Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    Serendipity Guild is looking to fill 1 opening

    Looking for seasoned SWGOH players (min 1M GP with HAAT squads for all phases especially P3) that are looking for a permanent guild home with a great interactive guild. Our guild is mostly a U.S. based guild. We completed our last HAAT launched Sept 6, earned 24 stars in Territory Battles. We are adding a couple more strong players to make the HAAT farm easier.

    Guild members should be level 85, able to generate their 600 energy daily, participate in HAAT (pre-approved excused absences accepted), and join discord. We are a very interactive group having a blast playing the game together.

    Heroic Rancor is on a rotating schedule with 0-damage rule for the first 24 hours (accommodate the variety of time zones)
    • Sun 11PM Eastern Time Zone
    • Tues 3PM Eastern Time Zone
    • Thurs 7AM Eastern Time Zone

    HAAT Tank raid coordinated, next HAAT Sept 12th
    • Wed 11 PM Eastern Time zone
    • Sat 11 PM Eastern Time zone

    Please contact us via our discord guild recruitment server https://discord.gg/4dcUSRZ or personal message from forum.
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    Greetings everyone,
    Guild name is Imperio Universal
    Looking for daily players of any level
    14-day boot rule to keep things active
    Send me an ally request, my ally code is 165-486-956
    Come join the fun and collect all the rewards!
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    67M HAAT guild GMT timezone recruiting
    Extremely active (29k)
    Raids start at 7pm UTC with 24hrs zero damage
    Looking to replace 1 member for tb
    Required GP around 1.3M (give or take)
    send pm or add me on discord: zah#4141
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    Galactic Security (HAAT, GP 73 million) is looking to bolster its roster for territory battles.
    * Guild Reset 930pm EDT
    * Raid times evenings weekdays, afternoons weekends EDT
    * 24 hr no damage rule for PIT and HAAT
    * 600 Daily
    * Top 100 Arena
    * Min Galactic Power 1.4 million
    * CLS unlocked, 5* Hoth Rebel Soldier and Hoth Rebel Scout required
    * Discord and Swgoh.gg mandatory

    PM me on discord with any questions, Forcekin2187#8373

    Thanks for looking!
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    Necromangers is a mostly F2P guild. We are friendly and the core of us have been in the guild since guilds were released. We currently have HAAT on farm and are looking to increase our * rating on TB (recently got 20*). Also, our GP is 51mil.

    -lvl 85
    -able to contribute as close to 600 daily tokens as possible
    -HAAT starts about 8pm est.
    -Rancor raids start around 10pm est with a 24hr zero post rule for those with 7* han solo those with 7* Han Solo get to use a certain squad to try and get the most damage.(winner gets to choose the next squad) we do this so those without 7*Han can get him faster while still making it still kinda fun for the rest of us.
    -Discord is a big bonus if you have or are willing to get.

    Do not have a ton of rules just ask you obey the raid rules and are friendly and helpful to guildmates. We are all here to have fun and get some good rewards. And also that you please comply with our Haat strat so we can continue to successfully complete the raid.

    I am an officer in charge of recruiting my id is (spart) 825-379-764

    Most of us use discord for chat to coordinate territory battles but we do still have a couple people that don't use it but are active. You can contact me on discord Spart #4775 to talk about an invite i can link my swgoh.gg also if you like.

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    67M HAAT guild GMT timezone recruiting
    Extremely active (29k+)
    Raids start at 7pm UTC with 24hrs zero damage
    Looking to replace 1 member for tb
    Required GP around 1.3M (give or take)
    Reply here, pm me or add me on discord: zah#4141
  • JaceMoonstrider
    30 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    KNIGHTS 0F REN (not affiliated with KOR)
    Pacific Time Zone HAAT guild. Requires Discord for Territory Battles. https://discord.gg/3FCrfha
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    Hello, fellow Star Warriors! Wolf Pack Warriors has one space available for an active, friendly, fun, and talkative player. We routinely run heroic Pit Raids (about 3x per week) and heroic AAT raids (about 2x per week). Our Galactic Power rating is over 45 million and climbing fast. You can help increase it faster!

    Our members range in age from the teens to low 50's. Our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps, but we do maintain an active Discord server to help coordinate raids and territorial battles. All time zones and ages are welcome, but our raid times match those of most of our members, who are North American. The usual 24 hour zero damage period applies to our Rancor raids because it dies in 30 minutes or less.

