Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Soc
    162 posts Member
    Territory Battles we are at 37/45 stars with 90million GP score and will only improve if your looking for a strong guild and willing to put the time into TB you are welcome to join us, please check below for requirments first.
    We are doing AAT Heroics and completing 2/3week.If you are an active player and working on improving your toons join us we are more than happy to help you along the way if needed.
    We are a U.K. Guild currently seeking new members for our Heroic AAT raids.We are an active day one guild ,friendly with a great atmosphere in our chats.We currently do 3 T7 rancor raids a week which start at 20:00 U.K. GMT which take place on Mondays,Wednesdays & Sundays we encourage people to log a score if they can't make the raid as we want everyone on the prize board.We are doing 2/3 AAT Heroics a week and once you are an active player we would be happy to have you.
    We are well organised with raids and have a rota in place so everyone gets turns in each phase and many of our guild have solo at 7* and they have taken a back seat with low scores(this is entirely up to the individual whether they take a step back or stay in the rota) so others can max solo quicker.We are a mix of F2P & P2P either are welcome.
    Requirements are
    Level 85
    20+ 7* toons(one team for each phase of Heroic AAT)
    Over 1.2 million galactic score
    6* Capital Ships
    600 coins daily
    Must have the line app for comms
    Line ID - socireland
    Ally code - 166-238-833
    Reply here or PM me
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    Steevo's Falcons are a top 100 guild looking for a member with at least a GP of 1.4 mil. We are killing tanks and rancors left and right and would love for you to be on the team. Plus, we have cookies! 600 a day and raid participation is a must. We use LINE and it is mandatory for communication. Talk to me on LINE if you are interested. My name is deedeejo21 on there and my swgoh name is darthdeedee.
  • Severinze
    94 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Our guild family consists of 3 Heroic Rancor and Heroic AAT guilds with its own very lively discord server & a great community of cool, funny, nerdy gamers. All mature, respectful, but serious about the game :)

    Crusaders of ARK is a 77M GP guild that is looking to bring in 1-2 players.

    What we have to offer:
    • organized leadership with a good grasp on TB and the coordination necessary to be successful
    • a mature player base that loves the game and loves Star Wars
    • serious and competitive players that push the boundaries of their rosters, their arena shards, and our guild
    • consistent and frequent hRancor and hAAT's that come with appropriate 0-damage periods so all players can benefit from the rewards
    • a lively discord server you'll want to hang out in
    • ARK's 3 heroic, end-game guild family, full of 150 of SWGOH's finest, nerdiest and funnest players
    • too many other awesome things to list

    What we're looking for:
    • goal-oriented players that like an organized guild and playstyle
    • 600 raid tix/day
    • 1.5M+ GP
    • 15+ g11 toons
    • CLS
    • 40+ 7* toons

    These qualifications are preferred, but to be honest, awesome attitude > all else!

    If you're a little short on qualifications but still think you would be a good fit, please feel free to reach out to me via DM here or on Discord at Severinze#8267 with your swgoh.gg profile.

    We're EDT based and our guild reset is at 6:30pm and typically raid at lunch time and in the evenings.

    You can also check out all 3 of our guilds here:

    Post edited by Severinze on
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    Thank you for your interest in joining up with our HAAT ready guilds.

    -Ownage Revived & Ownage Tankover
    -Pacific Timezone Based
    -HPIT has a 24 hour safety. Afterwords members hold off on posting damage over 1 million for 30 minutes, and solo attempts are held for 1 hour.
    -HAAT starts off as a free for all, and has a hold once P4 is reached until 24 hours has passed from the start of the raid.
    -Line App Required

    Full list of details, including rules and ways to contact us, can be found on post:


    We look forward to hearing from you.
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    Our guild philosophy is "The Team Comes First", and what that means to you is an organizational level rarely seen in other guilds. Our current GP stands at over 82 million. We have HAAT and Heroic Rancor on farm, 24 hour no damage, and vary the times so everyone can get a chance at it.

