Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Adina
    148 posts Member
    Steevo's Falcons are a top 100 guild looking for a member with at least a GP of 1.4 mil. We are killing tanks and rancors left and right and would love for you to be on the team. Plus, we have cookies! 600 a day and raid participation is a must. We use LINE and it is mandatory for communication. Talk to me on LINE if you are interested. My name is deedeejo21 on there and my swgoh name is darthdeedee.
  • Ravendock
    73 posts Member
    edited October 2017

    Serious HAAT 68mil GP guild looking for 1 more player to fill, required discord for Tb planning and daily 600. Running HPIT raids 3 times a week, HAAT 2 times a week.

    Guild Name: Knights of the Dragon

    All raids starts 4pm GMT, 11am CT, 11pm SGT.


    1) 600 tickets per day mandatory.

    2) Must have discord.

    3) 1.2+ Mil GP.

    Further information about rules and how to apply can be found on our website:


  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    [our updated post is below]
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
  • Options
    Come Party Like It's IG-88! We are a friendly, active guild that did 32* last TB and are in reach of 34. Looking for members with 1M+ GP and/or a diverse collection!

    We run the heroic pit three times weekly, with a 24 hour 0 damage period to register for rewards and damage opening on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We run additional raids on weekends when tickets allow. hAAT is more of an ad hoc schedule, but always at least twice a week during the evening on the east coast of US.

    The guild has an east coast (US) reset time, but raid start times are varied slightly to allow our international members to participate.

    We can take small groups of people if you're looking to move with friends. Add me on discord or message me here if interested!

    Discord: zageemurak#2345
  • Options
    Thrawns' Renegades - HPit / HAAT / ~75M Galactic Power / 33* TB
    Relaxed guild with a large mix of players (by both region and starting date)
    Stress free and low turnover rate
    There are no special rules for officers or long-standing guild members. We have no penalties for honest mistakes and only kick people for repeatedly breaking rules
    We are looking to replace some less active members for Territory Battles
    Currently at 48/50
    Guild reset time is 23:30 GMT
    Our guild requirements are as follows:
    Consistently contribute 600 Raid Tickets Daily. We don't ask for verification on this and even without a full 50 member complement, tend to average north of 28k per day
    Follow Raid Guidelines and Rules
    We use the ingame chat also but LINE App is mandatory for TB coordination
    Raid Rules:
    HPit: Raid opens up shortly after guild ticket reset time. You can only register a 0 turn until 20:00 GMT the next day, then free for all (normally it lasts 10 min)
    HATT: Raid opens after the guild reset time, 0 damage registration until 20:00 GMT the next day, then free for all (normally it lasts 1h30min)
    - 1.4M+ GP with a good roster for TB
    - active on LINE and easy to coordinate
    - 500+ raid tickets daily
    If you want to join, message me here. You can also contact me in the LINE App at xbalex
  • TMoneyGee
    107 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    ★ THΞ WOLFP∆CK is looking for active, collaborative players to start next Territory Battle ★

    One of the fastest growing guilds in the galaxy!
    100+ Galactic Power
    Maximum raids every month
    Often a top 50 guild for raids completed top 100 guild for GP
    30k tickets daily
    100% of players have a geared CLS
    100% Hoth brothers unlocked and 100% Hoth Rebel Solider at 5 stars
    100% of players ready for Leia battle next TB
    We have been prepping for Territory Battles for months! Come play with us!

    Who we are:
    THΞ WOLFP∆CK is a competitive, heroic-level guild whose members are active and collaborative. We take ourselves lightly, and enjoy being in a community with each other as well as our our larger Alliance guild network on our Discord server. Big focus on making Territory Battles manageable and fun for our players. Full participation on key days and a relaxed approach on days where we know we will kill it.

    ★ Rules and Raids ★
    We require 600 tickets from our members.
    All heroic raids. Raids have no damage limits with time to post zero.
    Raid times are good for UK and EST--we have lots of members in CST / MST / PST.
    We always do the maximum raids each month--between five to seven times a week.

    ★ Contact ★
    Click here for our Recruiting Chat on Line: http://line.me/R/ti/g/k0_Ez5iOXW OR Discord: https://discord.gg/NY5Rvmy
    Line app pm: TMoneyGee
    Discord pm: TMoneyGee #2658
    Post edited by TMoneyGee on
  • Options
    Ask yourself the following questions:

    1.) Do you find yourself stuck in a guild of "casual" players, who expect you (and others like you) to do all the work, just so they can collect their unearned rewards?

