Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Pyrimis
    269 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Post edited by Pyrimis on
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    Hello, fellow Star Warriors! Our independent guild, Wolf Pack Warriors, has one space available for an active, friendly, and fun player. We routinely run heroic Pit Raids (about 3x per week) and heroic AAT raids (about 2x per week). Our Galactic Power rating is over 62 million and climbing fast. You can help increase it faster!

    Our members range in age from the teens to low 50's. Our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps, but we do maintain an active Discord server to help coordinate raids and territorial battles. All time zones and ages are welcome, but our raid times match those of most of our members, who are North American. The usual 24 hour zero damage period applies to both of our raids because they end so quickly. Territorial battle participation is required, but it's fine to skip occasional days because of real life demands.

    If you're looking for an active guild, generate 500+ guild tickets a day, and have a Galactic Power rating of around a million (more is better, of course), send me a PM. We'll toss an invite your way!
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    Doombringer Heroic Rancor & Heroic AAT on farm, usually at 2pm EST / 8 pm CET.
    3 rancor and 2haat per week.
    HAAT 24h 0 Damage Registration.

    We are recruiting 2 strong new members (lvl85)with impeccable contribution and a good roster. We will accept players weaker if they show potential, commitment and dedication.
    Our goal is to bolster our guild & improve in TB.

    Respect, always improving, helping one another and fun are our core values. At Doombringer every single member matters, we will provide everyone the tools to grow and get a better understanding of the game. If you share those values and wanna unlock the mighty Hermit Yoda, come & join us.
    You can contact us on Discord : Zetana#8176. Mixelplux#7543.
    Discord&swfoh.gg profile = mandatory.

    May the force be with you.
  • Snoob
    534 posts Member
    Guild Name: The Jedii Always Win
    Time Zone: PST

    We are a mixed nation guild, very kind and helpful and we are recruiting new members. We raid heroic rancor and heroic tank multiple times a week at rotating start times. No alliance guild. We have 71M+ GP and 30* last TB.

    We are looking for active players, level 85 and decent GP (1.2M+). We do not have a 600 raid tickets per day rule, but we expect you to contribute as much as you can. For communication, raid rules and helping each other we use Discord which is mandatory.

    If you are interested or have any questions feel free to message me on Discord or leave a message here. My ID on Discord is Snoob#0802.

    Hope to see you soon in our guild!
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    SmugglersRise is a 81M GP HAAT guild with 34 Stars in Territory Battles. We do 2-3 HAAT raids and 3-4 Rancor raids every week. We typically earn 30k tickets per day, and currently rank in the top 100 guilds for raids.

    We are a friendly yet competitive guild looking for Territory Battle ready members that contribute their 600 daily and want the opportunity to get GK shards.

    1.5M GP, top 100 in the arena, and COMMANDER LUKE SKYWALKER is preferred.

    If interested, join my Discord server and post your Swgoh.gg profile.


    If you prefer to contact me directly, I can be reached at Jamspankey#2252. Here's my profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/jamspankey/

    Space is limited and our openings have filled quickly in the past. I look forward to hearing from you!
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    Serious HAAT 75 MIL GP guild looking for 1 more player at the end of the current TB, discord required for TB planning and daily 600. Running HPIT raids 3 times a week, HAAT 2 times a week.

    Guild Name: Knights of the Dragon

    All raids starts 4pm GMT, 11am CT, 11pm SGT.


    1) 600 tickets per day mandatory.

    2) Must have discord.

    3) 1.5+ Mil GP.

    Further information about rules and how to apply can be found on our website:


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    Sent By Ravens, an east coast 57m GP Heroic guild is looking for a couple active recruits at the end of this TB. We achieved 26* last TB, on pace to match or exceed this time. Heroic rancor 3-4x week, heroic tank 2-3x week. Both are 0/24 to allow all members to register and gain rewards.

    Ideally recruits would be L85, 1m+ GP, at least 1 tank team. LINE is highly recommended, but not required. Swgoh.gg is a must, helps dramatically with TB.

    Please contact Dblade21 on LINE or discord, send an ally request (716-657-494) or message me here if interested
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    **JKW is recruiting**

    We are a 10 guild alliance with a great community discord and guilds across a range of time zones.
    On our discord server we have great knowledge and very experienced players including famous youtubers like Smithie D, Warrior and others.
    Currently we are recruiting primarily for our 3 GMT guilds:

    **DW/Dothraki Warriors** (40* 96 million GP)

    **HS/House Stark** (36* 75 million GP)

    **Unsullied** (28* 53 million GP)

    Discord and 600 daily tickets required for all guilds.

