Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    Knights of Mandaløre is currently looking for one active player level 85 who will contribute 500 energy minimim a day. We do 3 Heroic Pit / 2 HAAT a week. We have HAAT on farm and complete it in ~1.5 hours from raid open. We complete pit in around 15 minutes from raid open.

    Both raids are 24 hour 0 damage.

    What we want-

    Level 85
    Produce 500+ tickets per day
    1.2-1.4 million galactic power
    Must use discord
    Must have a swgoh.gg account

    If you want to join a laid back guild, get your GK easily and can follow basic rules- join our discord channel!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555
    Leader's ally code : 771-995-699

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
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    Oceanic Knights is an Aussie guild with 52mil GP looking for more, we have an opening of 5 spots to fill out our roster and have recently put HAAT on farm
    Raids at 6pm AEST (UTC +10)
    Heroic Rancor rules – 24-hour 0 damage applies with free for all next day at 6pm AEST - lasts around 20mins
    We only ask for 600 raid tickets daily, contribute to Territory Battles and to work on HAAT teams
    Hit me up on Discord - meed#8486
    Ally code – 533-511-365 meedles
  • JediMeatbag
    37 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Post edited by JediMeatbag on
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    Cobalt Phoenix is looking for an eager player or two to fill the spots of some inactive players that are no longer playing the game. If you're looking for a fun & relaxed group to farm some HAAT and participate in Territory Battles, please send us a message! Our guild is world wide and use a 24hr hold period on all raids to make sure our brethren around the world get an opportunity to participate.

    Our only requirements are that you participate daily to hit your 600, use Line to communicate with everyone and preferably use swgoh.gg to better coordinate our TB platoons.

    We reached 26 Stars the last TB and have recently eclipsed the 60 Million GP mark.. If you're interested, please msg me here or reach out to me on Line @ waynerz666
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    AWAKENED EMPIRE, is recruiting. HAAT/HPIT

    June 1 edited 11:37PM in Guilds and Recruitment
    About us

    Fun group based on democratic decisions, we decide and plan as a guild. We raid HPIT AND HAAT. Raids run Sunday thru Thursday as we feel there's too much other life stuff going on especially the weekends. Raid starts alternate between 8:30PM EDT and 11:00PM EDT. We have never overlapped or lost tickets to this even though we require 550-600 raid tickets daily. TB Is going great for us, we have a planned approach in place.

    What do you need?

    -At least 1.25million GP ( flexible based on your roster)
    -Great attitude
    -Follow 24hr 0 damage procedure
    -Maintain a daily average of 550 raid tickets (3850 per week)

    How do I join?

    Reply the the leader of AWAKENED EΜPΙRΕ by contacting DEAD#2965 on Discord.
    Hope to hear from you!
  • KainWessiri
    99 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Alliance Delta
    Updated 10/20
    We have two spots before next TB so be sure to apply! .
    - 38* (chance of full craft) last Territory Battle
    - 100 M GP
    - 44 ROLO shards per Territory Battle
    - 40 CLS geared and ready for action

    We are very organized HAAT guild with heavy focus on TB. One of The Alliance community (60 guilds total!) http://www.thealliancegaming.com/
    We raid at 6PM UTC with 24 hours for everyone to post 0 damage (to ensure all gets rewards)

    - discord use
    - swgoh.gg profile set to public
    - daily 600
    - 2M+ Galactic Power
    - 20G11+
    - Commander Luke Skywalker unlocked
    - Hoth Soldier 5*
    - Hoth Scout 6*
    - Captain Han Solo 5*
    - 6* Endurance or Home One

    Contact :
    PM me trough discord Kain Wessiri#3288 (with Your swgoh.gg link) or join our discord and leave Your swgoh.gg
    link in applicants section https://discord.gg/MwEc8XG
    Post edited by KainWessiri on
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    68M HAAT guild recruiting GMT timezone

