Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Options
    WeShootF1rst are recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    3-5 active player
    Level 85, active daily (600) , at least 1.000.000 GP
    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Heroic Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week.
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.2-3 raids per week.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 67.000.000
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to deploy and which team to use.
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly.This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .
    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets or not participating on TB is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is Mandatory.
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
  • Ugluk199
    295 posts Member
    edited November 2017

    Knights of Mandaløre (85M GP) is currently looking for one! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30/8:00 PM Eastern Time respectively). We average 29k tickets a day and score 36☆ on Territory Battles.

    What we are looking for in recruits
    - Level 85
    - 1.6M+ Galactic Power
    - Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops REQUIRED)
    - Willing to contribute 500 energy minimim a day
    - Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
    - A discord account and swgoh.gg page (We require our new members to join through our recuritment channel)

    We hope to hear from you soon!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
  • Options
    WeShootF1rst are recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    3-5 active players
    Level 85, active daily (600) , at least 1.000.000 GP
    Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops)
    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Currently we are full 50/50 but after the current TB 3-5 spots will open for limited time.
    We average 28k tickets a day and score 27-29☆ on TB.
    Heroic Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week.
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.2-3 raids per week.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 67.000.000
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to deploy and which team to use.
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly. This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .
    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets or not participating on TB is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is Mandatory.
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
  • MikeSkyWalker
    40 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Darkened Stars

    49/50 Members

    28k Raid Tickets per day

    52k Galactic Power

    Superb TB coordination.

    All members on Discord (An app used for guild communication).

    Members from all over the world but English speaking.

    Rotating Rancor schedule with 24 hour rule. This ensures all members get to participate.

    Extremely organized, friendly and helpful. Very giving in the donations department.

    If you are stuck in a dead-end guild, and are thinking about jumping ship, join us! You won't regret it.

    Looking for members with 800k gp and above.

    Looking for active players willing to communicate.

    Mike Sky Walker 635-969-644
  • shaggydarwin
    176 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Shaggy Bevo Guild is currently looking for one more member who is level 85 with minimum 900k GP. We are a casually serious guild started around a core group of Texas Longhorn fans (we generally operate in Central Time USA). If you're a UT fan or a fan of college football in general, you'll fit right in.

    Raid rules:

    - HRancor: 0 damage until 8:30 pm CT the day after raid is launched. Any member capable of soloing Rancor raid must wait until 9 pm CT to register damage to allow other guild members an appropriate time to log damage.
    - HAAT: 0 damage OR phoenix squadron on phase 1 for the first 24 hours followed by a free for all that typically lasts 2-3 hours. HAAT raids are launched at 7:30 CDT.

    For this TB, we will get 28 stars with 58 million GP and we're looking to further improve on that number. We do have minimum participation requirements for TB but it's designed to allow you some wiggle room in case life gets in the way.

    It is required to get at least 300 tickets daily although most of the guild does more. We average 25-27k guild tickets daily and 550 tickets per member per day overall. Violations to guild rules (such as low ticket contribution or violating raid rules) will result in a warning the first time and removal for repeated violations.

    Discord is mandatory and used mainly for banter and official notifications.

    If you're interested in joining, message me here or on discord shaggydarwin#7454. We'll be starting our next HAAT raid tonight so get in touch with me now to get added after you claim your TB rewards!
    Post edited by shaggydarwin on
  • Options
    Are you an active 600 a day player? If so we have a guild for you.

    The academy is a seven guild collective that includes four hAAT farm guilds that are now focused on maximizing their TB rewards.


    We also have two developmental guilds and a casual guild. These guilds also complete hAAT with some help from our other guilds.

    Our guilds have players from around the world so we can probably find one with raid times that work for you.

    We have guilds designed for TB and hAAT focused players and we also have guilds suitable for a more casual player who just wants some heroic raid rewards including GK and Raid Han shards.

    How are we different from some of the other alliances? For one we treat our players as members of our community. We won't move you to a lower guild just because a better player comes along. Have you been dumped from your guild for no reason? We won't do that to you as long as you follow the rules of the guild.

    If you join the Academy you are going to get General Kenobi and Raid Han shards guaranteed no matter your GP.

    All of our guilds share a common discord server so everyone can communicate and we can help you to improve your teams.

    We are looking for community oriented active gamers. You don't have to have an amazing roster or be hAAT and TB ready to join the academy. We want to find players who fit in with our community and hopefully play this game with us for a long time. We are looking for people who want to run as many heroic raids as possible and help our alliance grow even stronger. You can be a whale, dolphin or F2P. The important this is you are active, community oriented, a team first player and want to get better.

