The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    The final point is Apple should've gotten the same event as android and this is a very dumb arguement as the platform you use shouldn't effect the things you get in the game. And everyone should atleast get the same packs/ a free pack or events with different characters, even though us apple players got wedge, you guys still got Biggs. But it is just simply unfair that android players got packs and an event, but Apple players didn't, everyone should have equal opportunities to get characters and packs in this game no matter what your platform is.
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    A) EA / CG does not allow you to switch between iOS and Android, you cannot do it;

    B) We play on the same shards as everyone else

    C) They released a toon for Android and not iOS, any "oh you guys got shards for this before" is COMPLETELY irrelevant...this is now, and this is a full toon to 7* for one platform. That didn't happen before

    D) Guess what, a lot of people use iOS. If you start shunning those players (I am one of them and have spent a LOT of $$ on this game) we are going to be pretty upset about it

    I stopped spending when they released the toon to Android. At first, it didn't bother me much. However, now, after thinking about it and just how lopsided it is (regardless if I want the toon or not, and regardless if he is actually any good or not), this is VERY unfair. I am going to continue my non-spending for a while, until I see what they plan to do. I am not a f2p, I am a decent sized whale who has spent a lot. Just so strange to see this. This is my squad...

    Lol, same. Been f2p since the event began and the outlook is that I'll stay that way. Adding DCs etc back to shipments hasn't changed my mind either.
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    Synfreak wrote: »
    @Kagehonoo He is worth it! He will fit in most teams in arena and he would be a tremendous help in raids. Good job giving it just to Android and good job to those that are still vehemently defend CG and state that this toon is bad! Keep at it guys! You certainly aren't making fools of yourselfs!

    the dude in the video just explained how capitalism works and you made us all fools, @Synfreak . Thank you for making us fools. You are a wonderful person and may God bless your tiny soul.

  • Synfreak
    277 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Kagehonoo wrote: »
    Synfreak wrote: »
    @Kagehonoo He is worth it! He will fit in most teams in arena and he would be a tremendous help in raids. Good job giving it just to Android and good job to those that are still vehemently defend CG and state that this toon is bad! Keep at it guys! You certainly aren't making fools of yourselfs!

    the dude in the video just explained how capitalism works and you made us all fools, @Synfreak . Thank you for making us fools. You are a wonderful person and may God bless your tiny soul.

    Thanks! Didn't know how capitalism works. Life lesson learned!
    Post edited by Mageduckey on
  • Mef1428
    144 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Synfreak wrote: »
    Thanks! Didn't know how capitalism works. Life lesson learned noob! And it's better to have a tiny soul than a tiny ****! Got that android scum?
    Why are you still taking this out on Android users? This is entirely on Apple - they haven't yet made a deal with EA/CG to advertise and get an exclusive character for their users. Google Play did. It remains to be seen whether this was a wise move by Google Play or a wise non move by Apple; certainly, Android users who play this game benefit while Apple users don't.

    Any venom you have should be reserved for Apple.

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    I grew up im the Golden Age of video games, where there was only playstation and Nintendo and you owned both because the exclusive games were worthwhile on both consoles. Goldeneye, rogue squadren, battlefront, mario, sonic, crash, bounty hunter, etc. they didn't block comsumers behind content.
    Then the generation with Xbox 360 and PS3 came out and the golden age came to a close. Lost Planet and others started the exclusivity and the three prong war between rival companies started, with consumers caught in between. I stopped playing Call of Duties and Destiny specifically because of the disgust I have toward console exclusives. To see this happening in a Star Wars game where the servers are cross-platform is saddening. Star wars is better than that. I know it is because of the nature of Android/Droid's relationship with Lucasarts(existant for 6+ years), but we are in an age of mediocrity in video games and SWGoH is a bright light in that vast mediocrity. Please, please know this. Exclusivity promotes competition, but it also disenfranchises the consumers. It is a disgusting creation of greed and companies must shy away or we will never see games like Halo, Mario, Sonic, 007, and hundreds of others made in the 90s and early 2000s.
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    Thanks Goggle
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    LOBOTION wrote: »
    Thanks Goggle

