The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Watch the name-calling . Do not insult each other .

    First, we are not EA's children, as some examples used might suggest. I happen to have two children . Sometimes one child gets a gift and not the other . A couple weeks ago one of them got a few gifts in a row from us. Was mostly due to the fact that the items we've been looking for for a long time just all happened to be on sale for a very good deal. While we don't have a chart of how many gifts each child has gotten since they were born I am pretty confident that it's about even.

    We are not EA's children. I feel it's been pretty back-and-forth on the promotions . We are not EA's children
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    J0K3R wrote: »
    Watch the name-calling . Do not insult each other .

    First, we are not EA's children, as some examples used might suggest. I happen to have two children . Sometimes one child gets a gift and not the other . A couple weeks ago one of them got a few gifts in a row from us. Was mostly due to the fact that the items we've been looking for for a long time just all happened to be on sale for a very good deal. While we don't have a chart of how many gifts each child has gotten since they were born I am pretty confident that it's about even.

    We are not EA's children. I feel it's been pretty back-and-forth on the promotions . We are not EA's children

    Thank you @J0K3R for answering.
  • Options the whambulance
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    J0K3R wrote: »
    Watch the name-calling . Do not insult each other .

    First, we are not EA's children, as some examples used might suggest. I happen to have two children . Sometimes one child gets a gift and not the other . A couple weeks ago one of them got a few gifts in a row from us. Was mostly due to the fact that the items we've been looking for for a long time just all happened to be on sale for a very good deal. While we don't have a chart of how many gifts each child has gotten since they were born I am pretty confident that it's about even.

    We are not EA's children. I feel it's been pretty back-and-forth on the promotions . We are not EA's children

    Unless iOS gets a free exclusive 7* toon in the near future it is far from back and forth. Free packs or a free 3* is one thing, but a max starred toon is ridiculous.
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    I have to agree with you on this one @jackTHErandom in the end it is a business drive by numbers which we don't have access to and if they (CG/EA) decided it is worth the risk / reward ratio they did it. And literally that is it.
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    I could be wrong, but I think I saw capgasp on Reddit saying you can max him out but it'll cost you.

    What he said was that you would have to pay to 7* him faster but you will be able to get 29 shards free daily. That's at least how I read his post.
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    I can say I play on both platforms and have bought my fair share of crystals in the past but this was a slap in the face. Never again.
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    its not fair my friend got more xmas present than me....waaaa waaaa waa.

    I got an idea, threaten to hold your breath till you get more gifts. I'm sure it will work as well as all the complaining on the forums.

    Do you see the irony in your post?
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    Kage - I didn't mean to insinuate that you were the one trashing people, I tried to write it so that it didn't single anyone out.

    To other posters: again, this isn't about a gift, a present, free stuff... it's about exclusive content, it's about an even playing field. I'm embarrassed to say that I could probably be called a whale... Some might say it's unfair that people can pay to win, but we all knew that going in - "offers in-game-purchases." What we didn't know before making our in-game-purchases was that certain platforms would get an advantage unavailable to other platforms. Please stop confusing this with being annoyed with certain people getting free stuff - that's not what has most of us incensed.
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    Astrid1381 wrote: »

    Its A droid not an droid,just fixed your grammar

    thank you @Astrid1381 i appreciate it, but I made that mistake on purpose to let others know it's about Android the device OS.
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    Kagehonoo wrote: »
    Astrid1381 wrote: »

    Its A droid not an droid,just fixed your grammar

    thank you @Astrid1381 i appreciate it, but I made that mistake on purpose to let others know it's about Android the device OS.

    Lol its just a joke,im not a teacher or something
    where is darth jar jar?
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    J0K3R wrote: »
    Watch the name-calling . Do not insult each other .

    First, we are not EA's children, as some examples used might suggest. I happen to have two children . Sometimes one child gets a gift and not the other . A couple weeks ago one of them got a few gifts in a row from us. Was mostly due to the fact that the items we've been looking for for a long time just all happened to be on sale for a very good deal. While we don't have a chart of how many gifts each child has gotten since they were born I am pretty confident that it's about even.

