Thoughts on the tournament! (Merged Threads)


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    nubkin wrote: »
    All I want is competitive game play. The current state of the game favors those who've been playing forever or those who just started and haven't hit 80. Everyone else might as well be cannon fodder.

    I've one squad that can do well in the 80 arena brackets but the rest of my roster cannot stack up when it comes to the gear/mod gap. My guild is small and it takes us 1.2 days to clear T6 Rancor. We still haven't even cleared phase 1 of the tank raid.

    I've easily invested over $600 in this game and I don't feel productive in the least. I'm done giving this game money.

    I put in about $1,000 and I agree completely. Mods, first tournament, AAT and this tournament have been disappointing. I hope they keep the same system so it will eventually even out, leaving the main advantage to depth of teams which is OK.
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    I miss **** and Boom Beach, they know how to make a good game design and get rewarded with it with over $2 billion in revenue a year.

    New people could join and play and not just be fodder for the people who started first.
  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    I just wanted to see how big a role the geographic location and level plays in tournament bracketing. You guys mind helping out? :)
    The top places of my tournament as of now is as follows:
    1st: 3778
    2nd: 3689
    3rd: 3657

    80+ levels, in Hong Kong.
  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    I just wanted to see how big a role the geographic location and level plays in tournament bracketing. You guys mind helping out? :)
    The top places of my tournament as of now is as follows:
    1st: 3778
    2nd: 3689
    3rd: 3657

    80+ levels, in Hong Kong.
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    Ignore it's happened
  • Rizn
    246 posts Member
    My shard is over 7000 for first place right now. Second and third are almost to 6000.
  • Corvus
    190 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I put in about $1,000 and I agree completely. Mods, first tournament, AAT and this tournament have been disappointing. I hope they keep the same system so it will eventually even out, leaving the main advantage to depth of teams which is OK.

    They could achieve that by giving a set number of refreshes very easily but thats not what they want appearently...

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    Poxx wrote: »
    Considering it's a running tally, waiting wont matter except reducing the ally points u spend when refreshes occur. Try to split your ally points into thirds and stop battling once u have used a third of them each day.

    This was my plan and it's screwed me over... The points I get from battles is now negligible due to some illogical mechanic reducing the points I get over time. If I could go again I would have spent 100% of my ally points on day one when the point return was worthwhile.
  • kartoffelSTAMPF
    208 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    If unfair = because you just leveled (started playing late) then there are a LOT of people playing an unfair game. Only people it's "fair" for then is those of us who started around game launch.

    When the Yoda event first started, I didn't quite have the jedi for unlock. Didn't mean the game was unfair, meant I needed to grind more.

    These are two complete different things. No one is asking for late-game content being available for new beginners, nor does the OP have done so. All he was saying that matchmaking is unfair. This is PvP content, available for all different progression levels, not just a PvE event for which a specific roster is needed. And its called tournament, not "newbi-slaughter-fest". One of the most important things in this tournament is the size and developmental stage of each ones roster and this is directly bound to either each ones playing time or the depth of their wallets. In any case, if such things are not considered when pairing different players, then you end up with an unfair matchmaking - simple as that.

    If you add player competitive content to a game, then of course you must make sure that the competition itself is balanced, otherwise it can be considered a complete fail (because boring for some and frustrating for others).
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    Rizn wrote: »
    My shard is over 7000 for first place right now. Second and third are almost to 6000.

    Radddddd. Sounda pretty crazy. That's the highest I have heard as of now
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    My first place is over 10,000. Definitely not placing in top 100
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    1st is 11k+, lvl82, also in HK
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    I'm in Australia, if that makes any difference.
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    Not even shard age is fair tbh.

    I didn't play for months with my alt.
    With only 4-5 gear 9 toons on a November 2015 shard,, what should i think?

    So: the age of your shard is literally worse than comparing roster variety/strength and build a tournament shard.

  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    The point return is not affected by the time tou play, it depends on the the score range you are at(major factor) and the opponent you face(VERY minor factor). E.g. As long as you stay at score 500-1000 you gain for example 20 points/ surviving member and 10/ enemy defeated. It will be the same as long as you are in this range, no matter what day you play. However, as you progress up to a higher score range, the points gain will become significantly lower.

