The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    Prehenat wrote: »
    Thanks for getting off topic with the argument between andriod and ios systems.

    Post was about the uselessness of the tournaments

    Thanks post highjackers

    I edited my post to be more on topic? I guess it wasn't on topic enough, sorry man
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    Fantastic. I'm glad I ditched iOS after the 3gs. And really, EA would be stupid to not take the money. iOS junkies are still going to pay to keep up, once they're done raging on forums. To think that I was unimpressed with Biggs when Apple users got Wedge! Still didn't see me carrying on like a spoilt brat in forums. Grow up and get over it.

    In other news... Thank you Google!
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    PurePower wrote: »
    Fantastic. I'm glad I ditched iOS after the 3gs. And really, EA would be **** to not take the money. iOS junkies are still going to pay to keep up, once they're done raging on forums. To think that I was unimpressed with Biggs when Apple users got Wedge! Still didn't see me carrying on like a spoilt brat in forums. Grow up and get over it.

    In other news... Thank you Google!

    So your post contains a bunch of insults and childish remarks and yet you want others to grow up.

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    Supercat wrote: »
    Wow. This is like saying you go to a tournament, finish last and expect an equal reward as first.

    Well this isn't even close. And last place would get rewards, not squat.

    It's more like going to dinner and everyone gets what they pay for. Your salad(f2p), my steak, whales eating lobster, but you get what you pay for. Then dessert comes out and half the people get free a bottle of champagne and Tiramisu to eat while the others watch. All because some drove there in a Lexus and the others a BMW.

    For now I'm at the table waiting my turn. But for now I do not feel the urge to buy any dessert nor leave a tip ;)
  • PurePower
    87 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Raging in forums, or a vague implication? Hardly a 'bunch of insults'. What's your problem? An overwhelming sense of entitlement?

    Edit - typo. Too busy throwing my phone in a tantrum to notice.
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    iOS got the exclusive Ewok Event to earn some ewok shards
    Received Poe upon TFA release ( became meta for a few months with droids)
    received Wedge antilles, the superior part of the wiggs combo and his ship

    not sure if there are more events but...

    You can't really play victim when iOS has had its fair shares of exclusives

    I 7* FOTP without using any energy refreshes, get on my level
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    Not trolling not arguing about fairness but this thread is hilarious
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    well it was supposed to be a free pack from googel/ apple didnt want to give it to us!..but i hope they give us a free pack of cassian andor!!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Grokusama wrote: »
    well it was supposed to be a free pack from googel/ apple didnt want to give it to us!..but i hope they give us a free pack of cassian andor!!

    He'll be the next tournament prize 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    This is just horrible practice ethier way.

    If android and IOS were on separate servers by all means that's a different story.

    There is no excuse for this lack of communication/concern for issues the only thing we can do is wait and see if anything is done
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    PhamTazTik wrote: »
    God dang these pineapple crybabies, go cry to iapple for not initiating the same promotion as google, let them promote their platform in the same way despite being competitors. Noobs comparing wedge to biggs, I can finally farm wedge after powerlvling for 2 months and there are other priorities in cantina shop besides that, and I would gladly give up all the exclusives I got for a free wedge.

    Everyone who think wedge and Biggs are comparable have a better roster than you, since they have Wiggs already. Think before you speak next time noob

    Lol comparing wedge and biggs and crying about them at max lvls yea it doesnt really matter. Now if you just started and are a noob, theres no need to compare them since wedge has the advantage requiring 80 shards and not available in bronzium and farmable at lvl 69 or something. I thought about this before I wrote it noob.
    How does this feel unfair? You want google and pineapple to come to terms about this coz 3* k-2 is dominating you suddenly? Accept the exclusives.
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    Well, at least emperor demise is back. I can finish my EP =)
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    yes sure and all i wanted was rub it in...guess some people still react rational to all this. How can you get so emotional about that android promo...:D the salt sometimes really makes me laugh
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    its not fair my friend got more xmas present than me....waaaa waaaa waa.

    I got an idea, threaten to hold your breath till you get more gifts. I'm sure it will work as well as all the complaining on the forums.
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    Google paid up for an exclusive do you expect them to give apple users something if apple doesnt pay for it
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    ^ "I gain a sense of moral superiority by picking on people who are upset, and I recently learned how to draw parallels in school so I can flex my logic muscles on the Internet while I'm at it"
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    Spook58 wrote: »
    Google paid for an exclusive blame apple for not doing the same not ea

    Really?? It's the game devs who allow this. Let me give you a very simple example so maybe, just maybe you will understand: Let's say you have two kids and it's Christmas, both run very excited downstairs towards the x-mas tree, but there are only gifts for one of them. How do you think the other will feel?
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    U guys do understand it's not EA or CG. Google chose to reward android users and reward further those that had spent over $100 and over $200 on Google Play. Apple is being cheap. Not EA or CG's fault at all. U wanna b mad, b mad at Apple.