    2.) Do you earn 600 raid-tickets, every single day, only to find that the majority of your guildmates don't?

    3.) Would you like to join a fun, yet dedicated SWGoH guild, that currently farms both heroic-level raid-types, with ease, full of Star Wars fans who are just as passionate as you are?

    4.) Maybe you'd like to be part of a 90-millon Total-GP guild whose average guild-member contributes 600 raid-tickets every single day, has a Total Galactic Power rating of 1.79-million, 120 activated-toons, 75 toons at 7-Stars, 18 toons at Gear-XI, has an Arena-Rank of 122, a Fleet-Rank of 188, has won over 4,981 Galactic War battles, and has donated 1,041 pieces of gear ?!?

    5.) Or, maybe you've already acquired most of the "limited-availability" toons (like Darth Vader, Grand Master Yoda, (Raid) Han Solo, Emperor Palpatine, General Kenobi, R2-D2, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and BB-8), and you have them all at 7-Stars, already ?!?

    6.) Perhaps you only need a few more shards to get your General Kenobi toon to 7-Stars, but your guild just doesn't raid enough for you to get there ?!?

    7.) Do you already have a 7-Star Commander Luke Skywalker toon, a 7-Star Hoth Rebel Scout toon, a 7-Star Hoth Rebel Soldier toon, five 7-Star Rogue One toons, and five 7-Star Phoenix Squadron toons, and are you actually ready for Territory Battles ?!?!?!?

    If you can answer "yes," to the majority of these questions, then the United Merica guild is exactly what you're looking for !!!

    "United Merica" (UM) is a dedicated, US-based, heroic-raids farming-, and now, Territory Battles Waring guild, with a reset-time of 6:30 pm Eastern US (UTC 10:30 pm), and, is part of the MLCN Alliance (a union of the "Malevolent Marauders" and "La Cosa Nostra" Alliances). We use Discord for all our communications, and require a working SWGoH.gg-profile for tracking purposes.

    Most of our UM guild-members are located in the 48 contiguous United States, with a few of our members located in Europe as well as one in Australia!

    Our average guild-member has:

    + been a Level-85 player for quite some time,
    + a total Galactic Power rating of over 1.79-Million,
    + 120 Activated-Toons,
    + 75 Toons at 7-Stars,
    + 18 Toons at Gear-XI,
    + an Average Arena-Rank of 122,
    + a Fleet-Rank of 188,
    + 4,981 GW victories, and
    + 1,041 gear-donations.

    And (mind you) those are just our averages !!!

    Suffice to say, our average guild-member is quite knowledgeable, helpful, and giving!

    Our recruitment-goals at UM are simple:

    1. Improve our guild (first and foremost).

    2. Continue strengthening ourselves for "Territory Battles." And,

    3. Replace a couple of our current members who are more "casual" players, and are being moved into a different guild, within our Alliance.

    At a Minimum, an Ideal Candidate for United Merica Guild-Membership Would be:

    + Daily-Active, Long-Time Level-85 Player
    + Daily 600 Raid-Tickets Contribution
    + Minimum Total Galactic Power of 1.5-million
    + Minimum Arena-Rank of between 1 and 150
    + Minimum Fleet Rank of between 1 and 200
    + At Least 65x Toons at 7-Stars
    + At Least 15x Toons at Gear-XI
    + Have and Use Discord
    + Have a Working SWGoH.gg-Profile
    + Players from Around the World are Welcome
    + But, All Communications are in English
    + 18 Years-Old and Over ONLY (Sorry, No Minors)

    We currently farm heroic-level rancor Pit-raids, and heroic-level AAT tank-raids:

    Our heroic-level rancor-raid (hPIT) has a 24-hour zero-damage registration-period, followed by 24-hours of free-for-all. We rotate start-times, at 12-Noon and 9:00 pm Eastern US-Time [4:00 pm and 1:00 am UTC].

    Our heroic-level AAT tank-raid (hAAT) also has a 24-hour zero-damage registration-period, followed by 24-hours of free-for-all. We rotate start-times, at 1:00 pm and 10:00 pm Eastern US-Time [5:00 pm and 2:00 am UTC].

    And what about Territory Battles, you ask?

    That's the best part! We were actively preparing for Territory Battles as they were being announced... not just paying "lip-service" to them !!!

