Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    We're looking for 5-10 people to add to our nAAT guild to have spots ready to move to HAAT as we need them. There's only the requirement of having Line, no 600 needed in the nAAT, it's fairly casual, but the ones who can/do/will get 600 will be moved to our HAAT pretty quickly. If you're not ready to tackle heroic raids, this is a fantastic place since HPit and nAAT is no problem to clear, so you can gear while you're leveling your characters. Would be interested in taking multiple people who are unhappy and want an active guild. Well, we have 6 active guilds. All HAAT guilds are ranked in the top 50, so we raid a ton. If this sounds like something you'd like, message me on Line (chromecobra) and we'll get you in and get you set up. We have a few spots to fill now, 2-3, throughout our 5 HAAT, but can take a few more in nAAT.

    Come join a family that's helpful, fun and only getting stronger. If you want gear and shards, this is the place for you.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Death Star isn't just a group of guilds, we're one big family of people who happen to love the same thing. Why are you still reading and haven't messaged me yet? Close this window and hit me up.
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    PREPAIRED is looking for two new members. We do heroic rancor and heroic tank as often as possible. Both are on farm, so we are not looking for big damage, but you must have at least a few raid teams, so I can see your serious about playing. Only rules are get your 600 and follow the raid rules. Raids are at 8pm GMT pretty much daily (one of them). If interested hit me up on LINE at rage3375. Same as in game name. Thanks
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    Are you interested in being a small cog in a feeder guild where your guild mates my not be around for long? No?

    Maybe you are you interested in a single guild who's members have been around since the beginning? Looking for more of a personal experience? Want a guild who's members are diligent at researching strategy and what's coming up next? Wonder would be a good fit for you. We are a top 25 guild when we push for it. We are very active. Great leadership team. Good mix of whales and F2P players. All-inclusive raid rules so no one gets left out. Majority of group has been around since the beginning so it's a very cooperative and fun environment.

    Come join the Wonder family. We need one good player. HAAT is a breeze every 3 days. We're getting ready for territory battles. If an EST timezone guild works for you, contact me.

    ID# 468-417-625
    Discord: papadood#2221
    Kik: PapaDood
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    We are a HAAT Guild looking for HAAT ready players. We have 2 spots available.
    We require:
    • 600 tickets daily and for you to participate in guild activities
    • A Discord account is mandatory
    • A Swgoh.gg account is recommended
    • Follow raid rules:posted in discord
    • HAAT teams and at least one gear 11
    If you have any questions you can reach me on Discord: RackenDaal#5619 My ally code is 458-538-994
    You can join our server here: https://discord.gg/BPafCvS and an officer will assist you in a timely manner

    If you have any questions you can reach me on Discord: RackenDaal#5619
  • hunchew
    70 posts Member

    We are an active Haat guild that lost a few members and looking to get back to full strength for the new content.

    We do our best to keep the guild rules to the bare minimum (no screenshots and other complicated stuff) but we're strict on enforcing them.

    Rancor launch time is 16:30 UTC (12:30 pm EST) and has a 24h 0 dmg period followed by a 1 team/person attack(no restrictions on what team you choose to use)

    HAAT launch time is 17:00 UTC (13:00 EST) with p1 and p2 on the 1st day, followed by p3 and p4 on the 2nd day. There are no limits on the number of attacks you do during each phase.

    While we don't have any minimum damage requirements on either raid we do ask you at least post 0 dmg at any point to still get rewards. We burn though the HAAT fast so if you wanna score big you better be there on time or miss out on high placements ;)


    Must have an account on swgoh.gg
    Have a Discord account
    25 7* G10+ characters, we can make exceptions if your core is strong ;)
    600/600 is a must

    If you think we'd make a good home for you my discord id is "Chewy #1213" or you can contact any of the Upsilon officers through on our Discord, this can be accessed through this link:
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    Romanian Winners is a top50 guild which is looking to fill one spot left open by someone who left us.
    We offer guaranteed GK shards , a friendly community , and an overall good space for any intermediate player to boost his gear levels , as we raid as often as possible.
    Our raid hours and rules are as follows.
    Rancor: Starts at 18.00 GMT+0
    A 24 hour 0 damage period, followed by one attack per person , so that the raid lasts around 20 minutes.
    We have a top 10 rotation system , you can not be 2 raids in a row in the top10 range.
    HAAT : A 24 hour damage period so that everyone is able to enlist.
    We require 4 things :1. 600/600 each day
    2. A LINE id
    3. A swgoh account
    4. A collection score over 32.