    We'll help you with suggestions, resources and allow you to ally with members who have gear 12 level 85 fully maxed characters. You can ally with our members and use our characters to help you complete hard light, dark and neutral battles.

    Here are the basics:

    ** Discord ** is mandatory. That is where we do the vast majority of our communicating. You'll also find Raid times, rules and helpful guides-- We've got a channel for just about anything. Most important is to check the Announcement channel and our raid and TB channels during heroic raids and TB.

    ** Activity ** The bulk of our guild logs in multiple times a day and they max their energy. Our hAAT farm guilds require 600 raid tickets daily and TB participation. The more raids, the more we progress. We do understand if you're vacationing, having personal issues, etc. Just give us a heads up! If you've ever been in a guild that does not track activity, you know how frustrating that can be. We're on top of it.

    ** Culture ** We're promoting a tight knit community or family type atmosphere. We love to have fun and joke around. We're always open to feedback, questions or concerns and will do what's best for the guilds as a whole. We are really proud of our guilds and feel like its a second family.

    You can contact me via PM on this board, on discord HanShotFirst #6596 or line HanShotFirst. You can also join our discord server https://discord.gg/pqKRK4f.
  • Options
    The Coalition of the Willing is looking for a 2 new members to replace some of our high level alt accounts

    Guild Reset: 12:30 PM EST
    Guild Galactic Power: 57.5 Million
    Territory Battle: 26 Stars

    Heroic Rancor:
    - 24 Hour Zero Damage Registration
    - Damage period opens 3 times a week
    - Monday @ 9 PM EST
    - Wednesday @ 9 PM EST
    - Saturday @ 4 PM EST
    - One Team attack per person
    - 30 minute delay posting for P2 through entire Pit Solo Runs
    - No back to back Top 3 finishes to share the extra prize box love

    Heroic AAT:
    - 18 Hour Zero Damage Registration
    - ZDR @ 9 PM EST on Sunday and Wednesday
    - Damage Phase opens @ 3 PM EST on Monday and Thursday
    - Free For All once the damage opens

    Guild Rules:
    1. Be a decent person. We removed toxic players in the past that couldn't be respectful of other members. Most of us have full-time jobs and families, so we have zero patience for dealing with immature people that try to harass other guild members.
    2. Be active. The expectation is 600 per day, but we all have lives outside of this game so just let us know ahead of time if you are heading on vacation and wont be able to play.
    3. Use LINE so you can receive updates for the raids / territory battles.
    4. Follow the Raid Rules posted above. These rules were implemented to ensure every guild member gets a chance to earn raid rewards and an opportunity to participate in the various phases.
    If our guild sounds like a good fit for you, shoot me a message on LINE and we can discuss things in more detail.

    LINE ID: grantasaurus
    Ally Code: 492-762-819
  • IdraRage
    259 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Galaxies Guardians has 2 spots left for our next Territory Battle.

    Guild Information:
    -38 stars in our last TB.
    -Generate approx. 27k coins/day. ~100m GP.
    -Rancor/HAAT are FFA at 7:30pm Eastern (4:30 Pacific) after a 24 hr 0 damage registration period

    Minimum requirements are:
    -Average 500/600 coins daily
    -2m GP
    -5* Captain Han & HRS
    -Must deploy your forces & attempt all combat missions in TB
    -There may be some flexibility in these requirements if you plan on putting a strong effort into TB & TW.

    Contact via PM on this forum, or on Line (id = idrarage) or Discord (Destructo11#7106).
  • Options
    ShatterPoint needs a few players.

    We have three guilds

    (Currently Full on a wait list)
    42 Stars 131 Million GP 50 Rolo Shards

    37 Stars 96 Million GP 41 Rolo Shards

    37 Stars 93 Million GP 43 Rolo Shards

    If you would be interested in joining our Alliance please join our recruitment line chat and talk with leaders and officers in all 3 guilds. http://line.me/ti/g/mNdogbWgx-
  • Options

    Knights of Mandaløre (85.8M GP) is currently looking for one! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30/8:00 PM Eastern Time respectively). We average 29k tickets a day and score 36☆ on Territory Battles.

