Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Galaxies Guardians has 1 free spot for the upcoming TW or TB (due to a member abruptly leaving for personal reasons):

    Guild Information:
    -38 stars in our last TB.
    -Generate approx. 27k coins/day. ~100m GP.
    -Rancor/HAAT are FFA at 7:30pm Eastern (4:30 Pacific) after a 24 hr 0 damage registration period

    Minimum requirements are:
    -Average 500/600 coins daily
    -2m GP
    -5* Captain Han & HRS
    -Must put a reasonable effort into TBs and TWs
    -There may be some flexibility in these requirements if you plan on putting a strong effort into TB & TW.

    Contact via PM on this forum, or on Line (id = idrarage) or Discord (Destructo11#7106).
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    Shaggy Bevo is looking to recruit 1 person to join our semi-casual guild (operates in Central Time USA) with 63 million GP and both heroic raids on farm. We got 28 stars on LS TB and we have 2 very dedicated members of the guild who coordinate and plan our attacks each phase. We are looking for someone who is level 85 with >1.2 million GP.

    Rules for the guild:
    - Minimum 300 raid tickets average per week to stay in the guild. Ticket count is done every Wednesday and a warning will be issued first before removal for a second week of low ticket average. Weekly raid ticket counts will be posted on discord for everyone to view. We currently average 26k raid tickets daily with individuals averaging 550 tickets each.
    - 24 hour ZERO damage policy on heroic rancor raids. Raids generally begin at 8:30 PM Central Time. If you are capable of soloing Rancor raid, you must wait until 9 PM to post damage.
    - HAAT is 0 damage OR phoenix squadron only for the first 24 hours and then free for all starting at 7:30 PM Central Time. HAAT raids generally last about 2-3 hours in the FFA.
    - One week (7 days) of inactivity will result in immediate removal. If you have a planned absense, let one of the officers know.
    - Signing up for discord is required of all members. You do not have to participate in banter but discord is where we will post announcements regarding hrancor, haat, and tb.

    If you are interested in joining us, contact me here or on discord shaggydarwin#7454.
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    Smuggler’s Rise 2 https://swgoh.gg/g/22896/smugglers-rise-2/

    The Numbers:
    • 42 million G.P.
    • Rancors thrice weekly (24 hour, 3 strike ZDR 2100 UTC)
    • AAT twice weekly (2100 UTC)
    • 19* Territory Battles and climbing.
    • Discord, swgoh.gg and 350 tickets per day required.

    The People Behind the Numbers:
    We are an active Discord family that includes our 2 ally guilds, Smuggler's Rise and 5th Column. There is always someone on Discord willing to chat, discuss strategy, theorize, etc. Our Officers offer detailed instructions for raids and territory battles. We are currently HAAT focused and looking for players ready to or willing to work towards that goal.