    Extremely active (29k+)
    Raids start at 7pm UTC with 24hrs zero damage
    Looking to replace 1 member for tb
    Required GP around 1.3M (give or take)
    pm me or add me on discord: zah#4141
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    Hi, my name is evergoo, one of the founders of TIE Alliance. We are a friendly and active community looking to help more players acquire General Kenobi, earn great TB rewards, plan for metas, and enjoy the game.
    We have a community of 5 guilds: 3 HAATs, 1 NAAT, and 1 Casual. We develop and promote players from within our alliance system, gear donation requests are fulfilled almost daily, and we have very low player attrition. Our community is very diverse: f2p to Krakken, parents and spouses, families and friends, daily casual to daily Arena #1, and players from all over the world!
    HAAT Requirements
    - Active and communicative (Discord required)
    - swgoh.gg profile
    - 1M+ GP
    My ally code is 571-945-848. You can message me on Line (ID: evergoo) or Discord (evergoo#8548). Thank you for your interest in TIE Alliance. Take care! :)
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    SPS is looking to recruit 2 experienced members that are level 85 for our casual but committed guild. Players having over 1.5 million GP are be preferred but not necessary if you have a solid roster that is being developed. We do 2 hAAT raids & 3 Rancor raids per week minimum & are easily able to take down both raids. Our guild is very stable with very little turnover so this would be a great opportunity if you are looking for something solid.
    We do require all members to have discord as well as an swgoh.gg profile that is synced which assists us with territory battles. We also have a guild goal of 29k for tickets daily so all members are asked to get their 600 tickets.
    If this is something that interests you, please send a PM to me on discord (charged1981#3342)
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    "Wookies Always Win!" is looking for 1-2 players to join our HAAT and TB team.

    A few things about us:

    -US-based, raid times rotating between 9 and 10pm ET start

    -Heroic Rancor and HAAT on farm, come get GK shards

    -Very active, friendly guild (28-29K tickets/day) - we love our raids so we do them 5-6 times per week

    -76M+ guild GP and climbing quickly, come get 33 or more stars with us

    You would be a great fit if:

    -You are an active, friendly player - 600 tickets is the goal so we can all farm more gear and shards!

    -GP >1.5M, preference given to folks with CHS, CLS, Hoth Rebel soldier to 5* or higher, Hoth Rebel Scout and/or any of the random other rebel toons and ewoks that are needed

    -Willing to use Discord. We have an active server with members sharing information and helping each other

    We are looking to further strengthen our guild by replacing some of our more inactive members, and we would love for you to join us!

    If interested - PM here or find me on Discord (Pyrimis#8522) if interested.

    Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
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    Hello, fellow Star Warriors! Wolf Pack Warriors has one space available for an active, friendly, fun, and talkative player. We routinely run heroic Pit Raids (about 3x per week) and heroic AAT raids (about 2x per week). Our Galactic Power rating is over 46 million and climbing fast. You can help increase it faster!

    Our members range in age from the teens to low 50's. Our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps, but we do maintain an active Discord server to help coordinate raids and territorial battles. All time zones and ages are welcome, but our raid times match those of most of our members, who are North American. The usual 24 hour zero damage period applies to our Rancor raids because it dies in 30 minutes or less.

    If you're looking for an active guild, generate 500+ guild tickets a day, and have a Galactic Power rating of at least 800,000, send me a PM. We'll toss an invite your way!
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    Adult Gaming is recruiting and has a spot open. We're an HAAT guild that is team-focused, with active leadership.

    -We do T7 Rancor and HAAT multiple times a week.
    -There is a 24hr no damage period before each Rancor raid and we limit people to 1 team afterwards. HAAT is also 24hrs no damage then FFA. Raid starting times are 7pm EST for HAAT and 9pm EST for Rancor.
    -We have a Line chat, but it's not mandatory.
    -We ask that players do a minimum of 450 daily raid tickets, ideally 600 a day.
    -Our Galactic Power is at 74 million, we got 31 stars in the first TB.
    -We're competitive, but we understand that real life comes first. You won't get booted if you're away on vacation, just let us know.
    -We're team-focused, with veterans who are happy to give advice and giving gear is actively encouraged.


    -Must be level 85 with at least 2 HAAT ready teams and minimum 1.4 million total roster galactic power.

    If you're interested, please send me a private message on the forums with a description of your team.

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    Eastern US, Motivated, Organized and Active Heroic Guild

    Army of Ren is now a fully Heroic guild after completing hAAT with only 40/50 participating. We have earned 22 stars in our first TB event, again without full participation. Since our guild rules mandate 100% participation in all guild-wide events, we are looking to replace those 10 non-participating members.