    So much misdirected hate by the ignorant. B4 u get ****, ignorant means uninformed. Not calling anyone stooopid
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    Nightlores wrote: »
    Spook58 wrote: »
    Google paid for an exclusive blame apple for not doing the same not ea

    Really?? It's the game devs who allow this. Let me give you a very simple example so maybe, just maybe you will understand: Let's say you have two kids and it's Christmas, both run very excited downstairs towards the x-mas tree, but there are only gifts for one of them. How do you think the other will feel?

    ... and of course it is soooooo costy for company to give away intengible stuff for player base!
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    Howard wrote: »
    its not fair my friend got more xmas present than me....waaaa waaaa waa.

    I got an idea, threaten to hold your breath till you get more gifts. I'm sure it will work as well as all the complaining on the forums.

    If you have two children and give one a bag of sweets and nothing to the other it's hardly fair

    I think its closer to say you have 2 children and your uncle gives a better gift to one child than the other. either way why act like a child and throw a tantrum like so many people on the forums are doing. Hypothetically we are mostly adults and the level of fit throwing is pretty pathetic.

    Does it help in any way. nope. hell its not even ea's fault that android decided to sponsor a bonus and at this time ios has not.

    although there are rumours that ios has one coming but not been released yet.

    Please take into consideration that I do not mean anyone specifically you may or may not be involved in the adolescent behavior.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    @Nightlores lemme expound on your ridiculous question ? Let's assume they have different fathers....Google vs. Apple. 1 father gets his child 3 gifts and another father is a cheapskate. Do u blame the mom (EA/CG) for not making up the difference ? Maybe, just maybe u will understand. I guess she could have forbidden the 1 father from buying gifts or taken them back tho right ? Your way of thinking.
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    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Nightlores wrote: »
    Spook58 wrote: »
    Google paid for an exclusive blame apple for not doing the same not ea

    Really?? It's the game devs who allow this. Let me give you a very simple example so maybe, just maybe you will understand: Let's say you have two kids and it's Christmas, both run very excited downstairs towards the x-mas tree, but there are only gifts for one of them. How do you think the other will feel?

    ... and of course it is soooooo costy for company to give away intengible stuff for player base!

    What does that have to do with this issue. We are all paying for this game (or not)...
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    Poxx wrote: »
    @Nightlores lemme expound on your ridiculous question ? Let's assume they have different vs google. 1 father gets his child 3 gifts and another father is a cheapskate. Do u blame the mom (EA/CG) for not making up the difference ? Maybe u will understand. Maybe...

    So you think google is your dad ?
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    Poxx wrote: »
    U guys do understand it's not EA or CG. Google chose to reward android users and reward further those that had spent over $100 and over $200 on Google Play. Apple is being cheap. Not EA or CG's fault at all. U wanna b mad, b mad at Apple.

    Its the devs that should think more of their player base...
    And there is NO reason why android gets an event as BIG as this!
    I would have been fine with android getting free data packs but this is too much -.-

    Ewok event on IOS did not have free data packs and did only give a small amount of ewok shards. Not a free 7*?

  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Thats not the issue right. Those who spend more should get more. Thats how a F2P game works. But don't exclude a part of your player base.
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    I am an ios user as well, and I don't really mind that the character was released for Andriod users. The collector in me wishes it would be available for everyone someday, and if that comes to be then all this anger and outrage is really silly, and if not, that's too bad but being upset won't change it (unless the backlash does change it, but that's another matter I don't personally care to get into). We have an iPhone, someone else has an Andriod phone, it isn't anything to take personal.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Google wishes to reward it's users and Apple doesn't. I know, let's blame a 3rd party.
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    I am kind of curious how many big spenders out there have a problem with this or is it just the F2P players crying injustice.

    Maybe its just me I don't think a free char, even 7 starred is going to make that big a difference in the grand scheme of things. I already have 48 7 star chars and many of them are still begging for gear and training that they may or may not ever get.
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    It's a simple. It's a bad business decision.

    Take it this way : i own a clothing store. My goal : make money by selling clothes and accesories.

    I have a diverse black and white client base.

    GAP comes in and tell me: I will pay you to do a promotion on my item. Anyone that comes in, give them a pair of socks. Except if they are Black.

    Should I accept to do the promotion EveN if they are paying me?

    Short answer is no since i will lose a lot of black customers through the process. Short term benefit through the roof, long term viability destroyed. Black customer base unhappy.

    This is what is happening here. It's nit Android faults to wish to rewards there customers. It's EA's fault to accept to do it.
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