Recent change to Galactic War - open conversation


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    This is dumb. There is no benefit to advancing. You rank up and the AI is exponentially higher than you? Did you think we would get mad and spend more money? I'm p2p and I'm done. Greed is the mother of all f ups. GJ EA. There should be a farm mode for money spent and time put into a game. Time to play another game.
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    I'm not sure how to post pics directly from my phone. Is there a way or do you have to put the pic on a site first?

    Like I said I just hit 55 so some of my main chars are still at 54. In the 7th battle I'm trying to figure out how to take down a level 65 squad. It has a 6* Sid, 6* Talia, 4* Dooku, Ventress, JC. None have purple gear like some of the squads I have encountered in the past that are 9-10 levels higher but still no small task. Especially considering there are 5 more battles after that.

    I have 10 chars that are 4* or better including two 5*. And I also have a bunch of solid 3* However.... It's safe to assume that a level 65 squad with equal gear and more stars should be able to waste a level 54-55 squad right?? I can send in a full 4* suicide squad but they will get wasted within 2-3 turns with no healers in there. They might be able to take down a couple of them considering they only have one healer but then I'm down 5 strong chars with 5 battles still to go.

    The biggest problem as I have mentioned earlier in this thread is the difference in potency, tenacity, and evasion skills when there are 10 levels difference. Everything they throw at me sticks and half of what i throw at them gets dodged or resisted. The majority of my main 12 -15 chars are all gear level 5-6 with many working on farming purple gear.

    Now if people that have been playing for longer want to tell me that my main chars should be better at level 55 then I can live with that. I'm no expert and I'm learning as I go but I have several toons over 3000 power and a bunch of others in the high 2000s.

    I guess my main question is why are some people admittedly not running into squads that are 8-10 levels higher and some of us are running into them everyday?? Why the inconsistencies in the criteria for match ups.

    I have been taking pics of the OP squads for the last couple days so if someone can explain how to post them I will be more than happy to show the Devs I am not lying or exaggerating.

    Lastly... I'm not trying to sound like a whiner in this thread. It's a game that I decided to spend some money on but something tells me as I continue to level and gear my squads, the GW match ups are going to follow suit. It's already been happening for 5 levels.
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    MrClean621 wrote: »
    I'm not sure how to post pics directly from my phone. Is there a way or do you have to put the pic on a site first?

    Like I said I just hit 55 so some of my main chars are still at 54. In the 7th battle I'm trying to figure out how to take down a level 65 squad. It has a 6* Sid, 6* Talia, 4* Dooku, Ventress, JC. None have purple gear like some of the squads I have encountered in the past that are 9-10 levels higher but still no small task. Especially considering there are 5 more battles after that.

    I have 10 chars that are 4* or better including two 5*. And I also have a bunch of solid 3* However.... It's safe to assume that a level 65 squad with equal gear and more stars should be able to waste a level 54-55 squad right?? I can send in a full 4* suicide squad but they will get wasted within 2-3 turns with no healers in there. They might be able to take down a couple of them considering they only have one healer but then I'm down 5 strong chars with 5 battles still to go.

    The biggest problem as I have mentioned earlier in this thread is the difference in potency, tenacity, and evasion skills when there are 10 levels difference. Everything they throw at me sticks and half of what i throw at them gets dodged or resisted. The majority of my main 12 -15 chars are all gear level 5-6 with many working on farming purple gear.

    Now if people that have been playing for longer want to tell me that my main chars should be better at level 55 then I can live with that. I'm no expert and I'm learning as I go but I have several toons over 3000 power and a bunch of others in the high 2000s.

    I guess my main question is why are some people admittedly not running into squads that are 8-10 levels higher and some of us are running into them everyday?? Why the inconsistencies in the criteria for match ups.

    I have been taking pics of the OP squads for the last couple days so if someone can explain how to post them I will be more than happy to show the Devs I am not lying or exaggerating.