    More than half our guild unlocked the new Commander Luke Skywalker toon on day one !!! Most of the remaining guild-members (35 out of 50) unlocked this new, rare, and downright necessary, toon, before the "Heroe's Journey" event closed !!! And, now, most are working to finalize their Hoth Rebel Scouts and Soldiers! Only a few of us don't have all three of these toons already at 7-Stars !!!

    And here's the thing: A guild full of players with CLS, HRSct, HRSol, Rogue One, and Phoenix Squadron toons is the only way to maximize the rewards associated with this newest feature. And we predicted this!

    Our guild has been able to earn 31-, 32-, 33-, and 35-Stars during the first four TBs, and, we'll be shooting for 40-Stars , with the next one!

    So... if all this has sparked your interest, what are you waiting for?

    Contact Me on Discord to Discuss Joining Our Guild.

    Please friend-request me at @Hellenix#3201.

    Please also include your ally-code and a link to your SWGoH.gg-profile, so we can review your stats.

    We only have a few of spots that just opened-up, and they won't stay open for long !!! And, we will be closing this round of recruitment at noon (EDT), on Thursday, October 12th (until the fifth Territory Battle ends). But, if you fit the above criteria, you should be our newest member!

    So... don't delay. Friend-request me, on Discord (at < @Hellenix#3201 >).

    Join the UM guild, because this is the guild you've been looking for !!!
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    Roux wrote: »
    Nightangel Uk part of the Marauders la Costa Nostra alliance currently has four spaces.

    HAAT on 2-3 times weekly 24 hr zero damage,, then FFA over within the hour
    T7 ran every other day 24 hr zero then FFA...Completed in under ten mins

    30 stars TB..71m GP ( although once I removed the four no shows to create spaces will drop to around 65)
    600 a day raid tickets, discord chat, GG profile, 1.5m GP min required
    Must also show to be atleast working towards unckokcing CHS, Hrsolider HRsct

    Raid times 1830GMT
    If that interests anyone’s please drop me aline on here
    Thank you

    Now only one space remaining.
  • Ucmo
    548 posts Member

    Struggle is recruiting for TB!

    We have 1 spot available, so apply now! 1.5M+ GP please.

    • Current GP ~80 mil.
    • Heroic Rancor and Heroic AAT - FFA after 12 hour zero damage period.
    • Raids open for damage at 8:30pm EST (Matches Guild Activity Reset time)
    • discord app used for communication.

    • Level 85, 1.5M+ GP
    • 500+ raid tickets daily - 600 preferred (of course) - we're flexible, but we do track raid ticket daily averages in our report, so we know who is meeting the requirements.
    • Must be actively working on TB squads
    • Must sync roster on swgoh.gg
    • Discord is required. You're not required to participate in chat, but must leave @mention enabled so you don't miss relevant strategy or changes.

    How to apply:

    Join our Struggle Recruiting discord server - http://discord.gg/6rdwAUq and chat with our officers to see if we have room, and if we are a good fit for you.

    Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions about things we may not have covered in this post.
  • Thrawn
    627 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Post edited by Thrawn on
    "In the darkest night, any light is welcome." – I, Jedi
  • Options
    Tres Comàs is recruiting for TB/HAAT/HPit. We are currently a 83m GP guild with 34 stars. No alliances, no guild merges, just independence baby!

    We are very social and active on Line with wide ranging conversations.

    We have a couple disengaged casuals that we would like to replace with more dedicated (and fun!) members that can meet our requirements below. We would love to have you if you are ready to join our community and be active in game!

    SWGOH.gg account sync'd
    Line app
    600 energy daily
    CLS/Hoth Scout 6*/Solider 5*/CHOLO 5*/LS Capital Ship 6*
    Not a hard line on specific GP, I will roster review, but over 1.3mil most likely.

    Raid times rotate between 10am, 4pm, and 10pm EST, HAAT is on farm of course. Please message me here or on Line @22jp22 for more info!
  • Broosh
    79 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Quantums Chaos is looking for 2 more players to step into TB with! We are a 63m GP guild, and have hAAT and Heroic Rancor on farm. We average around 24-25k daily tickets, and do hAAT about every 3 days and Rancor every 2 days.

    We are an EST guild so we launch raids at about 8pm EST. No damage until 2pm EST. hAAT is a FFA (except Zylo and Zavage teams in p1 first), and Rancor is 1 team. Rancor raids last about 15-20 minutes, hAAT lasts around 4-5 hours.