    Hoth Scout, Hoth Soldier and Captain Han at 5* would be very welcomed.

    DW – 1.8 million GP minimum
    HS – 1.4 million GP minimum
    Unsullied – 1 million GP minimum

    DM myself – **JKW Chris#6476** or my recruitment officer - **GokuSSJ25#6697**
    Join our server and we will find you a home - https://discord.gg/Zhj8VYp
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    DontBBL8 Was Formed Day One And Is Still Under The Same Leaders. One Of The First Guilds To Clear Haat. Top 40 In Guild GP Running 41*TB


    We use teamwork and collaboration to overcome challenges & achieve top end goals we do not use micromanaging or bureaucracy for guild participation & raid rules. focused on growth as a guild & keeping things fun. Not mandating people's rosters & how they build teams. We do not run multiple guilds and do not seek fame.

    Our Focus Is On Territory Battles We Are Looking For A Very Active Individual With Well Balanced And Built Teams.


    *2.4 Mil GP(Or 1.5Mil Character GP)

    *Commander Luke Skywalker

    *Hoth Brothers 5*

    *Captain Han 7*(Or Will Be Soon)

    *Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily(this is monitored)

    *Offer Advice And Strategy To Other Members

    *Be Willing To Post Video Or Screenshots That Encourage Better Game Play

    *Register On Swgoh.gg

    *Join Guild Line Chats

    How We Raid:

    Raids Start At 7:00PM PDT

    Rancor Is free for all with a 10min wait to register a full solo.

    Haat Raid Is One Attack Each Phase With Set Times To Register Damage(P4 Register Time 8:30PM PDT)

    Sound Like Your Kinda Fun?

    Message Me Here
    Or Line Chat Sirwescot
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    Independent 89m GP guild 'Tres Comas' is recruiting 1 all star over 1.8m GP. We're pushing to 38* and beyond and we need you! Fun guild chat constantly going on Line -about this game, Battlefront, and whatever sick humor may happen. Mostly US based with a rotating 24hr no dmg raid schedule.

    Come try and beat my HAAT score. Bet you can't! https://swgoh.gg/u/capifico22/
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    RedEyedJedis looking for pro 420 active grinders with at least 1M GP let's get blazed and unlock Gen Kenobi together I am SMOKEST ALOTEST ally code 277-476-938
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    Cobalt Phoenix has 1 spot open and looking for an eager player to join our ranks! If you're looking for a fun & relaxed group to farm some HAAT and participate in Territory Battles, please send us a message!
    Guild requirements
    Participate daily to hit your 600 tickets
    Line app to communicate with everyone
    Willingness to use swgoh.gg to better coordinate our TB platoons
    A minimum total GP of 1.0 Million.
    Guild Information
    30* reward tier for TB
    Guild GP of over 72 Million
    Raid times rotate on a weekly schedule to benefit all around the world
    24 Hour - 0 Damage phase for Rancor & HAAT - zero tolerance for early activity
    The guild reset time is 6:30PM CT.
    If you're interested, please msg me here or reach out to me on Line @ waynerz666
    Include your friend code or link to your swgoh.gg page.
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    ATTENTION! We are alliance and our main guild Imperium Galacticum is looking for 1 active player with GP 1.5M and more with a competetive roster for TB. Our guild has 84M overall GP and we got 34 star in our last run.

    We are pro and a very competetive guild. Our officers are friendly and work very hard to make life of other playes much better. We have a lot of fun playing together and have some cool tools to manage territory battles and other game stuff.

    Detailed info about our alliance and guild:
    If you want to raid ofter and receive cool prizes from TB welcome to Imperium Galacticum.

    If you don't have 1.5M but have at least 1.3M and discent roster for TB make sure to PM me!

    If you would like to join us - send PM here and join:
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    Are you an active 600 a day player? If so we have a guild for you.

    The academy is a seven guild collective that includes four hAAT farm guilds that are now focused on maximizing their TB rewards.


    We also have two developmental guilds and a casual guild. These guilds also complete hAAT with some help from our other guilds.

    Our guilds have players from around the world so we can probably find one with raid times that work for you.

    We have guilds designed for TB and hAAT focused players and we also have guilds suitable for a more casual player who just wants some heroic raid rewards including GK and Raid Han shards.

