Thoughts on the tournament! (Merged Threads)


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    @Nikoms565 contribute to the debate or step aside. Political rhetoric aside is it a good suggestion or not?
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    if you cut off the top 100 then players like me and my entire guild except one that placed in the top 100 that didn't receive the 7 star character would get screwed. The one guy that has the top 7* is still trying to win his for the credits, raid boxes, omega abilities etc. Keeping us out would screw over us just as much as you. The game is a grind and you try to get as much raid gear as possible as fast as possible to stay competitive in the top 20 of my arena or anyone else's arena for that matter.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    Lando should have 100% chance to remove 100% TM at the beginning of each encounter and each of his turns, and when he scores a crit. Also, he should gain 100% TM whenever he scores a crit.

    I would prefer it be 99%. Just so when it doesn't work people could make a whiny Reddit post about RNG.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    No lol it's a terrible idea as is the idea of making each shard only 200 ppl. One of the best things about the tourney is you get to fight people outside of your shard and see what their teams are like.
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    It's points, not rank. So someone with 5k points ranked 1st with get the same points next battle as someone in another shard or at a later time who has 5k points and is ranked 1000th. There is no advantage to waiting so you are at a lower rank (at least not from this aspect).
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    Ok thanks @Magulama , I was thinking that may be the case. So as you progress, there's a possibility that your opponents get weaker.
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    elrayo79 wrote: »
    @Defense1236 read the whole post. You should be grouped with the closest 200 players which would make it more plausible for you to be competitive and actually win some worthwhile prizes. @AlCapone_ don't post on my thread unless you have something intelligent to contribute. You know, like an opinion! Don't tell me what is equitable with a lol and a brush off. I will "calm down" when intelligent and opinionated people make meaningful contributions.
    The thing is, with the new tournament, you compete against people from all over your leaderboard, grouping 200 would cause top 1 would be with 200 and they are about 18 arena attemps apart. Plus, with this one it is not P2W and therefore almost a completely different game so using stats from the last tournament would be irrelevant.
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    @AlCapone_ your argument is mute. Read the intial post. It is not about exclusion. It is about grouping similar play levels so noobs, intermediates and pro's all have a chance at getting new characters and schwag. So you are saying the top 101 people who already have the best chance should stay on top and lower level players are just screwed and have no chance at anyhhing? Why play then? If 200 is not a reasonable sample size then mod it.
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    The point is a noob has no reasonable chance at all and the person who got the 4 star Shoretrooper in the last tourney probably will have 7 star Shoretrooper this tourney.
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    I found that, Purple, Omegas, +300K credits, and shore trooper will be found in 400 Bronzium pulls.
    Here is some math,
    Credits have 10% drop rate and average 600, about 24K credits, you will receive about 2 purples from 400 bronziums, the rest is 0% chance drop rate
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    elrayo79 wrote: »
    The point is a noob has no reasonable chance at all and the person who got the 4 star Shoretrooper in the last tourney probably will have 7 star Shoretrooper this tourney.

    Maybe because a "noob" shouldn't get a 7* Shoretrooper?
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    I did 5k a pop for my last 800 or so points.
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    Zooey wrote: »
    I'm sitting at 5 and I've found this about the boxes:

    1. You can't battle the same team twice
    2. The rightmost boxes has the strongest teams you can face (right now, there's only one left for me cuz I didn't wanna fight Darthlark). The middle boxes has the next best teams. I see teams from top 25 in there. The left box has like top 100 for me.
    3. Once you empty a box, I believe it just starts getting filled with the pool for the next one down.
    4. Boxes and points seem to based on the rank of the guy your battling, not their team strength.
    Ha, promise I'll go easy.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    It's not based on your highest rank and has nothing to do with rank, it's based in how many points you have and the difference in points of the people you're attacking

    Well...who you can attack and your points are directly related to rank....are they not?
    Im trying to determine how the points per battle are figured. It seems like every prize tier you break into, your points per battle decrease. Do they ever increase?

    Can you answer that?

    I can have 3k points on one leaderboard and be rank 5 and rank 60 on another, the points will be the same. It has nothing to do with rank.

    It can go up if you're attacking someone with a certain amount of points more than you, how much exactly idk.
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    elrayo79 wrote: »
    @Nikoms565 contribute to the debate or step aside. Political rhetoric aside is it a good suggestion or not?

    No, it's not. There are other prizes aside from shards - anyone should be able to to compete for those.

    But I'm sure you will disregard this point as you have every other post that didn't agree with you.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I burn ally points, gain ranks, leave it for a while, comes back and see I dropped
    Over and over it just keeps happening,
    Wouldn't it be best to wait until almost the end and then try to get as high as possible burning the remaining ally points?
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    It's to prevent people teaming up. They should be near the same defense level
  • sneeekypants
    1914 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Start of day 2 and estimate its 600,000 ally points min to first, 400k to place and the days just started.

