Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Kelthuzad
    343 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Our DeathStarDarkKnights (Mountain Time based) are offering 3 HAAT spots.Active players welcome, 600 contribution appreciated.Whether good rosters or still developping, grab your GK shards here. Cheers Kel
    Alliance Leader and Leader of DeathStarVentDesigners - Discord App: Kelthuzad#5528

    DeathStarVentDesigners | DeathStarPortDesigners | DeathStarDelinquents | DeathStarRebelWranglers | DeathStarDarkKnights | DeathStarReactorDesigners | DeathStarGermanOrder | DeathStarHumanResources | Aussie Battlers | Terra
  • VasoGreekHeroes
    15 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    The Greek Heroes are recruiting!

    We are a Greek Active Guild and we are currently looking for a few daily players, most preferably from Greece, but everyone is welcome to join, if you don't mind the time difference.

    We are crushing HAAT 2 times a week and we do both raids on a rotation to accomodate all preferences.
    We also have a strict 24h 0 damage rule on rancor, so that everyone can claim their spot on the rewards.


    -85 level with a HAAT ready squad
    -600 daily tickets
    -participation in discord is a must

    What we offer:

    -Kenobi shards!!
    -A fun and friendly community

    Discord id: Vaso#9064

    Σας περιμενουμε!!


    Post edited by VasoGreekHeroes on
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    #Imperium Galacticum looking for fully active 85 level players
    - We recently merged with another guild currently have more than 30 max level players
    - We do rancor 3 times weekly and currently preparing for HAAT
    - All members using Line app for communication
    - We have members from both US and EU because of that we are using 24h 0 damage policy at hrancor .
    - 600 ticket daily mandotory ( we wont kick you when you cant get online for real life , we rule with democracy :) )
    * If you think you have a good roster that can contribute on HAAT message me ( if you have swgoh.gg account that would be better )
    * my line id : mrpewpew discord : mrpewpew#7672
  • Kipps
    43 posts Member
    WE do both HEROIC TANK & PIT
    Looking for HAAT ready members!!!
    600 tickets daily

    9pm EST - Fixed raid time daily
    TANK - FFA
    PIT - first post after 30mins of raid start
    We beat HAAT easily - get your kenobi shards!!!
    Discord communication
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    Room for one active player! Not casual, daily 600 required. Top 100 arena position and a top 10 ambition or we help you get there, of course!
    We are PVP ELITE, a top 50 guild, and we do Heroic Rancor and Heroic Tank as much as our daily 30k tickets allow. To join us, send a LINE message to Fernando, LINE id 12353111637
    For more information about us (rules, raid times, background), please click the picture!

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    The Empire is a growing collection of some of the most active, sociable, knowledgeable SWGOH gamers that together run three raiding teams under The Empire umbrella. Kashyyyk was a member of the Republic since its inception. However, as time passed and Kashyyyk's period in the Republic began to fade, it was time for a new power to rise to bring peace and stability to the galaxy and so, from the ashes of the Republic, the Empire was born. We are all about family, unity and working together to overcome any obstacle/new content the game can throw at us.

    Almost all members are level 85 and we're a mix of whales, dolphins, minnows, and FTP. Our members are primarily based in the US, and Ava and Nihilus, the Empire leaders, are in the eastern time zone.

    Kashyyyk, Mandalore, and Scarif raid times are consistently at 9:15pm, US eastern time.Hoth, our newest addition to the family is raiding at 4pm US Eastern.

    Key Questions:

    What is the most important thing to know about being in The Empire?

    We believe that communication is important from both the guild leadership and the guild members. We've set up a Charter for all prospective members with additional guild information, which is available to view here: >>> Empire Charter<<<. Our goal with the charter is to help set expectations and reduce confusion/uncertainty. Thus, we have information on the Imperial Community at large, raid times, daily ticket expectations, and more within our charter. We created a concise and user-friendly document as our mission, and as always, is to help others grow in a fun and welcoming environment. Also, we really like blowing up tanks and decapitating rancors. So check out the charter and let us know if you have questions or would like more information.
    Now what are the Empire’s requirements you ask? Pretty simple;

    * Have a minimum of 20+ gear 10/11 toons (5G10+ for Hoth)
    * Get your 600 daily raid tix so your guild can max raiding opportunities
    * Be on Discord
    * Be a positive influence in the community (and donate ~2 pieces of gear/day)
    * Have fun

    Feel free to contact our Imperial leaders through any of the below means:

    Visit us on Discord >>>HERE<<< and let us know!