    Our main goal right now is to continue improving in Territory Battles, 1st round we hit 33 stars, 2nd round 34. Ultimately we want to hit in the 40+ star range ASAP.

    We expect 600 daily, have a very organized way of tracking, but understand life happens so if there is a valid excuse we will understand with advanced notice. MUST USE LINE.

    Our Req's

    GP > 1.4 mil
    CHS 5* or working towards
    HRS 5* or working towards
    CLS 7*
    1 Capital LS ship 6*
    ****Preferably 3 full LS teams****

    If interested DM me on Line @ G_Sauze with your SWGOH.GG account link, and we will review for a spot.
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    Hiya, The Ninja Turtles are recruiting once again!

    First off we're a guild with friendly active members who toil the days away chatting about the most useless and mundane things in life. We're the Seinfield of guilds and are looking for new blood!
    We have a set schedule on when raids open, other than that- we ask new members to be respectful of other people and all that jazz. Otherwise we're pretty casual for a hardcore guild. We also cater to all timezones so if your worried about that, no problemo!

    1. At least 30 7* toons
    2. Active either on guild chat or discord (this is to ensure that you get all the guild news, you yourself don't have to actually talk so much- just pay attention to what leadership is announcing)
    3. Level 80+
    4. 400 energy a day (While 600 is preferred, we understand not everyone has the time or something in life has come up, if you're gonna be gone for a bit, notify the guild so we don't drop you for lack of activity :smile: )
    5. Have a minimum of 1.2 million GP (this is negotiable)

    You can contact my discord at Jazz Romano#6845, pm me, or email me at 2bluntslater@gmail.com

    We accept all members if you meet the requirements, whale or f2p- what's important is that you follow the few rules we got and have fun doing so. Good hunting and may the force be with you!
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    ★ THΞ WOLFP∆CK is looking for active, collaborative players ★

    Maximum raids every month
    Often a top 50 guild for raids completed
    30k tickets daily
    96% of players have a geared CLS
    100% Hoth brothers unlocked and 85% Hoth Rebel Solider at 5 stars
    We have been prepping for Territory Battles for months! Come play with us!

    Who we are:
    THΞ WOLFP∆CK is a competitive, heroic-level guild whose members are active and collaborative. We take ourselves lightly, and enjoy being in a community with each other as well as our our larger Alliance guild network on our Discord server.

    ★ Rules and Raids ★
    We require 600 tickets from our members.
    All heroic raids. Raids have no damage limits with time to post zero.
    Raid times are good for UK and EST--we have lots of members in CST / MST / PST.
    We always do the maximum raids each month--between five to seven times a week.

    ★ Contact ★
    Click here for our Recruiting Chat on Line: http://line.me/R/ti/g/k0_Ez5iOXW OR Discord: https://discord.gg/NY5Rvmy
    Line app pm: TMoneyGee
    Discord pm: TMoneyGee #2658
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    Adult Gaming is recruiting and has a spot open. We're an HAAT guild that is team-focused, with active leadership.

    -We do T7 Rancor and HAAT multiple times a week.
    -There is a 24hr no damage period before each Rancor raid and we limit people to 1 team afterwards. HAAT is also 24hrs no damage then FFA. Raid starting times are 7pm EST for HAAT and 9pm EST for Rancor.
    -We have a Line chat, but it's not mandatory.
    -We ask that players do a minimum of 450 daily raid tickets, ideally 600 a day.
    -Our Galactic Power is at 74 million, we got 30 stars in the last TB.
    -We're competitive, but we understand that real life comes first. You won't get booted if you're away on vacation, just let us know.
    -We're team-focused, with veterans who are happy to give advice and giving gear is actively encouraged.


    -Must be level 85 with at least 2 HAAT ready teams and minimum 1.4 million total roster galactic power.

    If you're interested please look for the "Adult Gaming" guild in-game and send a join request.

