Mods Update II: It's Another Mega Thread!!


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    Larfleeze wrote: »
    It has become more fun to read the forums then to grind in the game. It looks like I'll be freeing up some room on my phone soon as this company keeps lowering the enjoyment of their own game. On top of that, they only listen to the complaints they want to see (read: doesn't cut their profit) and not the ones the community is most vocal about and offering alternative solutions the mess they see.

    Also, testing in a vacuum, as that is the only way I can imagine they 'test', is not best practice.

    Just what I was thinking
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    So the guys who burnt through crystals to unlock challenges and got a ton of level 5 Mods get to keep them, while the rest of us have to catch up at 1/3 rate? How does that helps us?

    Ok so GW is F'd. How about addressing that. These guys that "pre-crated 2.0" are going to keep their mega modded teams, and we have a few hours to try and catch up before you hamstring us. It's only going to make it harder to complete GW. Since Mods came out, Not only can I not beat 12, now I also can't beat 11. 80K HP/Protection RG with 4 others just like him on Node 11. Thanks for that. Now I can lose 100K a day instead of 50.

    So NOT ONLY will I get Mods at 1/3 the rate, I am getting 100K less per day to level the few mods I have. Thanks for that...

    Yeah, over the last 3 days I've blown as many crystals as I could on cantina refreshes, so I've got a bunch of 5 star mods. This is pre-crafting all over again, only this time I'm one of the pre-crafters.

    It's yet another mega blunder which will just result in more people quitting.
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    Okay I get it... mod progression was going too fast and people didnt have to spend enough crystals to get all of these mods, therefore, EA decided to lower the drop rates. But please stop with all the bullshitting around this decision like if you were doing us a favor or are listening to the community. You are not.

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    The problem is that Mods are out there now. They can "tone them down" all they want, but unless they are fixing existing mods, this only widens the gap between Richie Rich and the average Joe, and I am only talking about paying customers. I am a paying customer. I have spent about $130 bucks in the last 2 months. I can't even sniff a top team in the arena and that certainly doesn't give me mass mods either.
    Im not talking about a guys spending $10 or even F2P.

    So for my $65 a month I get hosed, over and over again.
    -Can't complete GW, losing credits daily, since Mods 100K(so far, we will see how node 9 goes today)
    -Mods nerfed after top teams already mega modded. Pre-craft 2.0
    -Inability to continue farming toons from Cantina(have to do mods now or fall further back)
    -Did I mention I haven't completed GW in 8 days now?
    -I don't have enough credits to level toons or upgrade mods.
    -GW takes 2.5 hours to NOT complete
    -Mods now drop 1/3 rate...
    -Not completing GW loses 100K, 400 GW coins, 10 crystals, Mats, training droids daily
    -dropping in arena due to NOT having full mods

    Ill stop there. But on Xbox, I pay maybe $100 for the YEAR and games like COD or Destiny provide updates and new content and I don't have to pay anything extra to keep up.

    But here I pay 2x as much, and I get 99% less...
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    Great. Way to kick us in the teeth... I whaled a bit on Mods day 1... have half a dozen 5*s... don't have the toons for most of the challenges though & won't for weeks. So kiss goodbye to my hard won top 10 arena spot... & now I'm gonna have to produce a spreadsheet to try & work out which toons i should invest in to maybe get back up there. I get the fact that eventually things will level out but hang on... no guaranteed drops anymore. Why oh why oh why is this tied to cantina energy??? So many things frustrating me now, & my guild seems to feel the same.

    You say this is only part 1 of the 'fix' @EA_Jesse ??? Lets hope you address the points that the players actually care about in part 2...
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Thanks for the update. I have to respect the fact that the team moved forward with a project based on what testers said. If you get market feedback it should be fairly reliable. I think this helps identify that either your testing group is not representative of the majority of players and / or you need a larger sample of testers. Sucks your team has to rush a fix for something you thought was good.

    I hope the team realizes the issue was not in the drop rates of the mods but rather in the magnitude in which they boosted stats. People are making DPS into DPS/Tank combos and Tanks into DPS as well. It strips the game of its classes (tanks, damage, support, etc.). With that being said I don't understand why drop rates are being reduced.

    I know i was on the same page yesterday but RG has 124k total hp while Rey has around 52k. That's the same ratio as it was before, maybe even lesser. 50k hp rg vs 22k hp Rey. Whatever Rey does she can't get the hp of RG and most certainly, RG will never hit like Rey. So believe it or not Rey is kind of in the same place as she was pre-mods.
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    Why bother with precrafiting. In a month level 6 and level 7 mods will be out, and they will be super powerful and make your level 5 mods a joke.