    Lastly... I'm not trying to sound like a whiner in this thread. It's a game that I decided to spend some money on but something tells me as I continue to level and gear my squads, the GW match ups are going to follow suit. It's already been happening for 5 levels., select pic from phone, click send. Now copy forum link and paste here. 1 min operation

  • mel
    127 posts Member
    Well, I was kind of a non-believer and thought maybe guys just didn't have a good, deep lineup to get through GW. I have a good set of toons that I have been building for GW. Pretty deep bench. Getting through hasn't been an issue for me. Yeah, node nine I'd have to break out the suicide squad, etc.

    But today? Wow. Crushed right out of the gate. Had to use the B squad just to get through the first node. Staggered through the second. Squashed by the third. Gonna be a while before I can finish it again, that's for sure. Weird, because it was hard, took some thought and strategy, etc. But it was doable. That's why I dug GW more than arena. But got my butt handed to me today. hahaha

    Got some work to do, I guess.
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    I don't know if this is the same thing other people are seeing but...

    I have been playing about 2 weeks (p2p) and have beaten GW every time I have played it, first it was tough, then about 2-3 in a row that I beat without a toon dying.

    Starting today, I would estimate the GW became 10x harder than before. I am Level 50, with aprox a dozen 4-star characters @ max level, and another dozen toons that would be helpful in most GWs if I had an issue. High level toons are mostly Gear Level 5-6, with JC @ Gear Level 7. No 5* or above toons.

    After beating 3 nodes that were all harder than any node I had played before, I got stuck vs a team that was Level 63 (13 levels higher than me!) with two 7* toons, a 6* toon, and 2 5* toons. 3 of them (including the 2 7*s) were in purple gear. ****?? There is literally no possible way I could get past that. Before I even get off an attack I have 2 dead toons, and I can't come close to killing one.

    Surely this isnt normal? Is my game bugged? If it matters, in Arena I am rank 80-something despite never playing any hard teams. My team is close to 14k Power, and even sub-100 rank teams I am playing in arena are like 9k. Is my high arena ranking on a crap server killing my gameplay?
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    If by game 3 - 4 in facing of off against 7* , epic gear, lvl 70 teams and still have 8 more balls ahead of me to compete it I would really like to have some rewards that match the degree of difficulty involved in conquering such a monumental task, IMHO of course.
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    I never knew about the cheat. I've never retreated actually. It was rough in the beginning, but now I clean up GW with usually just one crew. Sometimes I have to switch it up a little after going thru 9, 10 or eleven, but I can usuallly make the full stretch with my main squad. The awards are so valuable, it's hard not to take your best team in.

    For nearly a month though, I had a serious issue in my GW. Sure, sometimes the wrong number awards were being shown; however I was getting completely screwed. I would finish GW and only get rewarded between 400-600 gems. This separate issue wasn't being properly addressed, because of the display glitch, showing too many jems. It was a total mess. This went on for weeks, ripping me off so many valuable chards, that it was basically robbery. I was never compensated. Despite having spent money to progress further in the game, I was being held back by a massive glitch. And it snowballs...once you get behind, you lose your position and then you lose rewards, and slip further behind. EA did nothing.

    Finally after countless emails and phone calls, I ended up talking with _jessie about a seperate issue; the GW issue came up. Both issues, the display bug, and the award rip-off. I uploaded a few screen shots to prove the flaw, and the next day it was fixed. I still didn't get any compensation and I lost around 30-50,000 green jems, and that's not an over estimate. Imagine getting only 400 gems for finishing the war for a month...that's about 28,000 gems, and this went on for nearly two months.