    Message me or post your swgoh.gg account to our Discord (https://discord.gg/2tRFtsS) recruiting channel (I’m Ffion#4439) so we can prove we are a good fit for each other. *
  • Options
    Sei gegrüßt Holotisch-Spieler,
    da Du dich entschieden hast auf unsere Vorstellung zu klicken, kommst Du sicherlich mit folgenden oder ähnlichen Fragen auf uns zu:
    *Du willst nicht ständig gegen unorganisierte Trägheit Deiner bisherigen Gildenkameraden ankämpfen und hast schon aufgegeben dir die Finger wund zu tippen? *
    Ja [x] Nein [ ] Mir doch egal [ ]
    *Du möchtest in Galaxy of Heroes voran kommen, aber hast auch noch ein Privatleben, Familie oder andere Real-Life Verpflichtungen?*
    Ja [x] Nein [ ] F**k RL! [ ]
    *Du kommst von einer Profi-Gilde, die mit extremen Vorschriften und drakonischen Strafen ihre Mitglieder in Zaum hält und suchst eine etwas moderatere Gangart?*
    Ja [x] Nein [ ] Jaaa, quält mich! [ ]
    Du findest Dich bei den Fragen wieder? Prima, dann bist du vielleicht geeignet.
    Nun aber mal zu unseren Eckdaten:
    Invictus Reloaded German, nennen wir uns. Unser Durchschnittsalter beläuft sich auf ca. 30-40 Jahre mit Peaks nach oben und unten natürlich.
    Hauptsprache, wie der Gildenname vermuten lässt, sind wir deutschsprachig.
    Wir farmen regelbasiert (24h-Regel) T7 Rancor, T6 AAT (unseren ersten Haat starteten wir am 17.11. — 50% von P3) und bieten organisiertes Vorgehen bei den Territory Battles. Aktuell erreichen wir um 16-18 Punkte als Abschlusswertung mit ein paar Splittern für ROLO.
    Wir sind weit über 40 Spieler, aber ab und an verlässt uns mal jemand und wir wollen unsere Ränge natürlich für all die Gildenaktivitäten wieder stärken. Viele unserer Spieler sind Veteranen mit über 1Mio GP.
    Weiterhin bietet wir einen sehr gut organisierten Discord-Server mit automatischen Updates aus dem offiziellem Forum, allerhand Infos (Abfrage-Bots) und Möglichkeiten sich in der Gilde zu engagieren.
    Unsere Ziele sind T7 AAT und natürlich eine höhere Wertung bei den Territory Battles.
    Immer noch dabei? Immer noch interessiert?
    Idealerweise bist Du schon um Level 85 und hast schon ca. 1 Mio. GP (Galaktische Macht). Aber wir suchen vor allem aktive und motivierte Spieler, die von uns mit Ratschlägen und Hinweisen unterstützt werden können bei Bedarf. In diesem Zusammenhang haben wir ein kleines Mentorenprogramm — auf Wunsch schauen wir uns Deinen Account an und geben Tipps ihn zu optimieren.
    **Ohne ein paar Regeln lässt sich eine Gilde nicht geordnet führen daher haben wir ein paar Voraussetzungen, die wir von unseren Mitgliedern erwarten.**
    - Ticketbeitrag für die Raids sollten schon 600 am Tag sein, aber wenn es mal nicht klappt, wird man nicht sofort rausgeschmissen. Es sollte aber kein Regelmäßigkeit sein, dass Du nur 200 Tickets oder so beiträgst.
    - Discord als Chat-Tool. Sind wir mal ehrlich der ingame-Chat lässt zu wünschen übrig.
    - Beachten der Gildenregeln bezüglich der Raids und Abwesenheiten.
    - Höflicher und respektvoller Umgang miteinander sollte selbstverständlich sein
    Melde Dich bei unserem Rekruiter Karok#0917 über Discord oder logge Dich direkt in Lobby auf unserem Discord-Server über https://discord.gg/tc8GvR2 ein.
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    We are currently recruiting 2 TB ready players!

    About Us:

    -TheRebelion is currently looking for players who are team minded and wanting to grow with an amazing group of people! Most of us have been here for a year or longer since the guild was born, so we are all about growing as a group and helping each other build, very selfless group. We have been easily completing HAAT for about 8 months now, and are continuing to do better on TB each time. Just looking for some players who are willing to stick around and do their part to help us win as a team! Everyone here has a great sense of humor (and a couple dirty minded people ;)) and we all just enjoy having a good time together on chat while not talking about the game.

    -80m GP when guild is full (Averaging 32-34* Per TB, and looking to grow that)

    -Guild Reset at 8:30 EST

    -Timezone EST

    -Raids are all 18hr NO Damage. T7 Rancor about 3 times per week, starting at 2:30pm EST following 18hr no damage. About 2-3 HAAT per week, starting at 12pm EST.


    -600 Everyday
    -Level 85
    -1.4M GP or higher
    -Line App for communication
    -TB and HAAT ready toons
    -Hopefully a good sense of humor and a team player :)

    I am an officer in the guild and my Ally code is: 225-995-884
    Not everyone has synced their account to swgoh.gg, but here is a link
    to our guild if you want to check it out https://swgoh.gg/g/2517/therebelion/
    We are currently at 78m GP with 48/50 Players.