    We are a committed and sociable guild who cares very much about the advancement of the guild as a whole through individual success. Our focus is to grow as a team. Our guild leadership is well-liked and respected. We are not a mega-guild or a feeder guild- you begin with us and progress with us. Our members are generous with both gear and knowledge exchange and we ask the same from new members.

    Our raids begin at guild reset @ 8:30 PM EDT.

    Guild requirements:

    • You must be ACTIVE on Discord

    • Minimum of 500 tickets/day (No screenshots required)

    • Follow raid rules

    • Participate in ALL active guild events (Or let us know if you will be unavailable due to RL obligations)

    • Minimum of 25 7* characters

    • Between levels 83 – 85

    • You must have one hAAT ready squad (P3 teams are a plus)

    Please message me here with your ally code if you are interested or contact me on Discord at darth_traya#4093 or nickel_slate#0938.

    Darth Traya

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    Come Party Like It's IG-88! We're a friendly guild who have played together for a long time- many of us started out running tier 2 rancors together, and now we're blowing through hAATs.

    We've recently had some openings arise, and we're looking for 3-5 players to join our ranks! Primarily look for members who either have 1.5 M+ GP, but willing to take lower GP people with diverse rosters, good ships, or are likely to advance quickly.

    We are currently doing 30 stars on TB, but looking to improve! Primary communication method is Line, so interested members must be willing to have a Line account.

    If interested, message me on Line: zageemurak

    Come Party with us!
  • Swaie2004
    144 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    HAAT guild needing 1 team oriented person with nice roster to help get us to 35 star mark and beyond. We reached 33 tb stars last th raid. Both hrs close to 5 star a must, cls a must and chs activated or close to also a must. We use app Line for rules and coordination, my I'd on Line is Lordshethad or email me back. We have 24 hour rules in place and r well coordinated with a guild gp of 80m ty please only team players welcomed also look for enigmaticien on line for french ty again guild name happyness
  • crzydroid
    7386 posts Moderator
    edited September 2017
    Force Kin is looking for several new players!

    We are a 28-star guild that can be on the verge of 30 stars if we can up our ship game. We got 11 ROLO shards this round and hope to see that number increase as well.

    We are looking for active players who can hit TB in a 12-hour window with:

    Minimum 1 million GP;
    Captain Han and Hoth Soldier at or within 15 shards of 5-star;
    A lightside capital ship at 6 stars;
    Minimum of three 6-star lightside starfighters.

    Must be on Line.

    Raids are at 7 Central with 24-hour 0 damage on pit.
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    Ask yourself the following questions:

    1.) Do you find yourself stuck in a guild of "casual" players, who expect you (and others like you) to do all the work, just so they can reap their rewards?

    2.) Do you earn 600 raid-tickets, every single day, only to find that the majority of your guildmates don't?

    3.) Would you like to join a fun, yet dedicated SWGoH guild, that currently farms both heroic-level raid-types, with ease that is now conquering Territory Battles, and, is full of Star Wars fans who are just as passionate as you are?

    4.) Maybe you'd like to be part of a guild whose average guild-member contributes 600 raid-tickets every single day, has a Total Galactic Power rating of 1.6-million, 112 activated-toons, 67 toons at 7-Stars, 16 toons at Gear-XI, has an Arena-Rank of 136, a Fleet-Rank of 197, has won over 4,483 Galactic War battles, and has donated 928 pieces of gear ?!?

    5.) Or, maybe you've already acquired most of the "limited-availability" toons (like Darth Vader, Grand Master Yoda, (Raid) Han Solo, Emperor Palpatine, General Kenobi, R2-D2, and Grand Admiral Thrawn), and you have them all at 7-Stars, already ?!?

    6.) Perhaps you only need a few more shards to get your General Kenobi toon to 7-Stars, but your guild just doesn't raid enough for you to get there ?!?

    7.) Do you already have a 7-Star Commander Luke Skywalker toon, a 7-Star Hoth Rebel Scout toon, and a 7-Star Hoth Rebel Soldier toon, and are you actually ready for Territory Battles ?!?!?!?

    If you can answer "yes," to the majority of these questions, then the United Merica guild is exactly what you're looking for !!!