    Contact me on LINE at 54300539x
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    PapaDood wrote: »
    Are you interested in being a small cog in a feeder guild where your guild mates my not be around for long? No?

    Maybe you are you interested in a single guild who's members have been around since the beginning? Looking for more of a personal experience? Want a guild who's members are diligent at researching strategy and what's coming up next? Wonder would be a good fit for you. We are a top 25 guild when we push for it. We are very active. Great leadership team. Good mix of whales and F2P players. All-inclusive raid rules so no one gets left out. Majority of group has been around since the beginning so it's a very cooperative and fun environment.

    Come join the Wonder family. We need one good player. HAAT is a breeze every 3 days. We're getting ready for territory battles. If an EST timezone guild works for you, contact me.

    ID# 468-417-625
    Discord: papadood#2221
    Kik: PapaDood
    PapaDood wrote: »
    Are you interested in being a small cog in a feeder guild where your guild mates my not be around for long? No?

    Maybe you are you interested in a single guild who's members have been around since the beginning? Looking for more of a personal experience? Want a guild who's members are diligent at researching strategy and what's coming up next? Wonder would be a good fit for you. We are a top 25 guild when we push for it. We are very active. Great leadership team. Good mix of whales and F2P players. All-inclusive raid rules so no one gets left out. Majority of group has been around since the beginning so it's a very cooperative and fun environment.

    Come join the Wonder family. We need one good player. HAAT is a breeze every 3 days. We're getting ready for territory battles. If an EST timezone guild works for you, contact me.

    ID# 468-417-625
    Discord: papadood#2221
    Kik: PapaDood

    Just to add on to this:

    - our reset is at 8:30 EST.
    - We ask that you hit 600 energy a day, but understand if life gets in the way (just communicate).
    - We all understand our guild rises and falls based on our individual actions (energy spend, etc), so we very much self-police with transgressions to rules (going over on raid, not hitting energy, etc). While stats are monitored, we watch ourselves more than someone else watches us.
    - We use Kik to communicate, which while not mandatory, is fantastic for in-depth discussions of strategy, direction of the game, etc. Plus we joke around a lot. If you want to make the game a lot more interactive, this is a great way.
    - I've been a member for a number of months and I can echo that this has been the best guild I have ever been part of. They are incredibly giving with donations (stun cuffs, etc all routinely change hands), which encourages everyone to do so. Also, they are very inclusive with their (very few) rules so that everyone has a voice (this is not a dictatorship).
    - Rancor Raids are subject to a 12 hour freeze; then you send in one team for one round (no retreating; coming back in; using different teams, etc) for a max score of 700K using that one team/one round. We post on the main chat in the game (gold bar section) the percentages per phase that relate to this 700K damage cap so it is easy to keep track. We can discuss this more when you join.
    - Heroic Raids are subject to a 12 hour freeze and there is currently no damage cap or other stipulations (though we clear it in about 2-3 hours, so be quick about it is the only stipulation).
    - We are not looking for transitory players or mercs; we are looking for people that want to be part of a guild and stay in this guild.
    - We are looking to have deep rosters as we are prepping for the new game mode of territory wars.
    - Our guild swgoh page: https://swgoh.gg/g/121/wonder/
    - Ideally, reply with you swgoh.gg page so that we can see your roster; but we can do it with an ally code (and then screen shot the other officers).

    Any questions, please ask.
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    Want your General Kenobi Shards? Daily 600/600 player? Like to laugh a lot?

    Guild: Shreks Guild of Onion (typically ranked in the top 300 overall)

    Cleaned out the rule breakers & knuckle-draggers. 1 spot open.

    Reset: 7:30pm Eastern time - PREFER North American players.

    Heroic AAT - We do ~10 per month
    - 0 damage for 1st 24
    - FFA after that.
    -Launch at guild reset

    Heroic Rancor - We do 12-13 per month
    - 0 damage for 1st 24
    -Launch at guild reset, those with Han Solo at 7* already are capped at 200k damage. Those without Han Solo at 7* can register upto 200k damage for 1st 24 hrs, then unlimited damage at next reset. Over in about 10 min... Be on time or be sad.