    So imagine there's A and B. Their difference can be 200 score, like 300 and 100, which only equates to one or two matches to overtake him, but it can also be 5000 and 5200, which could be several if not up to 6/7 matches to gain enough points to over take him.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Dashing1 wrote: »
    Poxx wrote: »
    Considering it's a running tally, waiting wont matter except reducing the ally points u spend when refreshes occur. Try to split your ally points into thirds and stop battling once u have used a third of them each day.

    This was my plan and it's screwed me over... The points I get from battles is now negligible due to some illogical mechanic reducing the points I get over time. If I could go again I would have spent 100% of my ally points on day one when the point return was worthwhile.

    i think points gained are determined by how many points you already have. I'm not sure if rank also factors in or not, or just the points of your target. But since you can only go up in points, its logical you drop in rank when you stop attacking since others will surpass you when they're doing their battles.
    I think the only advantage of attacking close to the roster refresh is the fact that you could encouter weaker targets.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Im posting this for anyone who may have questions about squad tournament. Anyone who feels they have a answer please feel free to help and clearify any questions.

    To start I noticed everyone has there own bracket based on there level. Mines currently player level 40-49. I'm 49, if I go over level49, to 50 will I no longer be able to participate in this 40-49 bracket until it finishes and I become placed in a new one? Or do I instantly get moved to a higher player level bracket?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Danubiss wrote: »
    I'm in Australia, if that makes any difference.

    starting time maybe
    6000 points for #1 on my leaderboard, tournament ends in 1d9h. not that bad, but i'm probably not going to finish top100 ;)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    UK here and top spot is 6000
    Im Currently rank 143 (slipped from 84 overnight) 3 of the top 5 are TI... best im generally hoping for is top 100 as im sure will be a major push the last day
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    1st 4750
    2nd 4706
    3rd 4543,

    Me:3248,still have over 60 k ally point
    where is darth jar jar?
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    10k first place in mine and 4 of the top 10 are lvl 84!
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    I miss **** and Boom Beach, they know how to make a good game design and get rewarded with it with over $2 billion in revenue a year.

    New people could join and play and not just be fodder for the people who started first.

    Patience, I came back recently Bc Gamecenter finally works again. I'm catching up but still lower compared to
    Those who could play. I don't even have a good dark side team Bc when I left I was playing a lot of light side. I finally got my Biggs to 7* and I'll maybe play droids for dark not yet decided.

    It's a game man, if you aren't having fun then it's time to move on this will probably be another one in the long list of mobiles I've played, one of the longer ones though. One was Hearthstone ya I got salty everyday (freeze/aggro meta). So so mad but then I just left. I liked WoW but not that much to put myself through that lol
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    Ye I don't get this system of reducing points. I did quite some battles, took #47 just to get launched back to 300 over night. Now I'm stuck with max 60 points per battle on day 2 where it started off around 180 per battle.

    Now that I've dropped, the points I can get stay the same. Doesn't make sense to me and scr*ws with people their planning.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Many people had millions of ally points banked (or hundreds of thousands of GW tokens). I never used to understand why people would hold on to these, but there you go. They did and, by accident or good management, they're reaping the benefits.
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    I think the OP is correct. This feels like a GW token purge to me.
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    Life is never fair man, the trick is to not compete and just be satisfied with what you get.
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    I don't think you get removed once you are in a shard. Think it's safe to assume you can go to lvl 50.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    They introduced credits awhile ago when the credit crunch was too real and we haven't had a new character introduced to the arena store since then. More likely, they're feeling the backlash from the new raid and felt they had to introduce some new aspect to distract from that
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    8,7k the first one, from TI
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    Comparing variety and strength of roster would only punish those, who acquired them...
    You played well and were clever? You spent some bucks? You will be swimming with whales and will have to fight hard for shoretrooper.
    You yawned with playing every second Thursday? Excellent, you will get your Shoretrooper for logging at wednesday too.

    Very unfair - If it is not accompanied by increased rewards.

    Only fairer option maybe choosing your own challenge - several divisions to choose from, variable rewards - choose what you feel like trying. But you would still have many ppl being rather king of 4th league than pawn in 1st...

    Really think about it and you will see that they do not really have any apparent solution.
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