Mods Update II: It's Another Mega Thread!!


  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Who cares at this point? Say what ever you want. Pre craft 2.0
    Whales will spend the night stocking up on mods and we'll get stuck with the **** t y drop rate grinding away as usual.
    In a few days you'll see maxed jawa and clone teams. They sound fun but not when you're so far behind the curve that the fun is **** out of the game.
    And really, even the whales don't seem too impressed with any of this. I think plenty of them are done with this too. May as well start developing a new game, throw a few monkeys in a room and let them continue production of this as a total ftp game. It would probably improve.
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    So everyone hates the update.....but wait there's more.....

    You decide to nerf the drop rate, make it worse

    Precrafting 2.0

    Game won't make it to the weekend, what a joke
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    Josh_K wrote: »
    I had a question on point 1.

    1. First time rewards for completing Mod Battles and Challenges
    Just like it sounds, all our Mod Battles and Challenges will now give players a Mod that’s specific to that Battle or Challenge.

    Exactly what does this mean? Does it mean the primary stat will always be linked to the challenge type? e.g. %Offense and Offense for the Offense challenge?

    If that's the case, how would one get things like accuracy or protection? Can we get a specific listing of exactly what stats are available with each challenge?

    Also, if this is the case, what happens to existing mods with different stat types to the challenge they are found in. E.g. health mod with speed primary stat? Will it change to health? Or will we be allowed to keep it? A lot of resources have already been poured into mods so far, people maxing tens of mods with specific stats. If you are going to force change them, there better be complete transparency and possibly compensation for resources which would have otherwise been spent. Overwhelming majoring of players would have a variety of health mods with many other stats at this point that they have maxed.

    It's a companion with the "no longer dropping 100%" part. They tried to show it as a "bonus" that we're getting what we want when running it the first time. In reality it's just a way for them to try and cover the fact that mods will no longer drop at a 100% rate.
  • Gej15
    39 posts Member
    I understand you'll need to make money but you are sucking the life and fun out of this game. Ships would have been a better update
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    Leandrovv wrote: »
    **** how do you guys still have jobs?!?!

    Haha +1!
    If I see one more **** attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself!
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    Well... that was unexpected. Totally turned into even more of a **** show. Looking forward to seeing this thread in the morning.
  • Daeghaa
    95 posts Member
    Do you read the forums? Really? How's that gonna make things better in any sense? Are we being punished? Wasn't I a good boy this year?

    Make any sense please, and show us you are looking towards us....

    Im very glad I used all refreshes I could and got a whole lot of mods, now I'm missing the credits you said you're gonna give to us.

  • Taniwha
    120 posts Member
    If you didn't get the message to leave before here is it in bold print:

    We screw up and fix it by screwing up more. Pre crafting, equipping before gear gating and now early mod farming. This is the final straw, thanks for giving me a clear exit point.
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    Team iNstinct --
  • Riggin12
    129 posts Member
    Making mods harder to get will only make it harder for the non-Krakens to catch up as they face fully modded teams in GW and arena. It is very clear that there was no significant testing or even serious thought about the impact of the recent changes on the game.
  • Mauler
    69 posts Member
    Thanks for the update and clarification. Id probably echo the experience of your qa, initial sticker shock, but after I've warmed up to it, I think it will be a great improvement to the game once it's tuned. I think mods required a more gradual approach not allowing people to roid up their toons so fast. That being said, I wish some people that comment on these forums would try some changes a few days before giving the sky is falling speech.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Specific content aside, this is probably the most thorough and well delivered dev update in the history of the game. It's nice to see the focus on explanation and thought process, the intentional positive and connective tone, and the real effort at building community with the player base. It is also good to see the clear guidelines for what we should expect and when we should expect it. From a pure process standpoint, bravo!

    Hopefully this is a sign of a shift in direction and new and brighter future for the game. Thank you!

    As for the specific content -

    1) I agree that the magnitude of the change is jarring for many people, but that mods as they stand would likely settle into a very reasonable and understandable mechanic over time. However, given that a change will be released after players have farmed the current mods, and spent millions of credits on them, it is key that the change not harm those who invested, while at the same time not put them at such an advantage that later players have no hope to catch them. You'll likely need to pair a distribution of credits and possibly crystals with the mass Mod nerf in order to achieve this balance, or do something else concrete.