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    Come join TheRebelion!  We had a couple of soldiers go out to battle and never returned so we are looking for a couple of Rebels to take their place.  If you are looking for a fun guild that is full of active players then you have come to the right place.  We have a strong group of players and we like to help each other out and share a lot of tips and strategies via LINE app.  This guild has been around since the day guilds were released and still has a lot of its original players.  We just completed the last Territory Battle with 33 stars.  We do T7 pit raids every other day at guild rest 8:30 PM EST with a 18hr 0 damage rule.  HAAT Raid are at least twice a week at guild reset 8:30 pm EST with a 15.5 hr 0 damage rule.  If you are level 85 and get your daily 600, send us your Game ID.  Stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders need not apply.. if you are just scruffy looking.. that's ok. 

    Message me on LINE at ninjedi99 if you are interested!

  • Roysta0069
    4 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Guild name: TruffleShuffle- gp-68million
    Raids: Heroic Rancor and HAAT
    Rules: 24 0 DMG on rancor and HAAT. FFA on both once waiting period is up.
    We don't have a 600 rule requirement but remember the more tickets the more we raid. Being an active player that participates daily and in raids is a must.
    Looking for: A couple of players with some haat ready teams, and a galactic power of at least 1.2 million.
    Contact info: Either message me here or on discord Roysta0069 #9773
    About us: We're an active group that have been together for a while. We're strict with following the raid rules. Zeroing a toon is not hard. We also run on Mt. time U.S.
    RAID TIMES: Our guild refresh is at 9:30 US EST, and we launch raids then to try and avoid confusion.
    TruffleShuffle Officer Roysta0069 ally code 234-563-252, and I'm swgoh.gg/Roysta0069.
    Hope to hear from you soon
    Post edited by Roysta0069 on
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    Knights of the Dragon (60+ Mil GP, 26* TB) - HAAT capable guild is now recruiting for Territory Battles. We are a friendly active guild with members from all over the world.

    We have just 1 open slot left. Looking for a strong (1M GP preferably) active player (600 tickets per day mandatory) to join the team.

    For further information on the guild rules and and how to apply visit our website:


    Thank you.
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    Vader’s Legion: Four guilds, endless community

    Four, all-heroic, super-friendly guilds: Vader's Fist, Mos Eisley's Irregulars, The Kessel Run and THΞ WOLFP∆CK
    Raid times great for North America to western Europe
    Guilds range in play style from semi-casual beer connoisseurs to benevolent 30k dictators
    All heroic raids; focus on Territory Battles; come play with us!
    Come visit our Discord server and check us out: https://discord.gg/f2KnJMf
    May the force be with you!
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    Outer Rim Job is recruiting!

    Guild GP 76,000,000 and climbing fast.
    28* on first TB, 30* on the second.

    We are a very friendly guild, very light hearted and we tend to have a good time. We have a lot of players with a lot of knowledge around strategy who are always willing to help others out with questions. We consider ourselves to be semi-serious guild when it comes to raid tickets and we loosely track raid ticket contribution. We require 600 tickets daily but we understand if you can't make it some days due to real life.

    We have about 2 open spots for players who are ready or close to ready for Territory Battles -- meaning you have and/or are working on some combination Phoenix, Rogue One, HRScout, HRSoldier, CLS, CHS, and 7* LS ships. Participation in TBs is required.

    We raid regularly and have both Heroic raids on farm at this point. Raid times are voted on via a poll in Discord app. All times are EASTERN and our Guild reset is 6:30pm EST. We run half guild raids with no damage periods to allow everyone a chance to register for rewards.

    We use Discord app for our guild chat and it is REQUIRED. You don't necessarily need to participate in the chat but you MUST read channels relevant to Territory Battles for instructions and guild strategy. Our chat is full of really knowledgable players and is filled with many resources and help when you need it.We also ask that you message an officer on Discord when you are going to be away on vacation, etc.

    Please message and officer on Discord you are interested.