    Ava - swgoh.gg; ally code: 493-184-528, discord: Ava Empire {Lead}#0319

    Nihilus - swgoh.gg; ally code: 813-945-673; discord: DarthNihilus Empire {Lead}#9608

    Lead Recruiter:
    Orestes - swgoh.gg; ally code: 625-891-196; discord: Orestes#8073
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Strong with force has 4 slots available.

    We are a euro/Asian guild. English speaking with a north American sister guild. We use line for communication.

    We do 2 haats a week and 3 heroic Rancors. Every once in a while we get a third tank and 4th rancor.

    We're a friendly group with strong, active leadership. Core leaders have been together since guilds began, and we've been farming haat since roughly December '16.

    All we ask is 600/600. Message snake5277 on line if interested!
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    Death Star

    We're recruiting players who can get their 600 daily tickets and follow raid rules. No special roster needed, but some 7* toons to participate is needed for rewards. We use the Line app for chat, so you'll need to download it for raid times, but chatting is not necessary.

    If you're looking for a relaxed and cool family of guilds, that is us. We have 6 guilds, 5 are heroic and one is casual doing heroic Rancor and normal tank, so if 600 is a problem daily for the heroic guilds, we have a spot for you in our nAAT guild. If you're on extended vacation we'll move you there until you're back also, we have alts we can run to ensure we get our 600 if needed.

    Fun loving group, very helpful with strategies and donations, great atmosphere and no ****.

    If this is what you're wanting, send me a message on Line, search for chromecobra, and we'll get you in.

    All guild run pst raid times, but I'm on the east coast and well within my time to jump in. 4 of the guilds are in the top 50, with the OG Death Star with the VIP players a little more relaxed and the nAAT not making top 50. Diehard, dedicated and funny, it's how we roll.

    Look forward to having you join us.
  • havok99
    150 posts Member
    We With Lives – A 5 guild alliance

    Hello All,

    Tired of seeing General Kenobi in arena and GW and not being able to unlock him? Has your guild tried Haat and failed? Have you built up your teams, but the rest of your guild is not active or not willing to make that push to get Haat on farm? We have just formed our 4th Haat guild and are looking for several players who can hold their own in Haat. The guild averages between 28-29K raid tickets a day. With that you'll raid almost everyday. If this sounds good to you or if you have any questions, friend me on Discord Havok99#6590 and we can chat. We use Discord to coordinate attacks, share tips/info and much more. May the force be with you.
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    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for Two More Active Daily Players


    Day One Guild With Original Leadership.

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.

    Must Have Atleast 15 Gear 11 Characters.

    Looking For A Very Active Heroic Tank Raid And Ship Focused Individual With Well Balanced And Built Teams.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.

    Heroic Tank And Rancor Raids Start At 7:00PM PST

    Guild LineChat Required.
    All Members Registered On SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat Sirwescot
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    SINGAPORE GUILD: Currently annihilating normal tank in a few hours only and hardcore farming HAAT teams now. Looking for 1 or 2 players to join us and experience the excitement in building up to HAAT!!

    Requirement: At least 1 HAAT ready team.

    We had a trial last week and we got really close! Only 30% left of p4!

    Help us achieve HAAT status!

    Send me a message here or Discord at 1nSomNiaC#9955!
    Ally code: 222-428-941

    Thank u!
  • zzhbkk
    43 posts Member
    Need 2 to replace one clown who couldn't count to 600 and another retirement. Heroic Rancor rotates between 12p and 9pm. HAAT at 8pm. All times US Eastern. All raids have 24 hour zero damage. Get 600 and don't be a ****. Fun group. Chat is on Discord. Discord ID: zzhbkk#9591 or Line ID: zzhbkk
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    Maximum Resistance

    We are an active guild that just did a clean out of inactive players not pulling their weight. We have gotten to Phase 4 of heroic AAT and need 2-5 more active members to push us over the edge.

