Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    Hey all,
    We are a US based guild that is looking to recruit a few solid players to help fill out ranks. Here are some details:

    HAAT - 24 hour no damage rule, then free for all. Launches at 7:30pm EST and is dropped within a 1 1/2 hours

    HPit - 24 hour no damage rule, then one team limit. Launches at 9pm Est. Solo damage must wait to post at 9:15pm Est.

    Tb - we hit between 32 and 34 stars

    Total GP is at 85m

    We are looking for well rounded players who are looking to join a guild that is organized and on top of new updates. We want to attract players who have a GP of over 1.6M preferably.

    Please reach me on discord to learn more, my profile is rpeach72#5107.

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    Ask yourself the following questions:

    1.) Do you find yourself stuck in a guild of "casual" players, who expect you (and others like you) to do all the work, just so they can collect their unearned rewards?

    2.) Do you earn 600 raid-tickets, every single day, only to find that the majority of your guildmates don't?

    3.) Would you like to join a fun, yet dedicated SWGoH guild, that currently farms both heroic-level raid-types, with ease, full of Star Wars fans who are just as passionate as you are?

    4.) Maybe you'd like to be part of a 90-millon Total-GP guild whose average guild-member contributes 600 raid-tickets every single day, has a Total Galactic Power rating of 1.75-million, 118 activated-toons, 72 toons at 7-Stars, 16 toons at Gear-XI, has an Arena-Rank of 129, a Fleet-Rank of 190, has won over 4,931 Galactic War battles, and has donated 1,012 pieces of gear ?!?

    5.) Or, maybe you've already acquired most of the "limited-availability" toons (like Darth Vader, Grand Master Yoda, (Raid) Han Solo, Emperor Palpatine, General Kenobi, R2-D2, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and BB-8), and you have them all at 7-Stars, already ?!?

    6.) Perhaps you only need a few more shards to get your General Kenobi toon to 7-Stars, but your guild just doesn't raid enough for you to get there ?!?

    7.) Do you already have a 7-Star Commander Luke Skywalker toon, a 7-Star Hoth Rebel Scout toon, a 7-Star Hoth Rebel Soldier toon, five 7-Star Rogue One toons, and five 7-Star Phoenix Squadron toons, and are you actually ready for Territory Battles ?!?!?!?

    If you can answer "yes," to the majority of these questions, then the United Merica guild is exactly what you're looking for !!!

    "United Merica" (UM) is a dedicated, US-based, heroic-raids farming-, and now, Territory Battles Waring guild, with a reset-time of 6:30 pm Eastern US (UTC 10:30 pm), and, is part of the MLCN Alliance (a union of the "Malevolent Marauders" and "La Cosa Nostra" Alliances). We use Discord for all our communications, and require a working SWGoH.gg-profile for tracking purposes.

    Most of our UM guild-members are located in the 48 contiguous United States, with a few of our members located in Europe as well as one in Australia!

    Our average guild-member has:

    + been a Level-85 player for quite some time,
    + a total Galactic Power rating of over 1.75-Million,
    + 118 Activated-Toons,
    + 72 Toons at 7-Stars,
    + 16 Toons at Gear-XI,
    + an Average Arena-Rank of 129,
    + a Fleet-Rank of 190,
    + 4,931 GW victories, and
    + 1,01w gear-donations.

    And (mind you) those are just our averages !!!

    Suffice to say, our average guild-member is quite knowledgeable, helpful, and giving!

    Our recruitment-goals at UM are simple:

    1. Improve our guild (first and foremost).

    2. Continue strengthening ourselves for "Territory Battles." And,

    3. Replace a couple of our current members who are more "casual" players, and are being moved into a different guild, within our Alliance.

    At a Minimum, an Ideal Candidate for United Merica Guild-Membership Would be:

    + Daily-Active, Long-Time Level-85 Player
    + Daily 600 Raid-Tickets Contribution
    + Minimum Total Galactic Power of 1.5-million
    + Minimum Arena-Rank of between 1 and 150
    + Minimum Fleet Rank of between 1 and 200
    + At Least 65x Toons at 7-Stars
    + At Least 15x Toons at Gear-XI
    + Have and Use Discord
    + Have a Working SWGoH.gg-Profile
    + Players from Around the World are Welcome
    + But, All Communications are in English
    + 18 Years-Old and Over ONLY (Sorry, No Minors)

    We currently farm heroic-level rancor Pit-raids, and heroic-level AAT tank-raids:

    Our heroic-level rancor-raid (hPIT) has a 24-hour zero-damage registration-period, followed by 24-hours of free-for-all. We rotate start-times, at 12-Noon and 9:00 pm Eastern US-Time [4:00 pm and 1:00 am UTC].