    My Line ID is: robert_swgoh

    If this sounds like a good fit for you, then don't waste another second getting in touch with me and telling us why you would be a good fit for this guild!
    If applying, please include the following:

    -Level (or link to your swgoh.gg)
    -Total GP:
    -Willing to participate in Line Chat:

    May the Force be With You
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Hello everyone,
    The Remaining Knights of Ren guild went through a recent reform. We have HC raids on farm and we're looking for new active members!
    Members: 40/50
    GP: 52 mil
    TB: 26*
    Raids: 9:00 pm GMT; HRancor - 24 hour no dmg rule; HAAT - 24 hour no dmg rule for 4th phase
    - 1 mil GP (hoth soldier and cpt. Solo at 5* or close to it)
    - 600/600 daily raid tickets (as often as possible)
    - discord for communication
    We are very friendly guild with experienced players from all around the world. If you are interested please join here https://discord.gg/ftRS7bK and post your swgoh account. Or send me PM here on the forums.
    We are looking forward to playing with you!
    Best regards,
    Leadership of TRKoR
  • DeadManWalkingMY
    77 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Asian HAAT guild GMT +6 +7 +8 +9 [98M GP 49/50 TB 38⭐️+] looking for 1 active & committed team player.

    Last Light TB @ 38⭐️ (Very close to 39⭐️)

    Guild reset time @ 18:30pm (GMT +7)
    Heroic Rancor @ 21:00pm (GMT +7)
    HAAT @ 19:00pm (GMT +7)
    We do both raids with 24 Hours 0 damage rules.
    Raids as often as the guild coin allow (We run at least 3 Heroic Rancor & 2 HAAT per week with bonus of each as we have tickets)

    Requirements :

    (1) LINE app is mandatory. TB require some form of coordination & communication throughout the guild so we need all members are reachable.
    (2) Around 1.8M+ GP and with TB key toons unlock and continuing to farm :
    - 7⭐️ CLS
    - Minimum 5⭐️ Hoth Rebel Soldier
    - Minimum 6⭐️ Hoth Rebel Scout
    - Minimum 5⭐️ Captain Han Solo
    - Phoenix Squad Ready
    - Rogue One Team Ready
    (3) At least unlock 6⭐️ Ligh Side Capitol Ship.
    (4) 600/600 tickets daily. It's ok to miss occasionally but do give us a heads up.
    (5) Follow Guild rules and TB rules.

    Please PM me with your ally code and LINE/Discord ID if you are interested. Thank you !
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Knights of Mandaløre (89.3M GP) is currently looking for one recruit! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30/8:00 PM Eastern Time respectively). We average 29k tickets a day and score 36/32☆ on Territory Battles.

    What we are looking for in recruits
    - Level 85
    - 1.6M+ Galactic Power
    - Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops REQUIRED)
    - Willing to contribute 500 energy minimim a day
    - Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
    - A discord account and swgoh.gg page (We require our new members to join through our recuritment channel)

