Mods Update II: It's Another Mega Thread!!


  • Stingray666666
    28 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW was already impossible!!! Up against lvl 80 teams with full gear and all with 50k health. Nope they now give them mods as well. Went through my whole roster on node 10 just got battered about ten teams and all I accomplished was got rid of RG.
    The Devs have taken the enjoyment out of the game just when you think it can't get any worse they throw in mods!!! Completely ruined!!!
    Nice work!!!
    All my guild are talking about quitting.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    A few comments:

    - Why nerf the drop rate of mods from 100% to less? Nobody wants that. Cantina energy is expensive enough, you have to sacrifice shards, and it doesnt go towards personal daily activity - that is punishment enough?

    - The more I play with mods, especially then non-health ones, the more i like it. There is more behind it than Tank Reys and DSP 5s. It would be a pity if it would be changed next weak already. Like for protection, we should give it some time.

    - The biggest issue is, that gear and stars are far less important than mods now. Like proposed on other places, a system where you need a certain gear/star level for the amount of mods and/or tier you can use could be a solution for that.

    - A new raid is needed fast :)
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    Nerfing the mod drop rate is just silly.
    All the top dogs are already fully kitted out but now all the little guys get kicked right where it hurts.

    Nerf the mods not the drop rate.
    | ANZGC | Exile |
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    Oh wow and there isn't even tier 6 and 7 mods... guess newbies will have 0 chance now but seriously GW is impossible now...
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    I'm a baby dolphin and let me tell you., the last 24 hours have been the most fun ive had in this game...

    1. The mods and their CURRENT power bridges the gap betwen us and the whales.
    2. It gives us genuine character diversity
    3. It opens up new content (im currently only level 58, but can now do the hardest content for my level IF i invest in mods. This is good for me, and great for your bottom line.



    As you said, you tested, the damage is already done. Stick with it or if you mess us about more, you will lose more players.

    Tell the execs to hold on a week or so.
    And get that new raid content ready
  • Ybeler
    95 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    OMG you guys are complete crazy. :s:s:s
    You make the Update even more worse….

  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Closing temporarily to clean up ToS violations
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    This isn't a game, it's a giant troll by a couple guys on a golf course making bets to see what they can do to get people to spend the most money with no concern for how long it will last because they will just move to the next troll.
    Publisher 1 release mods, daily income 1.6 million
    Publisher 2 nerf mod drop rate, daily income 1.8 million
    What's next?
  • Cor
    124 posts Member
    EA/CG guys, could you please actually read feedback from the community before you take any corrective actions? Recent dev update clearly indicates you guys seem to be detached from reality and have serious issues with identifying where the problems are. So please understand that the basic problem is that MODS ARE TOO POWERFUL. And this causes several serious issues:
    1. Game imbalance. Too hard. For players without 5* mods GW becomes imposiible to complete. And they can forget about being competitive on Arena.
    2. Game imbalance. Too easy. I know how it sounds - but you managed to accomplish both at the same time somehow. Anyway for whales and people who invested in Cantina energy and focus on t3 health challenge drops the game became too easy. Can sit on #1 on Arena without being touched. There are also guys who soloed Heroic raid - something the guild of 50 should work together to complete. What is the challenge now? What is the fun? It is like cracking the game to have everything maxed and get bored shortly after.
    3. Such OP mods make a lot of features in a game totally useless or at least significantly diminished. Like grinding omegas for a month to give Rey extra 15% damage to each ability and finding out that giving her a few mods will increase damage by 100-200% in a few hours. This is frustrating.
    4. Only ones listed above may cause a lot of people leave due to boredom or frustration. And you managed to create enormous entry barier for the new players - how can they even dream about competing with seazoned players in a reasonable time frame?

    And your solution is to decrease mods drop rate. Have you really learned nothing from precrafting? Reducing the drops now will only make the gap wider and cause further frustration. Besides, drop rate reduction will not solve any of the issues listed above.