    What we are looking for in recruits
    - Level 85
    - 1.6M+ Galactic Power
    - Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops REQUIRED)
    - Willing to contribute 500 energy minimim a day
    - Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
    - A discord account and swgoh.gg page (We require our new members to join through our recuritment channel)

    We hope to hear from you soon!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
  • Options

    We demand ask that you:
    • Are willing to use Discord (very important for our TB counter).
    • Are getting your 600 a day.
    • Have at least 5* CHS and other TB required toons.
    Twice we have lost out a star to get us atleast 40 by a small margin (30k TP off last time).
    Currently 102mil GP.
    Raid times start 7:30pm UK Time.

    If you are interested in joining you can join straight into our discord server using the following link: https://discord.gg/BH7SpvY
  • Options

    Jakkuzas Are Recruiting!

    Do you play Galaxy of Heroes everyday like its your crack? Are you in a guild that is as active as a stoner in a jacuzzi?

    Then look no further!

    Jakkuzas are currently looking for 1 active player. We are a focused, organised (and yet still fun) guild offering up an open spot for anyone wanting to farm HAAT, HRancor and TB while advising and having a laugh in the Line chat rooms we run.

    If you love the game, there's no better place to be. Grow your collection at maximum efficiency all the while taking advantage of our (frankly ancient) pool of experienced, longtime players. Player turnover is very low as this is a place people don't want to leave. There are many still, including myself, from the first few months of SWGOH. We do however have rules that need to be abided by to keep things running as slick as possible, all for the betterment of your roster!

    We do not ask for 'minimum GP', as there's more than that to consider when accepting new players, however we remind you we are an upper tier guild with fast raid clear speeds and closing in on 39* TB, so please don't come at me with your 4* Clone wars Chewbacca and Talia. ;)

    We try and keep everything as simple as possible for everyone really...


    Rancor - 7:00pm GMT - 0 dmg for 24hrs. After that FFA. Usually 10mins.
    Solo's accepted, but can only post solo dmg 30mins after go-time or when Rancor announced dead in gamechat.

    HAAT - 7:30pm GMT - 0 dmg for 24hrs. After that FFA. Usually 1hr.
    No other rules. Have at it.

    (Rule breakers will sit out next rancor raid - Break that, or break again and the old boot of bye-bye gets put on.)
    Territory Battles and War

    All CM's are expected to be completed as soon as possible. We require full guild participation. This is monitored

    Last 4 hours of the phase is our deployment window.
    These last 4 hours are directed by our Raid leader and all directions must be followed until changed.

    Territory War - We have several guild members feeding data and strategy out of the beta in preparation for its arrival.

    Rules and Key Info

    -600/600 required everyday. We do monitor and post a weekly spreadsheet for public viewing. We are not ****'s but we expect drops in ticket contributions to be rare.

    -Use of the 'Line' app is mandatory. We will not accept anyone refusing to use it. We dont care if you're holding the master code, are level 100 with Gear 13 and your CLS is riding a golden unicorn. Communication is key to what we achieve. And we need you on there with the crew.

    -New members will be trialled for a week. We do not put any restriction on raids or anything else. We just want to make sure you are what we're looking for, naturally.

    -We are predominantly English speaking, and although we accept any international players meeting requirements, being GMT -/+ 3 would be an advantage.

    -Must have a sense of humour.

    -Line chat is 18+

    -Be generous!

    If you would like to apply, please add 'Sithmypants' on the Line app.
  • Options
    Hi, I’m Ace Andrews. Leader of the Black Raven Gaming Guild on SWGoH. We have a few spots open for new members. WE ARE A SERIOUS GUILD LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED GAMERS. We do have casual members but I will replace them if we hit the 50 member mark.
    This is what we do/have:
    -Operate on Discord
    -HAAT Raid beaten regularly
    -24 Hour 0 Damage period for Rancor Raid
    -We acquire **** shards
    -Average around 27 stars for TB and want to improve.
    -45 Stars for TB (We can do it if all 50 of us maximize in every zone)
    -Dominate in TW. Not just win but crush the other team.
    -Be ready for whatever challenges Capital Games throws at us.
    -To rule the Galaxy as 50 top players with great rosters of characters & ships.
    If you are interested in joining our guild or have any questions, message me on here or drop your ally code and I will review your roster and send you a guild invite if I think you’ll fit in. You can also add my ally code:
    Thanks for reading and see you on the Holo table
    “Do or do not, there is no try.”
    Ally code: 832-541-451
  • Options
    WeShootF1rst are recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    2-3 active players
    Level 85, active daily (600) , at least 1.000.000 GP
    Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops)

    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Currently we are 49/50 but more spots will open for limited time.
    We average 28k tickets a day and score 27-29☆ on TB.
    Heroic Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week.
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.2-3 raids per week.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 67.000.000
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to deploy and which team to use.
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly. This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .
    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets or not participating on TB is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is Mandatory.
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
  • Options

    Jakkuzas Are Recruiting!

