Why haven't some characters become farmable yet?


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    holyjoe wrote: »
    all toons are farmable in same form or another.

    I don't count having to buy packs with crystals or the main shipments shop as farmable either. A node, guild store, arena store, cantina store and GW store are farmable.

    Having to save your crystals for packs or purchase from the shipments instead of use it for energy isn't the answer.
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    it's a fine answer for me. it's not necessary for every node to have a toon.

    i guess if you use crystals for energy refreshes you would think it's not but i don't ever refresh my energy with crystals. i just wait until it refreshes on its own.
  • xanderxman
    505 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    all toons are farmable in same form or another.

    Tusken Shaman says hi.

    Farmable means I am able to go to some place in the game and get shards of the character I want. There are only a few where this is not possible. "Farmable by me" is not the definition of farmable. Rex is farmable. It just costs crystals.

    I am F2P and working on Sun Fac. He is farmable just like Rex. It takes a while unless I want to spend money but I can do it for free if I am willing to wait. Crystals are provided for free just like energy. You have to prioritize how you spend them. Refreshes or farming.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    all toons are farmable in same form or another.

    Really? Where can I get Shore Trooper then? And TFP? How about EP? Can't seem to find anywhere to farm him either.
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    i believe shore trooper is in the tournament. it i didn't participate in the tournament so i can't tell you for sure. and i don't even know who TFP is.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    i believe shore trooper is in the tournament. it i didn't participate in the tournament so i can't tell you for sure. and i don't even know who TFP is.

    Tourney is over and he's no longer available - he will not be back as a reward.

    Tie Fighter Pilot was last months log in character. No farmable locations.

    Hell, even Yoda isn't farmable, nor is Han or General Kenobi. Bistan? Vader? Nope.
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    you need to change your definition of farmable. anywhere anytime shards are available makes a character farmable to me.
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    Nikkalise wrote: »
    Because they havent released new p2p toons yet. Once we get a new set of toons to replace all FIVE that have been rotated to f2p then maybe we'll see clones get rotated out. Work on something else. Is it really that difficult to let the p2p players keep the advantage they paid for? Meanwhile I'm finishing Wedge, B2, and Aayla. Three of the most powerful toons that used to be p2p. Us f2p players have all the advantages right now. Let the p2p players keep rex and sun fac. They need some kind of advantage to make up for less skillz.

    I'm going more on the time frame. Rex came out months before Wedge and B2 but both of them are farmable while Rex isn't. I just finished Wedge myself yesterday. The majority of the p2p players will have the advantage if they spent on crystals to get the Shoretrooper from the "event" that just ended.

    This game doesn't require any skill at all. It requires time. If you want to get through it faster it also requires money. It takes no skill to farm a character, do a raid for gear or farm gear pieces. This isn't an MMO lol.

    You cant do any good unless you gain insight of the game and pick good teams... Like me who suck in squad arena lol
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    you need to change your definition of farmable. anywhere anytime shards are available makes a character farmable to me.

    Farmable means (easily) accessible and continuing. Yoda is a reward. Vader is a reward. EP is a reward. Bistan is a reward. TFP was a reward. ST was a reward. Han is a reward. Kenobi is a reward. You can't just spend energy or crystals to get them. I'll give Vader partial marks because he occasionally shows up in ****.

    Echo Rex, Fac, Zam, GG, Maul, etc, despite not having farmable nodes, are still farmable via shipments.

    You don't need multiple other toons to farm characters - you just need energy or crystals and accessibility.

    Basically, you can't just go out and get these characters - you have to wait until EA makes them available to you. This makes them un-farmable.
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    And why is it the Empire characters are never farmable, but the Rebel characters are?
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    think what you guys want about farmablity. for it means you can find the characters shards at least in one place. whether that's a pack you buy with crystals or an event that comes around.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    think what you guys want about farmablity. for it means you can find the characters shards at least in one place. whether that's a pack you buy with crystals or an event that comes around.

    But you just told me I have to change my definition... Now you say I can think what I want?! Make up your mind, man!

    Attainable is the word you're looking for - not farmable. Every character is attainable.

    And even by your definition, Shore Trooper still isn't "farmable".
  • Grraauuggh
    363 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Let's not get into semantics here. Clearly "farmable" means something more than merely "obtainable." I think that most people understand what is meant here, and just because 1 person chooses to define "farmable" differently, that doesn't mean that most people don't understand what is meant.

    There are always exceptions to every rule, but obviously if most people can't max a character for whatever reason - ie. the event doesn't come around, they aren't able to spend gazillions of dollars for it, or whatever - it isn't farmable.

