Mods Update II: It's Another Mega Thread!!


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    So now that the whales and dolphins stockpiled enough 5* mods to last a lifetime, you're reducing the drop rates for people who had to get them gradually? So they'll fall further in the hole as they use energy for battles that only have a chance to drop mods now?

    Apparently you people learned nothing from pre-crafting.

    It's the gear pre-crafting problem part 2.....some will have a surplus ; other will have 3.

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    NienNunb wrote: »

    I was under the impression that the rewards have NOT been upped yet (and will be with this latest update).

    They have not. Just like Aayla isn't in shipments, allies aren't at 50, etc. All the stuff the players actually wanted, they somehow missed. but hey, you can but a level 1 mod for 300 crystals!!!

    Amazing. If most of us did our jobs like this we'd be fired...or called "weather man".
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • tiskalhulken
    51 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    this whole update is bad.
    you just ruined an awesome game by putting yet another Layer to the game..
    quit listening to the few mega awesome players who spend $200 a month playing the game and make it easier to bring in more people to play.
    no new friends of mine want to play it because it has sooo many variables it's ridiculous.
    been playing since October.. I'm out..
    two accounts also..
    bye Felicia
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    ZAKK wrote: »
    they really focus on GW and rework heroes.. not mod wihtout passing the QA

    There's a lot of truth to that I think. Pre-mods GW needed a re-work and there were several toons that either need to be fixed and / or re-worked to be viable. They did a great job with JKA and the newer characters look good too. If they would've done that and added the Grievous raid, everything would've been great. The game pre-mods wasn't bad, not sure what the goal of adding Mods of this magnitude was.
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    Today was the first time in quite a while that I couldn't complete gw. Now only that...I can't kill one member of the opposite team because they really modded right out.


    I'm likely done. If I can't complete gw...i can't work on grievous...and that's all I really wanted.
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    Yep, i like the idea of a new raid with Grieovus.

    We want new gameplay and bugs fixed, not pre-crafiting all over again.
    How hard is this for them to understand???
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    I think this update has finally removed the needle from my arm. Just when I had *almost* gotten my guys to be competitive, this sends them back to the stone age.
  • Cor
    124 posts Member
    I just soloed Heroic raid. One squad. Guess this prooves mods are OP...
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    djvita wrote: »
    How is there a lack of testing?
    I work for a fortune 20 company, the testing cycle is over 3 weeks, we are in a big release right now and we have meetings with the dev team every 3 days not just in agile but scrum meetings also. DO you not have staging servers to get usability testing out?
    Google offers a beta program, open it up.
    We cannot afford bugs or usability defects, your revenue is the same as our org, can you not afford to have worldwide development and testing? This game is worldwide, have developers, project managers, and testers in major timezones for example: US GMT-8 , Europe GMT+1, and Asia GMT+11/12. This would cover almost all timezones in an 8 hour shift and CG would develop and test faster. But the beancounters don't want to invest in their own product.
    More people would catch bugs and not just have 2/3 senior EA employees dictating the direction of the game, cuz I am sure it was Salera's desicion to nerf mod drop rates.

    Now you had to have your entire team working overnight to fix this bull.
    No, do not nerf drop rates or stats on mods.
    We have enough on our hands.

    You ask for far too much, we need to be able to breath before we can crawl.....
  • Rizn
    246 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Leefx wrote: »
    Edit: poof! Gone because ToS

    ... then get Mods for your own characters?
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    Ugh so those that already ponyed up all the crystals really are ahead of the game now. I used to be p2p but unyill the devs decide they actually listen to us i wont be forking out any more dough. We still compete againt guildies in raids, toons still broken. Smh shoot we lost 5 guildies over this. Watch $ is going to start falling iff for tem
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    cmjstota wrote: »
    Here's the problem:
    We will keep you posted as the morning progresses!

    They said this in their post and yet if I'm not mistaken it's nearly Noon PST and we haven't heard anything yet.

    Well.. first they have to get the level 5 Communcation mod with a +1000 PR boost, and then just hope that the secondary stat gives +10 transparency. Problem is that it will cost at least $5,000 to even get that mod, not to mention the cost is roughly $10,000 per ugrade just to get the mod to 15. Times that by 6 and I don't blame them for not being able to communicate.
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    Update is garbage! Please reset and remove all mods
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    Hi there,

    I have been playing this game since it cames out, i have the "luck" of being part of a great Guild, actually im always in top 80 in arena, and the most important is "i havent spend a dollar in this game".

    So far, it was already hard to compete whit the "pay for win" players, i understand you want more, and more money, but, whit this update all the "free to play" member are screw.

    Cantina energy is the hardest to get, and is VERY expensive, i still have toons in farm, and now thx to you i wont have them, not only that, now the drop rate to get mods is going down, thats a terrible idea

    For example;

    If im looking a single bonus mod, whit a certain shape, but lvl 5, i have 1/60 posibilities to get it, that means 16(energy)X60(chanse)=960 energy for a simple "special" mod, i can farm for months and never get it, and now whit drop chance lowered, is RIDICULOUS!!!.