    Maybe it evens out several tournaments from now but seems like every thing implemented in this game is targets to a small group of players instead of making it enjoyable for the majority.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Why not enjoy the freebies u will get instead of complaining that others who didn't squander their resources will get more ?
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Considering it's a running tally, waiting wont matter except reducing the ally points u spend when refreshes occur. Try to split your ally points into thirds and stop battling once u have used a third of them each day.
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    I think it's called expecting fun and entertainment in something called a "tournament", not a gift to people playing the longest or paying the most.

    It's GW tokens, I started the game in Aug. How exactly do I squander GW tokens, getting Lumi?

    Tell me, how could I have banked a million+ ally points in 3 months from level 1?

    I'm guessing you are speaking from only your own point of view hitting the "sim" button for a year now so you have long cleared all the toons and had nothing to spend the 200,000 GW tokens and ally points because you no longer need the low level gear or possible junk toons you might get.

    I bow to your superior intelligence on figuring this game out! It's just time and money, there's nothing requiring skill in a turn based farming game other than doing it longer than other people.
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    I thought the tournament refresh would have happened by now but nada, is there one?
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    Yes. There is a character refresh. You can see the timer when you are assembling your attack team before battle. For me its in 10 mins atm.
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    So bitter, why shouldn't someone playing longer have an advantage?
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    I agree, keep some GW tokens "just in case" at least for getting Vader Shards!

    --UniKøRns - Heroic AAT Raid Guild, We've Finished 3 Heroic AATs!, Openings available, see ATT Leaderboard for proof.
  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Xero_Kira wrote: »
    I literally just hit level 80 a few days ago. Yet I am grouped with levels 80-85. How am I really expected to fairly participate against whales? All I see is level 82+, gear 10+, fully starred palpatine and Shoretrooper. People who clearly have been level 80 for months. I place around top 10 in my arena shard every day and these people make the top 10 on my shard look like a joke. I thought after level 79 people were grouped by power levels.....

    Not only is it unfair in this view, the geographic location of where you at plays a HUGE difference. I live in hong kong, which apparently not alot of people play around me, and as of currently, well into Day 2, I am sitting comfortably at rank 1 with 3.9k points, 2nd being 3.7k, with a huge storage of ally points just idling there. While my friend who lives in Australia (vegemites are so terrible LOL) is having a hard time placing in top 10 with 4.5k points. We are both 80+ (me 82 my friend 83 I think)
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    What's bitter about it, I asked how did I squander my resources playing the game 3 months vs someone playing a year? He made a judgement based on a poor assumption.

    It's not an advantage, it's impossible so where is the fun other than for the people who have a hundred thousand tokens because they can't use it on anything. So as the title states, there's no point this time around.

    I'm inclined to say the system is right once it flushes out the backlog of unused tokens but in the 3 months I've played, they've pretty much changed everything repeatedly (mods, raid, guild joining, tournament). Maybe next time they decide to flush the unused catina tokens.
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    Aplus wrote: »
    Xero_Kira wrote: »
    I literally just hit level 80 a few days ago. Yet I am grouped with levels 80-85. How am I really expected to fairly participate against whales? All I see is level 82+, gear 10+, fully starred palpatine and Shoretrooper. People who clearly have been level 80 for months. I place around top 10 in my arena shard every day and these people make the top 10 on my shard look like a joke. I thought after level 79 people were grouped by power levels.....

    Not only is it unfair in this view, the geographic location of where you at plays a HUGE difference. I live in hong kong, which apparently not alot of people play around me, and as of currently, well into Day 2, I am sitting comfortably at rank 1 with 3.9k points, 2nd being 3.7k, with a huge storage of ally points just idling there. While my friend who lives in Australia (vegemites are so terrible LOL) is having a hard time placing in top 10 with 4.5k points. We are both 80+ (me 82 my friend 83 I think)

    I'm in Tokyo, first is 12,000 points...........and I started playing only 3 months ago. The top 10 has russian guilds and two TI members in it so I assume they have a few million ally points to burn through. I'm sitting at 3.2k points and around 1,000 rank last I checked.

    And you're right about vegemite, first time someone opened it in a room I was in I thought someone threw road kill through the window.
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    What's bitter about it, I asked how did I squander my resources playing the game 3 months vs someone playing a year? He made a judgement based on a poor assumption.

    It's not an advantage, it's impossible so where is the fun other than for the people who have a hundred thousand tokens because they can't use it on anything. So as the title states, there's no point this time around.

    I'm inclined to say the system is right once it flushes out the backlog of unused tokens but in the 3 months I've played, they've pretty much changed everything repeatedly (mods, raid, guild joining, tournament). Maybe next time they decide to flush the unused catina tokens.

    Somebody is salty lol
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