    -600/600 a day If you don't - I will find you, and i will kill you. ;-)
    15 7* toons Minimum (We can do the Heroic AAT with just 5 of us, but we shouldn't have to)
    -Must have line (& use it)

    Guild Profile on SWGOH.gg
    My Profile

    Message me on Line: player1ready
    Send me Ally request: 786-777-322
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    looking for a new guildie who wants to be a part of SLM (scruffy looking maulrats) We complete Heroic Rancor & HAAT. You don't need to be superstars, just guildless, and a daily contributor. Why us? We are not a guild of stuck up whale bums. Nope. We all share our strategies using discord app, joke around, just be a light hearted clan of people across the world who randomly post pics of their legs. So why join some communist guild just to be ordered around stressing out all the time? Nope, not when you can join SLM where you will quickly find out fun comes first. Sure we have some raid rules to make it fair for everyone, nothing commy at all. So if you are level 85 and fit our description and want to join us, here's how:

    To join our team:
    - Message me on discord: moonraker#6207
    -ally code: 899-378-718

    Currently 1 spot open
    2:30pm est raid times
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    The Empire is a growing collection of some of the most active, sociable, knowledgeable SWGOH gamers that together run three raiding teams under The Empire umbrella. Kashyyyk was a member of the Republic since its inception. However, as time passed and Kashyyyk's period in the Republic began to fade, it was time for a new power to rise to bring peace and stability to the galaxy and so, from the ashes of the Republic, the Empire was born. We are all about family, unity and working together to overcome any obstacle/new content the game can throw at us.

    Almost all members are level 85 and we're a mix of whales, dolphins, minnows, and FTP. Our members are primarily based in the US, and Ava and Nihilus, the Empire leaders, are in the eastern time zone.

    Kashyyyk, Mandalore, and Scarif raid times are consistently at 9:15pm, US eastern time.Hoth, our newest addition to the family is raiding at 4pm US Eastern.

    Key Questions:

    What is the most important thing to know about being in The Empire?

    We believe that communication is important from both the guild leadership and the guild members. We've set up a Charter for all prospective members with additional guild information, which is available to view here: >>> Empire Charter<<<. Our goal with the charter is to help set expectations and reduce confusion/uncertainty. Thus, we have information on the Imperial Community at large, raid times, daily ticket expectations, and more within our charter. We created a concise and user-friendly document as our mission, and as always, is to help others grow in a fun and welcoming environment. Also, we really like blowing up tanks and decapitating rancors. So check out the charter and let us know if you have questions or would like more information.
    Now what are the Empire’s requirements you ask? Pretty simple;

    * Have a minimum of 20+ gear 10/11 toons (5G10+ for Hoth)
    * Get your 600 daily raid tix so your guild can max raiding opportunities
    * Be on Discord
    * Be a positive influence in the community (and donate ~2 pieces of gear/day)
    * Have fun

    Feel free to contact our Imperial leaders through any of the below means:

    Visit us on Discord >>>HERE<<< and let us know!

    Ava - swgoh.gg; ally code: 493-184-528, discord: Ava Empire {Lead}#0319

    Nihilus - swgoh.gg; ally code: 813-945-673; discord: DarthNihilus Empire {Lead}#9608

    Lead Recruiter:
    Orestes - swgoh.gg; ally code: 625-891-196; discord: Orestes#8073
  • Jeepnjoey
    11 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Found one but may come back REALLY soon.
    Post edited by Jeepnjoey on
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    HogtownHeroes are recruiting!

    We are an independent heroic AAT and rancor guild and are looking for players that will be ready for Territory Battles.

    We are US based. We start rancors at 9:00 PM EST and run 3-4 per week. For rancor, we have a 0-damage policy for 24 hours, and then we start a true FFA after an officer gives the go signal. We do not allow preloading damage for the rancor. Kills occur on either Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Saturdays.

    We run HAAT 2-3x week and have a 0-damage for the first 24 hours policy for it. Kills occur on either Monday, Thursday and/or Saturdays.

    We maintain a Discord server that is mandatory for all members.

    If you are ready to collecting your GK shards, please send me a message on here or on Discord at Maegor#0568.

    Thank you,

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    xXTheBestGuildEverXx is recruiting 7 new members to help get us to HAAT status..Come and check us out and let's get that GK!! xXTheBestGuildEverXx. Ally code 725-297-236 Joonyerr
  • TrojRen
    1 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    US based guild - new knights of Ren

    Fun friendly guild.