    "United Merica" (UM) is a dedicated, US-based, heroic-raids farming-, and now, Territory Battles Waring guild, with a reset-time of 6:30 pm Eastern US (UTC 10:30 pm), and, is part of the MLCN Alliance (a union of the "Malevolent Marauders" and "La Cosa Nostra" Alliances). We use Discord for all our communications, and require SWGoH.gg for tracking purposes.

    Most of our UM guild-members are located in the 48 contiguous United States, with a few of our members located in Europe as well as one in Australia!

    Our average guild-member has:

    + been a Level-85 player for quite some time,
    + a total Galactic Power rating of over 1.6-Million,
    + 113 Activated-Toons,
    + 68 Toons at 7-Stars,
    + 16 Toons at Gear-XI),
    + an Average Arena-Rank of 132,
    + a Fleet-Rank of 182,
    + 4,483 GW victories, and
    + 928 gear-donations.

    And (mind you) those are just our averages !!!

    Suffice to say, our average guild-member is quite knowledgeable, helpful, and giving!

    Our recruitment-goals at UM are simple:

    1. Improve our guild (first and foremost).

    2. Continue strengthening ourselves for "Territory Battles." And,

    3. Replace a couple of our current members who are more "casual" players, and are being moved into a different guild, within our Alliance.

    At a Minimum, an Ideal Candidate for United Merica Guild-Membership Would be:

    + Daily-Active, Long-Time Level-85 Player
    + Daily 600 Raid-Tickets Contribution
    + Minimum Total Galactic Power of 1.6-million
    + Minimum Arena-Rank of between 1 and 150
    + Minimum Fleet Rank of between 1 and 200
    + At Least 65x Toons at 7-Stars
    + At Least 15x Toons at Gear-XI
    + Have and Use Discord
    + Have a Working SWGoH.gg Profile
    + Players from Around the World are Welcome
    + But, All Communications are in English
    + 18 Years-Old and Over ONLY (Sorry, No Minors)

    We currently farm heroic-level rancor Pit-raids, and heroic-level AAT tank-raids:

    Our heroic-level rancor-raid (hPIT) has a 24-hour zero-damage registration-period, followed by 24-hours of free-for-all.

    Our heroic-level AAT tank-raid (hAAT) is a free-for-all for Phases-One, -Two, and -Three, with a 24-hour hold before beginning a free-for-all on Phase-Four.

    We rotate start-times, for both types of -raids, at 12-Noon and 9:00 pm Eastern US-Time [4:00 pm and 1:00 am UTC].

    And what about Territory Battles, you ask?

    That's the best part! We were actively preparing for Territory Battles as they were being announced... not just paying "lip-service" to it !!!

    More than half our guild unlocked the new Commander Luke Skywalker toon on day one !!! Most of the remaining guild-members (35 out of 50) unlocked this new, rare, and downright necessary, toon, before the "Heroe's Journey" event closed !!! And, now, most are working to finalize their Hoth Rebel Scouts and Soldiers! Only a few of us don't have all three of these toons already at 7-Stars !!!

    And here's the thing: A guild full of players with CLS, HRSct, HRSol, Rogue One, and Phoenix Squadron toons is the only way to maximize the rewards associated with this newest feature. And we predicted this!

    To add to all this: We have a network of "Bothan Spies," with deep-ties to some people "in the know." Although we publicly can't name names, some of those very same SWGoH vloggers you may watch, are part of our Alliance.

    Simply put: We get intel, before it's released publicly !!! And that helps us prepare, tremendously !!!!!!!

    So... if all this has sparked your interest, what are you waiting for?

    Contact Me on Discord to Discuss Joining Our Guild.

    Please friend-request me at @Hellenix#3201.

    Please also include your ally-code and a link to your SWGoH.gg-profile, so we can review your stats.

    We only have a couple of spots that just opened-up, and they won't stay open for long !!! The last time we posted a "recruitment-ad" we were inundated with messages (36 in all!), filling-up the available space in under a few hours! Fortunately, we were able to get most respondents into a different guild, from within our Alliance.

    If you fit the above criteria, you should be our newest member! But, even if you don't, we're part of a 40+ guild Alliance, and, we can definitely find a home for you.

    So... don't delay. Friend-request me, on Discord (at < @Hellenix#3201 >).