    That whole time I didn't know about the cheat, so I was getting even further behind, Lol! Actually, I could finish it without the retreat bug...I had a wide bench because I invested broadly early, for the long game. A lot of good it did me.
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    I tried to post some pics but nothing is coming up yet....Will keep trying to show in pics what is happening to a lot of us. John said they are aware of it and are addressing it......but on the surface it is pretty crazy
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    Ok node 8 today. Am lvl 66 and this is what I drew:

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    Blew most everything on my bench and was very lucky to make it past it to face this:

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    I only have 2 7 Stars on my team and most everyone else is 5 stars and below. So made it past this but am now limping into the 11th node on cool down for most everyone and heal 3 turns away and this is my Draw:

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    And my team now looks like this.....: It is tough, no doubt about it......Haven't bothered to tackle it yet.....Any advice anyone?

  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    That is normal GW, I have been fortunant to have a good team of 8 for GW, and have been clering it daily, but I also made my focus on GW plus I bought barriss and dooku, and the way that GW is working at the moment, it will be impossible for many to complete it
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Devs, gw is too gd hard, please fix it before I go to jail for murder.
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    SteelersCA wrote: »
    And my team now looks like this.....: It is tough, no doubt about it......Haven't bothered to tackle it yet.....Any advice anyone?


    You have no C squad as fodder. I can't possibly imagine how to finish this. Best advise is NEVER come out of a fight with a healer with 15%. The only notable exception is Daka with heal ready as she goes first.

    Daka is like insurance, she can heal on first turn.

    Try and see if Daka can stun Sid first. Sometimes there are miracles and she diesn't get picked first. Also, if it doesn't work try Ability Block on Sid. Also, try Lumi as leader. All extremely desperate tries. You need dodge more than damage there and a huge amount of luck. Is that 4 Talia granting time meter? Looks she'll be one shotted. Maybe you need to sacrifice the four chars top left so enemy uses up all specials, and thentry the dancing above. You somehow need Lumi to live 4 rounds there, and one ither healer. If you can live enemy JC and Phasma left you can refresh all cooldowns.

    One tip is, in the best moment possible, use 4 lealers with a Poe - a cleaning of sorts where you come out with 3-4 healers replenished and full health. i sometimes use Poe with 3 healers and IG-88...which. Downs Sid first, and Dooku when the assist replenishes.

    Good luck

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    It strikes me that most of the problems with monster teams would be quickly solved by returning the original retreat function, allowing us to use tactics and strategy to compete instead of cheesing the dice a million times. This would also return GW to being an entertaining game mode instead of the borefest / anger generator that it is for so many at the moment. If I jab my I-pad any harder it's going to put out a restraining order on me.
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    I have to be honest, I like the possibility to retreat and have a chance to use some tactic and organize attacks in some different way. Matchmaking? Yes, sometimes it is weird...
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    Well my last matchup today was Level 58 and I am level 64. I hope they fix the matchmaking because right now there is zero challenge for me.
  • Brad94yj
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Im a lvl 52 with 5* sid, lumi, and gs; 4* chewie, JC, and poe. All are lvl 6 gear except JC who is lvl 7. I ran into this buzz saw on the 6th node. Absolutely no chance to beat them since they are 12 levels above me with all purple gear and avg of 6*. These developers are Flippin **** if they thought that was a fair "challenge."

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    I would really really like to meet generated teams instead of real ones from other player. It would be great to meet the whole variety of toons in the game and not always Sid, Lumi, Phasma, X, X

    The difficulty could easily be adjusted by the devs. Make some droid teams, some nightsister teams, Sith, Jedi or whatever in between. This plus a fair matchmaking of -15% to +15% power or whatever would be great.

    I would also like to give the toons on my bench some kind of resting bonus (maybe -1 CD per fight +5 % health or whatever). This would result in more rotation an tactics. At the moment I take my best 5 and go through it. If it doesn't work well -> retreat and try and error until it's ok. This is annoying and not really fun...
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    I've been playing since around Christmas and this is my first time playing a game like this. For me and my kids, we love Star Wars so we were just going after characters we liked. Well I started building up a couple teams and then I learned about the Retreat right before it got nerfed. That made it fun, I could send in a lot of different toons and see what worked and what didnt. Sure, if I messed up and they died before I could get back out (I didnt know about the force close) I lost them but I was OK with that.