    We are not EA's children. I feel it's been pretty back-and-forth on the promotions . We are not EA's children

    Wasn't going to comment as finding the thread popcorn quality.

    But if you really think it's been back and forth??????? Either you know something that the community doesn't ; that Apple users are getting something soon. Or you're quite frankly wrong. (about promotions, not parentage, unless this is some really weird Darth Vader/Matrix reveal people are hinting at)

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    ogre2005 wrote: »
    EA has the obligation to ensure the game is fair to all players.

    Seriously? This is a pay to win there is no fair

    Only money...

    Google coughed it up apple didnt

    Exactly the same a those who poneyd up and got baze

    Fair? Depends who u ask
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    I am kind of curious how many big spenders out there have a problem with this or is it just the F2P players crying injustice.

    Maybe its just me I don't think a free char, even 7 starred is going to make that big a difference in the grand scheme of things. I already have 48 7 star chars and many of them are still begging for gear and training that they may or may not ever get.

    Not sure if you consider 200-300 a month a big spender but I know two of us that were planning on dumping more in this game this holiday season but now vowed not to.

    The problem isn't just this, it's repeatedly doing things to screw players one way or the other. When you decide to give in and spend again, you're just given another reason not to.

    They obviously don't value our patronage so why bother. I'll just play causally for free until they give me a reason to quit altogether or give me a reason that it's worth spending money on.

    Doesn't matter how much they make in the short term, it's obviously a bad long term business model.

    As my friend said, who in the world approved this and thought it was a good idea. It's like when really bad marketing campaigns go out and embarrasses the company.
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    J0K3R wrote: »
    Watch the name-calling . Do not insult each other .

    First, we are not EA's children, as some examples used might suggest. I happen to have two children . Sometimes one child gets a gift and not the other . A couple weeks ago one of them got a few gifts in a row from us. Was mostly due to the fact that the items we've been looking for for a long time just all happened to be on sale for a very good deal. While we don't have a chart of how many gifts each child has gotten since they were born I am pretty confident that it's about even.

    We are not EA's children. I feel it's been pretty back-and-forth on the promotions . We are not EA's children

    Unless iOS gets a free exclusive 7* toon in the near future it is far from back and forth. Free packs or a free 3* is one thing, but a max starred toon is ridiculous.

    Gear >>>>>> stars. Sorry if that doesn't fit your victim mentality.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    People have a legit concern over this so for those saying quit cryin or it's not a big deal sit in your high chair and continue to be spoon fed.

    Releasing a exclusive toon that the other half has NO access to isn't like releasing shards from a toon everyone has access to.

    Apparently the droid is really good so if it ends up shifting metas enough then only one half is also going to have that toon to help them in areas such as arena which then causes more distress.
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    Hey Kids welcome to Basic Math let us figure this out together! Yey!

    1 star = 10 shards
    2 stars +15 shards
    3 stars + 25 shards
    4 stars + 30 shards
    5 stars + 65 shards
    6 stars + 85 shards
    7 stars + 100 shards

    Grand Total of 330 shards Woohoo!

    Now since you already have him 3 starred you only need 280, given the fact you can easily make 29 each day on a high level account 9.65 days to finish him up to 7 stars, give the duration the event 10 days, that is most likely possible if not you might have to spend a few crystals to finish him up.

    That concludes our basic math class for today. Stay tuned for next when on Advance Lightsaber throwing tehniques! Till next time.

  • Kagehonoo
    135 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    Apparently the droid is really good

    I have him at 4 and half stars now and he is decent in the best case scenario you look at him. @xReDeMpx

    Please tell me who told you he is really good or where did you see footage of him being really good?

    I might be using him wrongly.

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    Mol_Kelly wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    1. Quit
    2. Continue playing but don't spend anymore
    3. Continue playing and spending
    4. Take a break

    How hard is it to pick one of those options? Blowing up the forums with complaints and flame bait threads isn't going to help you.