    Here are the top problems with this game:
    1. New changes undermine the existing game. New changes should not undermine and render pervious items and achievements as meaningless and powerless.
    2. Stop making things impossible like GW. There is a difference between hard and impossible. Everything should be doable. It might be hard to do it all, but it should be possible. Possible means being able to do it at a certain point. For example GW should be doable once you have 15 to 20 7 star characters at gear level 8 each.
    3. Higher numbers for the sake of higher numbers is pointless. I do not care if my character now does 25K damage instead of 5K. Who cares because the health and everything else also scales up. It is just more for the sake of more.
    4. Certain updates undermine the strategy aspect of the game. No one can tell or determine what characters to attack or focus on first anymore. Now it is all just luck and randomness.
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    I have never seen any game handled in such an amateurish manner in all my life. And I'm getting old.
    This should be truly embarrassing for all involved.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    It's both precrafting and an exploit. They have said that exploits will not be tolerated.
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    Alexone wrote: »

    Thanks for the update. I have to respect the fact that the team moved forward with a project based on what testers said. If you get market feedback it should be fairly reliable. I think this helps identify that either your testing group is not representative of the majority of players and / or you need a larger sample of testers. Sucks your team has to rush a fix for something you thought was good.

    I hope the team realizes the issue was not in the drop rates of the mods but rather in the magnitude in which they boosted stats. People are making DPS into DPS/Tank combos and Tanks into DPS as well. It strips the game of its classes (tanks, damage, support, etc.). With that being said I don't understand why drop rates are being reduced.

    I know i was on the same page yesterday but RG has 124k total hp while Rey has around 52k. That's the same ratio as it was before, maybe even lesser. 50k hp rg vs 22k hp Rey. Whatever Rey does she can't get the hp of RG and most certainly, RG will never hit like Rey. So believe it or not Rey is kind of in the same place as she was pre-mods.

    Yeah, except your Rey now One shots my toons with full protection because she his for 70-100K. Nice try though.
  • WRXDad
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Post edited by WRXDad on
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Don't like mods? Don't worry we can fix this!

    We'll nerf the drop rate so they don't bother you 100% of the time.

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    MonMothman wrote: »
    Great. Way to kick us in the teeth... I whaled a bit on Mods day 1... have half a dozen 5*s... don't have the toons for most of the challenges though & won't for weeks. So kiss goodbye to my hard won top 10 arena spot... & now I'm gonna have to produce a spreadsheet to try & work out which toons i should invest in to maybe get back up there. I get the fact that eventually things will level out but hang on... no guaranteed drops anymore. Why oh why oh why is this tied to cantina energy??? So many things frustrating me now, & my guild seems to feel the same.

    You say this is only part 1 of the 'fix' @EA_Jesse ??? Lets hope you address the points that the players actually care about in part 2...

    lets hope there are actually players left to see a part 2. this screw up is causing tons of people to leave. alot that are still here that I chat with are waiting 1week to see what happens but have been very forthcoming that in a week they probably wont be here. i see some giving away raid gear they have been farming which basically means they have given up and are moving on.

    it wasn't just mods but mods to most was the final straw of corrupt greedy development that they dont want to be a part of.

    this will be a story star wars fans will never forget. the story will go

    long ago in a far away corrupt gaming corporation...

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »

    Thanks for the update. I have to respect the fact that the team moved forward with a project based on what testers said. If you get market feedback it should be fairly reliable. I think this helps identify that either your testing group is not representative of the majority of players and / or you need a larger sample of testers. Sucks your team has to rush a fix for something you thought was good.

    I hope the team realizes the issue was not in the drop rates of the mods but rather in the magnitude in which they boosted stats. People are making DPS into DPS/Tank combos and Tanks into DPS as well. It strips the game of its classes (tanks, damage, support, etc.). With that being said I don't understand why drop rates are being reduced.

    I know i was on the same page yesterday but RG has 124k total hp while Rey has around 52k. That's the same ratio as it was before, maybe even lesser. 50k hp rg vs 22k hp Rey. Whatever Rey does she can't get the hp of RG and most certainly, RG will never hit like Rey. So believe it or not Rey is kind of in the same place as she was pre-mods.

    Yeah, except your Rey now One shots my toons with full protection because she his for 70-100K. Nice try though.

