Message from the CM


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    Come on guys, you are pushing them so hard, they may just say screw it and shut the whole game down and walk away, then where will we be.

    Playing another new App, and not even remembering SW:GOH, that's where we will be.

    I stopped playing around April. Besides being a huge waste of time, the game is like a mafia casino that get tp exchange money for coins, but then can change the rules on the fly, degrade your coins, and even make you lose retroactively. Like buying a house, then having it changed to a Tamagochi...well you bought in in the virtual reality HARD currency land.

    The only reason this continues is becase people prefer to move on, than waste their only savings with one layer only to find EA has a full army. BUT...I see the seeds for a huge tsumani of class action lawsuits during the next five years and I will be short on EA.
  • Bluecouching
    77 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I miss some words about the reduction of the effect of the MK 7 Nubian Security Scanner. A lot of us payed a lot of money for this item in the shop or for gearing the parts... It has had an effect of +40% Potency and was the reason to gear f.e. Teebo to max stats to use him at the raid. Now, with only 10% the item is nearly worthless like Teebo is. So in fact I payed a lot for things you have taken away from my account...

    Edit: After the new update you should remove all mods from all chars so we can sort them new without losing some other 100k's of credits.

    Blue It's a trap - German guild - It's a trap Black
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    I really like this game and I have spent a lot of time and real money on this game. I feel really cheated right now. like you guys just pulled the rug from under us. this is not what I paid for and you guys just changed everything without even a hint of a warning that this was going to happen. I spent almost 7000 credits since yesterday on this feature. am I going to see them back?
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    by credits I meant crystals
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    I'd just like my credits and crystal back and mods to have never existed, and I'll be satisfied.....
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    People didn't ask you to update the mods. They asked you to undo the last update completely. You didnt listen. Lost this player for good.
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member

    #1 when the mods we re realeased it was a must on my pvp... I spent millions of credits about 5 million

    Which was worth it back then! NOW not so much... I don t mind the changes looks okay except for the offence and spwed bonus set.. Anything that requires 4 mods should get 15%

    #2 my pvp team power increased to a WHOOPing 38 k power now my gw will be a NIGHTmare is there a way to fix this???
  • DroidDude
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi Jesse,
    I think what should be changed is that there should be more warning with these updates. Please don't do surprise updates like this. The damage that has been done is pretty serious from a business standpoint. You created the option to allow people to spend money and get an in-game return in a more linear fashion. This made people want to spend more than they normally would. The dropped rates for mods were lowered, this is good because now more money will need to be spent for these mods. In the last update, however, the mods were dramatically worsened. This makes the people that spent money upset, because they paid for a product they didn't receive without any warning or communication. And this is worse for the company, because now there's very little reason to spend additional money on this game. Please respond with your thoughts.

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    Lol sorry I keep coming back but it just really makes me mad this game has had problems since day one maybe I'm crazy or just making myself look like a a-- but oh well in my opinion every character you release is bugged and not a single characters stats chart adds up every number you see actually means nothing defense has absolutely no value what so ever and i love the fact you can put chewi on lumi lead and its like he is on dancing with the stars lmao with 0 doge chance its like every aspect of this game was rushed or just thrown together just to make money nothing about this game is well thought out and nothing they do has our benefit in mind
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    We can't bash the dev team despite the fact they and EA cause havoc and can get almost nothing right? Huh
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    Yet another hyper politically correct don't yell at me in my safe space millennial cry baby.
    You screwed up..again. Take responsibility and fix it.
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    Yet another hyper politically correct don't yell at me in my safe space millennial cry baby.
    You screwed up..again. Take responsibility and fix it.

    The "everyone deserves a medal" mindset is rampant with EA and their team
  • Erdath
    22 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Where is the Potency? I dont know why dou you do this CG and EA but is unbelievable. A working progress is gone and make something boring... What doy you do? MOD is sucks now, and the game is sucks now. I don't beleve it :O We spent millions of credits for what ? I cant buy low MODs what is this in my inventory?
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    Should've just rolled back to pre mod update...
  • Nickielll
    195 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Seems they dont know what they are doing at all!
    I have zero certainty at this point, anything can happen tomorrow, they give some credits and thats it, be happy with it!
    Maybe tomorrow we will have some chewe shards for the trouble.
    I was a player excited to play everyday, now its just mind taken.
    You ruined mobile games for me, i will not be able to trust in any game developer anymore, tks Jesse
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    So just to recap. First you offer amazing improvements which require lots and lots of credits/crystals to upgrade. Thats fine, they're worth it. Secondly you watch people spending almost all their resources (game credits, crystals, real money) and time to those improvements. Im sure your billing department had some good days. Thirdly, without anyone asking, you nerf them dramatically. Player's feel betrayed, and they're right to do so. Your post wasn't really helpful, it ready like a desperate try to fool them.