    How are we different from some of the other alliances? For one we treat our players as members of our community. We won't move you to a lower guild just because a better player comes along. Have you been dumped from your guild for no reason? We won't do that to you as long as you follow the rules of the guild.

    If you join the Academy you are going to get General Kenobi and Raid Han shards guaranteed no matter your GP.

    All of our guilds share a common discord server so everyone can communicate and we can help you to improve your teams.

    We are looking for community oriented active gamers. You don't have to have an amazing roster or be hAAT and TB ready to join the academy. We want to find players who fit in with our community and hopefully play this game with us for a long time. We are looking for people who want to run as many heroic raids as possible and help our alliance grow even stronger. You can be a whale, dolphin or F2P. The important this is you are active, community oriented, a team first player and want to get better.

    We'll help you with suggestions, resources and allow you to ally with members who have gear 12 level 85 fully maxed characters. You can ally with our members and use our characters to help you complete hard light, dark and neutral battles.

    Here are the basics:

    ** Discord ** is mandatory. That is where we do the vast majority of our communicating. You'll also find Raid times, rules and helpful guides-- We've got a channel for just about anything. Most important is to check the Announcement channel and our raid and TB channels during heroic raids and TB.

    ** Activity ** The bulk of our guild logs in multiple times a day and they max their energy. Our hAAT farm guilds require 600 raid tickets daily and TB participation. The more raids, the more we progress. We do understand if you're vacationing, having personal issues, etc. Just give us a heads up! If you've ever been in a guild that does not track activity, you know how frustrating that can be. We're on top of it.

    ** Culture ** We're promoting a tight knit community or family type atmosphere. We love to have fun and joke around. We're always open to feedback, questions or concerns and will do what's best for the guilds as a whole. We are really proud of our guilds and feel like its a second family.

    You can contact me via PM on this board, on discord HanShotFirst #6596 or line HanShotFirst. You can also join our discord server https://discord.gg/pqKRK4f.
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    Feral Rancors is a friendly guild looking for 1 level 85 members! Gp of at least 1.3mil.
    We are just shy of 57 Mil Gp.
    Time Zone: US EDT, but we have members from all over the world.
    Raid Rules The Pit (T7 Heroic): as often as possible, 3+ times a week, STRICT 24 hour 0 damage period. We run Rancor on a rotating time basis, so all members get a fair chance!
    Raid Rules Tank Takedown (Heroic): as often as possible, FFA until phase 4, then 12-24 hour hold.
    Chat Apps: Discord is mandatory
    Our last Territory Battles we had 26 stars.
    And 9 ROLO shards
    PM me on the forums or message me on discord at Lion Harte#2489, my ally code is 464-597-399
    Find us at https://swgoh.gg/g/20324/feral-rancors/
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    Guild name: Tres Comás

    Independent guild with 89m GP is looking for ONE stud of a member. Looking for someone 1.8m gp and up with all the TB toons.

    Would love to discuss details with any interested parties on Line or Discord.

    My account with contact info is here: https://swgoh.gg/u/capifico22/
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    1 Spot Left!!! New HAAT Guild:)
    Guild Name: OB 1 More Round
    Members: 49/50 USA, Canada, Europe, Asia & Mexico
    Levels: 70-85 Welcome!
    Timezone: EST
    Territory Battles: 20 Stars
    Heroic Tank Raid (Just beat for the first time:)
    Heroic Rancor (3 times a week)
    Top 2000 Guild!
    Guild GP: 39 Million
    Last Inactive: Everyone less than 2 days

    1. We have a 24 hour 0 damage place holder on beating the rancor so everyone can get credit and rewards.
    2. If you have a 7 star Raid Han, do 0 damage place holder so other guild members can get him faster!

    Why Hello There!
    Looking for a friendly low stress guild that gets you those Han Solo shards 3 times a week? Want to throw a few drinks back while working on your HAAT team? Well look no further! OB 1 More Round is a US EST reset guild, but all nations are welcomed!

    We just made the leap to beating HAAT raids so get in on the ground floor!!

    We know there are other obligations in life (like drinking) so we just ask to try to play when you can and have fun on the chat!

    Message me if interested (we only have 1 spot open). Line app is required, but we have both a strategy and casual thread so revel in attack plans or get schnockered in the Keg party that is the Casual Lounge!

