The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    although I guess if I really wanted to be cheaky I could point out that IOS users are accustomed to paying more for an inferior product so ea figures if you will pay more for less when getting a phone that you prob don't need anything extra cause you have lots of extra cash to waste anyways. ;)
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Azza wrote: »
    It's a simple. It's a bad business decision.

    Take it this way : i own a clothing store. My goal : make money by selling clothes and accesories.

    I have a diverse black and white client base.

    GAP comes in and tell me: I will pay you to do a promotion on my item. Anyone that comes in, give them a pair of socks. Except if they are Black.

    Should I accept to do the promotion EveN if they are paying me?

    Short answer is no since i will lose a lot of black customers through the process. Short term benefit through the roof, long term viability destroyed. Black customer base unhappy.

    This is what is happening here. It's nit Android faults to wish to rewards there customers. It's EA's fault to accept to do it.

    Do u go to a bar on Ladies' Night and demand free drinks or cry because there is no Guys' Nite ?
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    you sir @Nightlores are ignorant and without discernment.

    Scenario #2 since Scenario #1 was to hard for you to understand.

    Company "ABC" makes a video game which runs on 2 consoles. Let's call them console 1. Xbox and console 2. PS. The game runs on both console the same way, however for some reason company Xbox to employ a marketing event with the purpose of keeping their customers happy and give free stuff in the "ABC" game to the users of their Console. And the players from Xbox received said rewards.

    Now please explain how in you right mind the ABC (aka CG/EA) is to blame for this?

    P.S. i'm not defending CG or EA however I stand by my fact that in this case they are blameless and have execute on the promise they have probably made with said company.
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    Kagehonoo wrote: »
    you sir @Nightlores are ignorant and without discernment.

    Scenario #2 since Scenario #1 was to hard for you to understand.

    Company "ABC" makes a video game which runs on 2 consoles. Let's call them console 1. Xbox and console 2. PS. The game runs on both console the same way, however for some reason company Xbox to employ a marketing event with the purpose of keeping their customers happy and give free stuff in the "ABC" game to the users of their Console. And the players from Xbox received said rewards.

    Now please explain how in you right mind the ABC (aka CG/EA) is to blame for this?

    P.S. i'm not defending CG or EA however I stand by my fact that in this case they are blameless and have execute on the promise they have probably made with said company.

    Those games don't run on mixed servers. There, debunked, back to you.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Reading your comments on this thread made me laugh and cringe at the same time. Because your mobile device provider is a disappointment to its customers, but somehow being blinded by your infatuated worship of said device you manage to shift blame to the game developers for no other reason that Billy's parents got him nice gifts for X-mas and your parents didn't. And then you somehow found it within your right judgement to blame the toy factory. That is just brilliant guys, spot on.

    Please keep going with this thread i want to see where we end up with it, for scientific purposes.
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    so how does it feel getting the shaft? your **** still bleeding?
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Howard wrote: »
    I am kind of curious how many big spenders out there have a problem with this or is it just the F2P players crying injustice.

    Maybe its just me I don't think a free char, even 7 starred is going to make that big a difference in the grand scheme of things. I already have 48 7 star chars and many of them are still begging for gear and training that they may or may not ever get.

    Well to date I've spent around £500.00 on this game. Whilst I recognise it's a freebie from Google the whole thing has been handed very badly by EA and the examples of neglecting one of two children are pretty much spot on. I wonder how many Android users who were lucky enough to get the gifts actually realise who the donation was from...probably not many.
    However you feel about this you can't deny the strength of feeling on the subject - there are many, many annoyed players out there and EA's failure to even acknowledge their anger is poor.
    Regardless of who paid for this EA run this game and to my mind I have put a lot of money into the game and have not been given this whilst some Android users who have spent zero have got the toon and the event.

    The most recent Dev update explains it if ppl bothered to read. A Google promotional gift...
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    Poxx wrote: »
    Howard wrote: »
    I am kind of curious how many big spenders out there have a problem with this or is it just the F2P players crying injustice.