    Join the UM guild, and, together we can rule Territory Battles, as guildies!

    This is the guild you've been looking for !!!

    Please note that we will doing any & all "swaps" after the current TB ends.
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Ucmo
    548 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Struggle is recruiting for TB!

    We have 1 spot available, so apply now! 1.5+ gp please.

    • Current GP ~75 mil.
    • Heroic Rancor - FFA after 12 hour zero damage period
    • Heroic AAT - Kenobi Shards are on farm. FFA after 12 hour zero damage period
    • Consistent raid schedule. 8:30 pm EST Rancor, 8:30 pm EST HAAT, with available tickets.
    • Discord app used for communication.
    • Extensive reporting so you get a glimpse of your raid damage average and progress over your history with the guild (you won't find this in many, if any, other guilds).

    • Level 85
    • 500+ raid tickets daily - 600 preferred (of course) - we're flexible, but we do track raid ticket daily averages in our report, so we know who is meeting the expectations.
    • Must be actively working on TB squads
    • Must sync roster on swgoh.gg
    • Discord is required. You're not required to participate in chat, but must leave @mention enabled so you don't miss relevant raid strategy or changes to rules/schedules.

    How to apply:

    • Dralthi#5180 (Leader)
    • ucmo#9303 (Officer)

    PM Me here and add me as an ally: Ucmo - Ally ID: 553-744-117
    • Shoot me a PM if you have any questions.
    Post edited by Ucmo on
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    We will finish at 37*(38* is close if we can get some more ship GP). Currently at 89 mil GP but look to replace 5 members. We are top 50 in raid points. We get 30k everyday for a few months straight.

    Our guild is very organized for TB. Officers are on top of everything and if you want to join a guild that is more exact and precise come check us out.

    We want new members to have at least 1.5 mil GP and ideally 3 strong LS squads to 6/6 every mission. Priority farms should be HR solider 5*/HR scout 6*/Phoenix 6*/R1 7*. We hope you have or will shortly have all of them. 6* LS capital ship is a must. We had 30 Rolo shards this week and expect more for the next one. 41 of us have CLS.

    We have a pretty relaxed atmosphere in general though(besides TB)with no rules on damage(except 24 hr 0 tap for both raids). We don't require screenshots/contributions. We do require 600 which is a MUST and be able to follow directions on discord for tb.

    24 hr 0 damage for both. Hrancor takes 15 min. Haat takes 1.5 hrs. Discord is also required.

    Guild reset is at 730pm cst. Raid times 9am/3pm/10pm cst.

    Discord: ahwang826#2051 The "a" is not capitalized
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    We are λssαssiηş Oƒ Hσpε™!
    Come join our Territory Battles ready guild! We are a heroic AAT guild (UK-GMT based with many US members and 1 South African as well) completing the hAAT on farm! We consistently rank in the top 10 on the guild leaderboard!! We have around 80 GP.
    Requirements to join
    At least one strong team PER PHASE of the hAAT
    Hit your daily 600/600 - THIS IS A MUST!!!
    Hit daily guild activity minimums
    Level 85
    A collection score around 50% or more or 1.5m GP total or more
    Join our discord server @ https://discordapp.com/invite/kcJPZv8
    A bit of info about The Assassins of Hope:
    *We are consistently in the top 10 guild leaderboard. * We are an indepedent guild, not a super-guild, completing the Heroic AAT on farm, and of course knocking out the heroic Pit as well. * Raids typically launch at 8PM BST with our guild activities reset at 7:30pm bst * We provide PERSONALIZED guides for each member to focus on team building per phases of the hAAT * We have a mod specialist, and an arena specialist to help you better your teams if need be * Our discord server has several channels for posting useful information, guides, etc
    Jaswild - Leader Discord: Jaswild#1841 Roster: https://swgoh.gg/u/jaswild2016/
    JoeCartwright - Officer Discord: JoeCartwright#6649
    Kirito - Officer Discord: Kirito#2932
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    Anakins Younglings (83.2 M GP)

    We achieved 33 stars on the first TB when we were still 79 million GP and we had a guy that did zero. We fully expect 34-35 stars this time, but could easily gain a couple more with additions to the guild.

    Join us! Ideal candidate has 1.5 million gp or better, cls and is working on the hoth twins. We will have 20+ 5 star captain hans for the next TB and get more every day!