    May the Buzz be with you!
    Ally code: 898224215
    Line ID: hendrix9
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    Aluminum Falcon is recruiting!!
    We are a US Central TB/HAAT/HPit guild that is a part of the Malevolent Marauders Alliance. We are a pretty laid back group of adults located in the US, Canada and the UK. We are actively recruiting players who are equipped and prepared for progressing through Territory Battles.
    Guild Info:
    • Swgoh.gg: https://swgoh.gg/g/18878/aluminum-falcon/
    • Guild GP of 83 Million
    • 31* in the last TB
    • Farming HAAT and HPit on a regular basis
    • Raid Rules: 12 Hour 0 damage tag period.
    • Raid Times: FFA alternates between 8pm CT and 1pm CT (7pm BST)
    • 600 tickets/day is strongly encouraged
    Player requirements:
    • GP > 1.4 Million
    • At least 5* Captain Han Solo
    • Working towards a 7* Phoenix Team and 7* Rogue One Team
    • Working Towards 7* HRScout and HRSoldier
    • Participation in TBs is required.
    • Discord and swgoh.gg is required.
    If interested, please send me a message on Discord: Padawin#3578
  • Acrofales
    1363 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    First Galactic Empire is recruiting!

    TB ends, so recruiting begins! We are looking for a few reinforcements!

    Our people: https://swgoh.gg/g/1210/first-galactic-empire/

    Timezone: mostly EU. Guild reset is at 3:30pm UTC.

    Rules: raids are launched at 5PM UTC and have a strict 24h 0 dmg. After that we allow 1 team on Rancor and as many as you like to zerg hAAT. Other than that, we're a friendly casual guild with an active chat, helpful exchange and a lot of fun. We strive for minimum activity of 500 tickets a day, which officers check from time to time, but no screenshots or such. We do 2 hAAT and 3 Rancors every week, and Tuesday is gentlemanly Tuesday in Rancor, where people with maxed Han Solo are encouraged to use joke teams.

    TB: We have 89million GP and 36 stars in TB and well on schedule to grow towards 40 stars by December. We invite you to join and speed the growth even further!

    We need two or three more members to complete our team! Preferably > 1.5m GP, 6* ships (and capital), 6* HRScout, 5* HRSoldier. Preference for 5* CHS and CLS, Phoenix team, and other useful TB toons (we are really looking for a 7* Lobot!). If you're interested and have what it takes, let us know asap here or on discord. We use discord, but important messages are in guild chat, as is most of the banter.

    What we offer: a friendly, layed back guild, Solo and Kenobi shards, and a great place to challenge yourself with the new game mode!

    Send me a message! Either here or on discord: Acrofales#2025
  • Snoob
    534 posts Member
    Guild Name: The Jedii Always Win
    Time Zone: PST

    We are a mixed nation guild, very kind and helpful and we are recruiting new members. We raid heroic rancor and heroic tank multiple times a week at rotating start times. No alliance guild. We have 71M+ GP and 30* last TB.

    We are looking for active players, level 85 and decent GP (1.2M+). We do not have a 600 raid tickets per day rule, but we expect you to contribute as much as you can. For communication, raid rules and helping each other we use Discord which is mandatory.

    If you are interested or have any questions feel free to message me on Discord or leave a message here. My ID on Discord is Snoob#0802.

    Hope to see you soon in our guild!
  • Options

    The Greek Heroes are recruiting!

    We are a Greek Active Guild and we are currently looking for a few daily players, most preferably from Greece, but everyone is welcome to join, if you don't mind the time difference.

    We are crushing HAAT 2 times a week and we do both raids on a rotation to accomodate all preferences.
    We also have a strict 24h 0 damage rule both on rancor and HAAT, so that everyone can claim their spot on the rewards.
    So far we've been scoring 34+ stars in territory battles and we have a total ~80m gp, that rises each day.


    -85 level with a HAAT ready squad
    -600 daily tickets
    -1.4m minimum gp and a roster able to contribute in tb
    -participation in discord is a must
    -You need to be respectful and cooperative

    What we offer:

    -Kenobi shards!!
    -A fun and friendly community

    Our guild: https://swgoh.gg/g/4918/greek-heroes/

    To apply:
    Discord id: Vaso#9064

    Σας περιμενουμε!!
  • Demagol
    41 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    M orons & Mayhem We are looking for people to replace alts, currently have ~77mil GP and will easily be 33-4* next TB run
    -600 tickets daily (if rl happens just let us know we understand)
    -participation in TB
    -1.2mil+ GP (If you're close, message me anyway and we will consider you based on your roster"
    -F2P or P2P all welcome to join
    -Must have or be willing to use Discord for chat
    Guild info:
    -Guild reset is at 8:30pm ET
    -Raids have 12 hour 0 damage period from 9am ET to 9PM ET
    - Average over 29k raid tickets daily