    If you're looking for an active guild, generate 500+ guild tickets a day, and have a Galactic Power rating of at least 800,000, send me a PM. We'll toss an invite your way!
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    Ootini Alliance, Chill relaxed and welcoming guild filled with players who respect and communicate together into a SWGOH family.
    HAAT guild recruiting for Territory Battles (24 stars first TB), The Aluminum Falcon (50mil GP) looking for pref GP close to 1mil members to fill out our ranks. We mainly need players who have or close to HAAT teams geared and ready But have a decent roster for Territory Battles. HAAT on farm but need a few more heavy hitters to really punch it out. Want members who are active 600/600 tickets a day, friendly, donates to the guild regularly and contributor overall.
    All are welcome, we have several EU players as well as players from Asia and US.
    Reset time: 5:30pm PST
    Raid time (can be varied): 5:00 PST
    Interested in absorbing a guild (15-20 members) into a merger or just solo players who want to join the SWGOH family. DM me for more details.
    Add me if interested
    Discord: Snow#3900
    Ally code: 651-163-827
  • Redkk
    94 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    WeShootF1rst is recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    active players
    Level 85, active daily (600)
    Several strong HAAT squads
    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Time zone: GMT+2 , UTC+3
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week. We always inform for the upcoming raids 1 day before to our guild chat(on Discord)
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.All members must follow our officers guidance in order to keep it smoothly and on time.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 55.500.000 .
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to diploy and which team to use.
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly.This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .

    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. more details on discord
    more details on discord
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is required.
    To apply you should be:
    Level only 85
    Swgoh.gg account
    Have at least 20 7* chars
    Have at least 6 gear 11 chars
    Be active daily
    Have a sense of humor
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Yotis : 192-886-426 or
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
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    Galactic Security (HAAT, GP 73 million) is looking to bolster its roster for territory battles.
    * Guild Reset 930pm EDT
    * Raid times evenings weekdays, afternoons weekends EDT
    * 24 hr no damage rule for PIT and HAAT
    * 600 Daily
    * Top 100 Arena
    * Min Galactic Power 1.4 million
    * CLS unlocked, 5* Hoth Rebel Soldier and Hoth Rebel Scout required
    * Discord and Swgoh.gg mandatory

    PM me on discord with any questions, Forcekin2187#8373

    Thanks for looking!
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    Welcome to Special Forces Guild, we are a guild with a reset of 930 EST / 6:30PST

    First round of TB we made 26 stars. Currently doing both heroic raids on a regular basis. Guild GP 60

    Guild requirements:

    -"Line" app ready, you must be a member to our announcement room, our chat room is optional.

    - Daily players making 600 coins a day

    Any extended period of time away from connectivity, i.e. vacation/business/real life... Must be announced in our main chat or by pm to an officer. 

    Raid rules:

    -Rules will be posted in our announcement room.
    -24 hour zero damage phase on rancor unless noted in announcements.
    -Failure to follow directives will result in a voluntary removal from raid to forfeit rewards.

    Please play nice. We have a 3 strike rule on major infractions to rules.

    1 million GP minimum
    Team player
    Have line app
    Want to have some fun and progress as a group.

    Contact lady Jedi on line app (user ladyjedi13) for details and invite.
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    Hi, my name is evergoo, one of the founders of TIE Alliance. We are a friendly and active community looking to help more players acquire General Kenobi, earn great TB rewards, plan for metas, and enjoy the game.
    We have a community of 5 guilds: 3 HAATs, 1 NAAT, and 1 Casual. We develop and promote players from within our alliance system, gear donation requests are fulfilled almost daily, and we have very low player attrition. Our community is very diverse: f2p to Krakken, parents and spouses, families and friends, daily casual to daily Arena #1, and players from all over the world!
    HAAT Requirements
    - Active and communicative (Discord required)
    - swgoh.gg profile
    - 1M+ GP
    My ally code is 571-945-848. You can message me on Line (ID: evergoo) or Discord (evergoo#8548). Thank you for your interest in TIE Alliance. Take care! :)
  • NubiusMxmus
    6 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Post edited by NubiusMxmus on
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    Hi everyone!! Mass Effect N7 SW is an heroic AAT guild based in CET timezone, the guild reset is at 19:30 CET. Most of players are from Italy, almost all guild is from Europe, but all good players of every country can participate.