    To sum up, mods seem to be a really good idea to slow people down and I like that idea much better than another level cap. But not in a way you implemented them - it is causing a lot of people to leave and speeding up some players incredibly. Instead of reducing mods drop rates just nerf them. If good set of mods gives 25% advantage people will be happy to grind them and it will still be possible to beat moded toons on arena and GW. And introduce T8 of raid to make some challenge for players with moded toons. This is all that needs to be done.
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    Hybridplug wrote: »
    I bet they have made a ton of cash the last 24 hours. This is not a free game, this is a business and if you are truly are f2p, then EA isn't losing anything except word of mouth if you do truly quit, which I do admit has a monetary value but I don't see this game being a cash cow 3+ years from now.

    You are a funny guy. Did you ever ask yourself why people were paying in a game ? To steamroll on everyone else... so no more F2P players, no more people to stomp on. Then you'll begin to see massive whale exodus...

    This update is clearly designed to break the game. Let's sum up :
    - energy cantina is required. Slow replenishment rate, expensive refills, have to share between farming shards (which was a reliable source of getting characters) and farming mods
    - challenge mod : goooooood you need a team of 5 minimum 5 stars characters of the same type, at level 80 with fat gear to get those 5 dots mods (I can't wait to see how we get 6 and 7 dots mods). The 5 stages in the battle ensure that a low level/gear character won't make it to the end, so you won't be able to use simulation
    - rarity of mods... even better, you're now talking about lowering drop rate
    - GW was a reliable source of credits... no longer
    - Arena was a reliable source of crystal... no longer

    So you're basically pushing all your FTP players out... but then what will the whales eat ? I'm calling ASPCA right now.
  • Azrul
    69 posts Member
    Options broke the raids (way too easy), you broke the arena (flip of a coin between my Rey and the opposite one) and you broke GW (modded meta teams at the end).
    Once again, this has been a rushed move without any testing or consideration for your player's base.
    I'm a low spender who occasionally spends enough to buy myself a piece of gear in the shipments. I'm happy to fund the game a bit and I bet many players are in the same situation. However, I've lost any sort of trust in your game. No more spending from now on.
    order 66 41st division lead. European reset
  • Ferenghir
    11 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    2nd try, the first must have been a ToS violation, only speaking the truth. (Copy and paste as reply everyone!)

    It's funny how many ppl are not getting the point. They. Want. To. Make. Money. They do NOT want to make F2P people happy. They are not even talking to you, the updates and the update notes are for the spenders. They are not listening to you either and why should they, if you didn't spend any until today, you are certainly not gonna start pouring money in this mobile game now.
    And the truth is, 95% of the people who say, they will quit, never do, and there is new flesh everyday, pulled by the thousands of 5* ratings you gave this game.
    The only thing you can do is change the way you play the game (I.e. not), handle the storage on your mobile device (I.e. free some up) and communicate your view of the game the other people (I.e. less happy).
    But few will do such thing, because we are all HOPING, at some point, they will change something in our favor (which they won't, they only want you to release dopamine, when you pay up)
    My condolences, we all know when the hope dies.
  • Tomek
    327 posts Member
    It has to be planed action to kill the game. Why ? Bussines is bussines , no reason how strange it is.
    If you have to do what you wrote today , please do it. It will be much easier to realize , it is true END.
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    People were saying that the mods shouldnt be so easily accessible so i guess thats why they're changing the drop rate. And there werr lots of posts about that, all in megathreads now
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    I was alright and couldndeal with mods although they were implented awfully. But these updates make me want to quit. Wow!
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I can't imagine there's enough new players to this game to offset the ones who've already left. It's not random hearsay, i don't think it's any anomaly when i see players from top guilds, who sit atop their shard in Arena, taking a hike.
  • DingleTingle
    210 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Stop defecating on your player base.