    We hope to hear from you soon!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
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    WeShootF1rst are recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    1-2 active players
    Level 85, active daily (600) , at least 1.000.000 GP
    Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops)
    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Currently we are full 50/50 but one spot will open for limited time.
    We average 28k tickets a day and score 27-29☆ on TB.
    Heroic Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week.
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.2-3 raids per week.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 70.000.000
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to deploy and which team to use.
    Territory Wars:
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each territory where to deploy defenses and where to attack.(1st TW/1st win for WeShootF1rst)
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly. This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .
    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets or not participating on TB is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is Mandatory.
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
  • Options
    WeShootF1rst are recruiting:
    We are looking for:
    1-2 active players
    Level 85, active daily (600) , at least 1.000.000 GP
    Participation in Territory Battles (Capt HS, ROLO and Hoth troops)
    Use Discord (Mandatory)
    Have a swgoh.gg profile set up
    Some staff about us:
    WeShootF1rst is an international Guild, with members from Europe and US.
    Currently we are 50/50 but one spot will open for limited time.
    We average 28k tickets a day and score 27-29☆ on TB.
    Heroic Rancor Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets. 3 raids per week.
    HAAT Raids:
    Whenever we have the required tickets.2-3 raids per week.
    Territory Battles:
    our current GP is 70.000.000
    Officers are constantly informing the members for each phase and each battle where to deploy and which team to use.
    Territory Wars:
    our first win is a fact!
    Officers are constantly informing the members where to deploy defenses and which team to use.same for attack phase.
    Discord chat:
    Access to Discord chat is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly. This is for your own service and further development as we provide guidance on strategy on the raids and lots of useful information for gearing chars .
    Discord chat is mandatory.
    Raid & Activity rules:
    Rancor (HEROIC):
    24 hour **NO DAMAGE** rule applies on all Rancor Raids.
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    0 (zero) damage for the first 24hrs. free for all after
    600/600 Tickets per day is a must. By not contributing raid tickets or not participating on TB is a cause to be kicked off.
    Participation in ALL raids is Mandatory.
    Ally code:
    Redkk : 128-418-783
    Contact us with private message here or on Discord if you're interested.
  • Options
    Shaggy Bevo is looking for up to 3 new members. We're a 64 million GP guild, 28* LSTB, 26* DSTB. We do HPit and HAAT. Won our TW and need 3 members who are 1.2 million GP or above to help us to victory again this weekend.

    Message me here or on discord shaggydarwin#7454
  • BonBonzito
    34 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Guildy McGuildstein is accepting players for our newest HAAT guild (43/50)

    Guildy McGuildstein is a highly organized family of 4 guilds ranging from casual to TB focused with two HAAT guilds in between. Guild resets are Central and Eastern Standard Time (UTC-6 and UTC-5).

    Our top guild is a few hundred thousand TP away from getting additional stars in 2 territories. We have a built-in system of advancement that allows the strongest players to play in the strongest guild, and we merc to support the less developed guilds.

    We have a dedicated team of officers who bring their technical skills and hard work to keep things running smoothly and to maximize our TB output. We're seeking active, motivated players of any level to fill our ranks.

    We're also almost at capacity across 4 guilds and will consider a merger to start a 5th.


    * 600/day
    * Discord
    * swgoh.gg profile
    * Mandatory fun

    Visit our Discord server if interested: https://discord.gg/NCvv9Am
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Doombringer Heroic Rancor & Heroic AAT on farm, usually at 2pm EST / 8 pm CET.
    3 rancor and 2haat per week.
    HAAT 24h 0 Damage Registration.

    We are recruiting 2 strong new members (lvl85)with impeccable contribution and a good roster. We will accept players weaker if they show potential, commitment and dedication.
    Our goal is to bolster our guild, improve in TBs and TW.

    Respect, always improving, helping one another and fun are our core values. At Doombringer every single member matters, we will provide everyone the tools to grow and get a better understanding of the game. If you share those values and wanna unlock the mighty Hermit Yoda, come & join us.
    You can contact us on Discord : Zetana#8176. Mixelplux#7543.
    Discord&swfoh.gg profile = mandatory.

    May the force be with you.
  • Evuin
    29 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Looking for 2 players to add to our guild, minimum 1m GP and a good sense of humour.

    We are a group of easy going people from all areas of North America with several in Europe as well. We keep things pretty relaxed yet competitive in progression. What I mean is, we won’t count your tickets or dictate your next farm, but we are all very active and expect activity in TB and TW even if only dumping defences in TW. We do realize that everyone has other priorities, just don’t be flaky and everyone will get along!!