    We have a Line group as an external chat.


    We are playing Heroic Rancor Pit every 2 days and Heroic AAT Tank every 3 days!!

    In the Rancor Pit there is 24 hours 0 damage rule. The allowed damage is in different times, we rotate schedules, at 16:00, 21:00 and 22:00 CET.

    The Heroic AAT Tank raid starts at 19:30 CET, just after the guild reset.

    To know the current CET time you can check this link: http://time.is/CET

    If you want know the raid rules, check the end of the post.


    3500 tickets per week. We are controlling the tickets to assure that everyone has a good contribution in the guild, is needed get an average of 500 tickets per day, but the controls are every 7-10 days, so is enough margin for if some day, for some reason, you cannot achieve the 600 tickets.
    Low Tickets Rule Procedure: After the weekly control, players with an average of less than 500 tickets per day will receive a warning. These players will be controlled everyday to assure that are improving the tickets. At third day we will do another control and send a second and last warning. At fourth day we will do a last control and kick directly the players that for 3 consecutive days not got the minimum of 500 tickets.
    1.5 M galactic power. We are looking for players to increase our result in territorial battles.


    Use or install Line. Use an external chat app is very useful for a properly comunication. Participate in the Line group and talk about the game is useful but also fun, when you can talk about it with people with the same hobby the game becomes funnier.


    If you are interested to join in the guild, please write your Ally code or SWGOH profile.

    Website to make a SWGOH profile: https://swgoh.gg/

    Also you can talk with the leader or other officers:

    Line ID of White TShirt is lastwhitetshirt

    Line ID of N7 is n7sw

    These are the instructions to install and use Line:

    1) Download "Line" in your App Store or Google Play Store.
    2) Create a new account receiving a SMS in your phone number or using your Facebook account.
    3) Press on Add friend and then press on the ID section.
    4) Write my ID that is 864-798-554 and press on search.
    5) Write a message to me pressing in "Chat" and say me something.
    6) I will invite you to the group. Press on "Accept" in the Line group to join.


    The contribution in the Guild Activities is optional. The best would be get at least the Tier 5 in the guild activities, but if you have some gears to farm in the other side or you need save crystals instead of buy refreshes is not a problem if your contribution in the guild activities is low if you do 500-600 tickets anyway.

    The guild hopping is not allowed. If you have some friend or family that needs help in their guild to finish the raid, if you want continue playing in our guild you cannot do it or you will not be able to join again.

    If someone need to stop to play the game during some days the best is say it in advance. We have some alt accounts ready to make crystals when is needed, so meanwhile you will be replaced by this account and when you are back you will join again immediately.
  • Options
    Hi everyone!! Mass Effect N7 SW is an heroic AAT guild based in CET timezone, the guild reset is at 19:30 CET. Most of players are from Italy, almost all guild is from Europe, but all good players of every country can participate.
    Sometimes we are in the rank 1 of the guilds leaderboard!!


    We have a Line group as an external chat.


    We are playing Heroic Rancor Pit every 2 days and Heroic AAT Tank every 3 days!!

    In the Rancor Pit there is 24 hours 0 damage rule. The allowed damage is in different times, we rotate schedules, at 16:00, 21:00 and 22:00 CET.

    The Heroic AAT Tank raid starts at 19:30 CET, just after the guild reset.

    To know the current CET time you can check this link: http://time.is/CET

    If you want know the raid rules, check the end of the post.


    3500 tickets per week. We are controlling the tickets to assure that everyone has a good contribution in the guild, is needed get an average of 500 tickets per day, but the controls are every 7-10 days, so is enough margin for if some day, for some reason, you cannot achieve the 600 tickets.
    Low Tickets Rule Procedure: After the weekly control, players with an average of less than 500 tickets per day will receive a warning. These players will be controlled everyday to assure that are improving the tickets. At third day we will do another control and send a second and last warning. At fourth day we will do a last control and kick directly the players that for 3 consecutive days not got the minimum of 500 tickets.
    1.5 M galactic power. We are looking for players to increase our result in territorial battles.


    Use or install Line. Use an external chat app is very useful for a properly comunication. Participate in the Line group and talk about the game is useful but also fun, when you can talk about it with people with the same hobby the game becomes funnier.