    No man she crits for 500k now, you should see it. She does way lower damage with 2 offense mods than ig-86 assist with ig-88 coming to assist. So i dunno what you're smoking bro.
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    No point in pointing out the negatives of the mod system and tweaks to it, it's minutia compared to the larger problem. Instead of a competitive advantage for ptp players vs ftp, now there is a great divide. The chase is effectively gone, of ftp trying to catch ptp, and ptp staying slightly ahead.
    “If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are … a different game you should play”
    – Yoda
  • ctn13
    53 posts Member
    I am now seriously concerned about this games future. Hopefully it'll work out but atm the discrepancy between the haves and the have nots is staggering. These should have been released at intervals like ls and ds battles starting at low levels and opened up over time by the devs. You should have had them start at level 50 but filtered them out over 6 months to give existing players a chance to adapt. Making the changes suggested by the devs is just going to make the gap wider. Precrafting seems pale in comparison to whats happened and about to happen. A roll back is the only thing that can save us. Really sorry to see a game I love go so down hill so fast. You can't just give the option to double up EVERYTHING to some people STRAIGHT AWAY! Poor implimentation of a system which could have given us more variety.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    No point in pointing out the negatives of the mod system and tweaks to it, it's minutia compared to the larger problem. Instead of a competitive advantage for ptp players vs ftp, now there is a great divide. The chase is effectively gone, of ftp trying to catch ptp, and ptp staying slightly ahead.
    “If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are … a different game you should play”
    – Yoda

    Not true. Only yesterday i had problems placing first in arena, today there are no more problems. The 'divide' was barely for a day.
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    The competitive advantages isn't between P2P and F2P anymore. FTP have been left so far behind.

    The gap now wides between Whale P2P and causual P2P. Guys that are spending $50 a month(which is the cost of a new console game) are falling farther and farther behind the big spenders, so now those guys can't even get on the whale's heels. They are now experiencing F2P life. Not completing GW and dropping in the arena because they can't spend $100s.

    There are more people spending money in the reasonable range than in the big spender range. That's who carries the game. Maybe they should listen to those guys.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    The competitive advantages isn't between P2P and F2P anymore. FTP have been left so far behind.

    The gap now wides between Whale P2P and causual P2P. Guys that are spending $50 a month(which is the cost of a new console game) are falling farther and farther behind the big spenders, so now those guys can't even get on the whale's heels. They are now experiencing F2P life. Not completing GW and dropping in the arena because they can't spend $100s.

    There are more people spending money in the reasonable range than in the big spender range. That's who carries the game. Maybe they should listen to those guys.

    Seems nobody reads what others write on this forum, everybody prefers to get their post up and repeating the same mindless stuff that the previous fellow regurgitated. Keep at it.
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    create a poll who is for and who is against the rollback of updates
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    Unfortunately CG has not learned that old adage. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

    I'm going to wait around for the Mod Fix Part II, but unless it involves most of the following I'm out:

    1) Add Mod Energy. You get 1 Mod Energy for each Cantina Energy and LS/DS Energy that you spend, 10 Mod Energy for each Arena battle, 3 Mod Energy for each GW node, and 10 Mod Energy for each Raid attempt. After this is introduced, mod drop rates can be reduced to ~33% but people should still be able to keep up.

    2) Convert all primary and secondary stats that grant a % increase to flat increases.

    3) Convert all 4* and 5* mods to 3*

    4) Mod Battles stay the same, but Mod Challenges all grant 3* mods (would like it to be 2* mods with a chance of 3*, but there are too many 3+* mods in the game right now). Tier 1 challenges give a random diamond/square, Tier 2 challenges give a random circle/cross, and Tier 3 challenges give a random arrow/triangle (for example).

    5) Make the secondary stats less random. They could come in two flavors (weak or strong), and the lvl 3/9 stat is always weak and the lvl 6/12 stat is always strong. For example, Offense is always +30 when weak or +60 when strong. Also, bonus stats from rarity is always weak.

    6) This will greatly reduce the credit cost (as 3* mods are cheaper), but I think that the cost of safely removing a mod should be greatly increased (at least 10x).
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    is it too early to ask about Double-Drop days for Mods? I mean, it *is* Cantina loot we're kicking down amirite?
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    The competitive advantages isn't between P2P and F2P anymore. FTP have been left so far behind.

    The gap now wides between Whale P2P and causual P2P. Guys that are spending $50 a month(which is the cost of a new console game) are falling farther and farther behind the big spenders, so now those guys can't even get on the whale's heels. They are now experiencing F2P life. Not completing GW and dropping in the arena because they can't spend $100s.

    There are more people spending money in the reasonable range than in the big spender range. That's who carries the game. Maybe they should listen to those guys.

    Seems nobody reads what others write on this forum, everybody prefers to get their post up and repeating the same mindless stuff that the previous fellow regurgitated. Keep at it.

    Agreed. My guild is mixed whales and FTP. We raided yesterday and guess what? People placed the same as last raid. Was the damage more? Yes, about 33% more. But that's to be expected. The FTP players that actually banked cantina energy with the almost weeks notice we got, hAve fully modded arena teams. Guess what, they are placing the same as before. GW, well this is more challenging, and not going to get into a GW discussion. Long and short, people need to play with the system, instead of just throwing their hands up and not even trying. Friday night we will have a live show on (sorry not trying to plug the show) which me and a few others will try to help explain mods and maybe a farm strategy that works. I know lots of people are confused about the entire system, it's not intuitive at first.