    Looking for a level 85 player with around 1.3m GP (priority to those if you have problem/rare characters for platoons obviously), with solid teams/a foundation/a plan, and who can get those 600 tickets a day. We know life happens and you can't always make it, but more often than not is important :)

    Shoot me a message on Discord (Broosh#0841) with your SWGOH.gg page and with any questions. You can try to message me on here, but I don't look at it as frequently. Discord is also mandatory :) Don't need to be social, but you need to be "in the know" if anything ever changes :) Thanks!
    Post edited by Broosh on
  • Options
    Anakins Younglings (~100 M GP)
    We achieved 37 stars on most recent TB due to a couple low performing members and someone on vacation (missed a star on p6 and p3 by around 2M due to deployments and missing cap 6 star ships). We fully expect 39-40 stars next TB, but could easily gain another star or two with additions to the guild.

    Join us! Ideal candidate has 1.8 million gp or better CLS, HRSoldier 5*, HRScout 6*, and CHS 5*. We will have 45+ 5 star captain hans for the next TB and most members will have 5* ROLO after next TB.
    Haat and rancor have 24 hour timers, pretty standard.

    We use Line and it is required, just message jade_ren or waggs06 (on LINE) preferably with your swgoh profile, and come join the party! All guild rules are on Line (there ain't too many). We raid at noon PST on weekdays and 6 PM PST on weekends. Fun guild with a few guys from all over the world.
  • Options
    Allied Outcast is a highly organized guild consisting of 60,000,000+ GP. We have both heroics on farm and grabbed 30* this past TB.

    We ask that everyone adhere to the raid rules, produce 600 tickets daily, have discord, and a swgoh.gg account set to public.

    The guild is based in the U.K. with a reset time of 11:30am (PST). We raid HAAT at 1:00 (PST) and Rancor at 2:00 (PST).

    The ideal candidate will have 1.4m+ GP, CLS, 6* HRSc, 5* HRSo, 5* CHS.

    If you are interested in joining us, you can send me a PM here or on discord (MolElizo#5241).
  • Options
    Guardians Gaming Community (GGC) Looking For Members (HAAT and Casual)

    What's up, guys? I'm here to recruit for the Guardians Gaming Community (GGC), a community of guilds that have been playing together for quite some time. We have a few openings in 2 of our HAAT guilds and several openings in 1 of our casual/leveling guilds, so we are willing to take people looking to learn and grow with a family of players. For the 2 HAAT guilds, the requirements are:
    • 600 raid tickets per day
    • Have at least two HAAT ready (G10+) squads
    • Follow the Raid rules

    You just need to contribute, grow, and be open to working with us. Within GGC, we have a promotion system between guilds so if you grow faster than the rest we can make sure you're always maximizing your rewards.

    We're super laid back and are no-drama dudes. Our premise is to build a loyal group of guys/gals that love playing this game and just goof off and geek out on star wars stuff.

    The guilds have players from around the world so raid times alternate but are run on a consistent schedule.

    We use Discord so join the Guardians Gaming Community (GGC) here: https://discord.gg/drpyrvx
  • Options
    The Ghost Ones - 82m gp 34* guild recruiting - 2 Spaces available.

    We are an experienced HAAT guild with two spaces free. 82m gp and growing, just got 34* in the last TB

    Guild is based in PST but has majority European players in addition to US, South America, South Africa and Australia.

    What we are looking for:
    Good people! We are building a sustainable community of dedicated and helpful players.
    600 tickets per day (with acceptance real life commitments sometimes get in the way)
    Regular gear donations
    Level 85 and 1.7m GP minimum
    Team players and good communicators, this is vital for TB success.

    Contact me via pm here or on Line for more info
    ID: mantisrapture
  • Options
    Heroes of the Fallen Empire:

    From the ashes of fallen guilds the Heroes of the Fallen Empire have risen. From the beginning community has been a main focus of the guild, seeking to build a family of like-minded heroes. Friendships come as quickly as other rewards in this guild, and the family bond is as strong as any Mandalorian clan.

    The guild accepts the most dedicated of Veteran Heroes (Level 85), willing to contribute daily at least 500 tickets,have a galactic power of 1mil/higher,have ready haat teams ,must have both hoth rebel solider/scout and be willing to farm them to 7 stars for our territory battles. We have gotten 28 stars in both our guilds during territory battle and are only to going to do better!