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    LOBOTION wrote: »
    Thanks Goggle

    The very definition of a smug unsportsmanlike player. Just what this game needs more of.
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    Thanks apple for not trying to make half of the player base angry
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    I'm hoping (although I think the chance is highly unlikely) that they will give iOS users the exact same event after the event finishes for Android. The Android users then get a little bit of an advantage because they have had the toon for more time but at least everyone gets the same content. That's the only way I kind of see the community not going into anarchy :)
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    With Wiggs Android is totally OP, great Job, game ruined.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    five2zero wrote: »
    With Wiggs Android is totally OP, great Job, game ruined.

    Agreed, it's all Steve's fault.
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    Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, what is fair and what is not, who is more articulate and who is not....I am surprised that somebody from EA has not chimed in to such a large thread regarding their actions/inactions. It seems an easy fix to explain why and/or why not.
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    Agreed. We need an answer quickly, this has really caused a lot of division in guilds and on these forums. If we hear nothing from CG/EA it will smack of contempt for their customers.
  • Apostilo
    137 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    What is wrong with all of you guys? Here it is plain and simple : EA created a new character - they did put efforts and work into it and now is the time to sell it to players. But Google decided to pay for it and give it as a present to all Android players - a normal advertising, marketing strategy. Those who don`t use Android will have to pay this char by themselves a bit later when EA start to sell it to them no matter in what form - cantina energy, or chromium pack. If you need to whine more - blame it on Apple as they didn`t decide to give this char or any other at the same time to their users , but you won`t be correct to do so as probably Apple are giving for present to its users the char "xxxxx" in the game "xxxxxx" and in "xxxx" forum somewhere Android users are probably crying about this fact .... Get over it ! A week ago i was disapointed to get Biggs shards /when i had Biggs maxed for months as he comes from GW where descent player have every single char long ago/ and i was so sorry i did not get Wedge shards instead cos i was Android user.. so i had to spend 10 extra days and resources to farm Wedge from cantina instead. Now a week later i am happy i am Android user and i got KS..
    What did you expect ? When EA had their product ready and google came and bought it to give it for free to Android users , you expect EA to say "No way this is not fair to the IOS users"? Are you living in a different planet or what ? What would you expect next ? The whales to say - i am not buying anything in this game because it is not fair to the other people around the word who can`t afford to buy same things? ... Face the reality - this game is not the reality.. the reality is Business!
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    ^ let me spell it out for you.

    - It's *not* good business. It's self defeating to release a promotion to only half your customers simply for the benefit of another company. That's why you'll never see McDonald's giving away free burgers to people who come in wearing Adidas.

    - "Blame Apple" is not the answer; the game is owned and created by EA/CG, they make the decisions, it's their responsibility to decide what content gets released and how. If we don't stick to that principle we're basically in a situation of "if Google told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it".

    - IOS players can't just "get over it" in a game where they will face a permanent disadvantage because of this giveaway. I can certainly see it in the grand scheme of things as not being very important, sure, but then none of this forum is important!

    - If you were not happy with your Biggs shards, perhaps you should be sympathising *more* with Apple players, rather than less, as they got nothing at all - instead of simply trying to shush them up. If you weren't happy getting differential treatment why should it be fine for others?

    - Finally, it really doesn't seem a very honest argument you're making to say that this is all fine, when you're the beneficiary of the promotion. The only people I've seen defending this are Android players. Try a little empathy: no players are well served by a game producer that is prepared to treat some of them as arbitrary. We should all be opposed to that whether we benefit or not.
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    Darax_ren wrote: »
    ^ let me spell it out for you.

    - It's *not* good business. It's self defeating to release a promotion to only half your customers simply for the benefit of another company. That's why you'll never see McDonald's giving away free burgers to people who come in wearing Adidas.

    - "Blame Apple" is not the answer; the game is owned and created by EA/CG, they make the decisions, it's their responsibility to decide what content gets released and how. If we don't stick to that principle we're basically in a situation of "if Google told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it".