    Our heroic-level AAT tank-raid (hAAT) also has a 24-hour zero-damage registration-period, followed by 24-hours of free-for-all. We rotate start-times, at 1:00 pm and 10:00 pm Eastern US-Time [5:00 pm and 2:00 am UTC].

    And what about Territory Battles, you ask?

    That's the best part! We were actively preparing for Territory Battles as they were being announced... not just paying "lip-service" to them !!!

    More than half our guild unlocked the new Commander Luke Skywalker toon on day one !!! Most of the remaining guild-members (35 out of 50) unlocked this new, rare, and downright necessary, toon, before the "Heroe's Journey" event closed !!! And, now, most are working to finalize their Hoth Rebel Scouts and Soldiers! Only a few of us don't have all three of these toons already at 7-Stars !!!

    And here's the thing: A guild full of players with CLS, HRSct, HRSol, Rogue One, and Phoenix Squadron toons is the only way to maximize the rewards associated with this newest feature. And we predicted this!

    So... if all this has sparked your interest, what are you waiting for?

    Contact Me on Discord to Discuss Joining Our Guild.

    Please friend-request me at @Hellenix#3201.

    Please also include your ally-code and a link to your SWGoH.gg-profile, so we can review your stats.

    We only have a few of spots that just opened-up, and they won't stay open for long !!! And, we will be closing this round of recruitment at noon (EDT), on Monday, October 2nd (until the fourth Territory Battle ends). But, if you fit the above criteria, you should be our newest member!

    So... don't delay. Friend-request me, on Discord (at < @Hellenix#3201 >).

    Join the UM guild, because this is the guild you've been looking for !!!
    Discord ID: Hellenix #3201
    SWGoH Guild: United 'Merica (Officer)
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    Lets Have Ya (FTP Guild) are now recruiting to fill three spots.
    We are a friendly and fun UK Based guild (with a couple of international members)

    We currently run HR with a 0 score 24 hour restriction and run HAAT with no restrictions as of yet.

    We have around 63M GP and are on target to achieve 30 stars in the current TB.

    Our only requirements are the following:

    Minimum 1.3M GP
    Discord compulsory as we organise TB and HAAT from this
    SWGOH.gg compulsory
    Daily Active Player

    I have attached link to our swgoh account
    If you are interested, please PM me on here or you can contact me on Discord RuiVuusenSchnarff #1348


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    Darthforces is currently recruiting for four empty spots in our guild.

    Quick bullets about us:

    - 4 empty slots we are recruiting for
    - Currently have total guild GP of 65m
    - We complete Heroic Rancor 3 times a week easily; 24 hour 0 damage rule, with an added rule where the top 10 players of the most recent Rancor raid cant attack until 12 hours left in the raid (this rarely happens, if ever), thus allowing all guild members to take turns at top 10 finishes
    - We complete HAAT 2 times a week easily; there are currently no rules for the raid, its a free for all
    - We average 25k raid tickets produced daily
    - We were getting 28-29 stars on Territory battles until we lost 4 members; we are currently on track for 26 this time around.
    - We use Discord for guild announcements and chatter

    Anyone who is interested should have roughly 1.5m GP, though we arent against lowering the standard for active, team players.

    Please PM me if interested, we can chat in Discord (and i can send proof of our ability, if needed) if you are more comfortable with that.

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    "Too Old For This Sithh" has 1 empty roster spot we're looking to fill.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Guild with 88m GP and currently earns 36 stars per TB. Heroic Rancor 3-4x per week and Heroic Tank 2-3x a week. Raid times are ~7pm EST and primarily on weekdays.

    We are pretty laid back for how competitive we've become. We don't hound anyone for their 600 energy a day, and we understand RL happens and this is just a game, all we ask is that you communicate with the Guild so we can plan accordingly.