    Discord is the main avenue of communication for the guild, with several channels where members can kick back, plan their next raid or learn more about mods and their teams.

    Eastern is the time zone used by our guilds, but members of all locations are welcome.

    Both our guilds galactic power is around 65mil a piece and higher!

    Join Heroes of the Fallen Empire as they take on the galaxy together!

    We are currently accepting members to both our guilds to replace inactives.

    All our guild rules and guide lines are located in our discord chat same with our link is
    Plz post in fallenrecruits only to till officer accepts you into our guild.

    Leader for guild 1:Jaysloger
    Leader for guild 2:Darth Viciousss
    My ally code is:636-898-792

    I look forward to seeing you join our Empire!!!
  • Options
    Deutsche SWGoH Gilde bietet 2 Plätze an.

    Was bieten wir:
    96 Mio GM (mit 48 Mitgliedern) / Schnitt von 2 Mio pro Member
    Heroic Rancor und AAT mit 24h Registrierungsphase (Ranc - 20:15 Uhr bzw AAT - 21:00 Uhr)
    Organisiertes TB mit 39 bis 40 Sternen
    Aktive Community mit Tipps und Hilfe zum Spiel
    ~30K Gilden-Tickets am Tag

    Was wir suchen:
    Aktive Member die täglich ihre 600 Tickets beisteuern
    TB ready (CHS min 5* / HRS min 5* / HRSc min 6* / helle Seite Großkampfschiff min 6* / CLS wünschenswert )
    Ca 2 Mio persönliche GM (aber wichtiger sind die TB Vorraussetzungen)
    Guter Arena Platz
    Discord / swgoh.gg Account

    Wenn wir dein Interesse geweckt haben kannst du dich gerne hier – oder direkt in Discord ( nero2465#9057 ) melden.

  • zhtd17
    948 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    74M independent HAAT guild, GMT timezone 49/50
    Extremely active guild (29k+), friendly, well organized without crazy rules
    Raids start, with rotation at 7pm UTC with 24hrs zero damage
    600 daily (we know sometimes life comes across)
    1.4M GP (give or take)
    tb ready or working on tb toons
    discord installed and have a swgoh.gg account
    pm me or add me on discord: zah#4141
    Post edited by zhtd17 on
  • Options
    Heroes of the Fallen Empire:

    From the ashes of fallen guilds the Heroes of the Fallen Empire have risen. From the beginning community has been a main focus of the guild, seeking to build a family of like-minded heroes. Friendships come as quickly as other rewards in this guild, and the family bond is as strong as any Mandalorian clan.

    The guild accepts the most dedicated of Veteran Heroes (Level 85), willing to contribute daily at least 500 tickets,have a galactic power of 1mil/higher,have ready haat teams ,must have both hoth rebel soldier/scout and be willing to farm them to 7 stars for our territory battles. We have gotten 28 stars in both our guilds during territory battle and are only to going to do better!

    Discord is the main avenue of communication for the guild, with several channels where members can kick back, plan their next raid or learn more about mods and their teams.

    Eastern is the time zone used by our guilds, but members of all locations are welcome.

    Both our guilds galactic power is around 65mil a piece and higher!

    Join Heroes of the Fallen Empire as they take on the galaxy together!

    We are currently accepting members to both our guilds to replace inactives.

    All our guild rules and guide lines are located in our discord chat same with our link is
    Plz post in fallenrecruits only to till officer accepts you into our guild.

    Leader for guild 1:Jaysloger
    Leader for guild 2:Darth Viciousss
    My ally code is:636-898-792

    I look forward to seeing you join our Empire!!!
  • KnightXXII
    1 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Galactic Power - Over 65mil
    We are an active, dedicated and fun guild looking to maximize our roster. We participate in Heroic Rancor, Heroic Tank, Territory Battles and hold strong PvP standings. We use an Eastern Timezone to schedule raid times, Guild Reset 8:30pm EST. ORGANIZATION IS KEY.
    English speaking preferred/not requirement, PM me here or LineApp knightxxii

    -LineApp (primary communication)
    -Synched SWGOH Account
    -Daily 600/600
    -Participate Daily in Territory Battles
    -Minimum 1.2 Galactic Power

    Rancor Schedule
    -Rancor Activates at Guild Reset (8:30pm EST)
    -18hr 0 Damage
    -10min Hold Damage
    -Solo Players Start 2:40pm EST on 1x Speed

