11 and 12 were 3 star green gear teams I could auto in less than 10 seconds each.

    So ... GW difficulty curve: FAIL.

    Player name profanity filter: FAIL.

    Come on, John, this has gone on long enough. You're haemorrhaging players now. People rely on GW for credits, even though the rewards haven't been increased since level 60.

    I'm fortunate enough to have the roster for it, most players with a strong arena team are getting annihilated before node 7.

    Looks like you could have taken that pic from my screen
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    Ztyle wrote: »
    I'm all for a challenge, but this is jut not fun to play against


    That's how my node 6 looked like when people was complaining about GW was too easy

    I was able to beat it without casualties after a few rng Variations. Just annoying since it's like a sixth arena battle as if I don't fight that team enough a day lol

    Also, looking at your profile pic, I think I've traded heroclix with you before (or at least talked about it)
    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
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    The last GW update has made finishing impossible. On the last team I am going up against a team that is 4 lvls higher than I am (80 vs 76) using fully raid geared characters with omega skills! There is no chance that I can possibly beat that. I have lost my PvP team (ranks in the top 5 on my server, lvl 76, 7*, geared with 8-9 and skills either maxed or at 6-7), my top raid team (again maxed for my lvl), my second best raid team and then my last team and I have not taken down one of the team characters.

    When you loose that many teams/characters.. without even removing one player from the other side it becomes an exercise in futility. I play this game because I enjoy it and have spent a lot (time and money) to get my characters & teams. However the moment that this game starts to **** me off to the point where I am stressed out.. the money tap gets turned off.

    I am not so sure the recent changes that were done in solely for "challenge" instead I believe its another ploy to get players to level up (pay more money) on useless characters just to try and finish GW. Maybe that's harsh but I am ****.. and I paid more than once to finish an event and/or challenge and never complained once. So I figure this vent has been bought and paid for, not mention completely justified.

    I wont be attempting to finish another GW until it is fixed. I refuse to dump money into crappy characters because the developers want to stack the deck against my success and enjoyment. I simply know when odds are stacked against me and I cannot possibly win.. the new forest event (open to lvl 76) for example.. and i just don't play.

    To recap: I have lost 20 of my top characters trying to take down one player (who still has full health).. and before I deleted the game, figured I had better come and voice my opinion.

    So just let me know if this is the future of this game so I can delete it now.

    Thanks for your time
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yesterday's brief stroke of luck with slightly easier nodes is clearly at an end, today's nodes were ugly, I almost packed it in at 9 against a squad with 2 g11's and omegas but I guess I'm too stubborn for my own good. All in all, since the change...

    Challenge? Not a fun one. I know I'll clear, at least I have every day so far, and some of the battles are fun but I dread it rather than look forward to it, I'm just waiting for the run that breaks my A-team at node 9 so I can stop bothering; the joke team at the end would be a nice laugh under other circumstances but by node 12 I'm just glad it's over. Fun? Nope. It's just a headache again, at this point I'd rather just auto through it and hope another tier is added to the challenges - one that lives up to what the name implies. Rewarding? Only comparatively and considering the effort I'm starting to think it'd be more enjoyable to just build my characters slower. Wholesale balance issues aside, maybe you should have left it easy and just tacked on 3 more nodes of the newly tweaked variety at the end. (I may have mentioned something like that in a prior post, I'm sure others have.)

    The good news is it'd be easy (from a design perspective) to fix and you've got plenty of suggestions on how to go about it, mine included for whatever they're worth (see the other posts I made here). Obviously you'll never make everyone happy, but too easy beats miserable any day.
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    Our guild can beat the heroic rancor in a few hours yet no one can get through the GW for the guild activity. What an absolute joke.
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    NienNunb wrote: »
    Does anyone have the revised total of rewards for a full GW?

    I'd write it down, but I can't complete it...

  • Ceirowyn
    14 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Thanks for making put down the game to take a serious hiatus. I'm not playing a game no longer enjoyable.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]
    Post edited by Afista on
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    okay. after the tuning, yes it got harder but its still doable. until today. yes. i am a miserable ftp player who made his way to top 10 in arena, with 33.3k arena power. all was good, i managed to beat the high powered gw everyday until today. today, i had to face a WHALE team, comprising of a maxed out phasma, aayla, rex, echo and fives all max starred and geared. this is really unfair for EA to pit a whale against a miserable ftp player. it was nearly impossible, like a node sent straight from the core of héll. please tune it back or increase the rewards. its not fun anymore now. wish i can post a picture but i have no idea how to
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    okay. after the tuning, yes it got harder but its still doable. until today. yes. i am a miserable ftp player who made his way to top 10 in arena, with 33.3k arena power. all was good, i managed to beat the high powered gw everyday until today. today, i had to face a WHALE team, comprising of a maxed out phasma, aayla, rex, echo and fives all max starred and geared. this is really unfair for EA to pit a whale against a miserable ftp player. it was nearly impossible, like a node sent straight from the core of héll. please tune it back or increase the rewards. its not fun anymore now. wish i can post a picture but i have no idea how to
  • Riggin12
    129 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Ceirowyn wrote: »
    Thanks for making put down the game to take a serious hiatus. I'm not playing a game no longer enjoyable.

