Mods Update II: It's Another Mega Thread!!


  • Ybeler
    95 posts Member
    I dont get it. :tired_face::angry:

    We all have just ONE clear and absolutely unequivocal Problem.
    The Balance is gone, the MODS are way to strong.

    With the newest Update, the droprate is lower. Thats good BUUTT!!!! the most good and active Players have allready a bunch of very good mods. This Update was too late and the balance is still not there.

    EASY Desicision for you, delete this new mod function. Planing all new and then testing testing testing. After this you can bring it out.
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    This patch, in it's attempt to correct EA/CG's poor judgement and lack of testing prior to release, only screws the players who did not hastily build up their mods in the last two days. Those who did will now be miles ahead.

    Every patch has been released this way lately - poorly tested and poorly thought-out, and then after realizing their mistake, EA/CG release an update that only hurts the rest of the player base... And then every consecutive patch only adds more issues (content) without addressing any of the mounting bugs, issues, concerns, that demand a little attention. They just keep on digging!

    All whales = "See you in the dust!"
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    My maxed teebo that have spent months on, now has 21% potency, I'm not a cry baby but this is defo me out if they aren't sorting it out. What a ridiculous state to be in, just defies all comprehensible logic
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    Ea_jesse. U guys really screwed up this game again. Now only the whales have fully modded teams. Congrats on another knee **** reaction in the wrong way. Good thing u guys are not wall Street investors. Ever decision that is made in the last week has been wrong. Hire someone who understands game theory. U guys do not.
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    How is it even possible for you guys to come out with an update that was awful enough that you had to do serious damage control within 24hrs? Then your solution to fixing it is even worse than the update which by all means shouldn't have even been possible to accomplish.

    Seriously if people were on the fence about quitting you just showed them the door. I can't even imagine what is gonna come next from the brilliant minds that are working on this game.
    If I see one more **** attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself!
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    Plot twist: The whales all work for EA....... Everyone check your potency, it's gone now, lol.
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    Update is garbage! Please reset and remove all mods

    2761 posts Member
    Well, we just lost our guild leader and many more. Nice communication on the t6-7 mods...
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Test. Your. Game. Before. Release. It doesn't make me feel good about spending lots of money when the developer has to "hammer" on QA immediately AFTER roll out. I know change is the only constant, but who is running this show?
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    Hobnob wrote: »
    My maxed teebo that have spent months on, now has 21% potency, I'm not a cry baby but this is defo me out if they aren't sorting it out. What a ridiculous state to be in, just defies all comprehensible logic

    In the same boat. 7* teebo that I spent a load of resources is now looking a lot less useful.
    Good to see you can spend time and resources on a character for them to change it on a whim
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    One thing is evident. They quickly boast about how proud they are of the update but then then don't respond when it's proven they messed it up.
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    So their way of "fixing" mods is to nerf gear rather than address the issue.. The utter contempt that the devs have for us (their paying customers) is unbelievable. All they have to do to fix the issue is remove mods. It is that simple.
    A disgusting attitude has been taken by the devs and EA.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    One thing is evident. They quickly boast about how proud they are of the update but then then don't respond when it's proven they messed it up.

    They are blind men admiring their painting skills.
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Fyi your potency is the same. But they raised tenacity in phase 1 it looks like.
  • ATSpain
    152 posts Member
    REALLY?! why would you decrease the mod drop rate!?! They are expensive on energy already and its near impossible to get the mods you are looking for. Don't shoot your players down with this. Please bring the drop rate back to what it was, also don't have 3* and 4* mods dropping in t5 challenges. That just makes it so much worse.
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    ZarLatho wrote: »
    One thing is evident. They quickly boast about how proud they are of the update but then then don't respond when it's proven they messed it up.

    They are blind men admiring their painting skills.

    Well said
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    Honestly shocked at how bad the Devs blundered this update. Like really, it's astounding how developers working on one of the biggest IPs of all time for one of the biggest game publishers in the market could make such a disastrously unbalanced update and then "fix" it by making the people who took too long to take advantage unable to catch up to the portion of players who already maxed out multiple Mk5 mods.

