Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    The game is going downhill without brakes, and management is only speeding things up.
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    Pure manure.... the final nodes are all whales with RG at godlike health and Rey with godlike health and attack. I have a six star level 80 gear 8 RG with full mark V level 15 health mods. Mod Rey one shot him.

    How is this supposed to be fun? Stop thinking you can just wait this out devs. If you want to make a game only for whales, just come out and be honest about it. The rest of us 99%ers can't keep up.
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    Oh, and here's the breakdown of the team on node 12th. Team on the 11th was no cakewalk either. That one took out my modded characters who had been seriously damaged by the 10th node:


    Total level: 41,460.

  • Althor
    20 posts Member
    Takes too much time, and not worth my time now. I'm going to go play Pokémon GO instead.
  • Robert
    150 posts Member
    Brick wall at node 12 yesterday. Today at 9. That's the earliest I've been stopped in months.
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    Made an account just to add my input for this. I'm not FTP but I'm also not what anyone would consider a whale. GW was my favorite part of this game and for a while there while I couldn't progress any further in the rest of the game, was the only reason I continued playing. I enjoyed the challenging aspect of it, but it's always felt way too long in my book - even when it was easy. I would thoroughly enjoy this if it started off very easy and scaled to very hard over the course of just 6 nodes while compacting the existing rewards into those 6. I really don't mind and even enjoy having to escape and try something new with my remaining forces to get it right - I just don't want to do it 5 times a day.

    After this change, I completed GW twice and by the 3rd day, had entirely lost interest. I haven't even tried completing GW in a couple of weeks and I'll be honest, my interest in the game is suffering because of it. I have a RL friend playing and it's one of the few common interests we can nerd out over so I've stuck with it, but I think about the massive grind before me after work for far less rewarding elements of the game and I consider giving it up every day.
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    Galactic war sucks now. Make it hard but not impossible to complete for the love of all things sacred. If one team can beat my three top teams then it's too difficult. That's 15 toons plus some extra I threw in to try thugs out and I took out 3!!!! Of theirs. Does that sound fair? Or harder? No. That sounds like you made it impossible to beat.
  • Hut
    39 posts Member
    My last node today. I have a fairly strong roster (not whale strong though), but racing 4 modded teams before getting this one in the last node:

    I don't mind a challenge, but after fighting through 11 nodes, 4 of which had modded teams, this final node was impossible. I barely dented their protection bars. I tried multiple different teams and many many restarts trying to find a crack in the wall, but eventually gave up.

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    Well on Node 11 today I managed to kill dooku(only one NOT modded).

    The rest of the team RG/STH/REY/QGJ devoured my best toons will full protection.

    My B team got 2 attacks on STH. Dead.

    my C team attacked rey 2x and STH once. Dead

    level 50 scraps: hit rey 3x and got her to 75%, 2 turns later she has 90% from health steal
    level 50 scraps: hit rey 2x no damage, dead
    level 50/40 scraps: dead
    You can extrapolate the rest.
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    The new GW is ****. There is a difference between making something hard and making something impossible. The teams I have faced on node 11 yesterday and node 12 today are so Moded up that I can't kill even one of them with my entire roster. That's not a challenge, that just plain stupid. If you think this motivates players than you are sadly mistaken. I have been playing since December and was usually ranked around 25-30 in the arena until two days ago. I enjoy a challenge, but not a brain dead daily beat down. You need to get your act together and fix this.
  • VisualDemons
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I have tried to continue to like this game but it is becoming increasingly ridiculous. I understand GW is meant to be hard and challenge you but enough is enough. I'm tired of Rey one shoting full health toons. Usually I would send in suicide squads to weaken a hard team but lately that no longer works. Like today, I sent in 4, yes FOUR, high lvl teams (lvl 75+ and 6*+)and 3 where taken out before I could even attack or retreat to try and rethink toon placement and the 4th team got one attack before it was decimated. I have spent quite a bit of real money on this game and I still can not compete. I'm looking for a challenge not an impossible task. After sending in my best team (after the other 4 teams) I managed to take the shield off of their Dooku. The teams are as follows:

    MINE(all lvl 80 7* gear 9+ w/mods mostly 1-2* and a few 3-5* all lvl 15 )
    (L) Phasma (tried swapping w/Dooku)
    Qui-Gon Jinn
    Royal Guard
    Savage Opress

    THEIRS (all lvl 80 7* gear 10, only Rey and QGJ modded w/4-5* lvl 15 health mods)
    (L) Dooku
    Royal Guard
    Qui-Gon Gin

    This is a game, it's supposed to be fun AND challenging not frustrating with no chance of victory. One team should not be able to stand against 5 teams and come out virtually unscathed because Rey is SOOOOO over powered. I know EA could care less if I threaten to stop playing if this doesn't change. I'm only one person right? But in the last week 4 people I'm my guild have quit because GW had become impossible and more than half are talking about quiting. GW may only be a portion of the game but it is where most players get most of their credits and if they can't finish GW then they don't get the credits so they can't upgrade their toons so they fall farther and farther behind the players that are willing to spend tons of real money on the game, but let's face it, those are the only people EA really cares about.
    Post edited by VisualDemons on
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    Clearly no one ever tested or thought about GW with mods.