    Must be daily player and at least look at chat during raids.
    Rancor raids wed at 8:30 pm est and sun 11:30am est. these raids everyone gets 1 team to go all out and just no posting damage for 15 min.
    extra raids are planned out when needed. These we let those that don't have 7 star Han to get top rankings.

    Tank raids whenever available.

    Need a few players to get us over the top for Haat. Expecting each member to be able to get 500k damage.

    Discord app is starting to be used but not required.

    PM me if interested
    Post edited by TrojRen on
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  • Broosh
    79 posts Member
    Quantums Chaos is looking for 3 players for HAAT

    We have both Heroic Rancor & hAAT on farm. Raid times are whenever we get enough tickets, we launch. EST standard, reset is at 7:30 PM EST.

    Raid rules are simple, Post a 0 in the beginning and then the battle starts at 2 p.m EST (1 p.m Central) the following day. For hAAT it's all your squads, for Rancor its 1 team.

    We do have a Discord chat that is required so you can keep up to date

    Only requirement is the tickets. It's a bonus if you have HAAT-ready teams or some actual structure to your farms (P3 especially)

    Our primary goal is to get someone active and who produces tickets, damage is secondary (but obviously accepted :) ). Let me know if you have any other questions :) Broosh#0841 in Discord.
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    #Imperium Galacticum looking for fully active 85 level players
    - We recently merged with another guild currently have more than 30 max level players
    - We do rancor 3 times weekly and currently preparing for HAAT ( scheduled for 1 august )
    - All members using Line app for communication
    - We have members from both US and EU because of that we are using 24h 0 damage policy at hrancor .
    - 600 ticket daily mandotory ( we wont kick you when you cant get online for real life , we rule with democracy :) )
    * If you think you have a good roster that can contribute on HAAT message me ( if you have swgoh.gg account that would be better )
    * my line id : mrpewpew discord : mrpewpew#7672
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    "It's a trap Blue" ist eine sehr aktive deutschsprachige Gilde für ambitionierte F2P und P2P Spieler und existiert seit es Gilden in SWGOH gibt.

    Wir haben Spaß am Spiel und helfen uns gegenseitig mit Tipps und Tricks. Neue Mitglieder werden freundlich empfangen und fühlen sich schnell heimisch.

    Zur Zeit haben wir mehr als 88.000.000 GP und spielen Heroic Rancor und HAAT. Im TB haben wir 36 Sterne gemacht.

    Wir machen in der Woche mindestens drei Rancor und zwei AAT Raids und starten die Raids sobald genügend Tickets vorhanden sind. Wir sparen uns keine Münzen auf um möglichst weit oben im Gilden-Ranking zu sein, sondern schauen zu, dass jeder regelmäßig Gear aus den Raids bekommt. Die Raid Zeiten sind so ausgelegt das wirklich jeder sich am Raid beteiligten kann und Belohnung kassiert, auch wenn du mal etwas weniger Zeit hast.

    Untereinander kommunizieren wir über den Line-Messenger, dort gibt es immer die neusten Infos zum nächsten Raid. Deshalb musst du ab und zu in Line schauen um diese Infos zu erhalten.

    Zur Zeit sind wir auf der Suche nach Verstärkung für unsere Gilde. Du solltest deshalb Lvl85 sein und mindestens in der Top 100 in deiner Arena mitspielen. Deine "Galactic Power" sollte über 1,5 Millionen liegen.

    Wir erwarten von dir aktives Spielen. Der Einsatz von gekauften Kristallen ist bei uns dennoch nicht nötig. Um die täglichen Aufgaben zu schaffen benötigst du die nicht. Die geforderten 600 Energie am Tag, die benötigt werden um regelmäßig Raids starten zu können, ist auch ohne Kristalle zu meistern.

    Wenn du zu uns stoßen möchtest dann melde dich über Line bei mir. Meine Line-Id lautet drake_23

    Wir freuen uns auf dich!!! Der nächste Raid startet schon bald!

    Post edited by Drake23 on
    Drake23, Its a trap
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    UK Based Heroic AAT & Rancor - Needs 1 member
    Hi we are PREPARE, a European time zone guild. We've had HAAT on farm since December and have had 1 player leave today as commitments means he needs to raid through the daytime.
    All our raids take place between 7.30-8.30pm, London time, we try to avoid Saturday raids because some people like speaking to their flesh and bone friends/family sometimes for some reason.
    We don't need any damage on the raids, if you've got bored of the AAT or you haven't focused on specific teams, we are not bothered, some people just like nightsisters and geonesians, it happens, we get it. But, we do need some depth of roster and to be level 85 as base requirements. Please reply with ally code or swgoh.gg link to save us both time!
    This guild is totally focused on preparing for the new game mode, players are building and farming gear, saving credits ready to pounce when the direction becomes clear.
    If this sounds like a bit of you or you want some more information, contact me on here or for a quicker response:
    Line ID: hob_besb
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    Rogueseers, an easy going Heroic Rancor and Heroic AAT guild is looking for 2 players.