    If you are interested to join in the guild, please write your Ally code or SWGOH profile.

    Website to make a SWGOH profile: https://swgoh.gg/

    Also you can talk with the leader or other officers:

    Line ID of White TShirt is lastwhitetshirt

    Line ID of N7 is n7sw

    These are the instructions to install and use Line:

    1) Download "Line" in your App Store or Google Play Store.
    2) Create a new account receiving a SMS in your phone number or using your Facebook account.
    3) Press on Add friend and then press on the ID section.
    4) Write my ID that is 864-798-554 and press on search.
    5) Write a message to me pressing in "Chat" and say me something.
    6) I will invite you to the group. Press on "Accept" in the Line group to join.


    The contribution in the Guild Activities is optional. The best would be get at least the Tier 5 in the guild activities, but if you have some gears to farm in the other side or you need save crystals instead of buy refreshes is not a problem if your contribution in the guild activities is low if you do 500-600 tickets anyway.

    The guild hopping is not allowed. If you have some friend or family that needs help in their guild to finish the raid, if you want continue playing in our guild you cannot do it or you will not be able to join again.

    If someone need to stop to play the game during some days the best is say it in advance. We have some alt accounts ready to make crystals when is needed, so meanwhile you will be replaced by this account and when you are back you will join again immediately.
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    Guild Name: The Jedii Always Win
    Time Zone : PST

    We are a mixed nation guild, very kind and helpful and we are recruiting new members. We raid heroic rancor and heroic tank multiple times a week at rotating start times.

    We are looking for active players, level 85 and good GP (1.3M+). We do not have a 600 raid tickets per day rule, but we expect you to contribute as much as you can. For communication, raid rules and helping each other we use Discord which is mandatory.

    If you are interested or have any questions feel free to message me on Discord or leave a message here. My ID on Discord is Snoob#0802.

    Hope to see you soon in our guild!
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    Knights of the Dragon (60+ Mil GP, 25* TB) - HAAT capable guild is now recruiting for Territory Battles. We are a friendly active guild with members from all over the world.

    We have just 1 open slot left. Looking for a strong active player (600 tickets per day mandatory) to join the team. Must have previous experience with HAAT.

    For further information on the guild rules and and how to apply visit our website:


    Thank you.
  • Foehammer007
    100 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    [Cloud City Smugglers] [49/50] [GP 88mil] [TB~35Stars] is great guild with a core group of loyal members who have been playing together since the start. We are looking for members who have 1750+ GP, who are committed to farming the required TB light side characters.

    Territory Battles
    Our current guild galactic power is 88mil and we expect to score approximately 35 stars in our next TB event. Cantina energy should be focused on starring up Captain Han Solo. You should also be working on both light side Hoth characters.

    Tank Takedown Raid Details
    Currently we are running heroic raids 2+ times per week. Raids open up early in the day, however only zero damage attacks are allowed until raid start time at 9PM EST. We generally do not raid on weekends unless tokens will be lost.

    Heroic Rancor Raid Details
    Currently we are running rancor raids about every other day. Raids open up early in the day, however only zero damage attacks are allowed until raid start time at 9PM EST. We generally do not raid on weekends unless tokens will be lost.

    (Zero damage attacks give everyone a chance get credit for the raid).

    We do use the "Line" APP to assist each other with strategies. However "Line" is not required.

    Ally or PM me if interested.
    Game ID = 683-138-175.
    Line ID = Foe-hammer

    Post edited by Foehammer007 on
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    DSMC DeathStarMaintenanceCrew is looking for a small crew to join our fight in the Territory Battles. Looking for 5-10 members level 85, active (500-600 tickets per day, we get life), preferably HAAT gear ready, and must communicate with Line. It's a necessity with TB. We do HAAT 2-3 times per week with rules in place so everyone can get rewards. Currently doing 29* in TB, however could do 31* if we had a few more teammates that can listen and communicate with Line.

    Please message me on Line at : Mayishka or you can message me here! Look forward to working with you!!
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    HD Wolfpack is looking for 2 players as we push over 41* next run!!! Move before the next TB!!

    Join one of the first 25 guilds to complete HAAT! We are ready to tackle the future of SWGOH. Top 25 ranked guild by GP, CS and PVP!!