    Do you play Galaxy of Heroes everyday like its your crack? Are you in a guild that is as active as a stoner in a jacuzzi?

    Then look no further!

    Jakkuzas are currently looking for 1 active player. We are a focused, organised (and yet still fun) guild offering up an open spot for anyone wanting to farm HAAT, HRancor and TB while advising and having a laugh in the Line chat rooms we run.

    If you love the game, there's no better place to be. Grow your collection at maximum efficiency all the while taking advantage of our (frankly ancient) pool of experienced, longtime players. Player turnover is very low as this is a place people don't want to leave. There are many still, including myself, from the first few months of SWGOH. We do however have rules that need to be abided by to keep things running as slick as possible, all for the betterment of your roster!

    We do not ask for 'minimum GP', as there's more than that to consider when accepting new players, however we remind you we are an upper tier guild with fast raid clear speeds and closing in on 39* TB, so please don't come at me with your 4* Clone wars Chewbacca and Talia. ;)

    We try and keep everything as simple as possible for everyone really...


    Rancor - 7:00pm GMT - 0 dmg for 24hrs. After that FFA. Usually 10mins.
    Solo's accepted, but can only post solo dmg 30mins after go-time or when Rancor announced dead in gamechat.

    HAAT - 7:30pm GMT - 0 dmg for 24hrs. After that FFA. Usually 1hr.
    No other rules. Have at it.

    (Rule breakers will sit out next rancor raid - Break that, or break again and the old boot of bye-bye gets put on.)
    Territory Battles and War

    All CM's are expected to be completed as soon as possible. We require full guild participation. This is monitored

    Last 4 hours of the phase is our deployment window.
    These last 4 hours are directed by our Raid leader and all directions must be followed until changed.

    Territory War - We have several guild members feeding data and strategy out of the beta in preparation for its arrival.

    Rules and Key Info

    -600/600 required everyday. We do monitor and post a weekly spreadsheet for public viewing. We are not ****'s but we expect drops in ticket contributions to be rare.

    -Use of the 'Line' app is mandatory. We will not accept anyone refusing to use it. We dont care if you're holding the master code, are level 100 with Gear 13 and your CLS is riding a golden unicorn. Communication is key to what we achieve. And we need you on there with the crew.

    -New members will be trialled for a week. We do not put any restriction on raids or anything else. We just want to make sure you are what we're looking for, naturally.

    -We are predominantly English speaking, and although we accept any international players meeting requirements, being GMT -/+ 3 would be an advantage.

    -Must have a sense of humour.

    -Line chat is 18+

    -Be generous!

    If you would like to apply, please add 'Sithmypants' on the Line app.
  • Options

    Jakkuzas Are Recruiting!

    Do you play Galaxy of Heroes everyday like its your crack? Are you in a guild that is as active as a stoner in a jacuzzi?

    Then look no further!

    Jakkuzas are currently looking for 1 active player. We are a focused, organised (and yet still fun) guild offering up an open spot for anyone wanting to farm HAAT, HRancor and TB while advising and having a laugh in the Line chat rooms we run.

    If you love the game, there's no better place to be. Grow your collection at maximum efficiency all the while taking advantage of our (frankly ancient) pool of experienced, longtime players. Player turnover is very low as this is a place people don't want to leave. There are many still, including myself, from the first few months of SWGOH. We do however have rules that need to be abided by to keep things running as slick as possible, all for the betterment of your roster!

    We do not ask for 'minimum GP', as there's more than that to consider when accepting new players, however we remind you we are an upper tier guild with fast raid clear speeds and closing in on 39* TB, so please don't come at me with your 4* Clone wars Chewbacca and Talia. ;)

    We try and keep everything as simple as possible for everyone really...


    Rancor - 7:00pm GMT - 0 dmg for 24hrs. After that FFA. Usually 10mins.
    Solo's accepted, but can only post solo dmg 30mins after go-time or when Rancor announced dead in gamechat.

    HAAT - 7:30pm GMT - 0 dmg for 24hrs. After that FFA. Usually 1hr.
    No other rules. Have at it.

