Game Update - 7/6/2016 - Comments- ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Well, OP, any "good" dr*g dealer will give you a little taste first. Then they raise the price. ☺
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Woofy_MC
    219 posts Member
    Its EA and a mobile game. There are nearly no multiplayer online mobile games that dont have p2w. I agree its getting out of hand and the developers dont care about normal users anymore. Money rules the world bro. Do you think they care if you have fun? For every person not paying there is one that pays thousands of dollars. Thats the only thing that is needed. Enjoy it as much as possible for now. F2P users will never be on rank one or have a lot 7* XII Gear toons, but its not unbeatable for now. :) I wish it would be a P2P game sometimes, because you have to pay to reach everything without having to frustrate yourself.
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    zaphod wrote: »
    Devz too busy fiddling like Nero as SWGOH burns.
    Anyone for smores?


    I'd like me some and let's find a good story teller

    And a guitar for the sing along
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    You're absolutely right, I'm afraid. This is very much a P2W patch. The "mods" coming next will extend this concept even further. This game is about to become a grind on the scale of a Korean MMO.

    I actually had 90k shard shop currency saved up, so I actually love this latest update, but I can see why F2P players will absolutely hate it. The furnaces I'm about to buy will let me run an arena droid team.

    Raids are now, by a very long way, the slowest means of upgrading your toons. They've had so many opportunities to increase raid rewards, or make raid reward distribution fairer, and haven't bothered at all. They want raid gear to be something you pretty much have to buy to make any real progress.

    Look at T6 raids, there's virtually no point in running them. The time vs reward ratio is ridiculous.

    I really hope these changes don't kill the game (and my investment with it). I may be a whale, but I recognise that there has to be a free/paid balance, it's an ecosystem and it can't exist without balance. That balance is being destroyed systematically.

    Look at GW, the main source of income for most F2P players. Now the majority of them can't even complete it, despite the rewards being frozen since level 60.

    I honestly don't know why they're doing this. I do believe they're slowly killing the future of this game, it's starting to look like a short term cash grab.
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    I dont get these threads. Any team can be beaten on defence. Sure you might only have 15 or so maxed out toons instead of 50 but is it worth spending the 10K
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Ths is why I have the rule I made for myself "no spending on a mobile game unless I still play it after a year". Been burned to many times in games I spent money on. These new changes don't sound too promising.

    Not gonna want to spend money just to fight whales everyday when all the high level F2Pers have quit.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Hambone wrote: »
    Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction. But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?

    Boring conversation anyway...
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    I just wanna say how much I love this game, been playing since Christmas and yeah it has the occasional bug but look at today, they fixed it and gave us FREE crystals for it. All the complaining about events and stuff bugs me because they're just giving us free stuff. Remember it's a free game guys. Some of you need to chill out.

    The 350 crystals we got are NOT free!
    The guild i am in started a t7 raid and it bugged out - 3 lucky souls managed to log damage so they got rewards! Good for them, but what this means is that 47 out of 50 people

    1. lost 2 days of guild bank coins, 1200 energy in crystals is 400 crystals per day per person
    2. Lost their rewards from the raid which adds up to 2050 crystals (how i get to that number see below)

    So there you go: i lost almost 2.5k crystals thats around US$ 16

    Then there is the rewards some people lost in gw, which is up to 400 crystals extra

    My usual rewards (approximate):
    500k-600k credits which is around 550 crystals
    1k guild coins to buy shards, someone calculated the price of 1 shard to 10 crystals (or somewhere around that) per shard, so that adds up to another 100 crystals,
    1x fully crafted raid gear + 40 salvage or 80 salvage, for the sake of argument lets say i would have gotten full gear, which is another 1.4k crystals
    Han solo shards - dont mind them
    Total: 2050 crystals

    Now tell me again how 350 crystals compensation is free?

    Dont get me wrong, im not complaining here, im just explaining to you that most people lost a lot more than what we got in compensation and that devs should probably cough up some more (top of bank coins to 100k again or something), especially since they previously usually handed out 500 crystals for random server reboots that didnt cause any issues! Not to mention the raid reward exploit that happened a week or so ago!

    PS: feel free to correct my math, especially the crystal/shard thing...
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @jackTHErandom So you place first in all your raids and you get a full piece of gear each raid as well? Can i have your luck?
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    Err? I don't think i remember EA/CG metioned anything about crystal price going up? And if they do can anyone post the link here?


    my prices haven't changed.i freaked out a bit when i saw this picture. tho i fear that means the change officially comes soon. which means i definitely wont be paying into this game anymore. i limit myself to a budget because i can be impulsive without one and that will definitely exceed my budget

    Break game, raise prices. Sounds reasonable. I mean typical
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    What happened to the previously standard 500 crystals apology? Really, this needed to be discounted by 150 crystals?