    Haat and rancor have 24 hour timers, pretty standard.

    We use Line and it is required, just message jade_ren or waggs06 (on LINE) preferably with your swgoh profile, and come join the party! All guild rules are on Line (there ain't too many). We raid at noon PST on weekdays and 6 PM PST on weekends. Fun guild with a few guys from all over the world.
  • Zeonix
    138 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Awakened: HAAT Guild now focusing on Territory Battles!

    Awakened is Recruiting strong players!

    Who we are: Awakened is a very active, friendly, organized, and top ranked guild. We have Heroic Rancor and HAAT raids on farm. We always achieve 30,000 raid tickets a day. We are currently strengthening our squads for Territory Battles! We strive to be a competitive guild and we improve every day! Our members are very nice and helpful!

    As of 9/18/2017, Awakened has about 92,300,000 Guild GP and has acquired 37* in Territory Battles.

    Guild reset time is 8:30pm EDT / 7:30pm CDT (UTC -4 / UTC -5).

    Raid times are on rotation for the following times: 10:00am EDT, 4:00pm EDT, and 11:10pm EDT. We do this so that all of our members have a chance to attack in a raid during a time that is convenient for them since we have members in different time zones from all around the world!
    Heroic Rancor and HAAT raid times alternate so the FFA attacks never start on the same day or time. We have a 24 hour, 0 damage rule. This allows our members to post 0 damage and still get rewards in case they cannot attack the raid during its start time.

    Requirements for new members:
    • Must contribute 600 / 600 daily raid tickets every day so we achieve 30,000 raid tickets a day!
    • Must have a Discord account and a swgoh.gg account. No exceptions.
    • Must be level 85 with 45+ 7* characters and at least 25+ G10/G11 characters (Emphasis on Light Side).
    • 1,800,000 GP+ is required (Emphasis on character GP).
    • Must have a good amount of 6*/ 7* ships and a 6* Capital Ship required (Emphasis on Light Side Ships).
    • Must have Commander Luke Skywalker.
    • Must have 5* Captain Han Solo, 5* HR Soldier, and 6* HR Scout.
    • Must have or be close to having 6* Phoenix squad, and 7* Rouge One squad (Exceptions can be made if you have very strong roster).
    • Top 50 average arena rank or better is preferred, but not required.

    If you meet these requirements (or very close to) and would like to be a part of Awakened, add me as a friend on Discord or send me a message on here!

    Note: If we are currently full, don’t fret! We can add you to our waitlist until a spot opens up!

    We will be adding new people during the days that there is no Territory Battles in progress.

    Discord ID: Zeonix#6505
    Post edited by Zeonix on
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    • We are bunch of crazies with cookies
    • Average 28k raid tickets daily
    • We have Heroic AAT and Pit on farm
    • Currently developing guild for TB
    • Recently lost HAAT P2 big hitters and looking to fill spots.

    Darksaber Legacy is looking for player with:
    • Level 85 account
    • Minimum1 million galactic power
    • swgoh.gg account
    • Decent HAAT P2 team

    Send pm or add me on discord: Zapata#2036 or KiK Zappa_187
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    Guardians Alpha is recruiting. We are a top placing guild that gets 30k a day but we're rather relaxed and enjoy hanging out with friends. We've figured out some tricks to Territory Battles that help us perform a lot better than others as seen by us placing higher in stars than people 10m+ GP higher than us. We are looking to continue that pattern with you.

    We don't really care about HAAT and PIT at this point as those are on-farm and not a problem. We're losing a player after this TB and are looking for a replacement.

    What we need is a player with strong Light Side teams. We're looking for Zeta resistance, Zeta clones, and meta Rebel users so we can continue to rock TB. Hoth Rebel Soldier, Scout, and Cap Han must be on-farm if you don't have them already.

    Come here to chat to see if you'd be a good fit: https://discord.gg/nFZXR67
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    STR0NTIUM D0GS Now recruiting.

    We are a UK based guild, (Timezone - BST), but have members from all over.

    75m GP, 30* in TB

    HAAT 2x weekly, Rancor 3x weekly.

    Mixture of f2p and p2p, relaxed group, understand that people have commitments outside of the game, but we do take it seriously and are making good progress.

