Thoughts on the tournament! (Merged Threads)


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    Can confirm. I am currently level 70, but am in the 60-69 shard (because I started the tournament before I leveled up).
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    You get less points once you reach a certain point thresholds, that's all.
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    Asia/Oceanic zone, top 3 are:
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    Can confirm. She. I reached TOP spot, for a while all was easy :-)
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    Tokyo with levels 70-80
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    I thought the points were based on the prize tier you were in. The higher the tier the less points. Or maybe the tier of the players you are attacking
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    nubkin wrote: »
    All I want is competitive game play. The current state of the game favors those who've been playing forever or those who just started and haven't hit 80. Everyone else might as well be cannon fodder.

    I've easily invested over $600 in this game and I don't feel productive in the least. I'm done giving this game money.

    X a lot more... Still feel the same.
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    Its messed up... I was #84 but dropped to #214 overnight... but im still only getting points reward of +3 and +7 per battle
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    Thanks guys turns out your right :)
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    11.3k, one refresh, Shanghai.
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    8200. Im 2200. But ive give up now. Theres no way im gunna unlock shore troopsr. So not bothered with playing it.
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    Can you confirm that a guy with the same or similar amount of points gains the same number of points per new batlle (irrespectively whether he has been climbing the ranks and I have been falling?)
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    I've gotten a full scanner and a full key pad. Probably 80 (mostly JKG Manga Gaurd and Ashoka) shards in around 60k in pulls.
  • Defense1236
    737 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Olddumper wrote: »
    I've gotten a full scanner and a full key pad. Probably 80 (mostly JKG Manga Gaurd and Ashoka) shards in around 60k in pulls.
    I have have too but that's at of hundreds maybe thousands of pulls, but I am thinking of doing a spree of pulls and record them.
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    God I just love how the devs take a post of what I find is a legitimate discussion and purposely merge it into a cluster"you know what" of posts to basically shut us up.

    They should have brown noses for their icons. Seriously. Add the fact they they edit posts to not reflect any negative talk of SWGOHs like this game is so perfect...yeah right.

    Not only is the game riddled with flaws..but so are these forums.
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    I've also noticed a bit of luck in your Tourny "Shard" I have 3 accounts 1 account I got to 5, and only dropped to 30 over night. The other two, I managed to battle down to 38, and over night dropped to 300.

    My Defensive teams are all about the same; but the teams I was facing varied vastly in strength depending on the "shard" I was on. On my second account I faced an all 85 team with a guy with a 7* Shoretrooper.

    Trying the in line Post but its not working... must be doing something wrong.

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    This tournament will never be fair unless there is a limited # of attack without any refreshes.
    1. Limit the attacks to a max of 5.
    2. Have the tournament require 30 characters. (5 Defense and 5 for each attack)
    3. Make the Tournament 4 days. (1 Preparation day, 2 first Opponent, 3 Second Opponent, 4 Final Opponent)
    4. Rewards should be determined by brackets. (Bracket 1 - Win all 3 days, Bracket 2 - Win 2 days, B3 - Win 1 Day, B4 - 0 Wins)

    This will make the tournament fair in my opinion because once people are able to get refreshes, the tournament automatically becomes unfair in favor of those who have the currency of the refresh. They say they tried making it fair and in favor of large rosters. I disagree because if you have 1 or 2 solid teams with endless amount of refresh currency, the tournament favors them instead of the people with actual deep rosters.

    More details on my idea here.
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    I have my rank and I have points. Points doesn't seem to do anything for me since I have to have a high rank to get decent rewards. So what is the purpose of the points? Am I missing something?
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    I think if you watch closely, points are used to determine your rank.
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    It's really time dependent if you're on a slide you just need to let it cool down for awhile.
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    Quality thread this.
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    I pulled a shoretrooper from the bronziums.. :D oh god ppl have ideas
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    I pulled a shoretrooper from the bronziums.. :D oh god ppl have ideas

    I mean he's saying it's basically better than using it on bronziums, there's no shoretrooper shards, better payout and omegas but I'm still using them on bronzium. I'm not into the tournament gameplay
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    I use them for bronziums. If everyone uses ally points for refreshes then it is just a big waste of ally points. It will even out and cancel everyone's efforts. By using them for bronziums I am more effectively using my ally points. I am gaining lots of extra shards for characters and gear even purple gear, plus some training droids and credits.
  • PowPowTéMow
    6 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Who wants to finish 101st? VV T F is up with the rewards bracket? How many people are on a given tourny shard? 5-6k+ If one finish in the 500's he/she should receive at least the full character. Being able to finish in the top 10% of a shard should reward more than not even half the character. Im sure most people dont care about the other rewards. The Shoretrooper is the main incentive to this tournament imo. Think about this for your next tournament EA. A lot more people are **** than are happy, I doubt thats what you want.

  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    DoomeyEyes wrote: »
    This was mentionedast tournament, but the shard you enter is determined by your login time after the tournament started. I can confirm this as when I logged several hours after the start, I was ranked #754, and then dropped like a rock.

    I has also read that there were 20,000 players per shard, but since I seem to have stabilized around #4400, it look like there are 5000 per shard... this is based on logging in and not running any teams as of yet.

    Thank you for explaining it. It is a shame they just can't match the players with people people they are equal to or atleast within a 5k range. A 5k range is beatable but 10k to 15k there is no chance especially if someone has only been playing for 5 months.

    What's your situation like, why is there such a team score gap? The problem with setting it in regards to team score would the system derive your team score in the first place, if it goes based on your defense team, that would be super open to abuse.

    I don't know ole buddy im like you and confused as hell. My defense team when i set it was 36,485 and i leveled up my defense squad about 2 hours after I started to 37,011. Its my arena team...the lowest in my tournament shsrd t Hg at i have found was 39k and 41k but only 9 players have i faced like that so far. Everyone else is 44k to 49k and maybe even more the higher the shard goes. I never complain on here maybe twice since I've joined but this is crazy how they expect me to fight these teams. I joined the game on may 29th 2016 and im going against teams from November and December of 2015. I know this forsure because one of my guild mates is in there with me and most of his shard from arena is there with us. I wish they would have thought this through. So depressing

    Yeah it's segmented by level and you seem to be 80+ so you'll get mixed with all of the high end spectrum. I think they need to have more granularity to this like 80-82, 83-84 and 85. Right now that's where all the division is at. Though 49k shouldn't be possible, maybe only if they hit 85 and sank in all the new gear, there are only a few players like that. 46k discounting new gear tier is the cap.

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    Hello everyone. Just giving my two cents about the tournament. I find really out of place that players with 7*Shoretrooper is participating in the tournament and be on top! Give way to others!! If you don't need him why create a hard time for others to get him?? It shouldn't be allowed that if you have him 7* to participate in it just like the Yoda event. All of you who have him 7* should stop participating in the event so you can give others a chance.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    It's a tournament
    -bragging rights

    As you can see the prizes are alot more than just Shoretrooper.

    That's like saying a sports team can't compete in the next tournament because they won the last one.
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