    HAAT Schedule
    -HAAT Activates at Guild Reset (8:30pm EST)
    -18hr 0 Damage
    -Phase1 Start 12:00pm EST
    -Phase2 Start 1:00pm EST
    -Phase3 Start 2:00pm EST
    -Phase4 Start 3:00pm EST
    Post edited by KnightXXII on
  • Options
    SPS is looking to recruit 2 experienced members that are level 85 for our casual but committed guild. Players having over 1.5 million GP are be preferred but not necessary if you have a solid roster that is being developed. We do 2 hAAT raids & 3 Rancor raids per week minimum & are easily able to take down both raids. Our guild is very stable with very little turnover so this would be a great opportunity if you are looking for something solid.
    We do require all members to have discord as well as an swgoh.gg profile that is synced which assists us with territory battles. We also have a guild goal of 29k for tickets daily so all members are asked to get their 600 tickets.
    If this is something that interests you, please send a PM to me on discord (charged1981#3342)
  • Smokeyekoms
    533 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Looking for 1 person to fill an opening before the next TB starts. Got 41* in the last TB and looking to grow to get to 42* soon. Raids rotate between 3pm cst and 8pm cdt. Everyone in the guild will have 5* ROLO this TB.

    600 tickets daily
    2.1mil+ GP
    All required toons for TB(Phoenix, rogue one, chs, hoth soldier, etc)
    Line app


    Also have 3 spots open in Villains II. Raids are at 8pm cdt. 65mil Gp with 47/50 and 30* in the last TB looking at 31-32 with a full roster.

    600 tickets daily
    1mil+ GP
    Solid TB lineup(CHS and 5* smhith soldier preferred)
    Line app

    If you’re interested or have any questions let me know.

    Line: smokeyekoms
    Post edited by Smokeyekoms on
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Room for three active players with:
    • unlocked Commander Luke Skywalker
    • CHS at 5 stars
    • Hoth brothers unlocked at 5 stars (Soldier) and 7 stars (Scout) or really close
    • 4 LS teams ready to roll into TB
    • at least 1.8 million GP
    • Not casual, daily 600 required
    • Preferably with a top 100 arena position and a top 10 ambition and we'll help you to get there, of course!
    We are PVP ELITE, an independant top 50 guild, and we do Heroic Rancor and Heroic Tank as much as our daily 30k tickets allow. most recent TB: 37 stars and 45 ROLO shards. We're at over 91 million GP and we expect to get 39 stars on the next TB.
    To join us, send a Discord message to our guild leader Fernando41#1698 or go straight to our recruitment channel: https://discord.gg/bjBEPrD This should simply work in your browser.
    For more information about us (rules, raid times, background), please click the picture!
  • Thrawn
    627 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Post edited by Thrawn on
    "In the darkest night, any light is welcome." – I, Jedi
  • Options
    EatSithAndDie is looking for 1-2 active members to join our guild.

    We are a 37*, 94 million GP and would like to fortify before the next TB so we can hit 39* easily and make a serious run at 40*

    We have a few guys who are not cutting it for the guild.

    ABOUT US: https://swgoh.gg/g/2184/eatsithanddie/

    *We are primarily US, CST based, but do have members across EST, PST and a few overseas players.
    *We have 45 CLS in guild 50/50 with Scout and Soldier and earn 45 ROLO shards per TB
    *We do have a Zero Tag rule for PIT, and a 15 minute hold for those who post solos
    *We complete HAAT in roughly 1 hour.
    *We run 3 PITs and 2 HAATs during the week and when able, bonus raid on weekends.


    *Hoth Twins 5* and up
    * 6* Capital Ship
    * CHS unlocked
    * 1.5 Million GP and up
    * Line APP

    Interested recruits, please respond with SWGOH.gg. Link

    You may also hit me up on LINE: RevanKoda

    If you're ready to take the next step with us, hit me up!
  • frfr1234frfr
    19 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    NtN Shooters of the Galaxy is looking for 14 new members. Join us before TB starts!