    Now you'll have to calm down your players, including me. Tell us that there will be a huge (!) compensation for spent credits, all mods will be removed from toons and stashed in the inventory (in order to prevent removing costs for (now) useless stats) and probably the most important one: roll back GW to give us at least the smallest chance to farm credits again, to compensate this huge failure in your release schedule.

    And let me mention one more aspect you might not have thought Guilds may have tried the next raid level because modding gave them enough power to do so. Now they're stuck again and the coins are lost. (almost happened in my own guild. If it wasnt for one member whos reading here in the community and warned me the second before I started the raid, we'd have lost 50k guild currency just because you didnt even announce it ingame)

    Honestly, your recent updates were a kick into player's faces. It even made me look into that forum for the first time to drop my 2 cents.
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    One additional hint (even for free!): start communicating! If people knew what to expect before you actually change the whole game, they'd be accepting changes.
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    Funny thing, they nerfed the mods but the credits needed are still the same, you just can do anything right
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    Please give us back what we paid for. We purchased a specific product. Your latest change neglects customer rights and takes away something that was legally paid for. This isn't right. Ex. Teebo Potency? After working up the Character to Level 80, 7*, Gear 10, you take away Potency? Please fix.
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    I had a crappy day at work and it was nice to sit down to relax and play my favorite game again.
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    We just want to get back all out wasted gems and credits...that's all. This is by far my fav game...I never get tired of it, but it's a slap in the face to spend my hard earned money only to have everything I worked so hard on changed. People are always going to complain about change. It is what it is, but to try and silence the voices of true fans of the game because they are upset about being blindsided and robbed is asurbed.
    The issue at hand is, someone messed up big time, and instead of getting positive feedback or even a half **** apology we are subjected to threats to not bad mouth the company that just robbed us. It's a simple easy peasy what you will with the mods, but don't mess with our money. We pay your bills...refund, refund, refund. Credits and out lost gems we blew on Cantina energy and mods that is like Zam. I don't even have enough credits at this point to fix what y'all "fixed".
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    Long time forum reader, first time account. I just had to make one & reply to this.

    Do NOT threaten to ban paying customers due to negative feedback. As a company you're suppose turn that into a positive & listen to the problems. Disgusting display so far.

    It's only gotten to this point because of YOU as a company on how terrible you've run everything so far. You don't start threatening to censor people's freedom of speech & expression because you can't handle the truth, trying to keep the forums squeaky clean from "negative" feedback is gross. If people say you deserve a low score, MAYBE YOU EARNED IT.

    Hearing bad feedback helps the game way more than patting yourself on the back for crashing a plane into the ground.
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    Regardless of how horrible the game is or is not, any of you complaining about Freedom of Speech are just silly and do not actually understand what that right means.

    You can say/type what ever you want (there are limits to that of course, threats, and such are not acceptable). But at the end of the day, you will not go to jail or have any sort of prosecution brought against you. That's is the freedom, the Goverment will can not come after you for what you say.

    This message board and EA/CG is a private enterprise. They can censor us as much as they like. You agreed to that censorship when you started posting here. I do feel that they deleting all these posts will have repercussions if any legal action is actually taken against them, but that is a suppression issue, not a freedom of speech issue.
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    Well I have to admit that for the most part they gave us what we asked for with today's update, so thank you, some faith restored, just some. Actually beat GW tonight and the pvp battles are beatable again. Some of you just need to play through after your reset tonight. The ones hurt the most by today's update were the whales that we all complained about. Feeling a little better about this now, just hope my guild survives, there was some mutiny before the update.
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    How about you go read the terms of service that WE all clicked on & agreed to.

    Where in any of that is this stuff listed?

    It's listed here....

    Now granted, this was altered a day or two ago, but most of this was there.
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    Its funny how often "freedom of speech" is touted when faced with censorship. The fact of the matter is if you invite someone over to your house for dinner, and they spend the time complaining about the food and calling your wife a bad cook, you'd be able to kick that ingrate out of your house as well.

    If you want to talk about the no-nos, go to Reddit. Otherwise, respect this forum as CG and EA's house.
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    Again. Nothing this mod is claiming to be "negative" falls under the updated terms OR the actual terms of service.
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    In all honesty, the "mega threads" feel like a place for player concerns and questions to die. You really should have someone monitoring those more closely and provide some sort of feedback to what is posted in them. Just my opinion. But a mega thread that is over 70 pages long needs some attention.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    Fix the AI cheating. Thats the biggest problem.
This discussion has been closed.