    Some details:

    61m GP - Lately we have been growing at a rate of roughly 1m GP/wk
    HAAT - on farm, 2-3/wk
    HPIT - 24hr 0 damage 2-3/wk
    LS TB - 27*
    DS TB - 23*
    TW - 2 wins

    Few Rules:

    Discord - Mandatory
    swgoh.gg profile - Mandatory
    Due to the level of coordination in TB and TW we have made both of these mandatory to help out our coordinators as well as giving instruction when required. All our guys are great for giving advice when requested through discord and we’ve learned a lot from what people find and post there.

    ****Zero tolerance for Deuchebaggery and disregard for other members****

    Removal after 5 days no activity unless notified... Gotta keep momentum going!! We’ll attempt to contact first.

    Check out our page on SWGOH.gg (Still working on getting everyone there)

    Give me a shout!

    Discord: Evuin#9122
    Post edited by Evuin on
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    Smuggler’s Rise 2 https://swgoh.gg/g/22896/smugglers-rise-2/

    The Numbers:
    • 45 million G.P.
    • Rancors twice weekly (24 hour, 3 strike ZDR @2100 UTC)
    • HAAT as available (2100 UTC)
    • 19* Territory Battles and climbing.
    • Discord, swgoh.gg and 350 tickets per day required.

    The People Behind the Numbers:
    We are an active Discord family that includes our 2 ally guilds, Smuggler's Rise and 5th Column. There is always someone on Discord willing to chat, discuss strategy, theorize, etc. Our Officers offer detailed instructions for raids and We are currently HAAT focused and looking for players ready to or willing to work towards that goal.

    Message me or post your swgoh.gg account to our Discord (https://discord.gg/2tRFtsS) recruiting channel (I’m Ffion#4439) so we can prove we are a good fit for each other. *
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Hi all!
    Thanks for reading this post. Our Guild - "IGotABadFeelin", "IGotABadStormtrüper" and "IGotABadEwok" are opened for recruitment!

    We are a group of active players seeking passionate players to join us. We are HRancor ready and HAAT ready! We seek players with any levels to join us. Our officers are always ready to help and will definitely assist in anyway we can. Our members spread all over the world and will be always ready to support you in your quest for success!

    Some informations about our guilds that you might find it useful:
    -(A) IGotABadFeelin - 43/50
    - Guild Reset - (6:30pm EST), (10:30pm GMT), (6:30am GMT+8
    - 24hrs "0" Damage on Herioc Rancor, Raid starts at (9:30pm EST), (1:30am GMT), (9:30am GMT+8)
    - HAAT Guild - "Blood Stripes"
    - Discord is preferred
    - Daily contribution of 500 Tickets. Help the guild and in return, help yourselves
    - Members are mostly Level 85. Casual but committed
    - Raid timing rotation

    - (B) IGotABadStormtrüper - 47/50
    - Guild Reset- (6:30pm EST), (10:30pm GMT), (6:30am GMT+8)
    - Heroic Rancor / HAAT ready - "Trupers"
    - Discord is preferred
    - Daily contribution 450/600 preferred but not mandatory
    - Raid timing rotation

    -(C) IGotABadEwok - 46/50
    - Guild Reset- (6:30pm EST), (10:30pm GMT), (6:30am GMT+8)
    - Heroic Rancor / NAAT ready / HAAT ready - "Ewok"
    - Discord is preferred
    - Daily contribution 500/600
    - Gearing up for HAAT & TB
    - Raid timing rotation

    We are active, fun and passionate on what we do best. Our Officers and Members are knowledgeable and will certainly help you in anyway we can. We are supportive and will assist our members to achieve the best out of their highest potential.

    If you are interested or have any questions, please text me in the forum or add me in Discord.
    Our officers will be in touch to answer any of your questions!

