Message from the CM


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    It's like dunking our head underwater and holding them there, then every time they let us up for air, they cover our nose and mouth. It feels that way. Seriously.
  • Bluerock
    224 posts Member
    Friendly bit of advice, Jesse: See if there's a transfer available to Simpsons: Tapped Out, FIFA Ultimate Team or Madden Mobile.
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    I think I speak for everyone when I say we feel cheated because you never sent us the the third batch of chewie shards to our inbox
  • Chepin
    19 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse Hello there

    You can clearly see the bigger issue, and that is 12,000 14-years-old kids playing this game and making jokes when they should be listening.

    Please tell the Developers that the biggest issue of the Mods is the abundancy of them.

    For example; Omegaed abilities are overpowered. However, you only gave one Omega per day, so it would take 3 to 5 days to make 1 character's ability overpowered.

    Mods; anyone could just refresh energy enough times to get unlimited 5-stars mods. I personally refreshed energy 3 times the past two days. However, I used the energy to clear all levels of Mod-Battles (stupid me).

    The solution is to limit the amount of super powerful mods. Allowed 1-stars or 2-stars mods that increase health by 1% or Protection by 1200. The 5* + mods should be handle out at a slower pace. I love the idea of a Rey that crit for 40k but I hate the idea of facing a team with 300k health characters that crit me for 100k.

    Finally, communicate this message to the devs. A arena squad full with VII Gear could be a team with IX gear. I had beaten 36,000 arena power with my 32,000. It is challenging but doable. However, a fully moded 3* team has not chance at all in beating a fully modded 5* team.

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    I appreciate the work you and your team are doing to fix the issues with the mods
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    @ EA_Jesse

    Since we are clearly your testing team, clever since we pay you to test your game, I humbly suggest running polls for changes, direction in general, you name it.

    For example; had there been a poll to ask everyone if they wanted their speed mod literally stollen and replaced with a sub par apology, it was a good attempt but clearly nobody accounted for all the gems used to get the game money to level the mods, in fairly certain that would have been a no thank you by or roughly every single player.

    If you want changes that don't make a huge majority very, very, VERY sad, try just running the ideas by the giant community of professional needs that play your game. It's actually a safety next really, if 85% vote for something to pass with clear information as to what will be, then it's our own fault if it doesn't turn out.

    I love the game, love the story and really love that a team of people came together to build what so many are clearly more than just financially invested in. Please don't give up, please consider polling both in forums and in game for major changes.

    Suprises he community will love;
    •Random thanks for playing goodies, not just omg sorry you could log in for X amount of time
    •Fun new characters that cannot be bought but earned from some challenge series, similar to but nowhere near as drawn out as Vader

    Thank you for your time and consideration,
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    Ascansio wrote: »
    ParzivaI wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse First of all, I commend you for opening a thread which allows commentary. Albeit, most of it is of the petulant sort. Some users appreciate the opportunity to vent directly to/at the source...

    Most constructive post on the matter, period.

    Thank you @Ascansio
  • Mbflo
    5 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted a message to you all that is directly from me, one that isn’t patch notes :)

    I know that a number of you are upset with the latest series of updates, but know that we have heard you. As many of you saw, CG_NotReallyAJedi made a couple of posts recently addressing some of the concerns with Mods. We should have more to discuss tomorrow, but know that the team is doing quite a bit of work on Mods to change them. I want to avoid giving any specifics since all of the changes we’re looking at are being tested still, but know that adjustments will be made to Mods. There are also some other concerns you all have that I won’t list out here, but know that I’m talking to the development team about them as well.

    Now, in regards to all of the posts on the forums, we need to adjust the approach being taken by a number of posters. I’m going to ask that you please stop posting threads that do nothing to help the state of the game, I don’t want to remove anyone because they keep breaking the TOS and Forum Guidelines.

    Here are a couple of things that I’d like to see stop:
    • Posting threads telling people to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower their review scores. This does nothing to help the state of the game. What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    • Do not create posts bashing EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators. Again, this does nothing to help the game.
    • Do not create posts on how the game is dead, or how it’s going to die, or anything along those lines.

    If any of the above is done after this posting action will be taken against your forum account, and we really don’t want to have to do that, so please, keep it civil and constructive so we can clearly see your feedback.


    Explain to me why I was stripped of my level 6 mods and reduced them to level 5 mods. How is that fair?
    I really want to know because crap like that will make people stop paying the game
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    Change in any game is inevitable and is something that I think we can all deal with, but a change of this magnitude is inexcusable. I have spent 8 months building up my toons only to have the relegated to garbage with these changes. You have created a situation where the game has been completely thrown out of balance. What does that say to the long time players that have worked so hard? And let's be honest here, mods are not even a new idea. They are a direct rip off from Summoners War and their use of runes. You took their concept, screwed it up and jacked this game. You guys need to really listen to the feedback you are receiving and make appropriate changes. If you are offended by some of the posts, you need to realize that you have really **** a lot of people off here and that's what happens when people get **** off. If you make changes that **** the players around like this you can expect a hostile response the players.
  • gseth
    55 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse my constructive feedback:

    Roll back everything to few hrs or even a day before the mod release, refund crystals and credits spends from the time mod was released till date on everything, minus the extra achievements earned and the vader shards (to be fair).