    It's incredible, it really is.
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    Made it out to node 7 before the client restart and now i'm back to 1

    YOUR **** 350 CRYSTAL won't compensate on the amount of frustrations i've had through those NODES!


    Dont give in to the dark side, cause we broke it. -EA
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    Alexone wrote: »
    @jackTHErandom So you place first in all your raids and you get a full piece of gear each raid as well? Can i have your luck?

    As i said, thats not an exact number, i place top3-top10, and i dont pay too much attention to credits and guild coins, but i do believe its always around 500-600k credits and around 1k (on average) guild coins, even if its just 800 coins on average, i calculated with 10 shards, which is 800 coins
    The full gear thing, yeah, got me there... i wish i would get full gead most of the time, thats why i said "for the sake of the argument"...

    Then again, im not complaining, i am trying to explain why i think 350 crystals doesnt cover the loss and therefore were not free!

    I also say poop happens and am just slightly annoyed by the lost raid, thats about it!
  • jackTHErandom
    1195 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I dont get these threads. Any team can be beaten on defence. Sure you might only have 15 or so maxed out toons instead of 50 but is it worth spending the 10K

    To be in top10 in arena, and stay there, your team needs to be at least g9!
    Raid rewards as they are now make it difficult for ftp to keep up.
    F2p needs to keep up to get free crystals from arena to further progress in the game
    Having all gear buyable in shipments benefits p2p (if the gear shows up that is)
    The new mod system will most likely also benefit p2p since they are going to charge you an arm and a leg to get the BEST stats out of it and to get the mods in FAST!
    To earn the mod items, you need to complete new pve fights using cantina coins and specific toons!
    Who can buy a lot of refreshes in cantina? P2p
    Who has the needed rosters to be able to complete a mod node that requires FO toons or Jawa toons or tusken toons or X faction of toons and cant even be started without these toons? P2p

    So if you want to keep up, you have to spend money! You dont spend, you cant keep up! If you cant keep up, you lose interest and move on

    Now arena is "easy" as you say, and i mostly agree! IF you happen to be g9+!
    Now imagine if p2p gets their speed and damage and hp and whatever else mods!

    Sure, there will be more variety in used toons, which is good, but an ftp wont be able to compete with a p2p that is the equivalent of gear lvl15 vs the ftp's g10

    I know, this is a very extreme example, but it feels like the game is heading into this direction
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I'm really glad you put raid gear in the Shard Shop, but I wish you had given even a tiny bit of advance notice--I spent 1k currency on 5 more Grevious shards yesterday. =\
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    I dont get these threads. Any team can be beaten on defence. Sure you might only have 15 or so maxed out toons instead of 50 but is it worth spending the 10K

    To be in top10 in arena, and stay there, your team needs to be at least g9!
    Raid rewards as they are now make it difficult for ftp to keep up.
    F2p needs to keep up to get free crystals from arena to further progress in the game
    Having all gear buyable in shipments benefits p2p (if the gear shows up that is)
    The new mod system will most likely also benefit p2p since they are going to charge you an arm and a leg to get the BEST stats out of it and to get the mods in FAST!
    To earn the mod items, you need to complete new pve fights using cantina coins and specific toons!
    Who can buy a lot of refreshes in cantina? P2p
    Who has the needed rosters to be able to complete a mod node that requires FO toons or Jawa toons or tusken toons or X faction of toons and cant even be started without these toons? P2p

    So if you want to keep up, you have to spend money! You dont spend, you cant keep up! If you cant keep up, you lose interest and move on

    Now arena is "easy" as you say, and i mostly agree! IF you happen to be g9+!
    Now imagine if p2p gets their speed and damage and hp and whatever else mods!

    Sure, there will be more variety in used toons, which is good, but an ftp wont be able to compete with a p2p that is the equivalent of gear lvl15 vs the ftp's g10

    I know, this is a very extreme example, but it feels like the game is heading into this direction

    Don't forget the significance of GW for F2P too.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    If you think these updates are bad...wait until the next patch.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    I just wanna say how much I love this game, been playing since Christmas and yeah it has the occasional bug but look at today, they fixed it and gave us FREE crystals for it. All the complaining about events and stuff bugs me because they're just giving us free stuff. Remember it's a free game guys. Some of you need to chill out.

    Nothing they have ever given to me has been free. It's cost me credits, mats, raid rewards, guild currency... For lousy crystals.

    Yeah it's free!