  • Multiversed44
    75 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Alderaanian WolfCats (57.8 million galactic power) is recruiting 2 players lvl 85 for both the Heroic raids and TB. We have made it through all phases of the TB with 29 stars so far as our best total. We are not part of an alliance, but a group of friends that foster cooperation and team atmosphere. If you love swgoh and are looking for a friendly place to grow your roster and learn along the way, this is the place you want to be! There are no real whales here, but a group of people that grew together and achieved haat status. We are a top 200 guild overall, and also in haat and rancor individually. We have minimum rules, 24hr 0 damage in hrancor and 24 hr 0 damage in haat. This allows whole guild to reap the benefits of raids. LINE app is also a requirement. We have our guild chat there for strategy, suggestions or whatever else comes up.

    We always have 29k+ tickets a day and max several guild activities weekly. At a minimum, we run 3 hrancors and 2 haats a week.

    If you are wondering if you might not be strong enough, go ahead and shoot me a pm here or message me or our leader on LINE.

    We will gladly send you a screenshot of our guild activity and/or rankings.

    LINE IDs


    Discord ID

    Ally codes:
    bobby117: 866-734-953
    wormholetraveler: 646-659-425

    Our guild page is: https://swgoh.gg/g/17850/alderaanian-wolfcats/

    Post edited by Multiversed44 on
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    Hello, fellow Star Warriors! Wolf Pack Warriors has one space available for an active, friendly, fun, and talkative player. We routinely run heroic Pit Raids (about 3x per week) and heroic AAT raids (about 2x per week). Our Galactic Power rating is almost 47 million and climbing fast. You can help increase it faster!

    Our members range in age from the teens to low 50's. Our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps, but we do maintain an active Discord server to help coordinate raids and territorial battles. All time zones and ages are welcome, but our raid times match those of most of our members, who are North American. The usual 24 hour zero damage period applies to our Rancor raids because it dies in 30 minutes or less.

    If you're looking for an active guild, generate 500+ guild tickets a day, and have a Galactic Power rating of at least 800,000, send me a PM. We'll toss an invite your way!
  • Padawin
    19 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon???

    We are a US Central TB/HAAT/HPit guild that is a part of the Malevolent Marauders Alliance. We are a pretty laid back group of immature adults located in the US, Canada and the UK. We are actively recruiting players who are equipped and prepared for progressing through Territory Battles.

    Guild Info:
    • Swgoh.gg: https://swgoh.gg/g/18878/aluminum-falcon/
    • Guild GP of 71.5 Million
    • 30* in the last TB
    • Farming HAAT and HPit on a regular basis
    • Raid Rules: 12 Hour 0 damage tag period.
    • Raid Times: FFA alternates between 8pm CT and 1pm CT (7pm BST)
    • 600 tickets/day is strongly encouraged

    Player requirements:
    • GP > 1.4 Million
    • At least 4* Captain Han Solo
    • Working towards a 7* Phoenix Team and 7* Rogue One Team
    • Working Towards 7* HRScout and HRSoldier
    • Participation in TBs is required.
    • Discord and swgoh.gg is required.

    To apply, please join this Discord channel and post your swgoh.gg profile answer the couple of questions.

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    Venture into Hoth with the Galaxy's largest network of guilds at your side!

    THE ALLIΔNCE has openings at a variety of levels of gameplay, with a minimum of 15 gear 10+ toons for openings in Heroic AAT guilds up to 1.8 character GP (~2.8 million total GP) for our most competitive, top-ranked guilds.

    Click here to join our main discord server for more information: https://discord.gg/thealliance
    Click here to contact us on Line:

    THE ALLIΔNCE’s most competitive, top-ranked guilds have raid times suitable for all timezones. At this highest level, guilds are seeking enthusiastic players with ~80+ collection scores who place in the top 20 daily for both arena and ships.

    Our ~40 mid-level heroic tank guilds require a minimum of 15 to 30 gear 10+ toons, depending on the guild, with varied requirements for arena and raid ticket contributions.