    EST Time zone, but our players are from all across the country

    Our only rules are that you participate in raids.
    AAT and pit is zero dmg for 24 hours then FFA. Both Heroic

    We use line chat: line id is wolfboyeatskids ally code: 792-622-543 and my profile is https://swgoh.gg/u/wolfboy/
    message me to join, or ally request and we will plug you right in :)
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    No Refuge is looking for you!

    Currently we have 47 members, so we have 3 spots for daily players! We are focusing on applicants who have at least one 7* toon, and can produce daily tickets =D. We are looking to fill our guild with active, fun players! We provide a fun growing an learning environment for new players as well as the seasoned!

    We are looking for daily players who can contribute and can participate in Heroic rancor, twice a week, and can help us knock down the NAAT tank, while preparing for HAAT. For those of you who want more experience, we do use the in game chat and also use an off game chat (Line) that is mandatory and super useful, and it's super easy to use. We raid twice a week, sometimes 3 times, and announce them in advance.

    We are also looking for HAAT officers. Those who can keep track of stats, damage, each player makes, is welcome, and an officer who can keep track of team comps and make suggestions to complete the HAAT raid. Most of our guys are level 80s, some are3 lower, all are super helpful. If any of this sounds good, drop me a friend request in game!

    Leader: FlapMaster

    Leader Ally code: 863-864-749

    Raids: Heroic Rancor / AAT normal mountain time.

    3rd Party chat: Line

    Line ID: fhapmaster - yeah it has an (H) in it. =D

    Min level: prefer in 70s +.
  • Me2
    123 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Want to join a guild where you don't live in fear of being booted for getting under 600 tickets each day?

    Join us at Aussie Battlers and as long as you play regularily and average a reasonable amount of tickets then you can play and have a life too!

    Guild is currently averaging around 25k tickets per day.

    Heroic rancor 12pm aest, zero dmg 24hrs then ffa.

    HAAT - still running with the assistance of a single merc, but very close and getting closer each time to completing it ourselves and you could be the one that makes that difference! 6:30pm aest, next HAAT starting sat night 22/7/17 so join now!

    We use both discord and line, but don't mind if you only want to use ingame chat.

    Friendly, pretty casual and still can get some kenobi shards, whats not to like!

    Requirements are only that you are near lvl 85 and have the makings of a haat squad or two and are willing to work on that squad if they aren't yet up to scratch, be friendly, play regularly and have fun!

    Message me on these with your swgoh.gg profile if you have one or your ally code if you dont:
    Line - 1me1
    Discord - Me#7413

    Or send me an ally request:

    See you soon!

    POSITIONS: FILLED- another position may open 2 days.
    Post edited by Me2 on
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    THΞ WOLFP∆CK is a competitive, heroic-level guild whose members are active and collaborative. We take ourselves lightly, and enjoy being in a community with each other as well as our our larger ALLI∆NCE guild network on our Discord server.

    We are being careful to only bring on players that have solid rosters and an interest in tackling new content. If that sounds like you...please drop us a line. We currently have space for one player.

    New players should have 25+ g 10 and 11 toons, strong arena ranking (top 50 preferred though we will get you there and higher, if you are keen) and be active and interested in the game.

    ★ Rules and Raids ★
    We require 600 tickets from our members.
    All heroic raids. Raids are full zerg with time to post zero. No damage limits.
    Raid times are good for UK and EST, but we have lots of members in CST / MST / PST.
    We raid between five to seven times a week.

    ★ Contact ★
    Click here for our Recruiting Chat on Line: http://line.me/R/ti/g/k0_Ez5iOXW OR Discord: https://discord.gg/NY5Rvmy
    Line app pm: TMoneyGee
    Discord pm: TMoneyGee #2658
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    Ciao a tutti, Eternal Flames ha 2 posti liberi! Facciamo 3/4 Rancor eroici a settimana e 2 carri eroici.
    Prerequisiti indispensabili per entrare in gilda sono fare le 600 giornaliere sempre e partecipare a tutti i raid.
    Scrivetemi qui o ancora meglio, direttamente su telegram, cercando @SoloHan
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    Join Team Steroid!

    EU based.

    We're a social and mature guild and, completing hAAT for already 8 months!

    Read more and contact with Iwan#1441 or Amendera#3732 in Discord or PM me if you have the profile we're looking for.