    This sentiment is becoming more common. I have been in a very solid top tier guild with almost no attrition since raids started. We are now starting to lose serious players (including whales and non-whales) as a result of guild war changes and imbalances created by guild hopping/alt farming. When people who have spent 100's or 1000's are shifting to f2p or quitting, that is a bad sign. CG certainly tracks play and pay metrics. I hope they take these shifts seriously, so that the game can survive and thrive.
    Post edited by Afista on
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    GW is a farce. I lose far too many toons at node 6 to make it through the next 6. Having it "challenging" while being the main source for credits, and the only source for gw toons, is ridiculous. Pick one or the other EA. Each day I fall further behind and less able to level new toons, which makes the events unreachable, so I fall further behind. I spend two hours a day on this game to accomplish less and less. I pretty much play now to provide guild coins and unlock toons from arena and cantina. Once this is done what is left to play for? I figure I have three or four toons left to unlock and then I'll be done with this game and only log in to look at my stagnant roster. I used to play DCUO religiously, but quit because of paywalls and **** dev decisions. Looks like this once fantastic game is going the same way.
    Oh, and to all you EA trolls, I don't want anything for free, but I would like to feel appreciated if only for the fact that I spend money on a digital product that (used) to provide entertainment. I don't mind the grind at all, but the gear paywall debacle, the events I can't do because I have no credits to gear toons, and the constantly screwing up of gw has me to the point where it isn't fun anymore, and what other reason is there to play.
    I've already sworn to myself EA gets no more of my money, but they are also about to get no more of my time
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    I hope y'all realize that if they were to dial-back the GW difficulty, they'd probably have to dial-back the rewards as well. I'm just speculating here, but my assumption is that the devs simply don't want to give out the max rewards to everyone. At least this way, there's a chance that you could beat it, even if you don't always.

    Also, how about leveling up some characters other than your 5-character arena squad? Just a thought, but I'm guessing if people start taking all those credits they're getting from the Empire and Scoundrel events - and yes, a lot of people are completing them - and level up some of their other characters, even if they don't all get to 80, they might start doing better in GW.

    Relax, it won't always be this way. Over time you'll get better, and it won't seem as hard. Or not. Either way, I'm good as long as everyone is facing the same difficulty level and most people get about the same rewards.

    I would like to see the difficulty taken back just a bit, and I don't always win either, but overall I like a challenge.

    Also, it bothers me that people think it's okay to advocate violence on the forums. Seriously, come up with a different analogy, or take your hate elsewhere.
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    Igor08 wrote: »
    So many folks don't seem to understand what needs to be done & im assuming throw their "best toons" at meta teams without really knowing how to beat a meta team in the first place. Me, I sit & smile at some of the people's comments on this thread

    Ok troll, I'll bite. So nobody but you in all your wisdom knows how to easily kill a DodgeLead/RG/QGJ/Rey/AnyToon meta team? Tell us all then. Tell us your secret to casually beating 4 or 5 maxed meta teams in one GW run? (Besides living with your parents and spending your full wage on building a fully maxed roster, everyone knows of that trick)

    Send a weakling suicide team, then a jedi team with QGJ and Yoda, done.
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I won't claim I'm going to quit playing, because I think everyone knows that's not likely for any of us. But I will say I no longer pay and I only play about 15 minutes most days.

    If EA is trying to kill the game then they're on the right track. I and everyone else I know who plays has lost most of their interest. If,on the other hand they are trying to keep their cash cow going then they need to replace pretty much everybody making decisions on this game. Possibly with that little monkey with the cymbals. (He couldn't do much worse)
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    this gw is cancer right now, even when it got difficult i liked it because more of a challange that way, but when i try 6 different teams against the last node and they get to have 7 turns before i even get to blink and phasma passive proc maybe 5 of those turns, you know this **** is broken, **** gw not worth with these rewards anyway wont waste time doing that crap anymore

    just wanted to share my opinion, bye
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    Well because of time and what they are demanding from most average players..this makes it hard to complete during the day without spending a few hours on it. If POKEMON GO is awesome..I definitely won't have time for SWGOH.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Grraauuggh wrote: »
    I hope y'all realize that if they were to dial-back the GW difficulty, they'd probably have to dial-back the rewards as well. I'm just speculating here, but my assumption is that the devs simply don't want to give out the max rewards to everyone. At least this way, there's a chance that you could beat it, even if you don't always.

    Also, how about leveling up some characters other than your 5-character arena squad? Just a thought, but I'm guessing if people start taking all those credits they're getting from the Empire and Scoundrel events - and yes, a lot of people are completing them - and level up some of their other characters, even if they don't all get to 80, they might start doing better in GW.