    How hard is it to see other players voice their complaints/concerns? I don't support the "flame bait threads" - actually not sure what those are, but it's annoying seeing people getting mean, if that's what you meant... but why complain that people are complaining on a forum made for voicing all sorts of issues? How hard is it not to click on the topic that will obviously have complainers in it?

    I made the mistake of posting in one of the threads, and I woke up with 100+ notifications. So I clicked on it to check it out, and of course it's the same 5-7 people stating the same complaints over and over and over.
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    Ovidiu wrote: »
    iOS user have been **** time and again. No more. Good luck with your game, you wont see any money from me. I hope that other iOS user will have the same response.
    I don't plan on spending a dime until EA gives iOS users something
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    People have a legit concern over this so for those saying quit cryin or it's not a big deal sit in your high chair and continue to be spoon fed.

    Releasing a exclusive toon that the other half has NO access to isn't like releasing shards from a toon everyone has access to.

    Apparently the droid is really good so if it ends up shifting metas enough then only one half is also going to have that toon to help them in areas such as arena which then causes more distress.

    I definitely don't see him replacing any toons on my squad.
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    If EA would let us play cross platform, this wouldn't be an issue.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    I made the mistake of posting in one of the threads, and I woke up with 100+ notifications. So I clicked on it to check it out, and of course it's the same 5-7 people stating the same complaints over and over and over.

    Stop to complain and remove notifications...
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    I agree. What abaout the new droid event for apple? Is this some kimd of hiden discrimination of the company?
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    Meecham wrote: »
    Whats the logic behind giving people using android a free pack "worth" 1499 and iOS get nothing?

    Because Android users are poor and we, ios users are rich
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i've got a sincere question. Itunes gift cards are on sale quite frequent in the netherlands. Does android have sales like that aswell?
    Obviously you will have to spend to get extra stuff for free, so for me as an f2p player it's completely useless. But if you're a whale, and android doesn't have sales like this, i'd reckon you're way better of with iOS.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Spook58 wrote: »
    Google paid for an exclusive blame apple for not doing the same not ea

    Yeah they payed but the developers should not let it be such a huge reward. A chance at a 7* rebel right before the Emperor's demise is huge. One more rebel and I woudl have 7* last time.

    Do you think Google paid the average of $200 that it takes to unlock a character the first week it is released? If not the Devs gave it away to android players whether Google 'paid' for it or not.

    Want to level the playing field? Offer a pack to Apple players for what Google paid for the deal. Bet it was under $5.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    CemSW wrote: »
    Meecham wrote: »
    Whats the logic behind giving people using android a free pack "worth" 1499 and iOS get nothing?

    Because Android users are poor and we, ios users are rich

  • Spook58
    8 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    l2edLeader wrote: »
    Spook58 wrote: »
    Google paid for an exclusive blame apple for not doing the same not ea

    Yeah they payed but the developers should not let it be such a huge reward. A chance at a 7* rebel right before the Emperor's demise is huge. One more rebel and I woudl have 7* last time.

    Do you think Google paid the average of $200 that it takes to unlock a character the first week it is released? If not the Devs gave it away to android players whether Google 'paid' for it or not.

    Want to level the playing field? Offer a pack to Apple players for what Google paid for the deal. Bet it was under $5.

    You still have to run the event which you need to have 7* toons already so this idea that everyone is getting a 7* toon is wrong and im sure that the character will come to ios but for the moment google paid for an exclusive if they were to offer it to apple users for a price it would no longer be exclusive i get people are annoyed but blaming ea isnt the way to go google are currently doing a lot of promotions due to there new phone coming out this is just one of them
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    If Google wanted to reward Google Play users, they could have done that with giving everyone free credits to spend on Google Play. Planning an exclusive event for rewards that adds up to 300$ is not a very good business logic on EA/CG side. They shouldn't accepted that deal, they should have told Google that this deal is extreme and it would cause some problems for their business model in the long run. That is why everyone is blaming them. Apple does nothing to do with this issue

    it's way more expensive for google to give their customers $300 worth of credits. EA/CG knows full well this "extreme deal" isn't hurting their business model in the long run, uncontrary to popular believe.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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