    My last two GWs were impossible. Yesterday I hit an Anakin helmed team who single handed let destroyed everyone.

    I actually sank a bunch of money into my A and B teams since. My A team has full high-level mods, and B team has some lower-levels mods.

    Last GW node today has Lando as the leader. He has 35k health and 25k protection. His AOE attack crits at 20k damage, and has no cool down because it crits.

    He singlehandedly destroyed my entire roster, often not even letting anyone attack.

    Fix it.
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    another day of Galatic war where i get burned on node 11 fully maxed out ackbar rg sth leia & QGJ , all go before my guys even with turn manipulation on my team. I know we supposed to have a deep roster, but when you cant complete you lose credits and they all count now, tomorrow will be worse and i see the snowball growing. I have completed GW over 150 times and have good toons, but i see no light at the end of the tunnel here, like i said above it will only get worse if i cant keep pace.
    Lost in the 20th century
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    I have all my characters many 7* lvl 80 g10 n mods on my arena and I can not even kill one enemy on new GW node 12 this is **** so terrible I don't care about the money it's just no point to play if it literally impossible to beat
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    I had a rather more pleasant stroll through GW today. I checked every node first, awaiting to be met with fully modded teams. Low and behold not a single mod....not even on the last node. Node 12 was level 80 well geared but not a single mod. How strange is that. My arena power is 28500 and i finish just outside top ten usually.
    Happy days.
  • Wolfe
    8 posts Member
    Today's GW battle 12 was the following: Phasma as Lead (pwr 7839), Qui-Gon (pwr 8533), Rey (pwr 7349), Royal Guard (pwr 9030), First Order TIE Pilot (pwr 8194) for a total power of 40,945.

    My best team is my arena team which is Phasma as Lead (pwr 6012), Qui-Gon (pwr 7884), Rey (pwr 6616), Royal Guard (pwr 6245), Lumi (pwr 7229) for a total power of 33,986.

    First off, even before mods, how is this a fair match, especially since my team has been worn down a little from previous matches where I had to bring out the best to win.

    Without mods, I have enough of a back line that I could probably have beaten this team after using 2-3 teams.

    After mods, no way. The battle 12 team, in addition to having such higher power than my best at it's best, all have fully leveled Mk V mods. Phasma with 4094 Phys Damage rating (I saw a crit from him for 20k damage), RG with 50k Protection and 41k Health. Obviously Rey and First Order TIE Pilot killing just about everything with one shot and still protected by 20-30k each Protection and Health.

    My best team can't even kill 1 of them and any lesser team would be beaten without doing any appreciable damage, so wearing them down is not going to work.

    This team isn't even a real person's team, at least not that I can find, unless they don't take part in Arena. They're not in the list anywhere in the top 100 and I'm currently ranked 83.

    This inequality in GW is absolutely unacceptable.

    In my opinion, mods were a bad idea and they could spell the end of this game. We don't need more powerful characters. A better idea would have been to put in ships and use the mod system as the way to customize and gear up the ships.
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    I managed to kill a level 80, fully modded (15), gear-maxed, 8 star GS in node 12 with a team of stunners, level 70-80 which included phasma (l), RG, Koth, Old Daka, and Talia. Now, I need four of these more to get through the node 12??? The remaining 4 foes are just as equipped as GS, and that would mean 5 teams, fully leveled and maxed up. Count 25 characters... Yeah rigth, would take a lifetime even paying thousands of bucks to get them.
    EA should correct this... There is a difference between hard and impossible, that somehow resembles a lot the difference between challenging and frustrating.
    The game is not statistically sound... A path of actions followed through against AI will always yield te same responses and outcome. So how is that e.g. "chance to deal a critical hit" applied when it is already predetermined at the beginning of any match?
    This is when the game starts to suck because of too many downward spirals in matches and in ai opponents that a bunch of guys in a garage, EA, can't even solve from the mess they have created. I am a statistician, and a **** good one (phd) and these phenomenons have more the trend of a deterministic algorithm that looks like is designed to wear users down. Eg, the mod thingy uses the same scarce, expensive cantina energy, which will only slow us down from having us choose between upgrade by shards or by mods. Nonsense.
    Please all, keep posting "praises" to EA, and also reevaluate your star rating in the app shop... Downward.
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    GW is so stupidly balanced it is an incredible mystery how these incompetent baboons could even create something remote successful in the first place.
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    Congrats Dev Team! Thanks to Mods, GW has become even more ridiculous.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    Wake me up when the GW project lead is ready to get to work. Until then, as far as I'm concerned GW has 10 nodes, about 3 of which are fun. Want to fix 80% of the problem/criticism? Adaptive opponent-generation algorithm based on the state of the players' remaining roster. Do it - solve the balance issue - end of story.

