Asking For A Character To Be Nerfed...


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    When you have an end game elite lvl team that you've worked, been patient and spent money on you expect to have an elite, endgame team, simple?. When you have a such team vs another elite team, there is no such thing as over powered. It's a toss up and outcome of the match and depends more on rng not op characters.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    What if you had the exact same team?

    If I need the exact same team then that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is busted.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • scuba
    14166 posts Member
    Great post don't think I could have said it better. It is annoying to have to wade thru all the posts about nerfing the same character over and over.
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    All I can say is you people are seeing something I'm not and I find it very difficult to believe that a character is considered normal until it reaches 7* and then it becomes op and I have nothing else to say the developers are pretty active from what I see and they will make their decision
  • scuba
    14166 posts Member
    Phyneas wrote: »
    This thread is pathetic. In general, I feel like every thread that has nerf in the first post should be put in its own special subforum so people don't have to slog through this stuff.

    @Phyneas could not agree more. It makes it annoying to try to read thru forum for good info. Move all the nerf posts to their own section. @EA_Jesse can this be done?
    282 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Fives OP ?, LOL ..., nice joke, L 2 P.
    Qui-Gon progress in cantina currently 4* gear lvl 7.
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    Nicks075 wrote: »
    What a nerf herder.

    Scruffy looking?
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    Nicks075 wrote: »
    What a nerf herder.

    Scruffy looking?

    Who's scruffy looking?
    Look, good against pvp is one thing, good against the living, that’s something else.
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    Nicks075 wrote: »
    Nicks075 wrote: »
    What a nerf herder.

    Scruffy looking?

    Who's scruffy looking?

    The OP is scrubby looking, so... Close enough?
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Imo (agree or not) its far far too early in the game and the character selection is not yet deep enough for ANY toon to get a buff or a nerf.

    Do some need fixed? Of course some do like leah/mace (opposite ends of the spectrum) but to say any are completly broken or OP this early in the game with this little selection is premature and short sighted.
    Ex: currently poe may be a game changer and throw off a little balance by allowing his team to atk first almost guaranteed but rather then nerf him prematurly, we need to allow the devs time to make new toons that potentially combat this.

    I feel there will almost certainly always be a few toons that are arguably OP to some point but thats the natural course of things and as more toons are released, more balance will be achieved.

    Fix bugged toons like Leah yes but jumping to a nerf call this early in the game is shortsighted and takes the devs attention away from fixing issues which is counterproductive imo
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Abyss wrote: »
    Imo (agree or not) its far far too early in the game and the character selection is not yet deep enough for ANY toon to get a buff or a nerf.
    I don't really give a **** about what the game is like in September. If it needs to be adjusted again then, they can adjust it then.
    People are playing right now. And right now, there are numerous broken and ridiculously OP characters that need to be fixed.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    ok if u want i can just hack and beat everyone in arena i stopped using it but prob gotta get back into it again
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    glocc5000 wrote: »
    ok if u want i can just hack and beat everyone in arena i stopped using it but prob gotta get back into it again
    will i use it in galactic war cause its impossible to beat without

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    Urgh, forum could really use a way to get rid of saved drafts . Now I have to either troll twice or make this disposable post...
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    out of all the 'nerf ____' posts, this one is probably the one that makes the least sense. 5's is in a good place and he's well balanced.
    mighty chlorians
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    If anything about characters needs to be fixed, it's all the issues that have been left unsolved since the soft launch. When will EA/CG fix the bugs, that's what bothers me...
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    I've just run into a team in GW which is Poe, Leia, Rey, Phasma and Barriss. I could sit here trying different combinations until the cows come home and never beat it. And that's not even as good as if Barriss was replaced by FOTP.
    These characters and teams are COMPLETELY BROKEN AND NEED TO BE FIXED.

    What if you had the exact same team? If you can't beat something with what you have, try your utmost to get heroes can can beat it with.

    That's the definition of OP. If all players in the top 10 have Poe then he is probably going to be OP. The 'meta cookie cutter' is what needs addressing the most.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    Imo (agree or not) its far far too early in the game and the character selection is not yet deep enough for ANY toon to get a buff or a nerf.
    I don't really give a **** about what the game is like in September. If it needs to be adjusted again then, they can adjust it then.
    People are playing right now. And right now, there are numerous broken and ridiculously OP characters that need to be fixed.