    Raids are on a 6hr rotation start timers with first 24hours no damage. This is to provide equal start times for members of different regions.

    Raid rotation timings are GMT 0 at 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900

    Only requirements are (ideally!)
    600 tickets daily
    20 HAAT raid ready characters (provide swgoh profile)
    6 7 starred ships and level 85

    Shoot me a message here or on Line if you are interested.

    Line ID: gowmega or krwind or SelmerParis

    Guild info: https://swgoh.gg/g/8435/rogueseers/
  • ManBalz
    254 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    "Too Old For This Sith" is looking to fill 1 open roster spot.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Rancor 3-4x per week and Heroic Tank 2-3x a week. Raid times are ~7pm EST and primarily on weekdays.

    We don't really have any daily requirements, meaning you don't HAVE to get your 600 tickets a day, but if you're averaging around 300 most of the week, this probably isn't the Guild for you.

    We have a Line channel going for all members, but it's mostly for fun. Still, it would be expected that you join in case we need to coordinate something.

    If you're interesting in joining us, please send me a PM so I can distinguish your request from the randos.

    Ally Code: 312-212-822

    (We are GMT -05:00.)
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Hello Galaxy of Heroes,

    My name is evergoo, one of the founders of TIE Alliance. We are a friendly and active community looking to help more players acquire General Kenobi, plan for metas, and enjoy the game.

    We have a community of 5 guilds: 3 HAATs, 1 Heroic Rancor, and 1 Casual. We promote players from within our alliance system, gear donation requests are filled almost daily, and we have very low player attrition. Our community is also very diverse: f2p to Krakken, parents and spouses, families and friends, and casual everyday to Arena #1 everyday.

    We are currently looking for active and communicative players who are ready for HAAT.

    We have over 240 members from all parts of the world! Most of us are veteran level 85 players, many have given over 1000 gear donations, and we know how to maximize efficiency for our guild (active chat rooms, Discord server, spreadsheets, strategy discussions, and teamwork). Despite our activeness, we also have lives outside the game (lots of dads/husbands, moms/wives, professionals, etc.) and respect each other's outside commitments. Any TIE Alliance member can attest that we are a supportive, friendly, and successful community. You honestly won't regret joining us. :)

    My Ally Code is 571-945-848. I am an Arena and Fleet rank top 2 daily, and love to help out members! Please send me a message via PM, Line (ID: evergoo), or Discord (evergoo#8548) if you are interested. Thank you for listening, and we look forward to your response. Take care! :)
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    Hi. We use line to communicate, use rotating start times for raids so everyone has a chance to hit. We believe in fair play and fun. We do heroic tank and rancor. Have two open spots, would like active folks, dont need perfect 600 but do your best. If interested let me know.
  • Berator
    28 posts Member
    Hi there,

    I'm recruiting for a guild that has Heroic Rancor and Heroic AAT on easy farm status. We have two new open spots we want to fill.

    What do we offer?

    - HRancor + HAAT -> with simple raid rules. Day 1 zero damage and day 2 attack as you like. No other restrictions. If you do good damage, then you will get the best rewards etc.
    - An active discord wit rooster review etc. if you like to see what you can improve for raids or arena. We help each other.
    - We do have some really addicted players reading a lot and normally we are very good at gathering information for example about the new game mode and in which direction the members should/could farm if they want.
    - From our experience a lot rules is also a lot drama in a guild. Therefore the concept is to have more simple rules.
    - Raids are launched in US time zone but we do have as well European members (as for example me). Language is English.

    What do we expect from our members or applicants?

    - There is one big thing we expect -> really play this game. We are a raid guild and having tickets and engaged members is a must have for being a raid guild.
    - It is no rule to do 600 daily. We all have jobs and lifes and sometimes this is not possible. But we expect to see that members do the 600 as often as possible. We have a channel for announcement -> simply tell us all when your time is restricted.
    - SWGOH profile. I will check only applications that link me the SWGOH profile in order I can see the rooster
    - Discord. We use discord for communication, announcements etc. It is a must to join us.
    - As the new game mode requires or benefits deep roosters we are looking for good players. if you are not lvl 85 for example, then an application would not make a lot sense.