    2) The flatter leveling curve and lower drop rate will cause an increased gap between P2P/P2W and F2P on future shards. This is not necessarily a good thing for continuing to grow the game community which many players have professed to quit over the past few days. Additional thoughts on community growth and management might help. Perhaps you can offset this with shape specific mod challenges and other tweaks to make mods more evenly accessible without fully progression blocking them in this way.

    The fixed energy to cantina coins ratio is a solid move. Consistency is always positive. The nod to increase the sell price for mods is also a positive.

    All in all the specific content is very mixed - it will be interesting to see if the current game community survives or if this acts essentially as a reset with what will eventually be an entirely new player base. If the latter, how large will this new game grow?
  • Keyper
    245 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Did I read correctly that the act of leveling a mod to 15 had too much variablity, and in order to fix that you simply reduced the chance of getting the lucky bonus effect? Perhaps you could have increased the amount it gained per level to compensate.

    Did I read that you are giving us less mods, but increasing their slale value? What difference does that make when we won't have extras to sell?
  • JonVaper
    739 posts Member
    If your goal is get more people to quit the game you have succeeded with this so called fix
  • SeaWhy
    84 posts Member
    O was so looking forward to being able to use that new team I was farming. Good to know that will never see the light of day because I can't farm the shards from cantina. It's disingenuous to say you are listening to us when you address our concerns by making our concerns even worse than they were before. Thanks for nothing.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    I don't even... What?
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    Creating a buzz around mods. Trying to induce a whaling expedition for them before we realize there aren't many teams left to use them against! I have two vaults worth of cards ready to go in, just waiting to see if it's worth it.
  • Robert
    150 posts Member
    Point #3 just makes the cantina energy crunch worse. WTH?
  • Daeghaa
    95 posts Member
    Keyper wrote: »
    Did I read correctly that the act of leveling a mod to 15 had too much variablity, and in order to fix that you simply reduced the chance of getting the lucky bonus effect? Perhaps you could have increased the amount it gained per level to compensate.

    Did I read that you are giving us less mods, but increasing their slale value? What difference does that make when we won't have extras to sell?

    Yeah. Yay us...
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    Jesus chryst, its the pre-crafting all over again, it will be based on your Black box RNG to show up after the fix of your broken update.
    Só the people willing to spend great ammounts of money in the next days will get 100% drop rate and be waaay ahead of the other players.

    Why not just put a gun into players heads and ask for the money or their live. Would be more civilized.

    I wish i could see something properly tested and released from your company.

    And FYI, if you are paying money to your testers, they will tell you what you wanna hear, rather than the true.
  • Kalo
    123 posts Member
    We didn't make everyone as unhappy as we could have, so we're now going to reduce the drop rates.

    We really like you. Thanks for playing (and paying).
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    Ugh, I'm not spending a cent on his game until I see how all this unfolds. Then decide to move along or not.

    Where is fixing GW?
    Where are more credits?
    Where doesn't cantina energy refresh at the same rate as battle energy?
    Why do they use the same energy?
    Why change mod drop rate and not just increase cantina shard drop rate to compensate for both using same energy?

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    I like how they think they are making things better.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    It doesn't appear they think anything at all.
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    ZarLatho wrote: »
    It doesn't appear they think anything at all.

    I think they're technically brain dead.
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    I, errr....what? HAHAH. This is the dumbest thing I ever heard. How does this HELP? How do you guys even sleep at night...honestly.

    Don't you guys want to work for good companies that make quality games? How can anyone keep working there? This is such a slimy tactic, did you not learn the first time with precrafting?? You obviously did and saw how profitable it was...
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    No one to thank but your **** impatient selves, IMO. Blame every whine thread you've read today.
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    I am not sure what defines an insignificant mod. I have a lot of toons. I have used all the mods I have received thus far, nothing was insignificant to me. How about I decide what to sell and what to keep?
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    To me this new update misses the boat completely. It will continue to widen the gap between P2P and F2P. Lower drop rate will have a greater impact on F2P/low spenders. If they instead would have addressed the abomination that GALACTIC WAR has become it would have lessened the outrage. I think if they could remove protection and/or mods from GW opponents, it would be a step in the right direction even with keeping the higher level/geared opponents.
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