    And time...dont forget the time cost.
  • Whis
    20 posts Member
    Now whales can get even even further ahead of the f2p community. I know some whales have 10s or even 100s of thousands of shard for the shop...I have they can basically fully max their whole roster....EA just made it impossible to not only catch up but to close the gap even a little
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    Whis wrote: »
    Now whales can get even even further ahead of the f2p community. I know some whales have 10s or even 100s of thousands of shard for the shop...I have they can basically fully max their whole roster....EA just made it impossible to not only catch up but to close the gap even a little

    Yes, I have 90k currency. It's good for me, short-term, but it's definitely bad news for F2P.
  • Kevon
    134 posts Member
    if you are ftp you were never going to catch up to a whale, not even a little bit. So this won't matter at all.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    I guess this is good for people who blew hundreds/thousands of dollars on chromiums.

    Personally, even if I had a ton of shard shop tokens, it wouldn't give me an advantage. My arena and raid teams are max or near max already.
  • SpiveyJr
    69 posts Member
    F2P will always be behind no matter what. What do you expect, players who never spent a dime on this game to be locked out or forbidden from accessing raid gear?
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'd appreciate it if they would look into the bonuses for AI. How is it Dooku ALWAYS gets the bonus hit, Sidious ALWAYS hits with the heal block, while Luminara and Old Ben are at 100% evasion when the get the +10% bonus to evasion?!?!

    I've started counting the number of misses that happen to me and it's incredibly unbalanced. I've missed as many as 22 out of 25 attacks in one battle. HOW IS THAT EVEN CREDIBLE?!?!

    Next update needs to address this as it is grossly out of whack. It seems to me when I have Luminara in the lead my goons still get hit EVERY turn, when Phasma is in the lead I NEVER an ally assist until 2 or more of my team members are down.

    Come on guys. How do you miss these types of imbalances?
    I know dodge got worst!!

    I was fighting in arena against only old ben and mine 3 toons with green health and believe i almost lost!!
    Please fix this dodge thing, rng is so wrong on this.

  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    Yes, this is the beta. You can tell by the build number. It should be 1.0 or higher. Instead its 0.2 something.

    I too said this but was told that this is not the case by many of the devs but I argue it is unorthodox to do this with version numbers since these types of things have a standard of sorts...
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    I knew this day was coming for us who play free or spend human amounts. In order to survive, you'll need plenty of patience although you'll also have to live with being second rate for the duration of the game. I can live with it....
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Kevon wrote: »
    if you are ftp you were never going to catch up to a whale, not even a little bit. So this won't matter at all.

    Not true. At the lvl 70 cap, a FTP team could compete for Arena, it's just that the whales can change faster with the meta. We're beginning to approach the same point now (a combination of Rey/RG/QGJ/GS/OB1/STHan is all you need in Arena to do well), which explains why they may be raising the level cap soon.

    That may also be why they're pushing all these ways of buying raid gear, if it'll be freely farmed from 80-90 in a month or two.

    Also, regarding the double Cantina days, extending it until 48 hours is not the answer. It still gives some players an advantage (of 3 days of refreshes). A tiny advantage. But CG does this over and over again. The correct move by CG would have been to announce the event a day in advance.

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    I knew this day was coming for us who play free or spend human amounts. In order to survive, you'll need plenty of patience although you'll also have to live with being second rate for the duration of the game. I can live with it....

    I'm a pretty dedicated F2P player. I've come to terms with the fact that I have 7 or 8 characters with 100/100 shards, only a handful of level 80s, and only 4x Gear 9 and 1x Gear 10 with no credits to keep up. It's the price I pay for not paying (buh-dum-tiss). I know I'll forever lag behind the folks dumping hundreds of dollars into their game. Does it chap my **** to see Raid gear packs for 600 crystals and Shard Shop refreshes for gear and extra shards? Hell yes it does. But again, I know the P2P crowd used to **** and complain about not getting a significant advantage over the F2P crowd early on. Mostly that was related to the fact that Chromium exclusive characters weren't significantly better than the F2P characters. So what does EA do? Release Chromium exclusive (or Aurodium exclusive) characters that have incredible abilities (mostly AoE buff/debuff removal/unique abilities) that are rarely available to F2P. For example, F2P have Asajj to remove all enemy positive status effects. P2P have at least 2-3 more characters with those abilities.

    Bottom line: I'm F2P. I'd appreciate more love, but I know that my insignificant monetary contribution to the game doesn't bode well for EA/CG giving two flying %@#$s about me and my struggling roster. I love this game, though so I won't be quitting just because P2P have a clear cut advantage over me.
  • x72821
    46 posts Member
    Thank you for updating the double rewards time to 48 hours. I appreciate that.
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    Do not u forget that with this update EA brought many more bugs - the game crashes on iPad Pro (Han, Arena, Ewok event). EA plans to introduce more money-grabbing mods without even any attempt to fix a completely unplayable game.
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