    Too newb for you you say? Well, while we're not TI, I am attaching my SWGoH account below for your perusal. I think you'll find that we're actually closer to a high-end Guild.

    If you're interesting in joining please send me a PM. (We are GMT -05:00.)

    SWGOH Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/manbalz/
    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    Guild: Inglorious Nerfhearders
    Galactic Power : 70 million
    Members : 45/50
    Leader : NDIRISHFAN
    Ally code : 877.774.558
    Communication: LINE APP (Required)
    http://line.me/ti/p/JpQllm5ZB7 (add me on Line)
    Guild Reset Time : 6:30pm cst. USA

    Minimum Required: 1 million Galactic Power
    Raid Rules: Daily 600, Stay Active, Follow Raid Rules, Communicate. That's it.

    Send me a message on LINE, if interested and your a good fit, I'll add you to the Family. We have a General chat and a WarRoom chat. Only looking for 5.. Apply Today..

    HEROIC PIT: (Launch when tickets become available)
    Day 1: Sacrifice a character, no damage.
    Day 2 : (after guild reset) FFA.

    HEROIC TANK: (Launch when tickets are available)
    Day 1: Sacrifice a character.. No Damage. Attack a side droid
    Day 2: (After Guild Reset) FFA

    In the event the Raids are on the same day then you choose which you would prefer to do. Either way you will have a sacrificed character to gain rewards.

    I feel that this is the best way to have a schedule and to make it so that CONTRIBUTING members are able to get rewards and not miss out.

    Now for the negative. If we find that members are not pulling their weight and not doing daily activity (600 raid tickets) then you will be removed. If someone goes early during a Raid, they will be removed.

    Please send message on Line. Won't respond in the forum. Thank you.
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    Hello, we are looking for a couple more active players to replace a couple that have decided to be inactive. We will get 35 stars this time out, even with the couple slackers and the TB frozen day, just a hair from 36.

    We have HAAT on farm and all raids start at 6pm UTC with 24 hour zero periods. If interested message me on LINE @rage3375 or on discord rage3375#9054

    To join our server and meet some folks, go to https://discord.gg/fkEkYEa. We are pretty laid back folks that operate like a well oiled machine.

    Thanks for looking
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    Guild Victory March shares in the fun together, with tremendous collegiality, opinionated and respectful discussions, collaboration and cooperation, as we beat the AAT and Rancor in the heroic tier. VM coordinates folks from time zones across the world, in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
    We have the Pit Rand and HAAT on farm status.
    We currently raid 3 times a week in the heroic pit raid and are doing the Tank raid 2 days a week. We have bonus raids of each when tickets get high enough.
    Guild payout/reset time is 7:30 PM PST (0430 CEST)
    Our raid start times for pit raid are currently 7:30 pm PST(0430 CEST) for people to register 0 damage and they open up for people to send in one squad to register real damage the following morning at 10:45 am PST (1945 CEST)
    Our HAAT raid launches at 7:30 pm PST (0430 CEST) for phase 1 then phase 2 opens at 8:30 am PST (1730 CEST) the following morning, Phase 3 launches at 12:30 pm PST (2130 CEST) same day and then P4 opens at 11:00 am PST (2000 CEST)the following day. This is done to ensure everyone has an equal chance to get damage done in each phase.
    These are the requirements that we achieve as a team:
    • an account with the app Line
    • Daily contribution of 600 Guild Raid tickets (we understand people have real lives outside SWGOH if you are going to take a “vacation” just let an officer know)
    • English language communication
    • we prefer Minimum of twenty (20) toons at 7* Gear
    • we prefer Minimum 1.5 Million GP
    Sample VM folks:
    Want to join us for raids, chat, and rewards?
    Please contact me here or via Line ID: "yellow.mantis"
    VM Yellow Mantis
    We currently have 2-3 slots available to replace a couple vacancies and a coupe inactive members but there maybe a chance we can take more if the circumstances are right.
    we are currently getting 3 stars in the TB table with 2 vacancies in our roster.
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    [41* before end of tb] 100 mil GP. We get 50 rolo shards and we have 47 CLS. Only 20-25 people solo rancor which is nice. We are top 50 in raid points. We get 30k everyday for a few months straight.

    Our guild is very organized for TB. Officers are on top of everything and if you want to join a guild that is more exact and precise come check us out.