    Relax, it won't always be this way. Over time you'll get better, and it won't seem as hard. Or not. Either way, I'm good as long as everyone is facing the same difficulty level and most people get about the same rewards.

    I would like to see the difficulty taken back just a bit, and I don't always win either, but overall I like a challenge.

    Also, it bothers me that people think it's okay to advocate violence on the forums. Seriously, come up with a different analogy, or take your hate elsewhere.
    The "max rewards" are sadly, and woefully low. They are having to add credit sources because we have been starving for credits for months. If they don't want us to have what amounts to far less than the bare minimum we need to have any success in the game, many will quit. Many have. Another member of my guild just did today.

    Also I have about 30 toons leveled up to a playable level. I went from beating it daily in half an hour to scraping through by the skin of my teeth in 1.5-2 hours. Gear 11 meta squads can easily murder several waves of other teams synergy and all. It's starting to interfere with my life. But at least I can beat it. For many it isn't a challenge that can be beaten. It's completely impossible. Some of my guild mates with weaker arena teams than I are getting worse opponents. The matches it's pulling are not fair for each player. Its WAY harder or easier for some arbitrarily. Pretty badly screwed up. You clearly haven't read half the posts on here including T7 raid killing whale guilds who are quitting in frustration.

    I agree that violence isn't the answer though. Not spending money is.

  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    With all of these comments i'm already afraid of whats coming this next gw lol. It's been a whole day after the holliday so i guess the devs are working on a fix as we speak. Well atleast they should be... Hope the next stealth tune will be for the best!
  • Lattimer
    31 posts Member
    The change to GW had me very upset about the game and caused me to take a break from the game for a couple days and now I've reevaluated my activity and have decided to dial it back. So while it isn't only due to the changes I am definitely taking a step back.

    I will be playing here and there still but the break caused me to rethink how much time I've spent on the game and will slide to fully f2p instead of dolphin status.

    A game shouldn't be a chore to do and it lost its enjoyment since GW was one area that was fun instead of a ridiculous impossibility. So thanks EA! My wallet thanks you too!
  • jetsaredim
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Prior to the mid-June tune to GW, I'd basically given up on GW all together, which meant my coin generation was severely limited and thus I was falling very far behind a lot of my guildmates. During those couple weeks when the GW tune was more reasonable, I actually was able to complete few runs (I still haven't gotten the 10 GW wins achievement). Now with this new tune, I haven't completed a single run. Today, I got through 8 wins and then got stopped completely in my tracks by the following (all lv80)...

    Dooku (lead) gear 8
    Rey gear 10
    QGJ gear 11
    ERG gear 10
    Yoda gear 10

    Now, I'll admit that my main squad is usually comprised of the following (all lv80)...

    Dooku (lead) gear 9
    QGJ gear 10
    Yoda gear 10
    Mace gear 10
    Lumi gear 8

    I typically send out my "C" team first, then my "B" team then that team I just listed and by the time I'd gotten to this fight I'd already burned through most of my B team. It really didn't matter though as I completely exhausted all the toons I have and yet Dooku, ERG & QGJ are still standing. I'm not completely F2P as I've spent a little, certainly nowhere near some of my guildmates, but this just doesn't seem fun and was one of the main reasons I'd stopped doing GW altogether. If I didn't *need* coins so badly I wouldn't even bother with GW at all, but the credit economy in the game is just so ridiculously tight at the moment it's insane.

    All these little side events they keep throwing at us are way too faction specific. Unless you've tailored your collection to certain factions, you really don't stand much of a chance of completing any of these events. Of course, now that I have Dengar I have enough scoundrels to actually attempt the scoundrel challenge - except that's not live any more. I have enough Imperials & Droids to attempt the event, but aside from RG, none are powerful enough to stand a chance against even the tier 1 challenge. I think I end up failing around halfway. GRUMBLE...
  • pnett_13
    33 posts Member
    Played 5 GW since the update and finished once. I will not be spending another dime. CG/EA are you listening? It's easily a 50-1 ratio of people HATING this change. Eliminating protection from GW MIGHT make it fairer. Sayin there is additional 150k is useless. A-that's not enough to level 1 toon and B-it might as well be 150 million if you can't finish because the lasted 3-4 nodes are maxed teams 4-6k higher power than my best team.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Nothing you do will ever make me lose a Galatic war. Over 30 7* toons in G11/10/9/8 gear I'm passed the point of ever failing. But I will give you people in charge this have single handlely turned off more people by this one change since this game went live. Good job. /slow clap. #howsthismonthsprofits?
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    What is the trick to get the 3* teams on the last few nodes I keep seeing on this "working as intended" junk. I get teams I couldn't even touch if I still had protection and half my good characters left.
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    Well, I have to say it.. "Welcome to the NGE" Ask SWG fans what it means.
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