Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Alexone wrote: »
    I understand other request and things that make people unhappy, but the complaints about gw, i don't get them i swear. Maybe you need to get to level 80 and mod up your team. This is yet another gw that i completed in about 20 minutes. This pic is taken from node 11 at node 6 and 9 there were also modded teams but so what? Can anybody explain what the problem is? Because i don't understand really.

    Obviously a troll. Here let me make is simple since you obviously have more money than intelligence. Players who haven't spent hundreds or thousands of dollars can't beat most matches because we all don't have 44k power teams. Mods have made it so most of these teams can one shot 90% of teams.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Savras wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    I understand other request and things that make people unhappy, but the complaints about gw, i don't get them i swear. Maybe you need to get to level 80 and mod up your team. This is yet another gw that i completed in about 20 minutes. This pic is taken from node 11 at node 6 and 9 there were also modded teams but so what? Can anybody explain what the problem is? Because i don't understand really.

    Obviously a troll. Here let me make is simple since you obviously have more money than intelligence. Players who haven't spent hundreds or thousands of dollars can't beat most matches because we all don't have 44k power teams. Mods have made it so most of these teams can one shot 90% of teams.

    Have you checked the pic i attached? I am also completely f2p in this game...
  • Haloinreverse
    90 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Just faces this in GW (thanks to mods) and this was only this was only node #8. GW has gotten even worse now with mods. This is absolutely insane and ridiculous. If this isn't broken than you don't know what the definition of broken is.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Just faces this in GW (thanks to mods) and this was only this was only node #8. GW has gotten even worse now with mods. This is absolutely insane and ridiculous.

    Ok i think i understand what the problem is. There seems to be too much of a power creep for players that don't have good arena power and/or level 80. The gw match-ups should be made according to the player's power. Right now there seems to be a standard. And yea that team is impossible for you. This needs to get fixed! You shouldn't encounter modded teams with that team you have!
  • Mika
    48 posts Member
    The last nodes are now full of maxed and modded death squads from arena. There's no way to beat GW now so you can say goodbye to the credits. What are the devs thinking?! This update blows
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    A long-term fix needs put in place that takes your entire roster into consideration for GW difficulty. Assigning difficulty based on "highest powered arena team you've ever won with" is as ridiculous as it is lazy. It's got to be a well thought out algorithm taking the entire roster into consideration. I don't think they understand their own words that you'll need your entire roster to play GW.... unless they mean wiping every one on nodes 11/12 and even some of the key lower nodes.

    I posted this in another thread as a short-term fix. Put in an option to auto-win a node for a small crystal cost... 5 crystals maybe. It gives you time to actually fix the issue and players don't get something for free which I know you hate. It's not ideal but it gets us past this for now.... Until you decide to Sun Fac everyone again.
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    Node 11 is normally rough, causing me to burn through my scrubs until my A team, that has no protection by then, can finish it. Today, I ran into ridiculous node 11 team after spending 30+ minutes getting to it, I watched Leia gun down 10 toons in a row.

    Everyone had more health and prot bars than my royal guard, who has health mods ... Albeight mine are two stars. I did not manage to wipe the prot bar from a single toon.

    A quick check of those toons showed almost all of them have 5 star mods, fully maxed in all slots.

    The good news ... GW took no more time than usual. Bad news, I ran out of toons and won't finish.

    Please make GW reasonable and possible to complete... There was no chance I was completing this one. If they all turn out this, the frustration level will be high.

    How about building teams using random which matches our abilities? There is no reason why we actually have to fight against other player teams and wind up in situations where we fight teams that vastly out gear our own.
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    moriman69 wrote: »
    How about building teams using random which matches our abilities? There is no reason why we actually have to fight against other player teams and wind up in situations where we fight teams that vastly out gear our own.

    Would make things a lot simpler wouldn't it. They'd have to have a finely tuned algorithm either way but there'd be no need to find a match in the player base.
  • Catarra
    67 posts Member
    I couldn't even get past node 6 today, which hasn't happened in MONTHS. It was pretty close to a node 12 team. They wiped out 4 teams, including my A team, with me barely making a dent. I gave up at that point.

    There is something seriously wrong here.
    "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." ~ Leia Organa
  • Dawnofdeadeye
    233 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Mods need to change power which affects matchmaking. Not doing so is really ignorant and makes no sense. These updates better change that in GW. I faced a modded Rey team on node 11 and couldn't beat it with entire collection. They only had Rey modded completely and all were 5dot A level 15. Qgj had 1 2dot and rg had 2 2dot. How do they get a bunch of A level and not any others for other toons except a few 2dot? I got a few 5dot but were all E level. Rigged game. Impossible to beat because matchmaking is fraked. Getting annoying being **** on by developers. Will move on shortly as fun is gone.
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    Absolutely a crap show on gw. Team wiped out with only one counter attack. Close to leaving this game
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    Today in node 11 I ran into a clone team with B2. I lost 64 toons (44 at 7 stars) and killed 2 of them. Are you freaking kidding me! It isn't supposed to be easy? Is it supposed to suck the life out of me? This update stinks and I hope you get fired for putting out such a crappy release.
  • MrMoody
    19 posts Member
    Savras wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    I understand other request and things that make people unhappy, but the complaints about gw, i don't get them i swear. Maybe you need to get to level 80 and mod up your team. This is yet another gw that i completed in about 20 minutes. This pic is taken from node 11 at node 6 and 9 there were also modded teams but so what? Can anybody explain what the problem is? Because i don't understand really.