    We want new members to have at least 1.3 mil SQUAD GP and ideally 3 strong LS squads to 6/6 every mission. All characters of interest must be starred and somewhat geared to pass the special missions. We want people who get decent scores for Phoenix and rogue 1 phase 5 & 6 missions.

    We have a pretty relaxed atmosphere in general though(besides TB)with no rules on damage(except 24 hr 0 tap for both raids). We don't require screenshots/contributions. We do require 600 which is a MUST and be able to follow directions on discord for tb.

    24 hr 0 damage for both. Hrancor takes 15 min. Haat takes 1.5 hrs. Discord is also required.

    Guild reset is at 730pm cst. Raid times 9am/3pm/10pm cst.

    Discord: (Make sure the "a" is not capitalized)
  • JDK82
    151 posts Member
    Hi holotable buddies,

    tb soon is finished - so, for some, the time is there to look for a new guild.
    Since we want to replace some of the less active members in our guild (at the Moment we are 49/50), it could be you, who we are looking forward to!

    You want General Kenobi shards? -> your right with us (we dont have any specific HAAT squad requirements for you, since we easily beat this raid, even so it was at the beginning a long journey for us to do so).

    So here a few facts:

    Guildname: Trilium
    Timezone: central Europe
    Raiding times: 9pm (gmt +1) as usual with a 24h cooldown and afterwards all-in
    Third party chat: Discord (mandatory for tb coordination and also we have there nice discussions going on, as well a whole Collection of guides)
    GP: 52 Mio, last TB we reached 26*
    Raid tickets: no requirements, we just want active Players, who enjoy playing and manage so around 26k-28k tickets/day

    What we are looking for:

    - active members in every part of the game
    - willingly to Focus on TB and willingly to farm Teams for there (LS Teams - Resistance, Clones, Rebels and of Course the Hoth Brothers / CHS)
    - friendly and communicative

    To summarize:
    We are not any of those big guild alliance consisting of 10thousend of sub guilds, we are rather a small family who enjoys playing and having fun together.
    Helping each other, giving advice and sticking to our simple rules (fe 24 hour cooldown, joining discord chat app and following tb instructions) is a given thing.
    We are a laid back guild, which has no crazy requirements, but we are anyway at the same time ambitious.

    If you see yourself in all this - than its you, who we are searching for! ;)

    So damm, don't hesitate:
    write me a pm here,
    hit me on discord JDK#0313
    or send me an ally request ingame - 771-692-926


  • Pyrimis
    269 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    "Wookies Always Win!" is looking for 1-2 players to join our TB and HAAT team.

    A few things about us:

    -Top 150 guild

    -83M+ guild GP and climbing quickly

    -US-based, raid times rotating between 9 and 10pm ET start

    -Heroic Rancor ad HAAT on farm

    -Very active, friendly guild (29K tickets/day) - we love our raids so we do them 5-6 times per week

    You would be a great fit if:

    -You are an active, friendly player - 600 tickets is the goal so we can all farm more gear and shards!

    -GP >1.7M, preference given to folks with CLS, Hoth Rebel soldier to 5* or higher, and/or Hoth Rebel Scout

    -Willing to use Discord. We have an active server with members sharing information and helping each other

    We are looking to further strengthen our guild by replacing some of our more inactive members, and we would love for you to join us!

    If interested - PM here or find me on Discord (Pyrimis#8522) if interested.

    Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
    Post edited by Pyrimis on
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    Guild GP 78 mil GP
    TB Stars 28*, 30*, 32 on third.

    All times are EASTERN and our Guild reset is 7:30pm EDT.

    We are a very friendly guild, very light hearted and we tend to have a good time. We have a lot of players with a lot of knowledge around strategy who are always willing to help others out with questions. We consider ourselves to be semi-serious guild when it comes to raid tickets and we loosely track raid ticket contribution. We require 600 tickets daily but we understand if you can't make it some days due to real life.

    Participation in TBs is REQUIRED. Coordination is done through Discord. We ask that platoons be filled no later than guild reset. We have open spots for players who are ready for Territory Battles -- meaning you have and/or are working on some combination Phoenix, Rogue One, HRScout, HRSoldier, CLS, CHSolo, and 7* LS ships, 6* capital ships.

