Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I have never yet complained about GW. I like the challenge, and it's one of the things that keeps me playing. But my last 4 nodes today were all max modded teams and that's just insane. My A team has decent mods too so I made it until the last mode and got slaughtered. Sent in the B team with no/basic mods and you can guess how that went. So I guess I won't finish GW today.

    GW should be a challenging but possible task. This is getting absurd.
  • Luxor
    16 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm not sure what feedback the developers are reading, but it is certainly not the overwhelming mayority that says the galactic war takes forever to complete with not enough rewards. Now it takes longer to complete. In my case at 35,000 arena power it is impossible to complete. I gues I should level up my other toons with the extra 100k credits that get in it. Really 100k more? Are these guys insulting our intelligence? They are making us work our @$$3$ off for pennies. No shame.
  • SS0DEN
    109 posts Member
    I don't know if this is old news, but I just tested Arena and set a bunch of 1,2, and 3 star characters there (4K power), then started a new GW campaign and the teams I face are the same as with my 36k GW starting squad. So o do t think Arena has anything to do with GW.
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    True, it is impossible to complete the GW, the fact is that before even being difficult with estrateria you could finish the 12 battles, now become very unbalanced. The pesonagens lost their identities, as an example you have Ray was once a strong striker but with low protection and life, you can now make it a tank with high attack.

    And it becomes impossible to win. As you reach the end of the battles of GW, with his best squad with life at most, only without any protection. And so even if you put modifiers in their characters, as in my case, three of my characters 5 are crushed in the first round without me cause harm. :/

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    I will attempt to make this a non troll. Not sure how you express your concerns with the game in a positive manner though.
    1. Raiding is a joke. Rewards are great if you can figure out how to allow everyone a chance to participate with ridiculous damage. The answer is not a harder series of phases which would at current update quality become impossible for even whaling guilds.
    2. Arena is a joke. I don't expect to be number one or experience great change in my rank without great luck and great team. Now my shard sits idle because nobody can really move up. So you don't lost but you don't win. Idle arena.
    3. Galactic War is a joke. You have been reading the complaints from the day you changed the difficulty of the nodes. I haven't completed the GW since the mod changes and doubt I'll ever be able to. I can't even surpass node 6 today. At least in previous days I got to 12 before losing my entire squad. Blah blah blah challenging and war of attrition. War of will you give in and spend your cash to maybe get past it by refreshing endlessly for mods and buying credits to upgrade them since you can't earn credits as GW is now impossible. See the problem?
    4. The money dash is a joke. You don't get money from the average Joe for a game they don't enjoy. I LOVED this game. I don't mind paying my share to play more and see quality content added. I love the team aspect and the guild additions. I think the exchange of gear is great though pointless now with mod mania. You have driven at least 5 people from our guild. More including myself are just hanging in to see if you fix something and by fix I mean fix not change again and make it ultimately worse (mod drop rate decrease).
    5. The cantina/mod energy share is a joke. Most people I know of want to farm new toons and have fun. When you make mods a priority how do you do cantina aside from the 3 you do for daily reward? We lost the ability to pay to upgrade the mods since you can't complete a GW. Can't afford to increase level or star on a character. See mods upgrade remark.
    I suppose that's a long enough rant. I hope it wasn't too trill. I'm just giving feedback on issues I see. There are clearly more but if nothing else is addressed what's the point of saying anything. Please don't roll out a joke of a mod nerf and think that is going to solve problems a-z. You are in this to make money. Money comes from a game people enjoy. Not for one that went from something amazing to a giant pile of flop.
  • MrMoody
    19 posts Member
    I am not so sure about this.. See I actually manage to complete all 12 nodes of GW everyday with my team composed of Level 65 characters all with Level 8 gears and only 3 characters with maxed out mods while the remaining two has 2 mods each ... So tbh I do not see any difference before and after.. Just saying..
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    IsThisThom wrote: »
    last node impossible to finish.. pls adjust, extra credits are not useful if we cannot complete GW like we use to.

    ran into same issue the last node was full of gear 10 lvl 80s. i have no lvl 80 chars and my highest gear is gear 8.

    I can usually beat the 80s gear 10 but now they are modded with max mods and the devs have changed the drop rate there is no realistic way for me to overcome this with spending real $$ which I am not going to do.