    - IOS players can't just "get over it" in a game where they will face a permanent disadvantage because of this giveaway. I can certainly see it in the grand scheme of things as not being very important, sure, but then none of this forum is important!

    - If you were not happy with your Biggs shards, perhaps you should be sympathising *more* with Apple players, rather than less, as they got nothing at all - instead of simply trying to shush them up. If you weren't happy getting differential treatment why should it be fine for others?

    - Finally, it really doesn't seem a very honest argument you're making to say that this is all fine, when you're the beneficiary of the promotion. The only people I've seen defending this are Android players. Try a little empathy: no players are well served by a game producer that is prepared to treat some of them as arbitrary. We should all be opposed to that whether we benefit or not.

    Very well said @Darax_ren !
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    ^ let me spell it out for you.

    - It's *not* good business. It's self defeating to release a promotion to only half your customers simply for the benefit of another company. That's why you'll never see McDonald's giving away free burgers to people who come in wearing Adidas.

    - "Blame Apple" is not the answer; the game is owned and created by EA/CG, they make the decisions, it's their responsibility to decide what content gets released and how. If we don't stick to that principle we're basically in a situation of "if Google told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it".

    - IOS players can't just "get over it" in a game where they will face a permanent disadvantage because of this giveaway. I can certainly see it in the grand scheme of things as not being very important, sure, but then none of this forum is important!

    - If you were not happy with your Biggs shards, perhaps you should be sympathising *more* with Apple players, rather than less, as they got nothing at all - instead of simply trying to shush them up. If you weren't happy getting differential treatment why should it be fine for others?

    - Finally, it really doesn't seem a very honest argument you're making to say that this is all fine, when you're the beneficiary of the promotion. The only people I've seen defending this are Android players. Try a little empathy: no players are well served by a game producer that is prepared to treat some of them as arbitrary. We should all be opposed to that whether we benefit or not.

    I have never seen McD give away burgers for free.....
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    Android got free shoretrooper shards a couple of weeks ago. Then they get a free character and an exclusive tournament. Aople users get nothing.

    Now this would be fine if there were exclusive servers for each platform but they are mixed.

    I don't blame google or apple in this. The blame is squarely on EA. They should not allow exclusive promotions unless there is a balance for both platforms.

    Android gets Biggs and Apple gets Wedge
    Android gets Shortrooper shards -apple should get Rebel Pathfinder shards (etc)
    Android gerts K250 Apple should get Cassian (etc)

    There are enough angry players sitting in the community because of this.

    I know this is a business decision, but boy it was a very poor one! But it isn't too late for EA to rectify this or at least come out with a statement that they are working on an exclusive for Apple players to appease the community.

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    People complaining about a free exclusive for a free game.
    What a time we live in.
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    I blame Apple
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    People complaining about a free exclusive for a free game.
    What a time we live in.

    Free to download with pay to play options = not a free game

    EA are losing paying customers over this = paying customers!

    Freedom of speech = allows people to have a voice!

    If you don't like other people expressing their opinion = Too bad!

    Have a nice Day :D

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    For me it is not about feeling that I have a disadvantage or that in general that promotions shouldn't happen. I don't like them but they seem to be a necessary evil.

    In this case it is about timing. From the franchise we love we play a game and this game is used to promote franchise related stuff - the rogue one movie. Of course you expect something big.

    The devs introduced characters from the movie in tournaments, daily logins, and a little bit too simple 30 day events. The message is clear - this is like a invitation letter to the rogue one party - excitement grows.

    But then 10 days (a time often chosen for countdowns) before the party starts people with the wrong mobile just don't get any invitation anymore - while the biggest event so far started. A real daily event with a challenge. And this - sponsored or not - is just a big failure from the game.

    Is the next tournament really the only thing that devs have in store for someusers? Nothing more? This is so hard to believe...

