The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    Mullato wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    I'm real, real glad people are waking up to the inherent injustice of the capitalist free market ststwm and how it arbitrarily privileges one class over another, but I really wish their new wokeness would be channelled to something less dumb than wanting a cartoon robot in a vidro game.

    this is a game, not real life about capitalism. Life isn't fair, and that's simply how it works, capitalism doesn't destroy anything. This GAME, which people play for enjoyment, doesn't prove how capitalism is failing or something. In a capitalistic society, people earn what they get, based on their skills. Having an android over an iPhone doesn't make the android user more deserving of a free character than the iphone. Stuff will happen like the unbalanced packs for ships (wedge/biggs), but as long as its close enough then it is fine. However, here android users are getting a free character. Blame it on whoever you want, EA/CG or Google, but this is an unfair event because Android users themselves have done nothing more than Apple users to get this guy. Just don't blame it on capitalism.

    Hooooboy, you'll just chomp down on any old bait, won't you?

    I don't think he seen what you did there.

    Probably not, no :P In fairness, I was kidding, but I was kidding on the square--I mostly believe what I said, I just don't expect anyone else to agree with it because I'm a mature human being :P
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    You're a good, decent person @Absolootjedi ... though I'm skeptical that the powers-that-be share your sentiment.
  • Barhebraeus
    620 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    N.B.: Forget the toon ... I'd be happy just to get the equivalent credits and crystals!
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    Here is one of my problems. Look, I'm fine if Google does something, and Apple does something else for their players, that's business. But Apple doesn't seem to want to do anything about it. We, as the players, really have no control over what our company is going to do. If a player gives $200 to EA and gets a 7* character, that is fine, because it is on their behalf. But Apple/Google does not represent all the players, and we have no control over what goes on there. Apple users have nowhere to go, because our company isn't caring, but that shouldn't be our fault, nor is it Android's players fault that they get a 7* character + crystals whatever for free. There has to be fair ground, and Apple has to do something for us to make anything fair at all.
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    Looks like peeps are trying to sweep this mess under the carpet
  • l2edLeader
    87 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    OnJouney wrote: »
    Starbuck wrote: »
    Yes, iOS users got a free Wedge, a toon that had been farmable for many months and who many have maxed already. And Android got a free Biggs, which also had been farmable since a long time ago. Neither platofrm got an advantage there.

    I remember the ewok event where only iOS got the chance to get some ewoks.

    Yeah and android had a droid event prior to that and you didn't have to buy a pack to be able to play a meaningful level on the event. If you didn't already have an Ewok team you were buying them so you could get more, totally different. But in all fairness events should be open to all players.

    Just let me know what google paid per player to put this out and give me a chance to pay the same. I bet it was not the $200 it would cost us to get a 7* character.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    But how about re running some old events, like empire demise and the mighty might event
    Wish partially granted. Emporer Denise's set to return.
  • Javik
    246 posts Member
    Similar to how the Yoda event was once a month until you complete it all. I would like to see Military Might and some others including the Yoda come back to everyone maybe monthly to try and get those 3 stars on them all. I had 2 and 1 stars on the Yoda event and think it would be a fun way for players to go back and try different teams if they have more monthly events like that. These tournaments are interesting, but really only benefit those able to unlock the characters through them. Maybe if they made it so all players who competed a little in the tournaments just unlocked the characters maybe not even be able to get there stars up unless you are a "top" player would be a nice change.
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    Yea, I'd love to revisit some old events and just enjoy new ship/raid content for a while. That could also give devs some breathing room to address ship issues/glitches, normal aat raid difficulty, and rework old characters
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    I think before anything else they need to fix the Android bias they are showing. Right now they are letting many get the notion that because of their choice of an Apple mobile device they are a second class citizen and that's putting it quite nicely. I think right now with one platform having a distinct competitive advantage in things tournaments are probably a smaller issue.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    I'm real, real glad people are waking up to the inherent injustice of the capitalist free market ststwm and how it arbitrarily privileges one class over another, but I really wish their new wokeness would be channelled to something less dumb than wanting a cartoon robot in a vidro game.

    this is a game, not real life about capitalism. Life isn't fair, and that's simply how it works, capitalism doesn't destroy anything. This GAME, which people play for enjoyment, doesn't prove how capitalism is failing or something. In a capitalistic society, people earn what they get, based on their skills. Having an android over an iPhone doesn't make the android user more deserving of a free character than the iphone. Stuff will happen like the unbalanced packs for ships (wedge/biggs), but as long as its close enough then it is fine. However, here android users are getting a free character. Blame it on whoever you want, EA/CG or Google, but this is an unfair event because Android users themselves have done nothing more than Apple users to get this guy. Just don't blame it on capitalism.