    We raid regularly and have both Heroic raids on farm at this point. Raid times are voted on via a poll in Discord app.

    We use Discord app for our guild chat and it is REQUIRED. You don't necessarily need to talk in the chat but you MUST read channels relevant to Territory Battles for instructions and guild strategy and comment when required.

    Please message and officer on Discord you are interested! Please include your swgoh link. We are looking for players with GP of 1.1 million and higher.


    Reineday#8030 Youngjedi#7936

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    [Cloud City Smugglers] [49/50] [GP 91mil] [TB~35 Stars]

    [Cloud City Smugglers] [49/50] [GP 91mil] [TB~35Stars] is great guild with a core group of loyal members who have been playing together since the start. We are looking for members who have 1750+ GP, who are committed to farming the required TB light side characters.

    Territory Battles
    Our current guild galactic power is 91mil and we expect to score approximately 35 stars in our next TB event. Cantina energy should be focused on starring up Captain Han Solo. You should also be working on both light side Hoth characters.

    Tank Takedown Raid Details
    Currently we are running heroic raids 2+ times per week. Raids open up early in the day, however only zero damage attacks are allowed until raid start time at 9PM EST. We generally do not raid on weekends unless tokens will be lost.

    Heroic Rancor Raid Details
    Currently we are running rancor raids about every other day. Raids open up early in the day, however only zero damage attacks are allowed until raid start time at 9PM EST. We generally do not raid on weekends unless tokens will be lost.

    (Zero damage attacks give everyone a chance get credit for the raid).

    We do use the "Line" APP to assist each other with strategies. However "Line" is not required.

    Ally or PM me if interested.
    Game ID = 683-138-175.
    Line ID = Foe-hammer

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    Room for two active players with:
    • unlocked Commander Luke Skywalker
    • CHS at 5 stars
    • Hoth brothers unlocked at 5 stars (Soldier) and 7 stars (Scout) or really close
    • 4 LS teams ready to roll into TB
    • at least 1.8 million GP
    • Not casual, daily 600 required
    • Preferably with a top 100 arena position and a top 10 ambition and we'll help you to get there, of course!
      We are PVP ELITE, an independant top 50 guild, and we do Heroic Rancor and Heroic Tank as much as our daily 30k tickets allow. most recent TB: 37 stars and 45 ROLO shards. We expect to get to 39 stars on the next TB.
      To join us, send a Discord message to our guild leader Fernando41#1698 or go straight to our recruitment channel: https://discord.gg/bjBEPrD This should simply work in your browser.
      For more information about us (rules, raid times, background), please click the picture!
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    SPS is looking to recruit 2 experienced members that are level 85 for our casual but committed guild. Players having over 1.5 million GP are be preferred but not necessary if you have a solid roster that is being developed. We do 2 hAAT raids & 3 Rancor raids per week minimum & are easily able to take down both raids. Our guild is very stable with very little turnover so this would be a great opportunity if you are looking for something solid.
    We do require all members to have discord as well as an swgoh.gg profile that is synced which assists us with territory battles. We also have a guild goal of 29k for tickets daily so all members are asked to get their 600 tickets.
    If this is something that interests you, please send a PM to me on discord (charged1981#3342)
  • THCInjector
    9 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Ootini UK/East Coast based guild LF 1-3 more recruits after next TB.

    100 mil GP, 45+ ROLO shards, 40+ phoenix/r1 missions complete.

    Looking for 1.7 mil + active (600 daily, obv) players able to follow deployment bots, with the appropriate units in their roster meaning CLS, CHS, Hoth Twins, 6* cap ship and decent phoenix and r1 squad. Higher gp DS heavy players may also be considered.

    Must be active on discord as everything is done with it.

    Raids are simple 24h (0) dmg then ffa 3-5 pm eastern (8-10 pm UK)

    Guild activity reset is 2:30pm East Coast.

    Merc mentality. Less rules, more kitten done, free to merc in between TB. No PG 13 bullkitten, no power trips. Great community altogether.
    Banter skills +++

    Add me on discord: THC_Injector#4348
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
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    Are you an active 600 a day player? If so we have a guild for you.

    The academy is a six guild collective that includes four hAAT farm guilds that are now focused on maximizing their TB rewards.


    We also have two more casual guilds which also complete hAAT with some help from our other guilds.