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    I doubt more than a small amount of players will quit playing. Most dont care. Count the actual number of complainers in this megathread and then realize how low that number is. Millions play, thousands use forums, hundreds complain and dozens quit.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    What a garbage way to say sorry for the horrible release of the first Rebel Droid

    They are not apologizing for anything. The U Wing "event" was first discovered in a datamine at the same time as the K-2SO event was. Both were always planned.

    And not sure if there will be enough shards to go on about, but if the datamine is right then for a couple weeks both platforms get U Wing blueprints and Android gets SRP shards while iOS gets Bistan shards. All 3 things are f2p farmable currently.

    So why the heck are they doing it? Why make it separate rewards if they are all farmable? And why do IOS get the worst of the three options? At least SRP is a decent tank.

    Are you complaining because they're giving away too much? They are doing it as part of the Rogue One stuff. Why do they need a different reason? And I'm. It sure SRP is better than Bistan.
  • finloq
    6 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I would just appreciate some clarification:

    1. IOS users, hold on, we have something planned for you.


    2. This was a decision that we made with a business partner and other partners are welcome to make similar offers down the road.

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    J0K3R wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    ^ let me spell it out for you.

    - It's *not* good business. It's self defeating to release a promotion to only half your customers simply for the benefit of another company. That's why you'll never see McDonald's giving away free burgers to people who come in wearing Adidas.

    - "Blame Apple" is not the answer; the game is owned and created by EA/CG, they make the decisions, it's their responsibility to decide what content gets released and how. If we don't stick to that principle we're basically in a situation of "if Google told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it".

    - IOS players can't just "get over it" in a game where they will face a permanent disadvantage because of this giveaway. I can certainly see it in the grand scheme of things as not being very important, sure, but then none of this forum is important!

    - If you were not happy with your Biggs shards, perhaps you should be sympathising *more* with Apple players, rather than less, as they got nothing at all - instead of simply trying to shush them up. If you weren't happy getting differential treatment why should it be fine for others?

    - Finally, it really doesn't seem a very honest argument you're making to say that this is all fine, when you're the beneficiary of the promotion. The only people I've seen defending this are Android players. Try a little empathy: no players are well served by a game producer that is prepared to treat some of them as arbitrary. We should all be opposed to that whether we benefit or not.

    I have never seen McD give away burgers for free.....

    Come on now, you're a mod on here and you shouldn't be egging people on, you're kinda supposed to be above that.
  • Spardog713
    215 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    finloq wrote: »
    Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, what is fair and what is not, who is more articulate and who is not....I am surprised that somebody from EA has not chimed in to such a large thread regarding their actions/inactions. It seems an easy fix to explain why and/or why not.

    Cause they don't care.. we are the fools who keep spending our money. As for me I am done .. I will play but they just lost the hundred bucks a month that I have been spending...
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    J0K3R wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    ^ let me spell it out for you.

    - It's *not* good business. It's self defeating to release a promotion to only half your customers simply for the benefit of another company. That's why you'll never see McDonald's giving away free burgers to people who come in wearing Adidas.

    - "Blame Apple" is not the answer; the game is owned and created by EA/CG, they make the decisions, it's their responsibility to decide what content gets released and how. If we don't stick to that principle we're basically in a situation of "if Google told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it".

    - IOS players can't just "get over it" in a game where they will face a permanent disadvantage because of this giveaway. I can certainly see it in the grand scheme of things as not being very important, sure, but then none of this forum is important!

    - If you were not happy with your Biggs shards, perhaps you should be sympathising *more* with Apple players, rather than less, as they got nothing at all - instead of simply trying to shush them up. If you weren't happy getting differential treatment why should it be fine for others?

    - Finally, it really doesn't seem a very honest argument you're making to say that this is all fine, when you're the beneficiary of the promotion. The only people I've seen defending this are Android players. Try a little empathy: no players are well served by a game producer that is prepared to treat some of them as arbitrary. We should all be opposed to that whether we benefit or not.

    I have never seen McD give away burgers for free.....

    Well... In my country there is a christmas event on the Mcdonalds app where I can win burgers for free in december ;)

This discussion has been closed.