    Hooooboy, you'll just chomp down on any old bait, won't you?

    gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8.
    seriously though with some people these days its hard to distinguish
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    Here is one of my problems. Look, I'm fine if Google does something, and Apple does something else for their players, that's business. But Apple doesn't seem to want to do anything about it. We, as the players, really have no control over what our company is going to do. If a player gives $200 to EA and gets a 7* character, that is fine, because it is on their behalf. But Apple/Google does not represent all the players, and we have no control over what goes on there. Apple users have nowhere to go, because our company isn't caring, but that shouldn't be our fault, nor is it Android's players fault that they get a 7* character + crystals whatever for free. There has to be fair ground, and Apple has to do something for us to make anything fair at all.

    Where I disagree is that its not on Apple to do anything. Its on EA/CG to keep an even playing field in this game. I am locked into this game from the device I started with if I want to continue to use the same account. This account is on a shard and in a guild with Android users and iOS users. We have to compete for everything and some of these people spend real money to do so. It is a disservice to everyone to allow this to happen. If Google pays EA/CG to have this event, EA/CG should offer a different event to iOS users to keep the playing field even. Why does Apple have to pay for said event. When Apple pays for an event, EA/CG should setup one for Android as well. Why is that so difficult? Stop angering half of your player base with every OS specific event.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    I think before anything else they need to fix the Android bias they are showing. Right now they are letting many get the notion that because of their choice of an Apple mobile device they are a second class citizen and that's putting it quite nicely. I think right now with one platform having a distinct competitive advantage in things tournaments are probably a smaller issue.

    What bias??
    Starting from game release:
    Android got free phasma and free Poe
    iOS got free Poe and free phasma

    Android had a droid event where they got free Droid shards

    iOS had ewok event where they got free ewok shards

    iOS got free lando

    iOS got free wedge and wedge x-wing
    Android got free Biggs and Biggs x-wing

    Android got free ST and SRP shards

    Android got K2SO event

    As history has shown iOS will have some exclusive event soon. Then the Android users will get up in arms. Then iOS than Android then wash rinse repeat. These exclusive events are here to stay.

    Oh and there is also, at least according to datamined info a nice treat coming for both iOS and Android and if true IMO iOS will get the more exclusive option but yeah there is a complete bias towards one OS over the other. Most of the development team probably uses iOS themselves.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    The bias seems to always be towards the OS a person doesnt have. Weird, eh?
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    The big problem is it's a massive reward that is completely unavailable to Apple. It's not just a handful of shards everybody else can get other ways. This completely crosses the line
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    J0K3R wrote: »
    The bias seems to always be towards the OS a person doesnt have. Weird, eh?

    No just the OS getting the free seven star characters and bags of other goodies...that seems pretty obvious
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    The bias seems to always be towards the OS a person doesnt have. Weird, eh?

    No just the OS getting the free seven star characters and bags of other goodies...that seems pretty obvious

    This time it is android next time it will probably be iOS.
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    Just heard iOS is getting Jar-Jar.
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    J0K3R wrote: »
    The bias seems to always be towards the OS a person doesnt have. Weird, eh?

    I would expect it actually. Not everyone has been playing long enough to have received all of those unique rewards, and lately it would appear that android devices are favored

    Edit: to be on topic I think the tournaments would be funner if it was participation based
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Honestly, I don't think this whole situation is fair, however, saying you're done playing, or done spending just because you didn't get a toon that is decent at best, is borderline ridiculous. Even if the toon turns out to be better than average, it's nowhere near meta level! So you have a full Rebel Wiggs team with Shoretrooper and Palpy, and you're crying, stomping your feet and making a big fuss and threatening to quit because you're not getting an above average toon at best that will in no way impact the meta?? Most of these toons will sit at 7 stars level 1 for at least a month... Go ahead, and uninstall your game over that! LOL! See you back here next week! Smh...
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    iOS got lando free??? When did this happen?
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Allenb60 wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    The bias seems to always be towards the OS a person doesnt have. Weird, eh?

    I would expect it actually. Not everyone has been playing long enough to have received all of those unique rewards, and lately it would appear that android devices are favored

    That is why in late winter/early spring when some iOS exclusive thing comes along, I am sure there will be another, you can pretty much take all these posts and replace the word android with iOS. It will be same complaints same reasoning everything.
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    Entitlement. Capitalism. Communism. TRUMP. Go
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    Yes. All iOS users should just quit. They NEVER do this for them. Please.... quit.
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    iOS got lando free??? When did this happen?

    Quickly shut down because IOS gamers found a way to abuse it
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    Plokoon187 wrote: »
    iOS got lando free??? When did this happen?

    Quickly shut down because IOS gamers found a way to abuse it

    Thanks, I remember that now.
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    iOS got lando free??? When did this happen?
    Must have been a long time ago, I've been playing since late February and only just unlocked him. Man, if I could have gotten him free.........

    Anyway, yeah, I really miss the event-events. Your Military Mights and Ewok Assaults and whathaveyou. Heck, I even liked the Aayala/Kit Fisto Jedi things they did for a while.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Thank you for the gifts google.
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    They should have just let all the droid users have another stale yet exclusive tournament grind instead. I am more upset about not being able to play the event than the free gifts. The game is starting to get old to me and a 10 day event with different challenge tiers would be nice. No excitement at all for tournaments
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