    Recruitment Active times (EST)
    Discord: Drek#5700
    (Officer 3:30pm to 9:30pm)
    Discord: JeremiahSeeker#4072
    (Officer 7:30am to 9:30pm)
    Discord: saevio#3253
    (Officer 5:30pm to 11:30pm)
    Discord: Frezza#0252
    (Recruiter 9:30am to 9:30pm
    Discord: KG-B#0309
    (Recruiter 9:30pm to 9:30am)

    Thanks and Best Regards,
  • Ugluk199
    295 posts Member
    edited December 2017


    Knights of Mandaløre (94.2M GP) is currently looking for two recruits! We run Heroic Pit / HAAT when we get the tickets and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30/8:00 PM Est respectively). We average 29k tickets a day and score 38/32☆ on Territory Battles.

    What we are looking for in recruits
    - Level 85
    - 1.7M+ Galactic Power
    - Participation in Territory Battles (ROLO, CHS, Hoth Troops REQUIRED)
    - Willing to contribute 500 energy minimim a day
    - Knowledge of all gameplay modes and mechanics
    - A discord account and swgoh.gg page (We require our new members to join through our recuritment channel)

    We hope to hear from you soon!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
  • Waynerz666
    26 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Cobalt Phoenix has 1 spot open and looking for an eager player to join our ranks! If you're looking for a fun & relaxed group to farm some HAAT and participate in Territory Battles, please send us a message!
    Guild requirements
    Participate daily to hit your 600 tickets
    Line app to communicate with everyone
    Willingness to use swgoh.gg to better coordinate our TB platoons
    A minimum total GP of 1.2 Million.
    Guild Information
    32* reward tier for TB
    Guild GP of over 83 Million
    Raid times rotate on a weekly schedule to benefit all around the world
    24 Hour - 0 Damage phase for Rancor & HAAT - zero tolerance for early activity
    The guild reset time is 6:30PM CT.
    If you're interested, please msg me here or reach out to me on Line @ waynerz666
    Include your friend code or link to your swgoh.gg page.
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    Hey Everyone,

    I am currently looking for up to 5 people (whether group or individuals) who have at least a 1M GP. Here is our current raid info:

    HAAT: Monday and Wednesdays @7pm EST
    HR: Sunday 9pm - Tues 9pm & Thurs 10pm EST 0dmg 24hr

    We do have a mandatory Discord where we are always chatting and have a GREAT community! We currently average about 25*s in TB and are 3-1 in TW. If interested please add me on Discord at AssFace46 (Nick)#7909. We are a very laid back group and would love to welcome some new peeps!
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    Jakkuzas - 95m GP with x2 open spots. 4/4 TW - 39* LSTB -

    Currently #39 in Raid rankings.
    4/4 TW wins.
    Just missed 40* LSTB last run.
    Avg GP= 2m

    Min 1.3GP
    Just a bunch o guys that love the game, play everyday, and don't need whips to participate.
    Most P2P's, some F2P's.
    Intelligent, passionate leadership. (Some would argue we're also quite funny)
    We average about 29900 daily. If you want an awesome place to play at max efficiency without having your pebbles busted for only doing 599/600, because you're also allowed a life, then...
    Add 'SithMyPants' on the Line app or message me here for more details.
    (PS, everyone in here thinks we're awesome, but to be humble, we are. Like, really, really awesome. We grow faster than a ______ at a strip club)
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    Looking for an active guild with regular raids? Looking for success and fun in TB and TW? Looking for Kenobi or Han Solo? Looking to have fun, learn from other members and enjoy the game and it’s rewards in a low pressure and casual environment?

    Our heroic tank takedown guild, "Talk to the Han" is recruiting. We have a current GP of over 78 million. Our motto is simple: “Casual Awesomeness”. We play to win but in a way that keeps the game fun and without Galactic Empire like dictatorship.

    We have 4 open spots that we'd love to fill with active members. We are a fun and very active alliance with a predictable heroic raid schedule to suit all global time zones. We have members from Australia, USA and U.K. We have an active and fun chat group on the LINE chat app.

    If you are a level 85 player with a GP of at least 1.6 million, who earns 600 raid coins a day and is willing to offer daily participation in TB and TW events please contact us.