    We also have a number of t4 to t7 guilds, including ones working on normal tank raid.

    Who are we?
    THE ALLIΔNCE is a community of like-minded guilds founded on four key principles: individuality, simplicity, transparency and friendship.

    With 58 independent guilds, THE ALLIΔNCE network is connected to over 2300 players globally. As the largest network of guilds in the Star Wars Galaxy, we have every level of play imaginable, from a dozen t4 to t7 Rancor guilds, to 45 heroic tank guilds.

    Planning for the new game mode is well underway with a wealth of shared resources, enthusiasm and expertise dedicated to the success of each guild. Lots of great theroy crafting and access to material through some of the biggest Galaxy of Heros YouTubers.


    Come check out our Discord server with over 3000 members!

    For more information or questions:
    Join our main discord server: https://discord.gg/thealliance
    PM us on discord at Lukas [ΔPhoenix]#2761
    Click here to contact us on Line:
    Learn more at www.thealliancegaming.com
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    68M HAAT guild GMT timezone recruiting
    Extremely active (29k+)
    Raids start at 7pm UTC with 24hrs zero damage
    Looking to replace 2 members for tb
    Required GP around 1.3M (give or take)
    pm me or add me on discord: zah#4141
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    Hello there everyone,
    We are SPC community comprising of 4 guilds.
    SPC Immortals and SPC Sunrise Park are both HAAT guilds.
    SPC The Pit is a Prehaat guild and then finally we have SPC Rebel one T7/NAAT.
    We are recruiting new players and looking for guilds to merge with us.
    We follow global time zone so everyone can enjoy the game.
    Minimum requirements for guild merge or joining the guild as individual player:
    Player lvl minimum 80
    7☆ minimum 2 squads or 10 toons at any gear.
    Active players only!
    Leaders will be made into CO-LEAD during merger.

    Contact us thru
    Line id: superzenswgoh

    May the force be with you always!
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    Guild name: Grey Lights
    GP: 70 mil
    TB stars: 28/45
    Raids: HAAT and HPIT
    Raid tickets: 26K per day
    Raid times: 8 PM UK time or 2 PM CT U.S.
    Raid rules: HPIT is 24 hr no damage and after 24 hr FFA.

    We are currently looking for 2-4 strong (at least 1.2mil GP) new members to replace some of the ones in our guild who are not contributing towards TB nor raid tickets. We are currently running 3-4 HPIT raids per week and 2 HAAT raids per week. Our guild consists of a great group of guys and gals we enjoy playing the game and we like to have fun on our discord group chat where we talk just about everything on there. We have some really knowledgeable members and we love to help each other grow as a group. If interested or have any questions feel free to ask.

    Discord name: Dar Tran#6898
    LINE ID: dartran82
    Ally code: 524-541-895
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    Morning all, my guild the Blackhole Bandits are looking to recruit 3 members. We do both heroic raids regularly at 19:30 BST with ease and weve achieved 30/45 stars on TB the second time around and we think we can find more very quickly! Our guild GP is 64.5 million with room for 3 more members!

    What we offer you
    A chance to get GK and Raid Han quickly.
    A great atmosphere who communicate and achieve great success together.
    In depth prep and previews of what's coming up so you stay ahead of the game.

    What we expect
    You must be Haat ready and have atleast 1.2 million GP
    You must have LINE as that is where we communicate plans and previews.
    You must follow the 0 damage raid rule on both raids... We prefer 600 a day tickets but it's not essential but we do request you're active and inform us if you're going to be off for a period of time.

    If you think we're the guild for you add me on:
    Line @ gbizz
    Message me direct on here.
    Or add my ally @ 472-815-334.
    And I guarantee within the month we will massively improve your experience.