    You "exceptions" can continue to complain that you don't understand what this post is about, but believe me when I say that 99.99% of the people who play this game do.
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    you'll get no argument from me. i know what's farmable and what's not and the definition is up for debates and is clearly everyone's own opinion. for me EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IS FARMABLE........i don't care what excuses you give for one not being farmable. as long as there is at least one place to acquire the shards it doesn't matter how long it takes to acquire those shards the character is still farmable.......
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    you'll get no argument from me. i know what's farmable and what's not and the definition is up for debates and is clearly everyone's own opinion. for me EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER EXCEPT FOR SHORE TROOPER AND TIE FIGHTER PILOT IS FARMABLE........i don't care what excuses you give for one not being farmable. as long as there is at least one place to acquire the shards it doesn't matter how long it takes to acquire those shards the character is still farmable.......

    Fixed it for you B)
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    i've got tie fighter pilot in dark and light battles. section 6 i believe.
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i've got tie fighter pilot in dark and light battles. section 6 i believe.

    You don't. You have First Order Tie Pilot.
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    i didn't know there was 2. not that i don't believe you but i'll have to look again. but i thought whatever was reward last month is in dark and light battles because i purposely skipped a day that month because i'm not interested in the tie pilots.
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i didn't know there was 2. not that i don't believe you but i'll have to look again. but i thought whatever was reward last month is in dark and light battles because i purposely skipped a day that month because i'm not interested in the tie pilots.

    There's two. One Empire (TFP) and one First Order (FOTP). FOTP is farmable. TFP is not.

    You might want to get interested in them really quick with Ships coming out. Or not. Just don't complain when you don't have enough pilots.
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    Nikkalise wrote: »
    So why haven't characters like Rex and Echo become farmable yet? Rex was released in January if my memory is correct. Wedge was released only a few months ago yet he became farmable first.

    How does EA and CG decide who to make farmable and who stays in the packs? I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants to be able to finish a clone team.
    Guys like Sun Fac and Rex are superb, and therefore it makes sense that they aren't farmable for a very long time. It's more difficult to understand with Maul, Echo and Cody...
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    Monxie wrote: »
    Nikkalise wrote: »
    So why haven't characters like Rex and Echo become farmable yet? Rex was released in January if my memory is correct. Wedge was released only a few months ago yet he became farmable first.

    How does EA and CG decide who to make farmable and who stays in the packs? I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants to be able to finish a clone team.
    Guys like Sun Fac and Rex are superb, and therefore it makes sense that they aren't farmable for a very long time. It's more difficult to understand with Maul, Echo and Cody...

    I just 6* my Fac and he really is superb. Almost good enough to continue spending 320 crystals just to get him to 7*, but gear first.
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i didn't know there was 2. not that i don't believe you but i'll have to look again. but i thought whatever was reward last month is in dark and light battles because i purposely skipped a day that month because i'm not interested in the tie pilots.

    There's two. One Empire (TFP) and one First Order (FOTP). FOTP is farmable. TFP is not.

    You might want to get interested in them really quick with Ships coming out. Or not. Just don't complain when you don't have enough pilots.

    don't worry i'm not the least bit interested in ships. it'll be another area of the game i never touch.

  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    holyjoe wrote: »
    i didn't know there was 2. not that i don't believe you but i'll have to look again. but i thought whatever was reward last month is in dark and light battles because i purposely skipped a day that month because i'm not interested in the tie pilots.

    There's two. One Empire (TFP) and one First Order (FOTP). FOTP is farmable. TFP is not.

    You might want to get interested in them really quick with Ships coming out. Or not. Just don't complain when you don't have enough pilots.

    don't worry i'm not the least bit interested in ships. it'll be another area of the game i never touch.

    What do you play?! No tournaments, you refuse free characters, not playing ships... Do you even raid? Hell, the tournament didn't even cost premium currency to play, nor did logging in the day to get TFP. But you'd spend money to get a free character? :o
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    Nevermind. This thread is getting derailed, and I really don't want to know anyways.
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    i play dark and light battles, cantina, mod battles, and GW......who said i'd pay to get a toon? in game currency sure but not real money.
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i play dark and light battles, cantina, mod battles, and GW......who said i'd pay to get a toon? in game currency sure but not real money.

    You sure about that?

    holyjoe wrote: »
    I've already purchased the emperor's demise bundle at the $50 I think it was and a $100 crystal vault. plus I used crystals and did the 10 rebel packs I'm allowed.

    I stated in another discussion I'd gladly buy another emperor's demise bundle but it's not been offered again.

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    that's not buying a character. it just gets you shards for one. not to mention that's old and i've since not spent a dime and became a total f2p player.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    that's not buying a character. it just gets you shards for one. not to mention that's old and i've since not spent a dime and became a total f2p player.

    Psst... It's the same thing. That's buying a character, or in your case, multiple characters.

    Well just keep this our little secret and never talk about it again B)
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    Where's Pathfinder?

    He's in cantina now
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    Nikkalise wrote: »
    Where's Pathfinder?

    They haven't put him any where either. I hope they do put him somewhere. Seems pretty decent with stats even at 3*.

    He's in cantina
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