    From what I see in your team build you got Rey and Yoda in your team which will make the current GW a breeze for you.. Since at the moment and due to the recent updates by our beloved Devs also to the new mods -_- Rey has become over powered or more op as some other players say..
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    The original GW was challenging but fine. It updated to a little too easy but at least it wasn't taking an hour anymore. This latest update is too much. I get the intent but my last 4 battles consistently have maxed characters. I only have 3 level 80 toons and 1 with level 9 gear. I won't even start on the absurd nature of level 9 gear. What you've created doesn't make me want to spend more money it makes me want to quit on a franchise I've loved since I was 5. Your updates have caused me and many others to move on to Pokemon Go and other games. I hope someone reads this and thinks about the average gamer and not the whale.
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    I understand it is supposed to be a challenge, but as a FTP player, with a 25k arena team, how do i come up against a fully max modded 40K plus team of HK, Sun Fac, SBD, IG-86 and IG 88. I have no chance with my roster to even kill one of them. I don't mind challenging, but being pitted against a whale I can't beat isn't fun. This needs to be fixed.
  • Acheron
    29 posts Member
    Please erase GW and all will be better and content.
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    I will just do it for omega, the rest I leave. Mor drops, I still get the same. It is wasting my time. This said, plus all other posts I don't understand why EA sticks to GW. None likes it especially the way it is. But please keep going to annoying the cash cows. So many people have quit in my guild. But if you are not listening and releasing changes without announcing, that is the way it is.
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    Aaaand after this nights update, we are back to node 12 3-star green geared squads...
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    BL1ZZAXX wrote: »
    Boom! Thanks Team iNstinct for this. Your Guild is respected by all players and for you to speak out about this really sends the message that we are all in it together.

    Now that's what I'm talking about
  • Dzsooe
    4 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This game and now GW is ***** up. I cant even win GW( 10 / 0 ). Map 6 in gw enemy droid team, 2 round and my team is dead : )
    Thank you EA this game will be d... . One more player leave this horrible **** game (Y)
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    Yesterday's GW was **** stupid. Fully T5 modded team on the last node. I nearly burned through my ENTIRE roster for ~70k credits. It's not a challenge when the only tactics involved finding the correct timing for sending in my suicide squads to burn through specials and grinding through insane health and defense.

    It's asinine and frustrating.

    The 11 nodes leading up to it were fine.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    And yet again, team 12 impossible.

    Too much time, too much frustration for too much..."bonus credits".

    Thanks @EA_Jesse ?
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    GW is a nightmare now. Cant even get past node 9 today. Difficulty nerd to be toned down asap
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    Same as many. I was able to finish GW before. It was challenging exept for nod12 with 3 star team. Now 3 star team became nuke team. 3 7* team well geared...not even close to kill 1 toon. 0 chalenge. Just nuke.
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    It takes 2 hours to get to node 12 with all the retreats, just to get destroyed. People dont have that kinda time to be wasting on this issue. JUST FIX IT! If you do have testers and developers (and it doesn't seem like you do) they should all be fired for stupidity and laziness.
  • Mokkal
    21 posts Member
    Vous êtes vraiment des charlot !
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    The original GW was challenging but fine. It updated to a little too easy but at least it wasn't taking an hour anymore. This latest update is too much. I get the intent but my last 4 battles consistently have maxed characters. I only have 3 level 80 toons and 1 with level 9 gear. I won't even start on the absurd nature of level 9 gear. What you've created doesn't make me want to spend more money it makes me want to quit on a franchise I've loved since I was 5. Your updates have caused me and many others to move on to Pokemon Go and other games. I hope someone reads this and thinks about the average gamer and not the whale.

    Here here! But don't just say it man, we have to leave this crap game and EA for good.... Or we all know this is just going to continue.

    To me I think this game could be considered gambling in some aspects, which is illegal in most stats especially without a license and selling to minors. I mean don't u but packs for money and hope u get this or that. Same thing when u try to get gear ..... This is just a sad way for a company to act.....we need legal representation!

    We need to band together and boycott EA until that file for bankruptcy!
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    GW node 6 I can't get past. Change galactic war needs to be toned down. High gear and full mods. I now can't over come obstacles like this. I'm not wasting time in throwing my entire roster at node 6.
    Please change GW
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    Still can't stand gw. Throwing my entire roster and losing just isn't fun. There is no strategy. There is no fun. So not wasting another dime on this game.
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