    My SWGOH profile so you can get a feel for our average member abilities
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    A Simple Quiz to See if BLT is the Right Community for You
    1. Do you like fun people who love working together to get awesome swag like ROLO shards?
    2. Do you want access to a 150+ person SWGOH community with guilds to accommodate any timezone and play-style?
    3. Do you want a positive, inclusive environment with people who keep the fun in SWGOH gaming?

    If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, it's time to trade in your soggy old guild for a crisp BLT!

    BLT is a family of 3 Heroic guilds (54 - 80+ mil GP), one of which caters to Eccentric Europeans, the other to Not-So-Normal North Americans, and the third - well, they are just great people from everywhere. We're a fun-loving group who revel in memes, theory-crafting, helping up-and-coming players, and geeking out with other like-minded Star Wars enthusiasts. But don't let our carefree attitudes fool you! We make 30k raid tickets daily, run 2-3 Heroic Tank raids and 3-4 Heroic Rancor raids weekly, and we know how to coordinate to maximize our stars in TB.

    What are the requirements to join? Well, they're pretty simple:
    • Have a MINIMUM GP rating of 1.5 million
    • Focus on TB-required toons (HRS/S, Phoenix, R1 Rebels, CHS, CLS)
    • Contribute 600 raid tickets daily
    • Be active on Discord
    • Have a public SWGoH.gg profile
    • Be kind & have fun! (That's why we're here, after all.)

    We're looking for competitive players who are eager to contribute, but more than anything we're looking for friends that will be a positive influence in our community.

    Sound like something you want to be a part of? (Get to know us on Discord!)
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    We're looking to recruit two more active players.

    Savage Galactic Knights
    Raid times: 8pm cst
    24H no damage period for HAAT and Heroic Rancor
    Members primarily located in the US

    We ask that you log 600 coins daily and communicate with guild members through the Line app. We have a sister guild to which you could advance to should you outgrow our guild.

    Please message Jennyroo on the Line app for more information.
    My swgoh.gg and in-game account is Tenil.
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    WeShootF1rst is recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    3 active players
    Level 85, active daily (600)
    2 strong HAAT squads
    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week. We always inform for the upcoming raids 1 day before to our guild chat(on Discord)
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.2 raids per week.All members must follow our officers guidance in order to keep it smoothly and on time.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 56.500.000 .
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to diploy and which team to use.
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly.This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .
    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. more details on discord
    more details on discord
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is required.
    To apply you should be:
    Level only 85
    Swgoh.gg account
    Have at least 20 7* chars
    Have at least 6 gear 11 chars
    Be active daily
    Have a sense of humor
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
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    HD Wolfpack is looking for 2 players as we push over 112m next run!!! Move before the next TB!!

    Join one of the first 25 guilds to complete HAAT! We are ready to tackle the future of SWGOH. Top 25 ranked guild by GP, CS and PVP and star count for TB!!

    Take your gaming experience to the next level and join on of the best! Formerly known as (North American Refugees) HD Wolfpack is recruiting! We have strong members top to bottom and extremely active. We are looking for top players to join our ranks. We hit our 30k daily and require each player to hit 600 daily. Discord is a must and please do not apply if you don't download discord. You need to be an active player get your 600 daily tickets. If you are top in your arena, young/old or whale/dolphin then our top guild is a fit for you.


    We run heroic Raids every day basically between the two raids. Rancor Raid is zero log 24 hours then Zerg on 10pm eastern. HAAT is zero log 24 hours then Zerg at 9pm eastern. We are very organized and part of the House Divided Alliance. The Discord server is top notch to help excel your gaming experience!


    Must be ranked 1-20 in arena, CLS and Territory Battle rosters consisting of 30+ g11+ toons. You will need 2.3 million or higher Galatic Power. Contact us on discord (If you PM me on the forums I may not get right away) be ready to send your swgoh.gg link. Once you send a friend request please message us after we accept.

    Contact directly by discord please.
    Discord Info (Case sensitive)
    SyracuseJedis#2581 (Cap SJ)
    JJBagger#6271 (Cap JJB)
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    Hello good people!