    Seize your opportunity and contact me on the forum or "foxydsf" or "twokman27" on LINE chat app.
  • TheAcademy
    51 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Are you an active 600 a day player? If so we have a guild for you.

    The academy is a three hAAT farm guild collective. Our guilds are now focused on maximizing TB and TW rewards.


    We are looking to add a development guild we can mentor and help complete hAAT with some help from our other guilds. If you need help with hAAT look us up.

    Our guilds have players from around the world so we can probably find one with raid times that work for you.

    We have guilds designed for TB and hAAT focused players and we are looking to add a guild suitable for a more casual player who just wants some heroic raid rewards including GK and Raid Han shards.

    How are we different from some of the other alliances? For one we treat our players as members of our community. We won't move you to a lower guild just because a better player comes along. Have you been dumped from your guild for no reason? We won't do that to you as long as you follow the rules of the guild.

    If you join the Academy you are going to get General Kenobi and Raid Han shards guaranteed no matter your GP.

    All of our guilds share a common discord server so everyone can communicate and we can help you to improve your teams.

    We are looking for community oriented active gamers. You don't have to have an amazing roster or be hAAT and TB ready to join the academy. We want to find players who fit in with our community and hopefully play this game with us for a long time. We are looking for people who want to run as many heroic raids as possible and help our alliance grow even stronger. You can be a whale, dolphin or F2P. The important this is you are active, community oriented, a team first player and want to get better.

    We'll help you with suggestions, resources and allow you to ally with members who have gear 12 level 85 fully maxed characters. You can ally with our members and use our characters to help you complete hard light, dark and neutral battles.

    Here are the basics:

    ** Discord ** is mandatory. That is where we do the vast majority of our communicating. You'll also find Raid times, rules and helpful guides-- We've got a channel for just about anything. Most important is to check the Announcement channel and our raid and TB channels during heroic raids and TB.

    ** Activity ** The bulk of our guild logs in multiple times a day and they max their energy. Our hAAT farm guilds require 600 raid tickets daily and TB participation. The more raids, the more we progress. We do understand if you're vacationing, having personal issues, etc. Just give us a heads up! If you've ever been in a guild that does not track activity, you know how frustrating that can be. We're on top of it.

    ** Culture ** We're promoting a tight knit community or family type atmosphere. We love to have fun and joke around. We're always open to feedback, questions or concerns and will do what's best for the guilds as a whole. We are really proud of our guilds and feel like its a second family.

    You can contact me via PM on this board, on discord HanShotFirst #6596 or line HanShotFirst. You can also join our discord server https://discord.gg/pqKRK4f.

    Post edited by TheAcademy on
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    Hello all

    80 Million GP, 31 star TB guild requires 2 team players with min 1.2M GP to fill spots before next TW. Heroic raids on farm (one starting soon today). Raids start at 6.30 PM EST (Pit) and 7.00PM EST (Tank). 24 zero damage. Best guild name ever. Fun active guild with friendly and helpful members. Line app required for communication. Message on LINE to request entry.

    Guild: 50 Shades of Rėy
    Line ID - nightshadow1529
  • Options
    "Too Old For This Sithh" has 1 empty roster spot we're looking to fill with someone who has at least 1.8m GP.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Guild with 110m GP and currently earns 38 stars per TB. Heroic Rancor 3-4x per week and Heroic Tank 2-3x a week. Raid times are ~7pm EST and primarily on weekdays so they don't interfere with weekends.

    We are laid back despite our expansive rosters (mine is linked below). We don't hound anyone for their 600 energy a day, and we understand RL happens and this is just a game, all we ask is that you communicate with the Guild so we can plan accordingly.

    Too newb for you you say? Well, while we're not TI, I am attaching my SWGoH account below for your perusal. I think you'll find that we're actually much closer to a high-end Guild, just without the ****.

    If you're interesting in joining please send me a PM. (We are GMT -05:00.)

    SWGOH Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/manbalz/ Ally Code: 312-212-822
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