    Put mods on hold, go back to drawing board, balance it out, test it, make a public announcement of the new system, see feedback and then release it.

    Only logical thing to fix the mess. With the recent updates it gives the impressions the team is confused on what to keep or what not to keep. Which is not a good thing.

    Simplest fix.

    Secondly I was actually enjoying the game, as it is there was so much to do level characters up, each character had meaning, mods screwed up the characters meaning. You cannot have Rey as a Tank in star wars and a Mob enforcer beating darth vader.

    If you want to re introduce mods, make specific type of mod specific to characters. Example, Rey gets tenacity, offense and speed only as per her character in the movie, she is a survivor.

    Each and every mod should not be applicable to all characters. Its not star wars then and characters have no meaning.

    What I liked was the mod challenges, it made use of our different teams and those who did not have them now have motivation to get them. What I did not like about challenges is the drop rates change. Imagine how much time and money goes in building an empire team, when you play it there is no guaranteed mod drop rate. Tier 3 challenges should only RNG level 5 mods, there was no need to rng between level 5, 4, and 3 mods.

    Mods in raids was a very good Idea. a chance to get level 6 and level 7 mods, just the drop rate could be reduced. Some of us worked hard on a teebo team to come in the top 3 of tier 7. Have a 6/7 mod would be rewarding.

    Last the credits earned are nowhere near the ratio of the newly introduced mods. The was a massive credit crunch before but was still manageable. Now its impossible. A little more credit to gear the mods would be better.

    Maybe increase credit rewards by 40%-50% in raids only. Its still fine and balanced.
  • Robert
    150 posts Member
    WTH are you guys doing? You are fixing non-problems. Getting 2 6* mods after my guilds raid today was absolutely awesome and now you've replaced them with 5*s? You couldn't even replace them with the same stats? I'm blown away.
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    I retract my criticism from an hour ago about precrafting and the removal of the 6* mods from raid rewards. I understand that you are converting all the 6 and 7* mods in circulation to 5* mods and reimbursing players for the leveling costs
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    Chewychuck wrote: »
    I retract my criticism from an hour ago about precrafting and the removal of the 6* mods from raid rewards. I understand that you are converting all the 6 and 7* mods in circulation to 5* mods and reimbursing players for the leveling costs

    That's great, so instead of completely overpowered and ridiculous characters they'll only be semi ridiculously overpowered. Make the highest tier be 3 and that available by raids and let's talk.
  • Robert
    150 posts Member
    Chewychuck wrote: »
    I retract my criticism from an hour ago about precrafting and the removal of the 6* mods from raid rewards. I understand that you are converting all the 6 and 7* mods in circulation to 5* mods and reimbursing players for the leveling costs

    Why was there a need to remove 6* from raids? All they needed to do was down tweak power for all star levels.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    So are the updates done. Also what's up with the Rancor door
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    @EA_Jesse I feel really bad for you. You are probably a decent guy with friend and family and you have to deal with this. Just know it's not personal, and we understand you are just doing your job (which most of us have).
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse I feel really bad for you. You are probably a decent guy with friend and family and you have to deal with this. Just know it's not personal, and we understand you are just doing your job (which most of us have).

    Totally agree. Unfortunately the person(s) he works for is a ****.
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    I'm new here what's with all the prison bars on people's profile pics?
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I'm new here what's with all the prison bars on people's profile pics?

    They were bad
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Ok, I see no changes to GW. Please tell me I am wrong
  • Max10
    43 posts Member
    Episode 1 execution.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Bluerock wrote: »
    Friendly bit of advice, Jesse: See if there's a transfer available to Simpsons: Tapped Out, FIFA Ultimate Team or Madden Mobile.

    Fire yourselves.
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    Nobody wrote: »
    So are the updates done. Also what's up with the Rancor door

    A new bug
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    Now mods are more reasonable and I can get behind them. Thank you for actually caring about your customer base and showing it. Let's get to fixing GW now and I will be a happy man. Might even open up the old wallet.
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    Once again... I noticed the mod change in my opponent's characters on node 12, nevertheless they now kill me in two turns (which they happen almost back to back due to ridiculous speed caused by the remaining mods) instead of one.
    Yee, can't wait for update #3!
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    Darkchylde wrote: »
    Wow EA has some incompetent ****. Now mods give barely anything. You went the complete opposite. I wish I could get my credits back wow. I bet they still cost the same to upgrade.......

    They should be marginal increases. You shouldn't be able to make a dps class also be a tank class. If Mods are working at a slightly above marginal level then EA truly did listen and make it better.
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    I was able to complete GW. Since update and apparition of mod, there no challenge. My team is nuked. Not even close to finish it.
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    The update looks good
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    The mods should have been like this at release.

    Problem is: i spent a lot of credits upgrading them based on what they provided at that time. I want my credits back.
  • SSB
    72 posts Member
    What about the credits needed to upgrade the mods? Are they staying the same? Also, what about using cantina energy (effectively stopping character farming in cantina) to get mods? Is that being looked at too?
This discussion has been closed.