    Please send me a PM here if you are interested.
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    New Day Dawning (https://swgoh.gg/g/5846/new-day-dawning/) is an organised HAAT guild run by experienced players and has two open spaces...

    We're an international guild with no whales (as you can see from sorting by number of G11 toons) but very experienced members (see guild currency produced). Our guild is based on teamwork instead of relying on one or two whales to carry others. We do heroic pit and HAAT as often as possible and average around 27k raid tickets per day.

    PM me with any questions...
  • Options
    #Imperium Galacticum looking for fully active 85 level players
    - We recently merged with another guild currently have more than 30 max level players
    - We do rancor 3 times weekly and currently preparing for HAAT ( scheduled for 1 august )
    - All members using Line app for communication
    - We have members from both US and EU because of that we are using 24h 0 damage policy at hrancor .
    - 600 ticket daily mandotory ( we wont kick you when you cant get online for real life , we rule with democracy  )
    * If you think you have a good roster that can contribute on HAAT message me ( if you have swgoh.gg account that would be better )
    * my line id : mrpewpew discord : mrpewpew#7672
  • Acrofales
    1363 posts Member
    Acrofales wrote: »
    Guild: First Galactic Empire
    Timezone: mostly EU. Guild reset is at 3:30pm UTC.
    Rules: raids are launched at 4PM UTC and have a strict 24h 0 dmg. After that we allow 1 team on Rancor and as many as you like to zerg hAAT. Other than that, we're a friendly casual guild with an active chat, helpful exchange and a lot of fun. We strive for minimum activity of 500 tickets a day, which officers check from time to time, but no screenshots or such.

    We have discord, but important messages are in guild chat, as is most of the banter. We currently have 3 spots open for people who are looking for a friendly guild and Kenobi shards.

    Send me a message here or on discord: Acrofales#2025.

    Ally code: 317-824-548
    Another 2 spots opened up. Grab them while they're hot!
  • Reineday
    121 posts Member
    Outer Rim Job is recruiting!

    ORJ has about 3-4 open spots for players who are HEROIC Rancor and Tank ready. We're looking for level 85 with 2-3 strong rosters of g10-g11 who can pull their weight in hAAT.

    We raid regularly and have both Heroic raids on farm at this point. Raid times are voted on via a poll in LINE app. All times are EASTERN and our Guild reset is 6:30pm EST.

    We run half guild raids based on player IGN - Team A-L and Team M-Z - alternating teams up for FFA for each raid.

    Heroic Rancor - We have a 24 hour ZERO damage period to allow everyone the chance to register damage for rewards. FFA follows based on which team is up. Currently we have it set up to help folks without 7* Han to finish him. Players without 7* Han can hit up to 100K during FFA when their team is not up for FFA.

    Heroic Tank - First 24 hours one team goes p1-3 while other team has chance to register 0 damage. We hold the end of p3 until we reach the 24 hour mark to allow other team to register 0 for rewards. After 24 hours p4 and/or all guild goes FFA. We do have a separate LINE chat to organize/share Zylo damage.

    We consider ourselevs to be semi-serious guild when it comes to raid tickets. We do loosely track raid ticket contribution. We DO NOT ask for screenshots of daily tickets. We require 600 tickets daily but we understand if you can't make it some days due to real life.

    We use LINE app for our guild chat. We do ask that you download LINE and join the guild chat. You don't necessarily need to participate in the chat but it's actually very informative so you might learn something there. We also ask that you message an officer on LINE when you are going to be away on vacation, etc.

    Please send me a message on LINE (@reineday) if you are intersted. Please DO NOT message me here because I don't check the messages here.

  • huanaku
    21 posts Member
    The Ninja Turtles has an open spot. We have heroic tank on farm and are looking forward to territory battles.
    If you'd like more information or are interested in joining, send me a message here, on discord huanaku#757, or send me an ally request (443-677-662).
    See our guild recruiting post here: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/123630/the-ninja-turtles-looking-for-1-farming-haat-prepping-for-territory-battles#latest.
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    I would like to join a heroic guild. My username is WoklingWizard with 16 7star toons and 5 more close. I am also level 85. Message me if interested.
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