    What we offer

    Guild reset time: 19.30h [Central EU: Paris, Berlin]

    Raids are launched always we have coins enough:
    • Heroic Rancor: launched at 10.00h [Paris, Berlin] and opened to do 0 damage during 12 hours. Post damage at 22.00h [Paris, Berlin]. Rules: 1 battle / player. To avoid the issue of the rankings decided by Player ID, we don't clear the raid, challenge is to get as close as possible and manage to escape or die before clear it.
    • Heroic AAT: launched at 10.00h [Paris, Berlin] and opened to do 0 damage until guild reset at 19.30h when everyone can post damage. No more rules.

    Daily guild activities: no min or max (no rules).

    What are we looking for

    Daily 600 is a must [you can let us know in case you're not sure cause of RL issues, holidays or whatever]

    Commitment: we won't turn the game the center of your life, but we're looking for people that improve and grow reasonably with the guild.

    Top 10 in Arena Rank: cause high arena rank demonstrates constancy.

    Discord (we don't use in-game chat) and https://swgoh.gg/ account (public profile).

    Contact Iwan#1441 or Amendera#3732 in Discord, or PM me.
    May the force be with you!
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    HogtownHeroes are recruiting!

    We are a heroic AAT and rancor guild and are looking for players that will be ready for Territory Battles.

    We are US based. We start rancors at 9:00 PM EST and run 3-4 per week. For rancor, we have a 0-damage policy for 24 hours, and then we start a true FFA after an officer gives the go signal. We do not allow preloading damage for the rancor. Kills occur on either Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Saturdays.

    We run HAAT 2-3x week and have a 0-damage for the first 24 hours policy for it. Kills occur on either Monday, Thursday and/or Saturdays.

    We maintain a Discord server that is mandatory for all members.

    If you are ready to collecting your GK shards, please send me a message on here or on Discord at Maegor#0568.

    Thank you,

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    El Legado - Clan Español Reclutando

    Nuestro clan se encuentra actualmente en proceso de expansión y buscamos nuevos miembros para estabilizarnos en 45 jugadores.

    Semanalmente hacemos de 2 a 3 Rancors heroicos, un tanque normal y tenemos una alianza con otro clan para hacer un Tanque heroico.

    Tanto en el rancor como en el tanque, los podios suelen rotar para que se beneficien de ellos el mayor número de jugadores posibles.

    Tenemos página web, canal de WhatsApp y estamos bastante organizados. Queremos ayudar a crecer a jugadores muy activos para tumbar el tanque heroico sin ayuda en pocos meses.

    Buscamos gente de nivel 80+ con equipos de personajes a 7 estrellas y que sean muy activos. Es obligatorio generar los 600 tickets diarios.

    Búscanos por "El Legado" o añádeme como aliado para entrar: 324-957-648
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    Room for one active player! Not casual, daily 600 required. Top 100 arena position and a top 10 ambition or we help you get there, of course!
    We are PVP ELITE, a top 50 guild, and we do Heroic Rancor and Heroic Tank as much as our daily 30k tickets allow. To join us, send a LINE message to Fernando, LINE id 12353111637
    For more information about us (rules, raid times, background), please click here!
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    Our guild is looking to pick up 2 heroic ready HAAT players.

    We are an English speaking guild but have worldwide membership.

    Our HAAT is on farm mode, FFA and is usually completed in about 45min

    Our guild employs a 9pm EST 24hr 0 damage registration system and then FFA for both Rancor and HAAT.

    Our guild is a friendly one with the only expectations being:

    - Line app (mandatory)
    - 600 guild coins per day (mandatory)
    - Participate in raid (even if it's only 0 damage registration)
    - 2% damage per phase in HAAT

    For further info contact add me in game 339-696-623, Kanyeworst on Line app (swgohkanyeworst)
  • KingKen
    362 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Post edited by KingKen on
    Requiem Leader
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    Romanian Winners is a top50 guild which is looking to fill one spot left open by someone who left us.
    We offer guaranteed GK shards , a friendly community , and an overall good space for any intermediate player to boost his gear levels , as we raid as often as possible.
    Our raid hours and rules are as follows.
    Rancor: Starts at 18.00 GMT+0
    A 24 hour 0 damage period, followed by one attack per person , so that the raid lasts around 20 minutes.
    We have a top 10 rotation system , you can not be 2 raids in a row in the top10 range.
    HAAT : A 24 hour damage period so that everyone is able to enlist.
    We require 4 things :1. 600/600 each day
    2. A LINE id
    3. A swgoh account
    4. A collection score over 32.