    Words never uttered in meetings: Planning, Customer Service, Debugging, F2P player base

    Words uttered in meetings: money, money, money, money, people are paying for this?!?, Confuzzled

    Bye Forums.
  • Dph9
    4 posts Member
    Our release that was going tonight is needing a little bit more QA, so our QA teams are going to work on it overnight and we plan on releasing it in the morning, Pacific Time.

    Oh, c'mon....we all know you don't have a QA team.

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Please do NOT tinker with the mods or with the droprate. These mods made GW very easy, people don't realize it. Leave them as they are!
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    2. Updated Mod Leveling
    We’ve flattened the level curve on Mod leveling, and in doing so, we’ve evened out the cost to level. Note that I did not say “reduced” the cost. All we did was take away the disparity we were seeing in investing in Mods. As it stood, there was too much variance in the leveling feature with the chances for a “lucky” roll. Now, Mod leveling has been made more consistent. You should now know exactly how much you will need to max upgrade a Mod. There still remains a very, very rare chance to get a “lucky” roll.


    I wonder if that means what I think it means: I think it means they're reducing the chance of rolling a full level upgrade, and that we "know exactly how much" is because it's almost always at the top end of the possible range.

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    Wow nerfing drop rates and creating orecrafting 2.0 is incredibly dishonest and transparent.

    Obviously the precrafting 1.0 made you guys a ton of cash. Good luck with your mess in the future. It's a pity you can't just sell this game to an actual developer that has nothing to do with this executive producer and EA. Maybe you'll be able to give it away next month though.
  • Calus_78
    504 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Seems the tally for people leaving is up even higher. Lol this is going to hurt your numbers EA. 1/15 people are quitting it seems. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Those are huge numbers and revenue that you have lost EA. No worries I'm sure you will make it back buy raising the prices or come out with a new update that forces peoples hand to buy in.
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    @CG_NotReallyAJedi you really know how to win friends and influence people. After the most damaging game update I've ever witnessed, your answer is to placate your players by TAKING MORE THINGS AWAY, wasting the already stretched cantina energy which shouldn't have been used for mods in the first place - while simultaneously creating pre-crafting V2 (called it last night).

    If your mission is to kill this game, you are doing so spectacularly. I take my hat off to you, well done.
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    You guys clearly do not read or do not have an understanding of what's going on. Nerfing the drop rate will only make it harder to stay relevant. This is precrafting all over. Do you guys not remember the damage that caused? What happened to learning from mistakes? You will be back to the drawing board soon figuring out how to fix this, just like you did with the raid gear with precrafting. Stop the new update and just think about what you are doing for second. Reread what happened before and see if you really want to go through that agian
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Dph9 wrote: »
    Our release that was going tonight is needing a little bit more QA, so our QA teams are going to work on it overnight and we plan on releasing it in the morning, Pacific Time.

    Oh, c'mon....we all know you don't have a QA team.

    Yes they do...they call us "players".

    So let me see if I have this're taking mods, which people have been screaming about the cantina energy issue since the announcement - and are now making them harder to acquire???

    "we value player feedback"... so you can do the opposite?!?
    "we sincerely appreciate your patience" you can take advantage of it yet again? For those that haven't learned better by now??

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    I nothing here addressed any of our concerns.

    Is the community speaking Japanese?

    I speak fluent Japanese and let me tell you, this update sucks even in Japanese.
    Hahaha! I deleted the game yesterday but this right here is why I haven't left the forum for good. The comments flaming the update are more entertaining than the game.
  • Petrozza
    30 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm the only one who is enjoying this epic suicide?


    My whole roster was annihilated for a droid mod team in node 9 of GW


    My rebel team could not shoot once

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    Obviously, I think that's because devs don't understand our English. We need to tell them what we don't want in order to get what we want ! :D
    Seriously, what's after the update ? Another update that will made mods useless after having wasted all our cantina energy ?
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    Bring something in that people think is making it too much PTW then make it even more PTW. Nice work.
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