    PM me on LINE app (whatevs_mcgee) or message me here if interested:

    ******* The Bare Essentials *******
    About us:
    - Heroic raids (most of us have 7* GK and Han Solo)
    - refresh is at 7:30pm EST (GMT-4)
    - raid times alternate (in US EST): HAAT free-for-all (ffa): Thu 4pm; Sun 1pm. HPIT ffa: Mon, Wed, & Sat at 3pm. Additional raids when we build up extra tickets.
    - TB 30-35 star range expected once we're full again (last TB, we hit 25* with only about 30 players participating)
    - GP: 60M (this is with only 36 members)

    Minimum Requirements:
    - daily 600
    - full participation in TB
    - LINE app
    We're looking for players who can meet the minimum requirements, and who have a GP of 1.7M or higher. This is flexible, and we are willing to take groups that average around this much. We are also part of an alliance, so if your group is willing to split off, then we can take the higher GP players and still keep those with lower GP within the alliance. That said, once you're in a group, you will never be removed in favor of someone with higher GP.

    Our guild culture:
    We are fun and chatty, silly and irreverent, but respectful toward each other. A mix of F2P and P2P, we're serious about helping each other and the guild (donations are forthcoming). We are a very tight-knit group that is also extremely welcoming of new members. A lot of posts mention being friendly and having a family feel, but how many times have people seemed friendly until you have a disagreement, and then you're told to either put up with it or leave? I'm not saying you get to take #1 in haat every raid just because you want to, but our leadership group listens and engages with people's complaints and suggestions--it's our primary goal to create an enjoyable guild for all members. A great guild should provide high rewards, but also a fun and fair atmosphere. As long as you're respectful and take care of your minimum requirements, you will never be removed in favor of someone with higher GP.

    We're an experienced group and have been together since early 2016. Before we took a hit with TB, we ran a guild that achieved 30k raid tickets every day.

    Feel free to ask questions--I'm very transparent. Contacting me on LINE is most effective. Join us!
    Whatevs McGee
    LINE ID: whatevs_mcgee

    FYI: By joining us, you will also be part of a small, 5-guild alliance. To dispel potential concerns: alliances are great for ensuring that guilds stay at 50 members and for keeping apprised of the latest strategies and swgoh news. We do not treat players as interchangeable pieces from one guild to another, but we do help each other by instating alternate accounts in the case of departures. We do not poach from each other. If members wish to switch, they can request it from their leadership group.
    Post edited by frfr1234frfr on
  • Options
    Broken Legion is currently looking for possibly up to two new members. We currently score between 31-33 stars in Territory Battles. Both Heroic raids are farmed easily. Rancor starts at 8pm CST after 24 hr. hold. HAAT always starts at 9pm CST. Daily 600 is encouraged, but we understand people have real lives as well. Would prefer players at least around 1.2 million GP. Can give more info to anyone interested.
  • Options
    ***Recruiting for HAAT & TB!*** (1 spot(s) open)

    ***Guild:*** Council of Balance (84.5mil GP)

    ***Timezone:*** US EST.

    ***Guild Activity Reset Time:*** 7:30pm EST

    ***3rd Party Comms:*** Slack.

    ***Requirements:*** 600 energy daily.

    ***Raid Schedule:*** We try to always keep a raid up. We have both the heroic raids on farm

    ***Raid Structure:*** 24hr. no damage registration period. After 24hrs. Free for all.

    ***Territory Battles:*** 32 stars. Looking for players who understand TB and are looking to work with a highly organized team. The higher the GP the better.

    Take a look at our roster https://swgoh.gg/g/2485/council-of-balance/

    If you're interested, please PM me with a link to your swgoh.gg profile.

    Thanks in advance!
  • rpeach72
    76 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Tired of your old guild not progressing fast enough? Come check out our guild, we have 2 spots open for established and focused players who are eager to get after the HAAT. Please be 18yrs or older and be able to read English (crazy I have to write that). We use Discord to communicate and coordinate attacks in HAAT. Our Total GP is currently around 85M, looking for players who have GP over 1.5m.

    We are based in the US, and our raids start at 7:30 (tank) & 9pm Est (Pit)

    Our Rules:
    1. Be active and contribute towards daily raid tickets
    2. Pit raid - 24 hour no hit rule
    3. Tank Raid - 24 hour no hit rule then free for all
    4. Contribute in every TB phase

    Pit Raid
    24 hour no hit rule, then one team limit. Opens at 9pm Est. Those that solo must wait until 9:15pm Est to post damage.

    24 hr No hit rule, then free for all. Opens for Damage at 7:30pm Est. Usually drop the tank within 1 1/2 hours.

    TB - 33 Stars

    My Ally code - 957-983-632


    Reach out to me on discord to talk more, rpeach72#5107
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