    Our guilds have players from around the world so we can probably find one with raid times that work for you.

    We have guilds designed for TB and hAAT focused players and we also have guilds suitable for a casual player who just wants some heroic raid rewards including GK and Raid Han shards.

    If you join the Academy you are going to get General Kenobi and Raid Han shards guaranteed no matter your GP.

    All of our guilds share a common discord server so everyone can communicate and we can help you to improve your teams.

    We are looking for community oriented active gamers. You don't have to have an amazing roster or be hAAT and TB ready to join the academy. We want to find players who fit in with our community and hopefully play this game with us for a long time. We are looking for people who want to run as many heroic raids as possible and help our alliance grow even stronger. You can be a whale, dolphin or F2P. The important this is you are active, community oriented, a team first player and want to get better.

    We'll help you with suggestions, resources and allow you to ally with members who have gear 12 level 85 fully maxed characters. You can ally with our members and use our characters to help you complete hard light, dark and neutral battles.

    Here are the basics:

    ** Discord ** is mandatory. That is where we do the vast majority of our communicating. You'll also find Raid times, rules and helpful guides-- We've got a channel for just about anything. Most important is to check the Announcement channel and our raid and TB channels during heroic raids and TB.

    ** Activity ** The bulk of our guild logs in multiple times a day and they max their energy. Our hAAT farm guilds require 600 raid tickets daily and TB participation. The more raids, the more we progress. We do understand if you're vacationing, having personal issues, etc. Just give us a heads up! If you've ever been in a guild that does not track activity, you know how frustrating that can be. We're on top of it.

    ** Culture ** We're promoting a tight knit community or family type atmosphere. We love to have fun and joke around. We're always open to feedback, questions or concerns and will do what's best for the guilds as a whole. We are really proud of our guilds and feel like its a second family.

    You can contact me via PM on this board, on discord HanShotFirst #6596 or line HanShotFirst.
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    The Greek Heroes are recruiting!

    We are a Greek Active Guild and we are currently looking for a few daily players, most preferably from Greece, but everyone is welcome to join, if you don't mind the time difference.

    We are crushing HAAT 2 times a week and we do both raids on a rotation to accomodate all preferences.
    We also have a strict 24h 0 damage rule both on rancor and HAAT, so that everyone can claim their spot on the rewards.
    So far we've been scoring 30+ stars in territory battles and we have a total 70m gp, that rises each day.


    -85 level with a HAAT ready squad
    -600 daily tickets
    -1.4m minimum gp and a roster able to contribute in tb
    -participation in discord is a must
    -You need to be respectful and cooperative

    What we offer:

    -Kenobi shards!!
    -A fun and friendly community

    Our guild: https://swgoh.gg/g/4918/greek-heroes/

    To apply:
    Discord id: Vaso#9064

    Σας περιμενουμε!!
  • JDK82
    151 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi holotable buddies,

    tb soon is finished - so, for some, the time is there to look for a new guild.
    Since we want to replace some of the less active members in our guild (at the Moment we are 49/50), it could be you, who we are looking forward to!

    You want General Kenobi shards? -> your right with us (we dont have any specific HAAT squad requirements for you, since we easily beat this raid, even so it was at the beginning a long journey for us to do so).

    So here a few facts:

    Guildname: Trilium
    Timezone: central Europe
    Raiding times: 9pm (gmt +1) as usual with a 24h cooldown and afterwards all-in
    Third party chat: Discord (mandatory for tb coordination and also we have there nice discussions going on, as well a whole Collection of guides)
    GP: 57 Mio, last TB we reached 27*
    Raid tickets: no requirements, we just want active Players, who enjoy playing and manage so around 28-29k tickets/day

    What we are looking for:

    - active members in every part of the game
    - willingly to Focus on TB and willingly to farm Teams for there (LS Teams - Resistance, Clones, Rebels and of Course the Hoth Brothers / CHS)
    - friendly and communicative

    To summarize:
    We are not any of those big guild alliance consisting of 10thousend of sub guilds, we are rather a small family who enjoys playing and having fun together.
    Helping each other, giving advice and sticking to our simple rules (fe 24 hour cooldown, joining discord chat app and following tb instructions) is a given thing.
    We are a laid back guild, which has no crazy requirements, but we are anyway at the same time ambitious.