    No there aren't. You are just not good. Get better.
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    @BentWookie i guess we do need a nerf category, if we are getting nerf fives thread now
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    There are certainly some characters that might need to be toned down. Has nothing to do with startegy, skill or being "good". If 2 of the highest hp toons die in first round with that leia, poe, fotp setup and you are being left with 3 chars vs full hp team with buffs gl on beating that. I'm not the biggest nerf yeller but it's not right :p
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    @MeetraSurik the Flag option does not work on iPhone, but let me say one thing: you probably are too young and too lucky to understand why your post is sad.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    That's based on the assumption that there's something wrong with the idea that the two best at whatever chars can be taken down by other chars.

    That is an error. There are chars with lower hp's that can stand up to the combo mentioned.
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    @BentWookie i guess we do need a nerf category, if we are getting nerf fives thread now

    Yeah.. I was only half kidding about needing a category. :/

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    Baal wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    Imo (agree or not) its far far too early in the game and the character selection is not yet deep enough for ANY toon to get a buff or a nerf.
    I don't really give a **** about what the game is like in September. If it needs to be adjusted again then, they can adjust it then.
    People are playing right now. And right now, there are numerous broken and ridiculously OP characters that need to be fixed.

    No there aren't. You are just not good. Get better.

    Leia and FOTP are demonstrably broken. Leia's ability "Against All Odds" has a proc rate of 100%, despite having a tooltip that says it's supposed to be 25%. FOTP should only be attacking twice, but he can attack (at least) 3 times that I've seen, and his damage is about double any character in the game except for maybe Qui Gon.

    It's really easy to say "you just aren't good enough" when you've never been in the situation described by Qeltar. If what you say is true, then it should be easy to post proof that you're able to beat a team with say, FOTP, Leia, Poe, and literally any two other characters in the game. Given that you're F2P, I'm especially eager to see such proof.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    Imo (agree or not) its far far too early in the game and the character selection is not yet deep enough for ANY toon to get a buff or a nerf.
    I don't really give a **** about what the game is like in September. If it needs to be adjusted again then, they can adjust it then.
    People are playing right now. And right now, there are numerous broken and ridiculously OP characters that need to be fixed.

    Smh, shortsighted and extreme pal. You have to look at the big picture otherwise there will never be the lvl of balance your seeking.
    Adjusting (nerf'n) a toon today just makes a dif one OP in its place. There will always be a few "best toons in the game" (as there should be, otherwise it makes no difference what you use).

    As i said elsewhere, we will have to agree to disagree because its impossible to convince me that a handful toons are as broken/OP as your crying about all the time. Do some like leah perhaps have bugs needing fixed? I think so for sure but they need fixed not nerf'd.

    Nerf a toon today and tomorrow there is a new OP toon cause so-n-so is no longer in the spotlight. This cycle continues till all toons have same moves, same damage, same abilities, same everything.

    I am truly sorry your so worked up over this but if you care only about today then you'll never see the big picture which prevents you from thinking ahead.

    Agree to disagree pal
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    Honestly the only character that should be changed is Dooku. Come on, 100% counter rate and a high chance of a bonus attack? That means in one turn he can inflict upwards of 2400 at level 48 at 3* in one turn, without crit or buffs. If he was at 50% counter rate or more reasonable then that's no problem.
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    @MeetraSurik the Flag option does not work on iPhone, but let me say one thing: you probably are too young and too lucky to understand why your post is sad.


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    Abyss you are my best friend I just said the same thing in another post and people are still complain about barriss being too good and this guy with Dooku these characters are nothing especially barriss only gives proof that their are people or are just not good at this game or you just don't want to change your team up
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Abyss you are my best friend I just said the same thing in another post and people are still complain about barriss being too good and this guy with Dooku these characters are nothing especially barriss only gives proof that their are people or are just not good at this game or you just don't want to change your team up

    Lots of it is subjective and opinion though. Thats why i always try to find middle ground with ppl who disagree.
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