    (Rule breakers will sit out next rancor raid - Break that, or break again and the old boot of bye-bye gets put on.)
    Territory Battles and War

    All CM's are expected to be completed as soon as possible. We require full guild participation. This is monitored

    Last 4 hours of the phase is our deployment window.
    These last 4 hours are directed by our Raid leader and all directions must be followed until changed.

    Territory War - We have several guild members feeding data and strategy out of the beta in preparation for its arrival.

    Rules and Key Info

    -600/600 required everyday. We do monitor and post a weekly spreadsheet for public viewing. We are not ****'s but we expect drops in ticket contributions to be rare.

    -Use of the 'Line' app is mandatory. We will not accept anyone refusing to use it. We dont care if you're holding the master code, are level 100 with Gear 13 and your CLS is riding a golden unicorn. Communication is key to what we achieve. And we need you on there with the crew.

    -New members will be trialled for a week. We do not put any restriction on raids or anything else. We just want to make sure you are what we're looking for, naturally.

    -We are predominantly English speaking, and although we accept any international players meeting requirements, being GMT -/+ 3 would be an advantage.

    -Must have a sense of humour.

    -Line chat is 18+

    -Be generous!

    If you would like to apply, please add 'Sithmypants' on the Line app.
  • Options
    Guild Victory March shares in the fun together, with tremendous collegiality, opinionated and respectful discussions, collaboration and cooperation, as we beat the AAT and Rancor in the heroic tier. VM coordinates folks from time zones across the world, in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
    We currently raid 3 times a week in the heroic pit raid and are doing the Tank raid 2 days a week. We have bonus raids of each when tickets get high enough.
    Guild payout/reset time is 7:30 PM PST
    Our raid start times for pit raid are currently 7:30 pm PST for people to register 0 damage and they open up for people to send in one squad to register real damage the following morning at 10:45 am PST
    Our HAAT raid launches at 7:30 pm PST for phase 1 then phase 2 opens at 8:30 am PST the following morning, Phase 3 launches at 12:30 pm PST same day and then P4 opens at 11:00 am PST the following day. This is done to ensure everyone has an equal chance to get damage done in each phase.
    On the TB we are getting 35.
    These are the requirements that we achieve as a team:
    • an account with the app Line
    • Daily contribution of 600 Guild Raid tickets (we understand people have real lives outside SWGOH if you are going to take a “vacation” just let an officer know)
    • English language communication
    • we prefer Minimum of twenty (20) toons at 7* Gear
    • we prefer Minimum 1.5 Million GP
    Sample VM folks:
    Want to join us for raids, chat, and rewards?
    Please contact me here or via Line ID: "yellow.mantis"
    VM Yellow Mantis
  • Options
    Asian HAAT guild GMT +6 +7 +8 +9 [95M GP 49/50 TB 38⭐️+] looking for 1 active & committed team player.

    Hi guys, we are looking for 1 active & committed team player.

    Last TB @ 38⭐️ (Very close to 39⭐️)

    Guild reset time @ 18:30pm (GMT +7)
    Heroic Rancor @ 21:00pm (GMT +7)
    HAAT @ 19:00pm (GMT +7)
    We do both raids with 24 Hours 0 damage rules.
    Raids as often as the guild coin allow (We run at least 3 Heroic Rancor & 2 HAAT per week with bonus of each as we have tickets)

    Requirements :

    (1) LINE app is mandatory. TB require some form of coordination & communication throughout the guild so we need all members are reachable.
    (2) Around 1.8M+ GP and with TB key toons unlock and continuing to farm :
    - 7⭐️ CLS
    - Minimum 5⭐️ Hoth Rebel Soldier
    - Minimum 6⭐️ Hoth Rebel Scout
    - Minimum 5⭐️ Captain Han Solo
    - Phoenix Squad Ready
    - Rogue One Team Ready
    (3) At least unlock 6⭐️ Ligh Side Capitol Ship.
    (4) 600/600 tickets daily. It's ok to miss occasionally but do give us a heads up.
    (5) Follow Guild rules and TB rules.

    Please PM me with your ally code and LINE/Discord ID if you are interested. Thank you !
  • BOT
    55 posts Member
    HAAT guild looking for 1. Over 100 million GP and 40 stars in TB. PM if interested
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    Hi guys.
    Guild Vancouver is looking for 3-5 new members. We are getting 20 stars on territory battle, and are really close to get one extra star in 5 territories. We need you to get those 5 extra stars :)
    We are on pacific time, we do heroic rancor and will start heroic aat in a month.
    We have a zero damage for the first 24h of each raid to make sure everyone gets rewarded, so even newer player are welcome.
    My ally code is 228-168-616.
    Feel free to ask if you have more question.