    Please do the right thing EA. fix GW and roll back mods. if you dont roll back mods please at least take mods away from being used in GW.

    i hope they listen but so far its only been tone def unprofessional ignorant responses from ea/cg
  • Joe_Bruin_420
    159 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Been playing since 12/5 spent about $1.5k and with a lot of grinding built up a decent collection of 7* toons. Pass GW everyday since it unlocked. Weathered all of the GW buffs over the months and now I get fully modded squads on node 6, 9-12 with 12 being a blue whale squad.


    My arena squad is fully modded and I have a few other characters with weaker mods since they are so costly to level up (made even worse with the new update). So basically you guys have made it more costly to level up mods and then made gw (the main source of credits) impossible to complete. After winning close to 2500 battles I now have to deal with this? Why do you guys continue to ignore and frustrate your customers with such sadistic glee. I'm so disgusted with you guys that you could introduce ships and my wallet will stay closed from here on out.
  • Options broken now...since power doesn't really show with mods, I can have a power of 34 with mods and meet a squad with similar power except all of them have 3 times my HP and do 2 times more damage.

  • VisualDemons
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    HELLO EA? ARE YOU LISTENING? Or is it just a matter of you not caring about how the majority of your players feel and just want to pander to the elitists that pay you the most money? If everyone reading this post could talk their guild into a boycott of the game even for a day or 2, maybe EA would take notice but I doubt it, they are to busy counting their wads of cash...

    BTW... Last 3 days ran into impossible teams on node 12 in gw sent in 4 suicide squads before sending in my A team... Never even came close.
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    - GW takes about 30min of my lifetime every day, therefore it is annoying
    - I HAVE TO do GW, because I need the loot, therefore it is annoying
    - The enemy teams are always nearly the same, therefore it is annoying
    - I played GW for a reasonable amount of times, therefore it is annoying
    - Since the last patch the last node is impossible to beat, therefore it is annoying
    - GW is not challenging - it is simply boring and therefore annoying
    - GW is nowhere near fun and therefore very annoying

    Please fix GW, because it is simply annoying!
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    I somehow manages to beat Node 11, I got lucky he wasn't modded.
    Node 12, Rey, GS, QGJ, STH, Phasma fully modded

    Guess how that went...
    Wiped out B team made a small dent into protection.
    C team wiped 2 characters got to attack.
    D team got a few attacks for like 1500
    A team managed to finish off STH and eventually a timely culling blade got GS. But Rey/QGJ cleaned me up.
    Every sqaud after got ZERO turns.


    I can't get credits to now upgrade Mods(that cost 2x the credits to update as the guys who mega farmed them for 2 days)
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    Problems, frustrations, feeling like quitting this, anger, etc have all been explained well in this thread about galactic war being poorly designed for almost a month now. No need to say it all again, but just want to post my solidarity with those same issues.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    I have my foot 99% out the door. Hate to go but after this update invalidated all my work since December I no longer have any reason to play.
  • Daxx
    4 posts Member
    Burned through 60 on node 9; 10 of them 7* lvl 80 with lvl XIII gear, and didn't kill a single opponent. Ready to throw my phone.
  • Manowar
    288 posts Member
    I managed to finish GW today with my somewhat modded droid team. The last node was one of those inpossible teams but I restarted until I found the perfect combo of friendly RNG!

    I will say that the previous two days were beyond impossible.

    I think after the initial first shock wears off we will start to see the game balance itself, even if they don't nerf the mod system.
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    Today my NODE 9 is the brick wall again...... At my wits end. Not worth it anymore
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    Oh an before I could attack once half my squad is dead...... Wow so much fun....NOT
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    The people who are posting with "Gee whiz, what's all the rukus? GW is just golly good and fine for me. Y'all just need better toons, strategy, and less whining" remind me of the famous (albeit false) quote attributed to Marie Antoinette: See, the story goes, she was being told that her people are starving because they don't have bread to eat. So she, not having any sense of empathy or perspective, answered with "why can't they just eat cake?"

    Understand no one would be here pleading for a fix if they were in your shoes. Understand that just because you are having a good experience, a lot of people are not. Understand GW might be easy for you, it's impossible (not hard, not very difficult) for others. Understand that just because you have cake, some of them just want bread. Understand being a human being is about having empathy for others who are not you.

    Just eat your cake and have some perspective.
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    MrMoody wrote: »
    I am not so sure about this.. See I actually manage to complete all 12 nodes of GW everyday with my team composed of Level 65 characters all with Level 8 gears and only 3 characters with maxed out mods while the remaining two has 2 mods each ... So tbh I do not see any difference before and after.. Just saying..