    Now it is a serious grind and no longer fun. I was getting nowhere in GW since the change but then started doing better with two suicide squad teams when I ran into the crazy teams. I actually finished my last 4 GW and I thought I had things figured out. Today? Forget it! Things started off OK and were progressing normally. 5th node I hit a strong team and took damage. Problem is that from there I have had zero cool down battles. Each one has gotten stronger until I just hit node 9. All purple, all 8-9 levels higher than I am and all with way more stars. My two suicide squads are long gone, my B-Team is near gone and my A-team wouldnt have a chance even at full health...

    Is this supposed to be fun??
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Brad94yj wrote: »
    Im a lvl 52 with 5* sid, lumi, and gs; 4* chewie, JC, and poe. All are lvl 6 gear except JC who is lvl 7. I ran into this buzz saw on the 6th node. Absolutely no chance to beat them since they are 12 levels above me with all purple gear and avg of 6*. These developers are Flippin **** if they thought that was a fair "challenge."


    Level 52? Yeah that's pretty brutal right there. I understand the devs want this to be challenging but GW seems to go from easymode to impossible. For me GW just became challenging, it was easymode for a long time. I'm level 70 so challenging is cool but some of the stuff the midlevels are dealing with seems pretty ridiculous. I've been lucky I suppose and I do also have a large roster.
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    Well my last matchup today was Level 58 and I am level 64. I hope they fix the matchmaking because right now there is zero challenge for me.

    I'm having fish for lunch today. Yesterday, it was tortellini. I mean, while we're posting meaningless white noise that has nothing to do with the thread....
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    Well my last matchup today was Level 58 and I am level 64. I hope they fix the matchmaking because right now there is zero challenge for me.

    I'm having fish for lunch today. Yesterday, it was tortellini. I mean, while we're posting meaningless white noise that has nothing to do with the thread....

    I thought the thread was about galactic war my bad.
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    Another 5 nodes day -. - I guess GW has became a p2p game feature
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    I feel like what is being g said here is that if the game decides to give you crap luck (enemies resisting debuffs, dodging a kill shot, etc) that you're not meant to find a way around that situation and your just suppose to take it on the chin that you got screwed.

    If this is the case, which is what is clearly being said by "random seed" process and CG wishing to change any way you can possibly find your way around a team that is not running on a percentage chance but rather a programmed route because as they said no matter what you do, if you do the same actions you will receive the same results. Meaning: even if it is strategically more sound to take out a Sidious; if you are being screwed by a 100% dodge every time you attempt a certain move with a certain character that you MUST target someone else bc our hit will NEVER hit.

    This is a huge flaw in my opinion.

    If a game has percentages on skills then the entire game should be based around those percentages. If I were to have a dooku stun resisted by a jedi I in all logic should be able to retreat and try that exact same move and acquire the stun because of the 90% success rate.

    No one would actually be retreating for one stun and if they did (because of percentages) it should also make his game not gobthe exact same route as before. Meaning that when retreating you could then possibly help yourself or put yourself in even further of a hole.

    This, I feel, would interpret more of a Risk and Reward feel to the retreat feature instead of it constantly supposing to be a helpful tool even though you guys are steadily trying to take away any sort of help it would offer by having a "fixed" series of events that you couldn't possibly change unless you used the team and strategy YOU (CG) are personally pushing for.

    Quit putting your guidelines on how to play the game and take off the bumper rails already. Let players head in whichever direction THEY choose.
    [SøtFØ] Leader
  • Spartamaj
    259 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    And here it is for me.... can't stop laughing. I'm level 47 and I hAve to beat a level 64 team. 17 level higher than me!!! Do you want a scrennshot EA_Jesse ?
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    I'm level 70, with a very strong team. I'm on 6th node and playing a level 67 team with all 5 toons maxed. After the "AI's" first round, 2-3 of my dudes are dead. SERIOUSLY? Level 67?? My favorite part of this game has been ruined...
This discussion has been closed.