    Feel free to PM me here or on Discord @MadGeniuz#5420

    (edited for update info)
    Post edited by Demagol on
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    Sigma Sithlords - all Heroic guild looking for players strong in TB

    ~ Well organized guild with a great community
    ~ Ideal raid and reset times for CST and EST players
    ~ 600 tickets daily and time to post zero in raids

    Come check out our community on Discord at: https://discord.gg/nJSFWv7

    Sigma Sithlords is a well-organized, all-heroic guild with friendly members who love to help each other grow in the game. As part of the 3000 player-strong ALLIΔNCE, we have access to a wealth of information, experienced players and excellent resources.

    Even if you are not 100% HAAT ready feel free to reach out. If you don’t qualify for this guild, THE ALLIΔNCE community has guilds available at every level and time zone.

    Please reach out to me either on here or on Discord, Malves85#2450


    Happy Gaming!!
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    Hello, https://swgoh.gg/g/8471/dcs-dagobah/ is looking for players with atleast a 1.2 overall gp and a 800k charachter gp.

    We are a laid back guild who has haat on farm and only require that you participate daily in tb and get your 600 daily. We use discord app for communication

    EST based guild with a 630pm est reset
    Raid times are 2pm, 7pm, 10pm all est

    Are you tired of the crap rewards from tb and looking for a relaxed guild who isn't pressuring you to farm anyone you don't want? Then we're the spot for you! We have an experienced and organized leadership group with a great group of friendly mature players. No drama here.

    Please message me here on the forums or on discord app @Dexxable#3798 if you are interested I joining
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    Guild Set to Stun

    We are very active public group looking for 8 new recruits. Right now we do 7 star pits and 6 star AAT's. We end up with about 15-17 stars in Hoth and moving up. Guild GP is a little over 36 Mil. Only three rules and that is to stay active, help in Hoth and no damage for first 24 hours in the 7 star pit so all members can receive rewards. Not really worried about your team strength or level, just that you want to help contribute to the guild It's an easy going group and as a public group it's easy to join the group prior to the next Hoth Battle. Hope to see you there.

    Set to Stun
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    Welcome to **TΔ Roughnecks**, we are founding members of **THE ALLIΔNCE** which is a massive community where we have at this moment in time 60+ guilds all sharing resources and knowledge to help each other attain their goals, if you're tired of going from guild to guild due to lack of activity and want a fun place to kick back whilst getting the rewards you deserve, then this is the place for you as we have hAAT on farm across 4 guilds, and are now looking for a few more members

    See our website here for a taste of the Roughnecks Way: http://roughnecks.me/
    **Guild: TΔ Roughnecks: Δlpha/ZetΔ/OmegΔ/SigmΔ/BetΔ**
    **Rancor: Tier VII**
    **AAT: Tier VII**

    All Guilds except BetΔ run 30+ TB and hAAT

    If you would like to join the greatest community on Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes, just download discord and join our server with this code - http://discord.roughnecks.me
    We look forward to seeing you.
  • mingtheinsatiable
    92 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Edge of the Void, is looking to recruit 1-4 new members.

    Guild Name: Edge of the Void

    About Our Guild: Our guild has been around for over a year now. We currently have 50/50 members, but are looking to move on from a couple of guys who aren't quite pulling their weight roster-wise and activity-wise, if we find acceptable replacements. Every one of our members is level 85. We've got a good mix of high-end players along with a number who are developing their teams. Everybody gets along. We've got a lot of generous donators, and our crew is great with roster-building advice and battle-strategy. We're looking to swap out a couple of guys with active, impactful players. Our members average over 43 7-stars each, and approximately 1,237,000 Galactic Power per member. Total Galactic Power is just over 61.8 million. The daily refresh is 5:30 p.m. pacific.

    Rancor Raid: We currently run Heroic Rancor Raids exclusively. We typically rotate starting times of 10:00 a.m. (pacific) and 6:30 p.m. (pacific). For Rancor Raids, our only raid rules are: (1) Mandatory 24-hour Zero Damage period on Rancor Raids, followed by free for all; (2) if you finish top-3 in a particular raid, you are hard-capped at 1 million damage for the next raid; and (3) if you hit the Rancor for more than 1 million, just use one squad (or if you use multiple squads, stop once your last squad surpasses 1 million).