    We are looking for one lucky player to join our ranks: The Ghosts Of Sparta

    Very active, varies players from around the world. T7 rancor 3 times a week and AAT (will probably be HAAT by the time you join) at least twice. Currently sat a 54 mil GP so TB is good. Join us!

    Message me on here and I'll respond sharply.
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    Cobalt Phoenix is looking for an eager player or two to fill the spots of some inactive players that are no longer playing the game. If you're looking for a fun & relaxed group to farm some HAAT and participate in Territory Battles, please send us a message! Our guild is world wide and use a 24hr hold period on all raids to make sure our brethren around the world get an opportunity to participate.
    Our only requirements are that you participate daily to hit your 600, use Line to communicate with everyone and preferably use swgoh.gg to better coordinate our TB platoons.
    We reached 26 Stars the last TB and have recently eclipsed the 60 Million GP mark.. If you're interested, please msg me here or reach out to me on Line @ waynerz666
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    Maximum raids every month
    Often a top 50 guild for raids completed
    30k tickets daily
    90% of players have a geared CLS
    All players actively farming Hoth Rebel Solider and Hoth Rebel Scout and CHS--30 CHS unlocked and nearing 5 stars!
    We have been prepping for Territory Battles for months! Come play with us!

    Prospective players should have ~1.75 million GP, strong arena ranking (top 50 preferred though we will get you there and higher, if you are willing to put in the work), Commander Luke and the Hoth Characters must be unlocked, and be active and interested in the game. If you come as a little group, we can talk about flexibility in roster requirements for one or two of the players.

    We are part of the Alliance Gaming Community!

    ★ Rules and Raids ★
    Requirements: 600 daily raid tix required, Must be active on discord
    Raids: 3-4 Pit raids & 2-3 Tank raids weekly. Various raid times and always time to post zeros.
    Atmosphere & Culture: Always positive and fun loving. We are an enthusiastic and collaborative group. Our guildies are our family.

    ★ Contact ★
    If interested join our Recruiting Discord. https://discord.gg/xkVsx86
    Line app pm: sumrandomdude
    Discord pm: Poe#1508

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    Knights of Mandaløre (72.2M GP) is currently looking for recruits! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30/8:00 PM Est respectively). We average 28.5k tickets a day and score 31* on Territory Battles (will probably get 34* this time around).

    What we are looking for in recruits
    - Level 85
    - 1.3M+ Galactic Power
    - Participation in Territory Battles (CLS, Capt HS and Hoth troops strongly reccommended)
    - Willing to contribute 500 energy minimim a day
    - Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
    - A discord account and swgoh.gg page (We require our new members to join through our recuritment channel)

    We hope to hear from you soon!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555
    Leader's ally code : 771-995-699

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
  • Options
    Guild: First Galactic Empire

    Our people: https://swgoh.gg/g/1210/first-galactic-empire/

    Timezone: mostly EU. Guild reset is at 3:30pm UTC.

    Rules: raids are launched at 4PM UTC and have a strict 24h 0 dmg. After that we allow 1 team on Rancor and as many as you like to zerg hAAT. Other than that, we're a friendly casual guild with an active chat, helpful exchange and a lot of fun. We strive for minimum activity of 500 tickets a day, which officers check from time to time, but no screenshots or such.

    TB: We have 74million GP and got the blue box at 31 stars. We intend to grow towards 40 stars by December.

    We are looking for one or two people to strengthen our TB team! Looking for 1.5m GP, 6* ships (and capital), 6* HRScout, 5* HRSoldier. Preference for 5* CHS and CLS, Phoenix team, and other useful TB toons. If you're interested and have what it takes, let us know asap here or on discord. We use discord, but important messages are in guild chat, as is most of the banter.

    What we offer: a friendly guild and Kenobi shards, as well as a good place to challenge yourself with the new game mode!

    Send me a message here or on discord: Acrofales#2025.
    Ally code: 317-824-548
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