    Thats only to get a mod, in GW i can say " in node 12 i got a team impossible to beat (for me)", had this composition:
    1. Royal Guard: Hitting for 7-10k crits whit 140k hp
    2. Leia: Hitting for 12-14k crits (each hit) whit 60k hp
    3. Rey: Hitting for 28k hits (normal attack) whit 70khp
    4. Phasma: Hitting for 10k whit 80k hp
    5. QJ: hitting for 12k crits (normal attack) whit 60khp

    How in the world a normal player can beat this?? if you lose whit your first team, in the next battles they will Always hit first, "THIS IS MADNES" lol.

    Mods changed the game complety, is ok if thats what you wanted, but i believe, if you dont listen the players, this game will go to trash, i have a lot of friends asking for refund right now, i dont know how this affect EA, but, is very important to do a beta test, there are too many people who wants to do it at no charge for EA.

    Please, make it easier for "free to play" members.

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    Agreed this Modding was a good idea it makes it so you can customize your characters but it is too powerful. I can't complete GW now it was hard enough after the last update, now I can get half way through it. Then I run into a team that is level 75 and they WIPE the floor with my top group despite trying several different strats. I do not pay a ton of money into this game just when I need crystals or see a deal I like, so I do not expect to be top in my guild or in PVP. But I should be able to be competitive in both if I play everyday. I should at least be able to clear GW as that is where a bulk of the training droids and money that I need comes from. Now that I can't clear that I am now going to fall farther behind. And for those of you that say well just go get the same characters and mods. Again I do not have the crystals for that.
  • ctn13
    53 posts Member
    I am now seriously concerned about this games future. Hopefully it'll work out but atm the discrepancy between the haves and the have nots is staggering. These should have been released at intervals like ls and ds battles starting at low levels and opened up over time by the devs. You should have had them start at level 50 but filtered them out over 6 months to give existing players a chance to adapt. Making the changes suggested by the devs is just going to make the gap wider. Precrafting seems pale in comparison to whats happened and about to happen. A roll back is the only thing that can save us. Really sorry to see a game I love go so down hill so fast. You can't just give the option to double up EVERYTHING to some people STRAIGHT AWAY! Poor implimentation of a system which could have given us more variety.
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    Ok. to those who are still upset. I just played a full maxed t5 squad against a mixed modded guy some of which we not even levelled. He put speed up mods on OB and phasma to make sure that not only did my whole squad get ability blocked they were also slowed. His squad then went on to take out two of my characters and I only just managed to pull it back when my OB managed to qbility block them. It was close and the point I'm making is that by boosting certain stats it doesnt matter if your whole team is max mods, you can still compete. In a week or so when everyone has a full set of the best mods they can acquire you will all see how much more interesting pvp is/will be with this new feature.
  • Awec
    12 posts Member
    Just have to agree with most of what has been said.

    I got mods as soon as I could, I used them and leveled them up. But I still can't complete as a F2P. BooHoo right? Well, the fun factor has just plummeted. And the guild is either unhappy, trying to understand the mod update and what's to come, or just not logging in.

    Just had to add that to the number of complaints.

    In the old days in another game... we called it pre-NGE or pre-CU. That all worked out well in the end.
  • Calus_78
    504 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't know why you bother wasting your time complaining anymore. These Devs do not care about the player base, and it clear with everything they have done so far.
    So many great games out there now it's insane.

    Just quit!, I did.
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    Update is garbage! Please reset and remove all mods

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    Darth Mickey is watching..
  • Bytra
    15 posts Member
    Update is garbage! Please reset and remove all mods


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    Mods have broken the game. There is enough dissent that you need to bite the bullet and delete this update. There's no balancing act that can keep be performed to fix this. Characters have weaknesses for a reason. I give it one more week and then I'm quitting this game for good.
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    Thanks for hearing our concerns and making it worse. Common sense anyone? I'd love to see a video of all of you in the meeting room coming up with this stuff. It must be something special.

    Check out the "swgoh reactions gif" thread in Off Topic. Think you'll find something to answer that.
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    Is there a link to update notes?
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    Azgadil wrote: »
    There is an accuracy stat. Interesting.

    Yeah, never saw that before. Don't remember ever reading a tip or tutorial about. Anybody here ever see accuracy before the update?
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    You just nerfed everyone's gear, scanners apparently are most effected, dropping potency by 30%-50%. The nerf was supposed to effect mods only, I repeat, MODS ONLY! Way to make a bad update even worse, all of the money spent on gear, just to devalue everything. You all need to be fired.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    Has everyone gotten the patch?
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    Doga wrote: »
    Has everyone gotten the patch?

    Yes, but patches are meant to fix things. I think you mean "deeper laceration".
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    They nerfed mod drop rate and now you can get a 1* instead of a 3* in challenges. Those devs left that bit of news out. It's like they are trying to screw this up on purpose now
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