    Contact me on LINE at 54300539x
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    * TheRebelion *
    HAAT guild
    2 open spot

    We are looking for players who are team minded and want to grow with us . Key is to have fun and stay active . We use line chat to communicate and share new game info , it's a huge help and we'd like all members to join . We are looking for players level 80-85 with at least 1 squad that is HAAT ready preferably for P2 , P3 or P4 . But most importantly we ask each player to be active daily and do your 600 daily raid tickets also communicate either on our line chat or game chat and follow raid rules . We do T7 pit raids every other day at guild rest 8:30 pm est with a 18hr 0 damage rule . HAAT Raid are at least twice a week at guild reset 8:30 pm est with a 15.5 hr 0 damage rule , we use 1 squad on P1,P2 and p4 and 2 squads on P3 , if your interested contact me.
    PM me or get me on line chat .. line id
    Ally code
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    HAAT Guild looking to fill one spot! We're a laid back guild! All we ask is get 600 a day and follow our raid rules! We raid on U.K. Time and we start raids at 7:30pm. We'd prefer you to be lvl 85 with a raid team or two worthy of the HAAT but it's not a requirement as we don't need it to complete the raids! My ally code is 961-671-121, we also use discord for communication but it's not mandatory to have! So if ya want some kenobi shards and can do 600 tickets a day, hit me up! Oh and our guild name is BB5
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Hello Galaxy of Heroes,

    My name is evergoo, one of the founders of TIE Alliance. We are a friendly and active community looking to help more players acquire General Kenobi, plan for metas, and enjoy the game.

    We have a community of 5 guilds: 3 HAATs, 1 Heroic Rancor, and 1 Casual. We promote players from within our alliance system, gear donation requests are filled almost daily, and we have very low player attrition. Our community is also very diverse: f2p to Krakken, parents and spouses, families and friends, and casual everyday to Arena #1 everyday.

    We are currently looking for active and communicative players who are ready for HAAT.

    We have over 240 members from all parts of the world! Most of us are veteran level 85 players, many have given over 1000 gear donations, and we know how to maximize efficiency for our guild (active chat rooms, Discord server, spreadsheets, strategy discussions, and teamwork). Despite our activeness, we also have lives outside the game (lots of dads/husbands, moms/wives, professionals, etc.) and respect each other's outside commitments. Any TIE Alliance member can attest that we are a supportive, friendly, and successful community. You honestly won't regret joining us. :)

    My Ally Code is 571-945-848. I am an Arena and Fleet rank top 2 daily, and love to help out members! Please send me a message via PM, Line (ID: evergoo), or Discord (evergoo#8548) if you are interested. Thank you for listening, and we look forward to your response. Take care! :)
  • aclbosox
    132 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Recruiting one player for The American Empire, spot will become available tomorrow. We are an elite guild, just getting 600 won't cut it, you will need a deep roster with at least 30 G11 toons. The reason for this is we are preparing for Territory Battles and plan to complete on Day 1. If you are a whale or long time player currently carrying your guild you may want to consider us to get ahead of the eventual guild shuffle that is impending just like we had with the tank. If you're a top player and wanting to be with other top players please shoot me a message on LINE via my ID is aloomis16.
    ΔCŁBØSØX | Discord: aclbosox#8982
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    KøR Reservoir Dogs has 1 spot open for a player who is serious about using teamwork & communication. We would also like a deep roster's due to Territory Battles up coming. We are strictly a Heroic Guild. You want the Han Shards in 15-30 mins & GK Shards in 7 hrs we got that 1 spot if you meet the requirements


    1. 600 Tickets Daily

    2. Line Chat App Is Mandatory

    3. We Rotate times between 8am and 8pm EST. 24 hour 0 damage and only one team on rancor.

    4. We Rotate times between 8am and 8pm EST. 12 hour 0 damage on HAAT

    KøR Reservoir Dogs Recruiter
    Ally 257-972-458
    Line ID Matt9278

    Make KøR Your Family
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