    Take your gaming experience to the next level and join on of the best! Formerly known as (North American Refugees) HD Wolfpack is recruiting! We have strong members top to bottom and extremely active. We are looking for top players to join our ranks. We hit our 30k daily and require each player to hit 600 daily. Discord is a must and please do not apply if you don't download discord. You need to be an active player get your 600 daily tickets. If you are top in your arena, young/old or whale/dolphin then our top guild is a fit for you.


    We run heroic Raids every day basically between the two raids. Rancor Raid is zero log 24 hours then Zerg on 10pm eastern. HAAT is zero log 24 hours then Zerg at 9pm eastern. We are very organized and part of the House Divided Alliance. The Discord server is top notch to help excel your gaming experience!


    Must be ranked 1-20 in arena, CLS and Territory Battle rosters consisting of 30+ g11+ toons. You will need 2.3 million or higher Galatic Power. Contact us on discord (If you PM me on the forums I may not get right away) be ready to send your swgoh.gg link. Once you send a friend request please message us after we accept.

    Contact directly by discord please.
    Discord Info (Case sensitive)
    SyracuseJedis#2581 (Cap SJ)
    JJBagger#6271 (Cap JJB)
  • tomates302
    188 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    hello im looking for an haat guild im very active (600) daily and do more than 2% per phase lmk! 253-528-422
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    Das Super Villains is looking for a few people to replace some members that aren't getting their tickets daily. We do hpit at 8pm cdt and haat at 830 pm cdt and guild reset is at 730 cdt.

    Our requirements:
    600 tickets daily
    Line app for communication
    Swgoh.gg profile
    Hoth soldier and captain Han at 5*+
    Preferably having pheonix at 6* and rogue one at 7*
    Having some of the rarer light side toons for platoons is a plus.
    Current average GP Is 1.638mil so at that or better

    If you're interested or have any questions let me know.

    Line: smokeyekoms
  • Salsc
    73 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I would like to invite you to join our guild "Leia's Organics".
    We have several open spaces currently and are trying to fill out our roster with players who want to have fun and be purposeful in this game, but not have to treat it like a job. Our members are pretty generous with gear donations to help each other out, often giving quite a bit of raid gear.
    Requests: We do ask that players complete guild activities and fill 600/600 energy spent each day. We are really looking for players who have at least one squad ready for each phase of HAAT.
    Generally that means you have something along the lines of the squads found HERE, or close to it.
    We do not require any special chat app at this point, but we do have an optional Discord server running which has been quite helpful lately since Territory Battles have been tanking the chat server in game. We cross post so people can follow. However, it is strongly encouraged to participate in Discord, especially when the in game chat is down.
    We are currently farming HPIT and HAAT. We recently finished our first HAAT and are looking to replace a couple inactive players and continue the momentum. The current raid rules for Heroic Rancor are 24h 0 damage battle only registration period, then FFA, and for HAAT it is FFA. We are having a blast with territory battles which will provide equal rewards to every member, so you don't have to feel like you are missing out by not being the top contributor all the time. We kindly ask those who have 7* Han Solo already to not try super hard to be in the top ranks of HPIT.
    We typically start raids shortly after guild payout, which is currently 7:30p Central US time.
    If this sounds like a good fit send me a PM and we'll get you an invite.
  • Options
    I would like to invite you to join our guild "Leia's Organics".
    We have several open spaces currently and are trying to fill out our roster with players who want to have fun and be purposeful in this game, but not have to treat it like a job. Our members are pretty generous with gear donations to help each other out, often giving quite a bit of raid gear.
    Requests: We do ask that players complete guild activities and fill 600/600 energy spent each day. We are really looking for players who have at least one squad that is ready for each phase of HAAT.
    Generally that means you have the squads found HERE or close to it.
    We do not require any special chat app at this point, but we do have an optional Discord server running which has been quite helpful lately since Territory Battles have been tanking the chat server in game. We cross post so people can follow. However, it is strongly encouraged to participate in Discord, especially when the in game chat is down.
    We are currently farming HPIT and HAAT raids. We recently completed our first HAAT raid and are excited to keep up the momentum. The current raid rules for Heroic Rancor are 24h 0 damage battle only registration period, then FFA, and for HAAT it is FFA. We kindly ask those who have 7* Han Solo already to not try super hard to be in the top ranks of HPIT. We are having a blast with territory battles which provide equal rewards to every member, so you don't have to feel like you are missing out by not being the top contributor all the time. We are even picking up a few ROLO shards already!