  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
  • Options

    Knights of Mandaløre (86.1M GP) is currently looking for one! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30/8:00 PM Eastern Time respectively). We average 29k tickets a day and score 36☆ on Territory Battles.

    What we are looking for in recruits
    - Level 85
    - 1.6M+ Galactic Power
    - Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops REQUIRED)
    - Willing to contribute 500 energy minimim a day
    - Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
    - A discord account and swgoh.gg page (We require our new members to join through our recuritment channel)

    We hope to hear from you soon!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
  • Options
    Galaxies Guardians has 1 free spot for our next TW or TB (due to a member abruptly leaving for personal reasons):

    Guild Information:
    -38 stars in our last TB.
    -Generate approx. 27k coins/day. ~100m GP.
    -Rancor/HAAT are FFA at 7:30pm Eastern (4:30 Pacific) after a 24 hr 0 damage registration period

    Minimum requirements are:
    -Average 500/600 coins daily
    -2m GP
    -5* Captain Han & HRS
    -Must put a reasonable effort into TBs and TWs
    -There may be some flexibility in these requirements if you plan on putting a strong effort into TB & TW.

    Contact via PM on this forum, or on Line (id = idrarage) or Discord (Destructo11#7106).
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    xxROGUESxx Recruiting Now Members and Open to speaking with Guilds about joining our community.

    xxROGUESxx are recruiting we are a 9 guild community and growing. 4 HAAT GUILDS, 3 guilds running Hpit & pre-haat, and 1 developement guild for growing members.

    Whether you're an old school player or a new player, looking for a great guild or a change, why not join our community .

    We have competitive guilds and a family friendly environment where all are welcome. With members from all over the globe we are sure that you will fit in, no matter where your from. We have a team of trainers that are more then willing to help anyone improve your game in any area.

    xxROGUESxx requirements:

    • Discord and a synced Swgoh account.

    • Daily activity.

    • Participation in guild events and daily tickets of 600

    xxROGUESxx current guilds are:

    Prime 50/50 HAAT 95M GP est.

    Wraith 50/50 HAAT/HPIT 72M GP pst.

    Maxim 48/50 HAAT 65M GP est.

    Scoundrels 46/50 Haat/Hpit 66M GP est.

    Bredi 45/50 Hpit/Haat 77M GP eu-gmt

    Resistance 47/50 Hpit/aat 45.6M GP est.

    Empire 47/50 est. Hpit/pre-haat 22M GP

    Team Carbanti 25/50 pst. Hpit/pre-haat

    Carbanti 30/50 pst. Beginner guild

    We would be pleased if you stopped by and said hello.


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    "Too Old For This Sithh" has 1 empty roster spot we're looking to fill with someone who has at least 1.3m GP.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Guild with 102m GP and currently earns 38 stars per LS TB. Heroic Rancor 3-4x per week and Heroic Tank 2-3x a week. Raid times are ~7pm EST and primarily on weekdays so they don't interfere with weekends.

    We are laid back despite our expansive rosters (mine is linked below). We don't hound anyone for their 600 energy a day, and we understand RL happens and this is just a game, all we ask is that you communicate with the Guild so we can plan accordingly.

    Too newb for you you say? Well, while we're not TI, I am attaching my SWGoH account below for your perusal. I think you'll find that we're actually much closer to a high-end Guild, just without the ****.

    If you're interesting in joining please send me a PM. (We are GMT -05:00.)

    SWGOH Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/manbalz/
    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    Hello everyone,
    The Remaining Knights of Ren guild went through a recent reform. We have HC raids on farm and we're looking for new active members!
    Members: 40/50
    GP: 52 mil
    TB: 26*
    Raids: 9:00 pm GMT; HRancor - 24 hour no dmg rule; HAAT - 24 hour no dmg rule for 4th phase
    - 1.2 mil GP (hoth soldier and cpt. Solo at 5* or close to it)
    - 600/600 daily raid tickets (as often as possible)
    - discord for communication
    We are very friendly guild with experienced players from all around the world. If you are interested please join here https://discord.gg/ftRS7bK and post your swgoh account. Or send me PM here on the forums.
    We are looking forward to playing with you!
    Best regards,
    Leadership of TRKoR
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