    I'm sure I will get flamed, that's ok, lots of angry, passionate people, you have every right to express your opinions.
  • Phlebotomy_Jones
    439 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    There are more people spending money in the reasonable range than in the big spender range. That's who carries the game.
    Unfortunately, that's just not true.

    There are lots of companies that do market research, which can be easily found online (try SWRVE) which clearly show >50% of a game's revenue comes from >1% of players.

    While we are accustomed to thinking that money buys a voice, in the case of IAP, our perceptions don't reveal what market analysis does: we are liars.

    Statistics used by EA, and other games companies, show that a majority of spenders DON'T even spend a second time.

    What you are seeing is a mechanism built to convert people to spend not once, but just a second time, while simultaneously squeezing more from the top.

    That same research shows that whales are a farmable commodity to a game, when they "quit" research shows that they still return multiple times trying to regain their position, but even when they leave for good, new whales emerge.

    This isn't about game play, its about rescaling and recalibrating revenue amongst the top percent of players and getting more players.

    Analysis doesn't misrepresent, and no company with revenue like EA's makes moves without it.

    This is on purpose, just not the purpose we wish.

    Edit: replaced cut off text
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    Oh what?!?

    I read that first post and thought was a nightmare, just want to wake up....

    Why are u guys doing this? Why are u destroying the game? Why u don't ever, ever listen to the comunity?!?!!!!!
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    There are more people spending money in the reasonable range than in the big spender range. That's who carries the game.
    Unfortunately, that's just not true.

    There are lots of companies that do market research, which can be easily found online (try SWRVE) which clearly show >50% of a game's revenue comes from >1% of players.

    While we are accustomed to thinking that money buys a voice, in the case of IAP, our perceptions don't reveal what market analysis does: we are liars.

    Statistics used by EA, and other games companies, show that a majority of spenders DON'T even spend a second time.

    What you are seeing is a mechanism built to convert people to spend not once, but just a second time, while simultaneously squeezing more from the top.

    That same research shows that whales are a farmable commodity to a game, when they "quit" research shows that they still return multiple times trying to regain their position, but even when they leave for good, new whales emerge.

    This isn't about game play, its about rescaling and recalibrating revenue amongst the top percent of players and getting more players.

    Statistics don't

    You are probably right, my feeling was that mods were primarily introduced because whales were starting to curtail their Cantina mod refreshes as they got enough purple ability mats.

    On the other hand, were you going to end your post with "statistics don't lie"? Because in that case, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    What an absolute joke that u r lowering the drop rate. The whales already have all their mods so why not shaft everyone else. What a total greed move. Now the cantina energy problem even gets worse. This is ridiculous. It's bad enough the cantina refreshes cost twice the normal energy refreshes, now you're going to make it more difficult to get mods? Whatever is being smoked at that Dev office needs to be stopped. You're driving away players in droves. I just don't think you have truly understood the community's complaints here....unreal
  • Jamison_Quicke
    16 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Have the devs gone completely INSANE?!? What I see is that you have addressed NONE of the issues and now added a ton of new ones. What posts are you looking at? How could you possibly come to this conclusion on any of those changes.

    I actually liked the update because I saw the potential of the mods for the future health of the game. Making them harder to get and more expensive to level is literally the worst thing you can do.

    I can appreciate your attempt to placate the community when their is such an outcry, but you REALLY need to look at the issues being called on. You addressed NONE OF THEM!!!!!
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    Lost 20% of my guild already. Now I'm trying to convince more not to leave because they are struggling to level up their mods. It's now a 1:50 lucky roll for a full level increase on mod upgrades where it was maybe around 1:15-20.

    I was ok with mods. Figured it would settle down quickly because they were so easily accessible. The mod drop rate on challenges is 100% still. So I can get the mods, but leveling them is a real pain in the ****.

    Extremely dissapointed. If I lose too ,uch of the guild I'll be hangin it up as well. The game was only 50% of the fun. The community was the other 50%. So if the game has drastically been reduced in its enjoyable attributes, and the community crumbles what is left?

    Your fix to mods is absolutely too little too late. You can't nerf the ability to get them after releasing the beast. You can only nerf the stats across the board.

    Over reaction to forum crying resulted in a nerf that hurts the community even more. It's really a despicable knee **** rectiion that will cause the issue to spiral out of control.

    I have no idea how you could spin this back onto the path. The only way to resolve a problem like this is to revert and give everyone their resources back or make it so common place to be OP they aren't OP anymore.

    Please rethink your "fix".

  • ichotolot
    229 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    One last attempt to grab cash before players are going to play Pokemon Go anyway. Mods srew everything up. Synergy, classes, Raids, all destroyed.
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