    We typically start raids shortly after guild payout, which is currently 7:30p Central US time.

    If this sounds like a good fit send me a PM with your ally code and we'll get you an invite.
  • Options
    Hi, my name is evergoo, one of the founders of TIE Alliance. We are a friendly and active community looking to help more players acquire General Kenobi, earn great TB rewards, plan for metas, and enjoy the game.
    We have a community of 5 guilds: 3 HAATs, 1 NAAT, and 1 Casual. We develop and promote players from within our alliance system, gear donation requests are fulfilled almost daily, and we have very low player attrition. Our community is very diverse: f2p to Krakken, parents and spouses, families and friends, daily casual to daily Arena #1, and players from all over the world!
    HAAT Requirements
    - Active and communicative (Discord required)
    - swgoh.gg profile
    - 1M+ GP
    My ally code is 571-945-848 and my Squad and Fleet Arena average rank is Top 2. You can message me on Line (ID: evergoo) or Discord (evergoo#8548). Thank you for your interest in TIE Alliance. Take care! :)
  • Options
    Maximum raids every month
    Often a top 50 guild for raids completed
    30k tickets daily
    90% of players have a geared CLS
    All players actively farming Hoth Rebel Solider and Hoth Rebel Scout and CHS--30 CHS unlocked and nearing 5 stars!
    We have been prepping for Territory Battles for months! Come play with us!

    Prospective players should have ~1.75 million GP, strong arena ranking (top 50 preferred though we will get you there and higher, if you are willing to put in the work), Commander Luke and the Hoth Characters must be unlocked, and be active and interested in the game. If you come as a little group, we can talk about flexibility in roster requirements for one or two of the players.

    We are part of the Alliance Gaming Community!

    ★ Rules and Raids ★
    Requirements: 600 daily raid tix required, Must be active on discord
    Raids: 3-4 Pit raids & 2-3 Tank raids weekly. Various raid times and always time to post zeros.
    Atmosphere & Culture: Always positive and fun loving. We are an enthusiastic and collaborative group. Our guildies are our family.

    ★ Contact ★
    If interested join our Recruiting Discord. https://discord.gg/xkVsx86
    Line app pm: sumrandomdude
    Discord pm: Poe#1508

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    SPS is looking to recruit 2 experienced members that are level 85 for our casual but committed guild. Players having over 1.5 million GP are be preferred but not necessary if you have a solid roster that is being developed. We do 2 hAAT raids & 3 Rancor raids per week minimum & are easily able to take down both raids. Our guild is very stable with very little turnover so this would be a great opportunity if you are looking for something solid.
    We do require all members to have discord as well as an swgoh.gg profile that is synced which assists us with territory battles. We also have a guild goal of 29k for tickets daily so all members are asked to get their 600 tickets.
    If this is something that interests you, please send a PM to me on discord (charged1981#3342)
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    Hello, fellow Star Warriors! Wolf Pack Warriors has one space available for an active, friendly, fun, and talkative player. We routinely run heroic Pit Raids (about 3x per week) and heroic AAT raids (about 2x per week). Our Galactic Power rating is over 46 million and climbing fast. You can help increase it faster!

    Our members range in age from the teens to low 50's. Our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps, but we do maintain an active Discord server to help coordinate raids and territorial battles. All time zones and ages are welcome, but our raid times match those of most of our members, who are North American. The usual 24 hour zero damage period applies to our Rancor raids because it dies in 30 minutes or less.

    If you're looking for an active guild, generate 500+ guild tickets a day, and have a Galactic Power rating of at least 800,000, send me a PM. We'll toss an invite your way!
  • Options
    Knights of Mandaløre (72.2M GP) is currently looking for recruits! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30/8:00 PM Est respectively). We average 28.5k tickets a day and score 31* on Territory Battles (will probably get 34* this time around).

    What we are looking for in recruits
    - Level 85
    - 1.3M+ Galactic Power
    - Participation in Territory Battles (CLS, Capt HS and Hoth troops strongly reccommended)
    - Willing to contribute 500 energy minimim a day
    - Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
    - A discord account and swgoh.gg page (We require our new members to join through our recuritment channel)

    We hope to hear from you soon!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555
    Leader's ally code : 771-995-699

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
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