    If you see yourself in all this - than its you, who we are searching for! ;)

    So damm, don't hesitate:
    write me a pm here,
    hit me on discord JDK#0313
    or send me an ally request ingame - 771-692-926


  • Spockyoursocksoff
    20 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Seven Deadly Siths has open spots for 3-4 more people to fill guild. I've built the guild from ground up back with 4* Rancor to HAAT farm.
    We ask for 600 daily tickets, but are accepting of vacations and other valid reasons for the occasional miss. Active chat and discord. Heroic Rancor and HAAT standard time is 10est. 24 hour 0 damage rules apply. Must participate in TB and follow direction. Looking for serious help in this department to start hitting 20*+. Hit me up on Discord at mojo#2702 or apply to guild today.
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    Guild Name: Knights of the Dragon (66 mil GP)

    All raids starts 4pm GMT, 11am CT, 11pm SGT.

    We have 1 open spot left, Looking to recruit members for the next TB.


    1) 600 tickets per day mandatory.
    2) Must have discord.
    3) 1.2+ Mil GP

    Further information about rules and how to apply can be found on our website:


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    Tôp sėcret rėbels

    New guild looking for active players. We are a casual English speaking guild. Hoping to start haat raids asap.

    Guild is open to level 80+ players, who are ok with the following:

    Please follow all leader/officer messages, on here & the in-game chat.

    Raids (heroic) will operate a '24 hour rule'.

    Raids will generally be launched around 6-7pm UTC (GMT)

    No rules for getting 600 daily raid tickets (just do what you can)

    Discord: dnewman#0101
    Swgoh.gg: https://swgoh.gg/u/dnewman08/
    Ally code: 148-786-632
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    Hello Holotable Heroes!

    Guardians Alpha is recruiting and we want YOU!!!!
    We are a top placing guild that gets 30k a day but we're rather relaxed and enjoy hanging out with friends discussing all things nerdy, especially Star Wars (duh)! We've figured out some tricks to Territory Battles that help us perform significantly better than many others with a higher GP. We have earned more stars than guilds that have 10+million GP than us, 37* with only 88 million GP. We are looking to continue that pattern with YOU!!!

    We don't really care about HAAT and Pit requirements at this point as those are on-farm and not a problem for us. We recently lost players because of TB and are looking for replacements.

    What we need is a player with strong Light side teams. We're looking for Zeta Resistance, Zeta clones, and or meta Rebels (CLS/ R2). Hoth brothers; Soldier/Scout , and Captain Han Solo must be on-farm if you don't already have them done. We are looking for a minimum of 1.8 million GP as well. Lastly we do require 600 everyday. Come here to chat and check us out to see if you would be a good fit:


    Additional info:

    We are U.S. based and here is an example of our raid times.

    Alpha Rancor Times
    9:30 PDT Oct 7
    Ironman: Empire
    9:30 PDT Oct 8
    Alpha HAAT Times
    17:00 PDT Oct 7
    OTO until P4
    17:00 PDT Oct 8
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    **Want GK shards? Tired of feeling like getting 600 tickets a day is your part-time job? We have Haat on farm and we understand that real-life comes first**

    Adult Gaming is recruiting and has a spot open. We're an HAAT guild that is team-focused, with active leadership.

    -We do T7 Rancor and HAAT multiple times a week.
    -There is a 24hr no damage period before each Rancor raid and we limit people to 1 team afterwards. HAAT is also 24hrs no damage then FFA. Raid starting times are 7pm EST for HAAT and 9pm EST for Rancor.
    -We have a Line chat, but it's not mandatory.
    -We ask that players do a minimum of 450 daily raid tickets, ideally 600 a day.
    -Our Galactic Power is at 79 million, and we got 31 stars in the last TB.
    -We're competitive, but we understand that real life comes first. You won't get booted if you're away on vacation, just let us know.
    -We're team-focused, with veterans who are happy to give advice and giving gear is actively encouraged.


    -Must be level 85 and minimum 1.4 million total roster galactic power. We are willing to take someone with lower GP if you have a light-side heavy roster.

    If you're interested, please send me a PM and let me know some details about your team.

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    Is your current guild underperforming? We're a 74 million GP guild that will hit 32-35 stars on our current TB.