    Maybe its just me I don't think a free char, even 7 starred is going to make that big a difference in the grand scheme of things. I already have 48 7 star chars and many of them are still begging for gear and training that they may or may not ever get.

    Well to date I've spent around £500.00 on this game. Whilst I recognise it's a freebie from Google the whole thing has been handed very badly by EA and the examples of neglecting one of two children are pretty much spot on. I wonder how many Android users who were lucky enough to get the gifts actually realise who the donation was from...probably not many.
    However you feel about this you can't deny the strength of feeling on the subject - there are many, many annoyed players out there and EA's failure to even acknowledge their anger is poor.
    Regardless of who paid for this EA run this game and to my mind I have put a lot of money into the game and have not been given this whilst some Android users who have spent zero have got the toon and the event.

    The most recent Dev update explains it if ppl bothered to read. A Google promotional gift...

    That sorry excuse of a forum post only explains how one Android user got more presents than the other, that's all.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Take up your frustrations with Apple.
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    Just because this analogy has been used a lot:
    Howard wrote: »
    If you have two children and give one a bag of sweets and nothing to the other it's hardly fair
    If one of them pays for it and the other doesn't, it's absolutely fair. He can then go and share them with his friends as much as he likes...

    #androidmasterrace (",)

    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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    Howard wrote: »
    I am kind of curious how many big spenders out there have a problem with this or is it just the F2P players crying injustice.

    Maybe its just me I don't think a free char, even 7 starred is going to make that big a difference in the grand scheme of things. I already have 48 7 star chars and many of them are still begging for gear and training that they may or may not ever get.

    Well to date I've spent around £500.00 on this game. Whilst I recognise it's a freebie from Google the whole thing has been handed very badly by EA and the examples of neglecting one of two children are pretty much spot on. I wonder how many Android users who were lucky enough to get the gifts actually realise who the donation was from...probably not many.
    However you feel about this you can't deny the strength of feeling on the subject - there are many, many annoyed players out there and EA's failure to even acknowledge their anger is poor.
    Regardless of who paid for this EA run this game and to my mind I have put a lot of money into the game and have not been given this whilst some Android users who have spent zero have got the toon and the event.

    Nice to get a well thought out respectful response.

    I will say I don't like the children analogy because we are not family. We have no emotional responsibility, nore do they act as a caregiver in any way.

    EA/CG is an entertainment product that we all enjoy playing. As much as I understand this is an emotional issue there does come a point when we need to realise its just business. It's the nature of the beast. We live in a capitalistic society and these things happen all the time.

    The world is not fare, and most of us acknowledge that.

    Although I do agree. EA/CG should have made some form of announcement before releasing the update. It was handled poorly.

    However we as players have had a chance to voice our concern and let them know we are not happy.

    Would be nice if there was something else people where talking about on the forums instead of multiple I quit rants that are counterproductive in the long run anyways.
  • Vallik
    163 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Ovidiu wrote: »
    it's the devs job to keep things even.

    nope... its the devs jobs to generate revenue this is a pay to win game

    Google payed to help android players win

    apple has always been cheap and made the users pay for absolutly everything (usb connections anyone?)

    bottom line is its about money

    apple users can stomp their feet and threaten to quit all day but GOH is one of the most successful moba games im sure CG will be crying into there piles of money at the few who actually do quit
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    If you're not happy with Apple not sponsoring a package, maybe it's time to go Google? Sell your iPhone / iPad, buy Google, and put your change into crystals. You'll catch back up in no time.
  • Kagehonoo
    135 posts Member
    edited December 2016

    Those games don't run on mixed servers. There, debunked, back to you.