    Oh, and to add to the voices that I'm sure have already said it, mod power adjustments are dramatically incorrect when used for opponent generation. I faced the same team 2 days in a row on node 11, yesterday unmodded (tough but beatable) today all full t5 health mods at max level (zero chance). My max possible team saw maybe a 2% up in power, my units as a whole, no more than that and distributed across multiple characters obviously nothing that should suddenly get an opponent like that. So honestly, facing yesterday's team but now with about a +50% stat boost, that has nothing to do with squad depth and it's certainly not a challenge.
  • aaronlybrand
    5 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm willing to give Gw a couple of days before I totally dis the new changes, but at least for day 1 it was impossible to compete. Just as many have said before, there needs to be some algorithm integrated which is based off of our entire roster strength. I had already competed 11 of the 12 nodes before the update so I only have one battle to go off of. HK giving his leader crit TM, Jawa eng. could revive so I had to go for him first. But alas there was also RG. After using 4 teams of 7* level 70-80 toons I was able to get RG to taunt once by getting Jawa engineer to 50%. My teams rarely got to go one time each before they were destroyed. Initial data points towards another rework of GW.
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    I don't know how you recover from this. The game balance is so far out of whack I'm not sure where you even begin.

    But, if I had to pick a starting point I think you have to nerf the mods. Nothing should change the power of chars as quickly and dramatically as they did. Getting from 6 stars to 7 was a lot more work and now a lot less rewarding than the mods.

    You can't balance anything in the arena or GW when there's now such huge swings in the chars stats/abilities. Mods should be enhancements that do as they were suggested to do...buff strengths or bolster weaknesses -- not totally change the complexion of the chars.
  • boellefisk
    331 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    mods should be nerfed toi 1/4th or 1/6th of current strength and power should absolutely raise when stats raise so insanely as they do with mods on.

    Edit: oh and how hard is it to balance GW on total power of the roster? I mean, really? How hard can it be?
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    Woooow. Node 12 was garbage before. Now it's just ... holy crap. It was bad enough when facing teams fully decked out in gear, but now it's full gear, full mods, super whales where before I simply had no chance of winning, now I have no chance of even taking a turn before my entire team is destroyed. Way to completely crush morale with this GW garbage.
  • pnet13
    12 posts Member
    Well it takes less time now. I don't even get to try node 12 since I got wiped out on 11 now thanks to fully moded Rey 1 shooting my whole roster.
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    Hey EA, hire me to be a beta tester so this stuff gets looked at before going live... It feels like it's all just 'hey, let's throw a bunch of numbers in and add a % sign and call it an update'
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    The latest update raised the necessity to create a thread to voice of our concerns about the future of SWGOH.
    We have a player base that was formed with the release of the game in November. All of our members did their best to support your game since that day by investing hardcore.
    For months, we abided the developers' minor mistakes as somehow the game's progression smothered them, as we always believed in the developer team and their good intentions as they were working hard to fix what's necessary. Therefore, we showed %100 support and always gave valuable feedback, directly to the dev team to make sure that the game could stay on the correct route.
    We weren't disappointed thankfully until this point.
    But this time, we truly believe that the line has been crossed. This is another Precrafting issue, as it's stated as "Precraft 2.0" on reddit boards. Stealth nerf to Potency, increased costs of mod upgrades, dropped rates of mods from challenges/battles are one story, and the whole implementation of mods which makes the grind of gear totally futile for months is whole another.
    Some of us had suffered from the 1.0 version of it months ago, and we definitely don't want to suffer from the same design mistake again this time. As Team iNstinct family, we'll act as one body to protest this latest update with its changes and we're planning to stop all of our investments to the game's current state if mistakes will not be reverted or fixed.
    We are hoping to see immediate action as we want our adventure in SWGOH to continue for years.
    We love Star Wars. We love this game. But that doesn't mean that we'll stay silent to any changes which declines the overall health of the game.
    We're absolutely open for any convo with the devs to provide the feedback they need to rig the game back to its good days.
    Team iNstinct.
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    Boom! Thanks Team iNstinct for this. Your Guild is respected by all players and for you to speak out about this really sends the message that we are all in it together.
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    6 fight and end. Does anyone mad with what degree of difficulty. In it no longer can play.
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