The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    leef wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    All the devs have Android phones. Just sayin.

    aaah i should have known. Never trust a developer with sub par hardware. ^_^

    Sub par hardware??? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that's rich...
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    Blame Apple not CG
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    Thanks I will!
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    Sorry - I am here by mistake - I am too old for kindergarten
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Mvnson wrote: »
    Have fun farming an extra 100 stun cuffs and 100 stun guns for your new droid

    Oh yes hit us where it hurts with our exclusive new droid :wink:
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    JayNyxx wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    All the devs have Android phones. Just sayin.

    aaah i should have known. Never trust a developer with sub par hardware. ^_^

    Sub par hardware??? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that's rich...

    nah, if they were rich they would have gotten apple products ;)
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Google paid for the promotion. Blame those greedy people at Apple.
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    Please get out of the business of allowing free content to only half your player base, for the obvious reasons of creating division amongst the base, and ill will for the alienated players. Bad form all around.
  • Satyg
    160 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Just saying, this is probably the last straw for a lot of people. EA would be wise not to make us mad considering we make up a very large portion of their player base.

    What is WRONG with you people? Don't you ever think about ANYTHING before you grab your torch and pitchfork?

    Apple users make up the majority of the market here.

    Android wants to increase its market share.

    Android pays for a giveaway to entice its users to the game and help retain its users already in the game.

    That's it. That's the end of the conspiracy. That's as deep as it goes. A company wanted a thing so they paid for it. Another company didn't want a thing so they didn't pay for it. God, grow the hell up...

    So you are ok with a company accepting a bribe and not caring for most of their player base. Yes by this logic EA are business genius' for **** off over half of the players that play one of their best revenue streams.


    That's not how ANYTHING works. God...

    Google went to them and paid for some kind of promotion. EA accepts and goes through with a free character that is exclusive to only Google players. Sound like a textbook definition of a bribe. Are you going to be happy when Apple bribe EA for an IOS exclusive event and we get a toon that counters Rebels?

    you can't be serious, are you trolling or seriously that stoopid?

    Dead serious. Explain to me how taking money and giving a device exclusive toon isn't a bribe and ever morally correct for a business.

    No. I don't have to prove it isn't. You're the one asserting the claim, so the burden of proof is on you. That's how logic works. That's Aristotle 101.

    You made my day!
    Rrraarrwhhgwwr - Chewbacca (The Empire Strikes Back)
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  • Satyg
    160 posts Member
    How about getting nothing?
    Rrraarrwhhgwwr - Chewbacca (The Empire Strikes Back)
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    You obviously are oblivious to the fact there were three packs at launch last night and 2 hours later they pulled all but the one with the droid.
  • HarmakhisVallis
    100 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Fond of OS war? more than 80% of OS market share is owned by Android :smile:
    On smartphones obviously...
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Why wait 10 days ? nothing will change

    And how do you even know its OP ?? could be as powerful as tin man from wizard of oz
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    Please stop. Hear me out.

    Just a few platform-exclusive examples from the past:

    Earlier this year iOS got Poe (meta at that time). Android got nothing.
    Android got a (poopy) Droid spring event. iOS got nothing.
    iOS got Wedge shards. Android got basically nothing (Biggs shards).
    Android gets the admittedly amazing K-2SO for free. iOS got nothing (yet).

    A look in my crystal ball (a.k.a Reddit) tells me soon you iOS guys will get Bistan's U-Wing plus BISTAN while Android only gets U-Wing plus Scarif Rebel Pathfinder (got 5* already ...).

    While my condolences go out to all you iOS users today, don't hate on EA or CG.

    Android is paying for a promotion and iOS will follow. Take my word for it. That's just how the Apple <=> Google dynamic in this game (and the market in general) works.

    Now I know exactly how iOS users (who care and/or are new to the game) feel today. Look forward to the warm and fuzzy feeling comforting you when you get Bistan in a week or two, knowing that Android will only get shards for a char that many already have at 5* or higher.

    But please for Yoda's sake, stop the outcry and the threats to leave the game. All 5 people that are actually going to leave over childish stuff like this are no loss to the community. EA/Google/Apple are not hurting the game with (temporarily) lopsided promotions. People like you are. Celebrate your neighbour's new car and look forward to getting your own soon. Merry X-Mas.
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    The character isn't OP.