    1. You want a special iOS server to fight against iOS users?
    2. It was an illustration, but thank you for point out the flaw in it
    3. Let me give you another illustration so that everything can be clear for you @Sticare_Courts_0073 Pepsi offers extra 250 millilitres for every drink they have because the want to reward their customers. You go to store name XYZ they have Pepsi has promotional said drinks and normal Coca Cola and you start harassing the store clerk because you are not getting the Pepsi promotion on your Coca Cola drink?

    Go ahead. Point out another flaw in the illustration because somehow that will help change the current predicament.
  • Jedi_of_Oz
    547 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Azza wrote: »

    Lady's night brings in both customers : female for free drinks and male for females.

    Perhaps I'm channeling my SJW but Ladies night at the club also promotes **** of inebriated females. But not sure what this has to do one platform getting freebies and the other one not.

    iOS user here btw.

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    Poxx wrote: »
    @Nightlores lemme expound on your ridiculous question ? Let's assume they have different fathers....Google vs. Apple. 1 father gets his child 3 gifts and another father is a cheapskate. Do u blame the mom (EA/CG) for not making up the difference ? Maybe, just maybe u will understand. I guess she could have forbidden the 1 father from buying gifts or taken them back tho right ? Your way of thinking.

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    Kagehonoo wrote: »
    Reading your comments on this thread made me laugh and cringe at the same time. Because your mobile device provider is a disappointment to its customers, but somehow being blinded by your infatuated worship of said device you manage to shift blame to the game developers for no other reason that Billy's parents got him nice gifts for X-mas and your parents didn't. And then you somehow found it within your right judgement to blame the toy factory. That is just brilliant guys, spot on.

    Please keep going with this thread i want to see where we end up with it, for scientific purposes.

    You're so smart. But you're also full of android! (ima patent the term soon)!
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    So... iOS users are done crying?
  • Gunslinger87
    58 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    PurePower wrote: »
    So... iOS users are done crying?

    You done gloating like a 6 year old who got a cookie for no reason while his/her sibling did not?

    Though so. :-D
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    Synfreak wrote: »

    You're so smart. But you're also full of android! (ima patent the term soon)!

    1. I never claimed higher intellect.
    2. I actually have both main on new device Samsung, alt on older device iOS(switch from from iOS to Android 1.5 years ago if this info helps you in anyway).
    3. Please go ahead patent whatever you wish.
    4. How do any of your 3 points in your reply on this thread actually help anyone reading this thread? @Synfreak
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    PurePower wrote: »
    So... iOS users are done crying?

    You done gloating like a 6 year old who got a cookie for no reason while his/her sibling did not?

    Though so. :-D


    I'm enjoying my cookie. It is quite delicious. Why, I just went through the event again today. Auto through the whole thing for easy shards and credits. Did I mention the 1000 crystals?
  • Gunslinger87
    58 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    PurePower wrote: »
    PurePower wrote: »
    So... iOS users are done crying?

    You done gloating like a 6 year old who got a cookie for no reason while his/her sibling did not?

    Though so. :-D


    I'm enjoying my cookie. It is quite delicious. Why, I just went through the event again today. Auto through the whole thing for easy shards and credits. Did I mention the 1000 crystals?