    Looking for players that want to make progress in a relaxed environment, don't have to be the finished article, as long as you're active and want to improve we are happy to have you.

    My ally code is 417-617-688. If you would like an invite, or have any questions, pm me here or add me on LINE, (id: strontiumjam)
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    Guild Name: Slayers Reborn
    Galactic Power: 55million++
    Territory Battles: 25 stars.
    PIT Raid: 0 damage for 24 hours and we rotate the top 10 so all members benefit
    HAAT: On General Kenobi Faming mode

    Requirements are as follows:
    1) Level 85
    2) Galactic power of above 1million
    3) Active daily guild coin contribution of 600
    4) Must be a team player and join us in discord for TB

    We are an understanding Guild which appreciate all players' contribution. If you need to be away for a couple of days due to other commitments, you just need to inform us in advance and we will keep your spot with us. We believe in growing strong as a guild and as a gaming family.

    Interested players contact me at:
    Ally Code: 973-329-617
    Discord: JediMaster1980#9666
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    Hi, my name is evergoo, one of the founders of TIE Alliance. We are a friendly and active community looking to help more players acquire General Kenobi, earn great TB rewards, plan for metas, and enjoy the game.
    We have a community of 5 guilds: 3 HAATs, 1 NAAT, and 1 Casual. We develop and promote players from within our alliance system, gear donation requests are fulfilled almost daily, and we have very low player attrition. Our community is very diverse: f2p to Krakken, parents and spouses, families and friends, daily casual to daily Arena #1, and players from all over the world!
    HAAT Requirements
    - Active and communicative (Discord required)
    - swgoh.gg profile
    - 1M+ GP
    - Focused on TB
    My ally code is 571-945-848. You can message me on Line (ID: evergoo) or Discord (evergoo#8548). Thank you for your interest in TIE Alliance. Take care! :)
  • Options
    Hello, fellow Star Warriors! Wolf Pack Warriors has one space available for an active, friendly, fun, and talkative player. We routinely run heroic Pit Raids (about 3x per week) and heroic AAT raids (about 2x per week). Our Galactic Power rating is almost 47 million and climbing fast. You can help increase it faster!

    Our members range in age from the teens to low 50's. Our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps, but we do maintain an active Discord server to help coordinate raids and territorial battles. All time zones and ages are welcome, but our raid times match those of most of our members, who are North American. The usual 24 hour zero damage period applies to our Rancor raids because it dies in 30 minutes or less.

    If you're looking for an active guild, generate 500+ guild tickets a day, and have a Galactic Power rating of at least 800,000, send me a PM. We'll toss an invite your way!
  • Options
    Evening all, my guild the Blackhole Bandits are looking to recruit 3 members. We do both heroic raids regularly at 19:30 BST with ease and weve achieved 30/45 stars on TB the second time around and we think we can find more very quickly! Our guild GP is 64.5 million with room for 3 more members!

    What we offer you
    A chance to get GK and Raid Han quickly.
    A great atmosphere who communicate and achieve great success together.
    In depth prep and previews of what's coming up so you stay ahead of the game.

    What we expect
    You must be Haat ready and have atleast 1.2 million GP
    You must have LINE as that is where we communicate plans and previews.
    You must follow the 0 damage raid rule on both raids... We prefer 600 a day tickets but it's not essential but we do request you're active and inform us if you're going to be off for a period of time.

    If you think we're the guild for you add me on:
    Line @ gbizz
    Message me direct on here.
    Or add my ally @ 472-815-334.
    And I guarantee within the month we will massively improve your experience.

    My SWGOH profile so you can get a feel for our average member abilities
  • Options
    WeShootF1rst is recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    4 active players
    Level 85, active daily (600)
    2 strong HAAT squads
    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week. We always inform for the upcoming raids 1 day before to our guild chat(on Discord)
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.2 raids per week.All members must follow our officers guidance in order to keep it smoothly and on time.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 56.500.000 .
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to diploy and which team to use.
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly.This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .
    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. more details on discord
    more details on discord
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is required.
    To apply you should be:
    Level only 85
    Swgoh.gg account
    Have at least 20 7* chars
    Have at least 6 gear 11 chars
    Be active daily
    Have a sense of humor
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
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