    Right now we are looking for a few strong HAAT players that have those special interest toons (CLS, Hoth brothers, CHan).

    All that we ask our members to do is: 600 daily, follow basic raid rules, check discord daily and the most important **have fun!**

    We're always positive and enjoy having fun. We are an enthusiastic group that have been together for over a year. We enjoy helping each other obtain our personal and guild goals. Our members are our family.

    If you're looking for a new home, join us and see what it's like to be in Exile

    We're part of The Alliance Community
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    Crusaders of ARK is a 80M GP guild that is looking to bring in 1 player before the start of the next TB on Monday.

    Our guild family consists of 3 Heroic Rancor and Heroic AAT guilds with its own very lively discord server & a great community of cool, funny, nerdy gamers. All mature, respectful, but serious about the game.

    Last TB, we got screwed hard by the buggy update, where CMs didn't count. It ended up costing us a star in P4, but we should have no problems hitting 35/36 next TB!

    What we have to offer:
    • organized leadership with a good grasp on TB and the coordination necessary to be successful
    • a mature player base that loves the game and loves Star Wars
    • serious and competitive players that push the boundaries of their rosters, their arena shards, and our guild
    • consistent and frequent hRancor and hAAT's that come with appropriate 0-damage periods so all players can benefit from the rewards
    • a lively discord server you'll want to hang out in
    • ARK's 3 heroic, end-game guild family, full of 150 of SWGOH's finest, nerdiest and funnest players
    • too many other awesome things to list

    What we're looking for:
    • goal-oriented players that like an organized guild and playstyle
    • 600 raid tix/day
    • 1.5M+ GP
    • 15+ g11 toons
    • CLS
    • 50+ 7* toons
    • HRScout 6* and HRSoldier 5*

    These qualifications are preferred. However, if you're a little short on the above qualifications but still think you would be a good fit for our guild, please feel free to reach out to me via DM here or on Discord at Severinze#8267 with your swgoh.gg profile.

    We're EDT based, our guild reset is at 6:30pm, and typically raid at lunch time and in the evenings.

    You can also check out all 3 of our guilds here:

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    TBK Recruitment

    The British Knights are recruiting. We are on a gp of 90 million + 38stars last tb.
    The British Knights 49/50
    Heroic aat and ranky 7pm raid times GMT

    Discord TBK Humble#5329 or send an ally request to 942778278

    This is a great guild with a caring group of dedicated players who have the experience and desire to dominate this game.

    Hit me up and we'll chat.
  • Options
    TBK Recruitment

    The British Knights are recruiting. We are on a gp of 90 million + 38stars last tb.
    The British Knights 49/50
    Heroic aat and ranky 7pm raid times GMT

    Discord TBK Humble#5329 or send an ally request to 942778278

    This is a great guild with a caring group of dedicated players who have the experience and desire to dominate this game.

    Hit me up and we'll chat.
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    First Galactic Empire is recruiting!

    As TB has ended, recruiting is open again!

    Our people: https://swgoh.gg/g/1210/first-galactic-empire/

    Timezone: mostly EU. Guild reset is at 3:30pm UTC.

    Rules: raids are launched at 4PM UTC and have a strict 24h 0 dmg. After that we allow 1 team on Rancor and as many as you like to zerg hAAT. Other than that, we're a friendly casual guild with an active chat, helpful exchange and a lot of fun. We strive for minimum activity of 500 tickets a day, which officers check from time to time, but no screenshots or such. We do 2 hAAT and 3 Rancors every week, and Tuesday is gentlemanly Tuesday in Rancor, where people with maxed Han Solo are encouraged to use joke teams.

    TB: We have 81million GP. We got 34 stars last TB and are ahead of our schedule to grow towards 40 stars by December. We invite you to join and speed the growth even further!

    We need two or three more members to complete our team! Preferably > 1m GP, 6* ships (and capital), 6* HRScout, 5* HRSoldier. Preference for 5* CHS and CLS, Phoenix team, and other useful TB toons. If you're interested and have what it takes, let us know asap here or on discord. We use discord, but important messages are in guild chat, as is most of the banter.

    What we offer: a friendly, layed back guild, Solo and Kenobi shards, and a great place to challenge yourself with the new game mode!

    Send me a message here, or on Discord (Acrofales#2025)
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