    You do realize that baiting/ trolling posts like this don't really make anyone angry? In fact this just made my day :-) knowing people like you exist makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Enjoy your cookie. I'm glad a lot of guys in my guild will have a new 7* tank for P3 tank raid. All of them nice guys who deserve it.
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    Honestly, EA/CG is not at fault here, blame Apple... But saying you're done playing, or done spending just because you didn't get a toon that is decent at best, is borderline ridiculous. Even if the toon turns out to be better than average, it's nowhere near meta level! So you have a full Rebel Wiggs team with Shoretrooper and Palpy, and you're crying, stomping your feet and making a big fuss and threatening to quit because you're not getting an above average toon at best that will in no way impact the meta?? Most of these toons will sit at 7 stars level 1 for at least a month... Go ahead, and uninstall your game over that! LOL! See you back here next week! Smh...
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    I'm glad I made your day! Share the love.
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    .. so many here are so selvish.... hope it will be the other way around next time. Good luck in your world.
  • Mol_Kelly
    259 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    If I were a billionaire... a real one, not just one that claims to be one... and I wanted to give a gift to certain swgoh users - I could do so somehow without cg/ea. I could send $500.00 real world money to swgoh players who go to a certain website. I could advertise, post on the forums, etc.
    If, however, I wanted to give the same people the gift of an exclusive character, I would have to do this in conjunction with ea/cg.
    Anyone who is posting "blame Apple" please read this, because my whole concern isn't free stuff, it's exclusive content.
    I wouldn't be posting on this forum if all the google/android people got free crystals... there would be that jealous part of me that would want those crystals too, but I wouldn't be posting on forums.
    I've been playing since last November or December and I've been annoyed before, it it wasn't until ea/cg allowed a segment of their playing base - who compete against each other in the same game - exclusive content that I signed up to post on the forums...
    I'm sure k2 will be released to Apple users eventually, but the way this game works, it's advantageous to have things before others do - the sooner you have good characters/ships, the more crystals you earn on arena.
    The biggest gripe I have about this whole situation is that I feel like no notice was given that there wouldn't be an even playing field upon purchasing products from ea/cg...
    I know it's "only a game" and "no one forced me to buy," but I did buy, and that choice was based on an understanding that I wouldn't be at a disadvantage because of my phone. Not just a disadvantage because of something free - I could spend more in that situation and even the playing field - a disadvantage because of content unavailable to me.

    Android/google users - I don't understand the enmity some of you are showing towards the Apple complainers... you got your gift, why do you feel the need to argue with us about this? They're not going to take anything away from you, and I haven't seen anyone suggesting they do.

    Cg/ea... can you please respond to these concerns? Yesterday's late post about this didn't acknowledge any of our concerns.
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    Here's the thing. Yes, Google wanted to do this and apple didn't. So in a big way it's apple's fault.


    EA allowed a 3rd party to reward its players with an unprecedented reward. And because both platforms play on the same server and compete with each other, it causes heartburn and is an unbalancing influence. EA has the obligation to ensure the game is fair to all players. In this case they seriously blew it, and that's on them. I've played the game since near launch. I've played other similar games for a long time. I've NEVER seen anything like this. Ever. A brand new, exclusive toon, with an exclusive event to get that toon to 7 stars in just over a week? Right before the EP event that requires rebels to participate? Never mind the free gems and gold.

    This just isn't right. It wouldn't be right if it were apple, either. This isn't about my platform not getting a handout. It's about EA prostituting themselves and allowing the game to be affected by it in a negative way. They should NEVER have allowed this to happen to this degree.
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    PurePower wrote: »
    PurePower wrote: »
    So... iOS users are done crying?

    You done gloating like a 6 year old who got a cookie for no reason while his/her sibling did not?

    Though so. :-D


    I'm enjoying my cookie. It is quite delicious. Why, I just went through the event again today. Auto through the whole thing for easy shards and credits. Did I mention the 1000 crystals?

    You do realize that baiting/ trolling posts like this don't really make anyone angry? In fact this just made my day :-) knowing people like you exist makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Enjoy your cookie. I'm glad a lot of guys in my guild will have a new 7* tank for P3 tank raid. All of them nice guys who deserve it.

    Just look at @PurePower profile and see his replies. This is all he does, troll forums with insults and snippy remarks he thinks are witty to amuse himself. He adds nothing productive. Don't feed the troll.

  • Kagehonoo
    135 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm not trashing anybody, @Mol_Kelly and I believe CG will give you an official answer in due time.

    However i don't believe this toon will be exclusive to Google for very long, and the most important i have this toon on one of my accounts and it is really average at best aka nothing special. And when you will get it you will see it is nothing special at all, without his counterpart Andor.

This discussion has been closed.