    Tank Raid: For Tank, we just recently conquered the Heroic AAT Raid and plan to run HAAT exclusively going forward. We don't yet have any restrictions on HAAT, but will likely be implementing some sort of zero-damage period in the near future, as we are already clearing HAAT in less than 9 hours. Tank Raid damage opens at 12 noon pacific time.

    Territory Battles: The last couple of TB's we have hit 26 stars. We're on pace for 28 stars this time around. We're obviously looking to increase that total. We require minimum Territory Points contributions equal to 6x each member's total GP.

    Roster Requirements: We don't have super-strict requirements, but we do want to make sure that anyone joining is a good fit for our guild, that our guild is a good fit for each new recruit, and that any newcomers are a clear upgrade over someone we would boot. We are all committed to building an upper-echelon guild that generates raid tickets and crushes TB and HAAT and want someone who shares that goal. To that end, we ask that any new recruits have a minimum of 1,000,000 total Galactic Power. Having HAAT-ready teams and TB specific characters ready to go (HRSo, CLS, CHS, etc.) is a big plus.

    Activity Requirements: We're looking for players that play no less than daily. Any incoming recruit would be expected to generate a minimum of 500 raid tickets/day. (Obviously, we are flexible for vacations and personal stuff). HAAT contribution and TB contribution are mandatory. Players who are inactive for more than 2 days without notifying the guild are booted.

    Mol Eliza Policy: Our final rule is: no Mol Eliza's. We are sick of seeing that name and find that people who don't take the time to make a unique name usually don't participate socially or follow rules. If you are currently a "Mol Eliza" and want to join, think up a cool name and change it.

    Third party chat: We use Discord for offline chat. Discord is mandatory, as that is the best and main form of communication.

    If you're interested in joining up, message me through the forums or on Discord (preferred) or shoot me an ally invite through the game. Please be sure to point out your HAAT teams:

    Ming the Insatiable
    Ally Code: 182-733-465
    Discord ID: MingtheInsatiable#9687
    Post edited by mingtheinsatiable on
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    Rebel Obliterators is looking for new members!

    General information
    • We have 90 million Galactic Power and are getting 35 stars in TB. Very close to getting 2 more stars.
    • We are an independent guild with English as its language. Members are international.
    • My ally code is 834-937-689. I have a profile here: https://swgoh.gg/u/galdraith/ and most of our guild is on the site, so you can check them out.
    • Guild payout time is 6:30 PM ET.
    • We use Discord for communications and it is mandatory.

    • 1.7mm+ GP
    • Close to 600 tickets on most days (we do not track it however)

    • Participate in Territory Battles.
    • Don't attack outside of turn on raids. We have set raid times, with plenty of time for everyone to at least register 0.

    The participation rules are waived when people are on vacation, or ask for a dispensation. We just ask that an officer is warned in advance.

    Let me know if this is interesting to you. For any questions you can reach me through here or on Discord at Galdraith#6882.
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    Lets Have Ya (FTP Guild) are a friendly and fun UK Based Independent guild (with international members)

    We currently run HR and HAAT with a 0 score 24 hour restriction (run 8pm GMT time)

    We have 72mil GP and achieved 31 stars in the last TB. Our focus is around team work.

    Our only requirements are the following:

    1.2M GP
    Discord compulsory as we organise TB and HAAT from this (no chatting required just we post TB strategy on there)
    SWGOH.gg compulsory
    Daily Active Player (but no specific ticket requirement and we understand life can take over)

    I have attached link to our swgoh account


    If you are interested, please contact me on Discord RuiVuusenSchnarff #1348
  • Snoob
    534 posts Member
    Guild Name: The Jedii Always Win
    Time Zone: PST

    We are a mixed nation guild, very kind and helpful and we are recruiting new members. We raid heroic rancor and heroic tank multiple times a week at rotating start times. No alliance guild. We have 71M+ GP and 31* last TB.

    We are looking for active players, level 85 and decent GP (1.2M+). We do not have a 600 raid tickets per day rule, but we expect you to contribute as much as you can. For communication, raid rules and helping each other we use Discord which is mandatory.

    If you are interested or have any questions feel free to message me on Discord or leave a message here. My ID on Discord is Snoob#0802.

    Hope to see you soon in our guild!
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