    I'm dumbfounded that your fix to this update was to lower drop rates and double the price to upgrade.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    That said, we have heard you—both good and bad. I do want to say that during the initial testing and balancing phases of these Mods, we received feedback very similar to your initial reaction, however, in almost every single case, once those players got past the “sticker shock” of the large numbers (so to speak), the feeling was that Mods really allowed for more variety in the game.
    Just out of curiosity, how long did the sticker shock last on average and at what state were the testers characters before and after they got over it? Oh and what were the circumstances under which they received the release?
    1. First time rewards for completing Mod Battles and Challenges
    Just like it sounds, all our Mod Battles and Challenges will now give players a Mod that’s specific to that Battle or Challenge.
    Isn't this already the case? Granted I auto'd through the battles but I don't recall a challenge where I didn't get a mod.
    2. Updated Mod Leveling
    We’ve flattened the level curve on Mod leveling, and in doing so, we’ve evened out the cost to level. Note that I did not say “reduced” the cost. All we did was take away the disparity we were seeing in investing in Mods. As it stood, there was too much variance in the leveling feature with the chances for a “lucky” roll. Now, Mod leveling has been made more consistent. You should now know exactly how much you will need to max upgrade a Mod. There still remains a very, very rare chance to get a “lucky” roll.
    Sounds good. Predictable cost is a plus.
    3. Reworked Mod Drops in Mod Battles and Mod Challenges
    Battles will no longer just drop Mods 100% of the time. Instead the drop rate will be higher than Character Shards on an equivalent Squad Cantina node. Challenges will also drop at the higher rate.
    So... You're lowering the rate from 100% (again, can't recall a challenge that didn't drop a mod) to something better than cantina shards. Why? If the problem is too many mods too fast, just cap the challenges as are done with gear. If that's not the problem you're trying to solve or if I'm misunderstanding this, please explain. But, really, please explain why the 100% drop rate is a problem.
    4. Increased Credits When Selling Mods
    So, to compensate for the changes to the Mod Battle drop rates, we’ve increase the amount of Credits you can sell 1-, 2-, and 3- star Mods for at the lower levels. Meanwhile, every Mod, irrespective of rarity, over level 10 will see a significant increase in sell cost after this update.
    This... just doesn't seem equivalent. Why not exchange them for half the energy needed to farm a replacement? Credits are a problem but unless you're adding a zero or two to each sale, this seems short.
    5. Cantina Energy Spent in Mod Battles Now Gives Cantina Currency Exactly Like Squad Cantina Battles
    The Energy-to-Currency ratio is as follow:
    • 1- 2* Mods Battles: 10 Energy, 17 Cantina Currency
    • 3* Mods Battles: 10 Energy, 17 Cantina Currency
    • 4* Mods Battles: 12 Energy, 21 Cantina Currency
    • 5* Mods Battles: 16 Energy, 28 Cantina Currency
    Thanks! This makes sense. Now about that cantina energy refresh rate...
  • Agurk
    4 posts Member
    Ea you are making the game even worse its broken and 95 percent is complaining. Accept that theese updates has been a disaster
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    Not only did they nerf the drop rate on mods but now you may get Mk3 & 4 instead of Mk5. So the chance to get a Mk5 is now what? 10-15%?

    Thanks a lot for the kick in the balls! Worst update ever!
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    Aegamin33 wrote: »
    Not only did they nerf the drop rate on mods but now you may get Mk3 & 4 instead of Mk5. So the chance to get a Mk5 is now what? 10-15%?

    Thanks a lot for the kick in the balls! Worst update ever!

    10-15% only if they drop equally. I suspect mk3 and mk4 mods drop more frequently than mk5 ones.
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    i can just shake my head, seems planet of the apes have come true, and they replaced cg/ea with chimps
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    Guys relax, potency is the same. It's been normalized on a scale from 1-100% along with tenacity
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    Where did the Jawa engineer go I did not have him unlocked yet...but they leave Talia in allllll of her spots come on take out some of the multiples before you delete the only place to get a character.
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    Where are the official update notes for this patch?
  • Xeriel
    42 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    (Fart sound) is all I have to say about MODS..

    First.. I love the neatness of the game now.. Its smoother.. Spending Sim tickets on Challenges is very nice. Few things though..

    Where is my Credit Event? Not limited time but the basic Cad Bane event.. Not enough credits being earned anymore.

    Are chars nerfed?! After the update all my guild mates agree we got nerfed HARD. Especially the light side. Light side is already terrible enough.. Of you're gunna nerf any chars, nerf the dark side. Daka, Sidious and Dooku are just gods in this game that ruin it. Everyone has them...

    And last I HATE THE NEW MODS! WHO'S BRIGHT IDEA WAS THIS? Just more garbage to grind at.. I've played this game straight for 7 months. I have one decent Jedi team and no one else. This new addition is fine for premium players but what about the rest? I'm not even half way through the Cantina battles and now I have to spend my hard earned Energy for mod battles?! No thank you.

    Everything else is exactly what I needed and wanted.. But what I need now with the update is faster cantina energy regen.. My credit events to return (Not the Scoundrel event).. And more sim ticket pick ups or rewards..

    I don't care for 'Freemium' games that need to spend money.. I ain't doing that.
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
    Sparrow wrote: »
    @CG_NotReallyAJedi First off I appreciate what you are trying to do.

    But really giving us another precrafting debacle? those who saved cantina energy and who are whales in general will have significantly more mods than everyone else by now, and now that they have a ton of them, you want to cut the drop rate?

    As others have said this also just makes the cantina energy issue worse.

    On the plus side all these changes have helped me drop putting effort into arena and GW, so i spend way less time playing the game every day, so this does help my addiction at least :)

    @CG_NotReallyAJedi this is a complete joke. Stop being nice. They are laughing at us.
  • gorki
    31 posts Member
    Lol I bet they didn't expect the magnitude of this sh1tst0rm :) I bet some heads will get chopped, some ppl get fierd.. Sad, but kinda unbelievable what they're trying to pull off here..
    Btw, got ppl leaving my guild too.
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    Its to Late... All p2p arme Full equipped right now
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    I already went through all the mod tables. Where are my "one time" mods?
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