    This is the way I felt yesterday too. But today's was impossible. I barely managed it with every last toon I've got so I guess that's what they wanted? Just wait. You will get a nasty one soon enough.
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    Node 12 took down 54 of my chars without me taking one of theirs down.

    nothing better than rigged gw when they say they add credits but rig it so its not possible to beat.

    I dont have a single lvl 80 char and dont have a single gear 9 char and dont have any mods above lvl1 5*. over half my mods are empty on my main team

    somehow i get put up against

    80 gear 10 rey with maxed mods
    80 gear 10 qgj with maxed mods
    76 gear 9 leia with half mods maxed
    80 gear 8 rg with maxed mods
    and the leader is 80 phasma gear 9 with maxed mods.

    how is that fair or even beatable. thanks ea/cg for being completely brain dead. you are now the laughing stock of the gaming industry.
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    Second to Last node of war is a joke! When 5's has gear 1-2 lvls higher then all my guys and has all maxed out mods and kills 7 of my guys before I can beat him is way to broken! Then last node I get RG Rey leia 5's and obi? All jacked up past where I am yeah F u EA fix ur lvling scale for wars! I get make it a challenge but unless I have 50 guys all 80 and at least lvl 8 I can't get past this. That's stupid! I lost yesterday 15 lvl 80 guys and only took out 1 guy!!! That is broken. 5 of my guys never got a turn!
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    GW is so very broken. Extraordinarily frustrating. If I can't win a node after throwing my entire roster at it you haven't gotten it right. Please fix it!
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    Honestly I only get hard battles on my final battle. I need every toon in my roster to win those however. All the battles prior to that are easy when done right. Most of the time. I like it though. For me GW is in a good spot, but it would be nice to see more credits coming out of it.
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    Limped to nod 11 and was wiped out in 3 blows. Losing 7* level 80's to 7 * level 75 with full mods is ridiculous. Have been grinding this game for 6 Monte and I'm losing ground instead of gaining. The only feedback from devs tells us nothing. I'm fastly losing enjoyment in this game.
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    I have been turned to the dark side. I defended the GW update that change the power of node 12. However, they expect everyone to have fully modded level 80 guys as soon as they threw the switch on this latest change. I can not willing support the current GW changes.
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    Hi all –

    I wanted to give an update on Galactic War tuning.

    Before I get into it, I want to reiterate that the goals of this feature continue to be:
    • Provide a real challenge to players. In other words: it’s meant to be hard!
    • Provide a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed.
    • Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles.
    • Provide a place where there’s an ever-evolving set of challenges in terms of which characters / parties / builds can be most effective. (As more characters are released, and as more types of builds are discovered and developed by the players, this will become increasingly true.)

    As you may know, we made a tuning change to Galactic War on June 15th. There were several goals of that change, and we have been monitoring in-game data and player feedback on the change. While we view that tuning update as generally successful, we were finding that it wasn’t providing enough challenge.

    On June 29th we made an adjustment to the June 15th tuning to make the last few nodes more challenging. (Note that this was a tweak of the June 15th tuning, and not a roll-back to the prior tuning as some players have been suggesting.)

    As always, we will continue to monitor the data and player feedback and determine if further tweaks to the tuning are needed.


    Hard and absolutely impossible are two very different things. F this
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    The_Dude wrote: »
    Just piling on to add my disappointment in how this "change" was executed and communicated. I looked forward to GW every I simply do not. If the main intent was to drive more revenue from players, I believe this (together with all of the recent bugs/glitches/outages/etc.) will have the opposite impact, especially the way it was communicated (or rather not communicated). There are far too many other places for folks to spend $$$.

    Just want to highlight that gw is linked to ur max arena squad... so those struggling to compete in nodes 6, 11 and 12 ought to see what adjustments can be made in arena squad to ease the severity of gw...
    Try it and see, u may actually surprise urself
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I understand other request and things that make people unhappy, but the complaints about gw, i don't get them i swear. Maybe you need to get to level 80 and mod up your team. This is yet another gw that i completed in about 20 minutes. This pic is taken from node 11 at node 6 and 9 there were also modded teams but so what? Can anybody explain what the problem is? Because i don't understand really.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    And my arena power is over 41k now. :neutral:
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