    Have you seen Jyn Erso? Baze and Chirrut?

    The droid is far from being in the same league.
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    Look at the guy k2 calls to assist on his special. You'll probably get that.
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    Thumbs up. Thumbs up.

    I think it would be nice for EA to let players of each device know, that way everyone is on the same page. Perhaps EA should hire you in PR :smiley: ?!
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    I consider myself lucky for not getting a free U2 album B)
    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
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    Everything you mentioned was available to all platforms, albeit at a cost. Free stuff to other platforms, while annoying, is fair. Exclusive content is not, at least without notice before your first purchase, which for many of us was months ago.
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    If the game is stressing you out, then by all means stop and don't look back. The point of games is to unwind after a tough day, and the last thing anyone needs is MORE stress.

    But you should also consider asking if that stress is the problem (in which case quitting will help) or a symptom of another problem (in which case quitting will only cause the stress to manifest elsewhere). In other words--why are you stressed? Because you can't finish 1st? Why is finishing 1st important to you? Will quitting stop me from feeling that level of frustration? Just a thing to consider, is all.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I agree with everything you said. What's funny to me is, when this (Bistan+U Wing) happens, all these people crying about the injustice will truly believe they got rewarded for voicing their outrage!

    And the cycle will continue without anyone truly understanding how this business model works.
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    BOOM goes the forums. All could have been prevented with a little communication for EA/CG.

    The game has been out for over a year and we still have communication issues.....
  • Nikka488
    277 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Just two corrections. iOS users got Poe. Android users got Phasma. Phasma is still used in multiple game modes today. I think it was bad planning on EA's part to not realize that on a cross platform game where we get in game notifications that this wouldn't bother people. Not to mention some android users got 1 and some got 3 packs. PS: Android also got a free Rogue One pack with shards for Scarrif & shore last week. SO Android does get more. And the droid event wasn't meh imho.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    Not sold yet that K2SO will be amazing. Could be, but not sure.
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    I spend money, can I get free stuff too?
    Travelling through Hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy!
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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    Everything you mentioned was available to all platforms, albeit at a cost. Free stuff to other platforms, while annoying, is fair. Exclusive content is not, at least without notice before your first purchase, which for many of us was months ago.

    The content being exclusive (AT LEAST FOR NOW...) is the only valid point to the whole discussion, gotta give you that. If K-2SO REMAINS exclusive for a long period of time, that would certainly rub people the wrong way, thus I believe it is highly unlikely.

    I remember how I felt being locked out of the meta when everybody and their mother had Poe while I was still farming shards.

    Don't think he will be entirely Android exclusive for a long time.
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    Please stop. Hear me out.

    Just a few platform-exclusive examples from the past:

    Earlier this year iOS got Poe (meta at that time). Android got nothing.
    Android got a (poopy) Droid spring event. iOS got nothing.
    iOS got Wedge shards. Android got basically nothing (Biggs shards).
    Android gets the admittedly amazing K-2SO for free. iOS got nothing (yet).

    A look in my crystal ball (a.k.a Reddit) tells me soon you iOS guys will get Bistan's U-Wing plus BISTAN while Android only gets U-Wing plus Scarif Rebel Pathfinder (got 5* already ...).

    While my condolences go out to all you iOS users today, don't hate on EA or CG.

    Android is paying for a promotion and iOS will follow. Take my word for it. That's just how the Apple <=> Google dynamic in this game (and the market in general) works.

    Now I know exactly how iOS users (who care and/or are new to the game) feel today. Look forward to the warm and fuzzy feeling comforting you when you get Bistan in a week or two, knowing that Android will only get shards for a char that many already have at 5* or higher.

    But please for Yoda's sake, stop the outcry and the threats to leave the game. All 5 people that are actually going to leave over childish stuff like this are no loss to the community. EA/Google/Apple are not hurting the game with (temporarily) lopsided promotions. People like you are. Celebrate your neighbour's new car and look forward to getting your own soon. Merry X-Mas.

    But why are You the one telling us this? How spineless can they be
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    Chepin wrote: »

    Great sales on Android phones at your local phone store!

    Is it the model that blows up in your hand? because that's a hard pass.

    ROFL :D
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